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  1. #1
    rugbySwoll's Avatar
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    I thought I was going to die.....

    Guys, check it out, if someone could enlighten me on this, please do. So I do my test c inj. at 845 this morn(yes i aspirated, no blood)....i eat go to class, come back and around 11 or so I start feeling kinda tingly in my forearms, so i eat, then my face starts getting tingly/lightly numb feeling...i go to class, then start feeling light headed, like about to pass out, so i leave class feeling like im about to puke, head to the clinic, my heart starts beating something fierce, the nurse lady tells me to lay down, and after bout 2 hrs i start feeling....what the hell just happened to me, anyone?? the people at the oncampus clinic are so fvckin dumb! anyone have any idea what happened to me? i had no kind of cough or fever.....

  2. #2
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    anxiety/panic attack

  3. #3
    Mogamedogz's Avatar
    Mogamedogz is offline Member
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    Panic Attack... sounds like a classic case to me. (as long as your vitals/bloodwork checked out @ the Dr.)

    Dont dwell on it, or they will keep happening. You dont want the Attack to turn into Panic Disorder.

  4. #4
    tommik is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mogamedogz
    Panic Attack... sounds like a classic case to me. (as long as your vitals/bloodwork checked out @ the Dr.)
    is it common? how to deal with it?

  5. #5
    Mogamedogz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tommik
    is it common? how to deal with it?

    They are VERY common, and are not harmful to you physically. Mentally they are almost worse then death. Scary as hell to feel like you are going to have a heart attack or die.

    Your best bet is to just forget about it, and move on.

    Follow up with your MD just to be sure you are cool (physically), but otherwise dont "worry" about it. Worrying will only make it happen again.

  6. #6
    rugbySwoll's Avatar
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    whew, thats what I was hoping to hear, I've never had a feeling like that before, it was just about as bad as the time I thought it would be ok to workout 4 days into the FLU! the "health care professionals" at the clinic told me that if it got worse to come back, the nurse said my BP was kinda high, but I'm guessing thats becuase of the attack.....i still feel a little tingly, but just had another preworkout meal and will be heading to the gym here in about an hr, i feel fine, cept for a little tingling.....well guys, if theres anything else ya'lled like to throw in, feel free, thanks a lot, much appreciated

  7. #7
    rugbySwoll's Avatar
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    o yea, what would happen in a panic disorder?

  8. #8
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Glad to hear you're still alive...welcome to the darkside.

  9. #9
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rugbySwoll
    o yea, what would happen in a panic disorder?
    The quack diagnosed me with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) several years's been kept will in check with Paxil therapy, whether I'm on cycle or not. On a rare occasion an anxiety attack hits me, it's nothing a xanax can't quell.

    Good luck,

  10. #10
    rugbySwoll's Avatar
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    what is with the tingling feeling im having in different places(arms, calves, etc)?

  11. #11
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rugbySwoll
    what is with the tingling feeling im having in different places(arms, calves, etc)?
    While suffering a panic attack, there can be many fluctuations with your blood pressure...this could very well attribute to any tingling sensations you may have felt in your limbs.

  12. #12
    Mogamedogz's Avatar
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    Panic Disorder is basically on-going frequently occuring Panic Attacks. It's like a horrible emotional cycle that never ends. You wake up in the morning and are so fearful of having a Panic Attack, that you worry about (and anticpate) one happening all day long. Ultimately you end up trigging one because you get so anxious waiting for one to happen.

    Someone mentioned Paxil and Xanax... DONT TAKE THAT SHIT! (if you can avoid it). Paxil puts you in a death grip that is very hard to break away from. It doesnt work for everyone, and when you try to stop, it is like withdrawing from Heroine.

    Xanax is a deadly drug. People pop the stuff like candy. It's not. Xanax (or Valium) is almost always one of the drugs included in accidental drug over-doses. It is poison, and very easy to abuse. It can also interact with a ton of different chemicals. It is different from person to person.
    Last edited by Mogamedogz; 04-12-2007 at 05:29 PM.

  13. #13
    LittleNate's Avatar
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    sounds like a panic attack bro....first time i had one i felt like i was going to die. Yeah best advice just forget about it and move long as you check out ok with a doc

  14. #14
    Getbig06's Avatar
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    <-- Always helps. jk

  15. #15
    T3/T4 GSR's Avatar
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    Don't listen to him. My sister had to quit smoking after smoking for decades because all of the sudden it started to give her bad anxiety.

  16. #16
    5x10's Avatar
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    same shit happened to me today
    i got my blood work done
    stuck me, no problem, i watched the blood go into the first vial
    she tries to replace the full vial with an empty one, but pulls the needle out of my arm
    sticks me again, no issues
    i start to get cold sweats and very dizzy and nausious

    i try to play it off as i walk to my car, but im sure i looked drunk as i felt that way trying to keep my balance
    sat in my car for a few minutes all sweaty and drove home

    i have given myself injections before and have no issues with blood
    dont know why it happened

  17. #17
    Decoder's Avatar
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    Listen To This ****ed Up Story!

    Quote Originally Posted by rugbySwoll
    o yea, what would happen in a panic disorder?
    want to hear something more ****ed up, one time i woke up in the middle of the night, i woke up soo fast that my body was still sleeping and i was paraylied, i couldnt move, but I could move my eyes, I found it hard to breath i thought i was dying. Then about 20 seconds i Snapped out of it, i went to the dr the next day, and he said its rare to happen, but you can actually open your eyes when your mind and body is asleep, and somewhat be awake but be paraylized, and can not move until that part of your mind that controls your body wakes up, It only happened to me once, but there's people out there that have it all the time scary stuff.!

  18. #18
    johnmacdan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mogamedogz
    Panic Disorder is basically on-going frequently occuring Panic Attacks. It's like a horrible emotional cycle that never ends. You wake up in the morning and are so fearful of having a Panic Attack, that you worry about (and anticpate) one happening all day long. Ultimately you end up trigging one because you get so anxious waiting for one to happen.

    Someone mentioned Paxil and Xanax... DONT TAKE THAT SHIT! (if you can avoid it). Paxil puts you in a death grip that is very hard to break away from. It doesnt work for everyone, and when you try to stop, it is like withdrawing from Heroine.

    Xanax is a deadly drug. People pop the stuff like candy. It's not. Xanax (or Valium) is almost always one of the drugs included in accidental drug over-doses. It is poison, and very easy to abuse. It can also interact with a ton of different chemicals. It is different from person to person.
    Went through this a few years ago with my cousin/best friend. He had panic attacks almost daily. He got married, moved, took a new job and had a baby. The stress got to him and he let it dibilitate(?) him. Lost job and lost wife. It took him a couple of years and some therapy to shake it. Tough crap if you let it get ahold of ya, but they told him the whole time the attacks would end when he wanted them to.

  19. #19
    S431M7 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by rugbySwoll
    Guys, check it out, if someone could enlighten me on this, please do. So I do my test c inj. at 845 this morn(yes i aspirated, no blood)....i eat go to class, come back and around 11 or so I start feeling kinda tingly in my forearms, so i eat, then my face starts getting tingly/lightly numb feeling...i go to class, then start feeling light headed, like about to pass out, so i leave class feeling like im about to puke, head to the clinic, my heart starts beating something fierce, the nurse lady tells me to lay down, and after bout 2 hrs i start feeling....what the hell just happened to me, anyone?? the people at the oncampus clinic are so fvckin dumb! anyone have any idea what happened to me? i had no kind of cough or fever.....
    What kind of gear are u on? where did u get your test c? why are u taking it at 845mg and not 500mg a week? How many cycle have u had?

  20. #20
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    Slow down and read the post. It never said how much he was taking, he said I injected at 8:45a.m.

    Quote Originally Posted by S431M7
    What kind of gear are u on? where did u get your test c? why are u taking it at 845mg and not 500mg a week? How many cycle have u had?

  21. #21
    Mogamedogz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnmacdan
    Went through this a few years ago with my cousin/best friend. He had panic attacks almost daily. He got married, moved, took a new job and had a baby. The stress got to him and he let it dibilitate(?) him. Lost job and lost wife. It took him a couple of years and some therapy to shake it. Tough crap if you let it get ahold of ya, but they told him the whole time the attacks would end when he wanted them to.
    I feel for that dude. I went through the same thing. Mine was a little different though.

    I was at an after hours club one night a few years ago and REALLY drunk. Some chick I was out with told me to open my mouth while we where dancing and she threw in an ecstasy pill. Immediately (before I could spit it out) she sticks her tongue in my Mouth and I swallowed the pill. I asked her what it was, and she told me, then said not to worry... Just relax and we are going to have a good time back at her place in a hour or two.

    Well... Unfortunately that never happened. I am not a rec drug user, and don’t even smoke erb. So I started getting really antsy about what was going to happen to me, considering I was in PCT, and was nervous that it would have some kind of bad chemical interaction. Couldn’t stop thinking about it... 2 hours later I was in the ER with my heart pounding, feeling like I was going to have a heart attack and die. I have never felt so scared in my life. I can’t even put into words how nervous I was.

    Dr told me that I was having severe Panic Attacks. (Repeated attacks; over and over, one after the other.) From that day on, I was never the same.

    The DR told me that it bascially had more to do with my own anxiety than it did the Drug(s), which actually made me worse. At least if he would have said that it was the drugs which caused it, I could have just put it out of my mind. However, knowing that "I" triggered the Attacks on my own had me afraid that I could do it again... Sure enough, (one week later when I’m driving to the gym) it just hit me out of nowhere. I had to get off the exit ramp and pour water all over my head. I was freaking out big time.

    After that I lived in fear of having them every minute of everyday. It got to the point where I finally went to my Dr and told him that I needed to figure out a way to stop them. They were literally controlling my life. I would wake up in the morning and think about nothing else. Always afraid of the "next" one.

    He prescribed me Paxil and Xanax (without completely explaining to me what the sides/withdrawal effects were). Well the Paxil didn’t help me at all (I actually think it made me worse), and the Xanax worked, but it made me feel really dopey. Soon I started looking for ways to counter the dopey effect of the Xanax (I was up to 3mg a day). I would drink large black coffee with an extra shot of espresso... Sugar Free Red Bull... ect. Just so I could work out. I needed to take at least 1mg of Xanax just to go to the gym, otherwise I would have an attack as soon as my heart rate increased. COMPLETE HELL.

    I have managed to wean myself down on the Paxil to one half dosage every other day; hopefully I can get off of it completely soon. The withdrawals are just torture. The worse pain you could ever imagine. It just sucks the life out of you.

    I have managed to cut the Xanax down to 1mg a day (I cant fall asleep without it), but I am hoping I can find a way to get off of this GARBAGE as well. Luckily I have a wife who understands what I’m going through, and knows that I am doing everything I can to try and fight through this shit.

    My MD told me that I will likely have to end up seeing a therapist to find "Natural ways" to beat the Panic Disorder. Hopefully I can overcome it.

    They say that it is possible, if you take the appropriate steps. I sure hope "they" are right!
    Last edited by Mogamedogz; 04-12-2007 at 10:58 PM.

  22. #22
    rugbySwoll's Avatar
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    well guys, this panic attack business is not cool, i feel fine now, had a great workout this eve, except my left arm and face seem to still be a little numb and tingly, its weird, ive been doing some research on it, i read that aspartame can cause shit like this, i mean, i do, now that i think about it, intake a ton of that stuff, diet sodas, all the sugar free stuff i eat, here are some links:

    ok, 1 link, there are tons out there, i dont know if i believe this stuff, i mean on other sites ive read that symptoms include: panic attacks, anxiety, numbness and tingly extremeties, etc, what do u guys think?

    BTW, my current cycle is in week 6 of 650 mg test a week

  23. #23
    Mogamedogz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rugbySwoll
    well guys, this panic attack business is not cool, i feel fine now, had a great workout this eve, except my left arm and face seem to still be a little numb and tingly, its weird, ive been doing some research on it, i read that aspartame can cause shit like this, i mean, i do, now that i think about it, intake a ton of that stuff, diet sodas, all the sugar free stuff i eat, here are some links:

    ok, 1 link, there are tons out there, i dont know if i believe this stuff, i mean on other sites ive read that symptoms include: panic attacks, anxiety, numbness and tingly extremeties, etc, what do u guys think?

    BTW, my current cycle is in week 6 of 650 mg test a week
    The Test could be triggering it bro. Anxiety is a test side.

    BTW: The authors of that Article are pumping their own Diet Supplements. So you have to take what they say with a grain of salt.

    If Diet Pepsi was in anyway linked to Lupus... that shit would have been off the shelves. The article was written in '01.
    Last edited by Mogamedogz; 04-12-2007 at 11:10 PM.

  24. #24
    lex57's Avatar
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    dude it may be low blood Low Blood Sugar
    People may develop low blood sugar because their blood has too much insulin or other blood sugar-lowering medication or from not eating enough food. It is important to follow the eating and medication schedule your doctor has prescribed to avoid low blood sugar.

    Low blood sugar could make you shaky, dizzy, sweaty, hungry, have a headache, have pale skin color, have sudden mood or behavior changes, have clumsy or jerky movements, have difficulty paying attention, feel confused, or have tingling sensations around the mouth.

  25. #25
    Mogamedogz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lex57
    dude it may be low blood Low Blood Sugar
    People may develop low blood sugar because their blood has too much insulin or other blood sugar-lowering medication or from not eating enough food. It is important to follow the eating and medication schedule your doctor has prescribed to avoid low blood sugar.

    Low blood sugar could make you shaky, dizzy, sweaty, hungry, have a headache, have pale skin color, have sudden mood or behavior changes, have clumsy or jerky movements, have difficulty paying attention, feel confused, or have tingling sensations around the mouth.

    Good points. But that would have probably shown up in his bloodwork at the clinic (assuming they drew blood).

  26. #26
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    i am assuming they didnt or he would have said that his blood work was ok i would think. i am also assuming since he said it is an "oncampus" clinic they probably did not. but i guess he will let us know.

  27. #27
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mogamedogz
    I feel for that dude. I went through the same thing. Mine was a little different though.

    I was at an after hours club one night a few years ago and REALLY drunk. Some chick I was out with told me to open my mouth while we where dancing and she threw in an ecstasy pill. Immediately (before I could spit it out) she sticks her tongue in my Mouth and I swallowed the pill. I asked her what it was, and she told me, then said not to worry... Just relax and we are going to have a good time back at her place in a hour or two.

    Well... Unfortunately that never happened. I am not a rec drug user, and don’t even smoke erb. So I started getting really antsy about what was going to happen to me, considering I was in PCT, and was nervous that it would have some kind of bad chemical interaction. Couldn’t stop thinking about it... 2 hours later I was in the ER with my heart pounding, feeling like I was going to have a heart attack and die. I have never felt so scared in my life. I can’t even put into words how nervous I was.

    Dr told me that I was having severe Panic Attacks. (Repeated attacks; over and over, one after the other.) From that day on, I was never the same.

    The DR told me that it bascially had more to do with my own anxiety than it did the Drug(s), which actually made me worse. At least if he would have said that it was the drugs which caused it, I could have just put it out of my mind. However, knowing that "I" triggered the Attacks on my own had me afraid that I could do it again... Sure enough, (one week later when I’m driving to the gym) it just hit me out of nowhere. I had to get off the exit ramp and pour water all over my head. I was freaking out big time.

    After that I lived in fear of having them every minute of everyday. It got to the point where I finally went to my Dr and told him that I needed to figure out a way to stop them. They were literally controlling my life. I would wake up in the morning and think about nothing else. Always afraid of the "next" one.

    He prescribed me Paxil and Xanax (without completely explaining to me what the sides/withdrawal effects were). Well the Paxil didn’t help me at all (I actually think it made me worse), and the Xanax worked, but it made me feel really dopey. Soon I started looking for ways to counter the dopey effect of the Xanax (I was up to 3mg a day). I would drink large black coffee with an extra shot of espresso... Sugar Free Red Bull... ect. Just so I could work out. I needed to take at least 1mg of Xanax just to go to the gym, otherwise I would have an attack as soon as my heart rate increased. COMPLETE HELL.

    I have managed to wean myself down on the Paxil to one half dosage every other day; hopefully I can get off of it completely soon. The withdrawals are just torture. The worse pain you could ever imagine. It just sucks the life out of you.

    I have managed to cut the Xanax down to 1mg a day (I cant fall asleep without it), but I am hoping I can find a way to get off of this GARBAGE as well. Luckily I have a wife who understands what I’m going through, and knows that I am doing everything I can to try and fight through this shit.

    My MD told me that I will likely have to end up seeing a therapist to find "Natural ways" to beat the Panic Disorder. Hopefully I can overcome it.

    They say that it is possible, if you take the appropriate steps. I sure hope "they" are right!
    I feel your pain brother...I've been there and done that...

    Fortunately, or you may think unfortunately, I've managed to keep my levels of anxiety in check with the use of paxil...I've been on it for 5+ years now and sides are not an issue...I can attest to the fact that it corrected my anxiety, and in doing so it acts as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor(SSRI) perhaps I am one of the few that actually has this chemical imbalance in the brain which requires said medication to keep things your case, it could be something else that is triggering your anxiety...everyone has their own triggering mechanism...

    As for the xanax, I am aware of its risks of ***endency and only use it in the event I feel as though it's absolutely necessary...dosen't happen often these days, but I do find the frequency of use increases when I am on cycle with tren see, tren and I have a love-hate relationship, but I manage through it and hopefully you and many others I hear of will pull through these panic stricken times we seem to encounter at one point or another in our lives...some can do it with sheer will power...others require medication.

    Good luck and take care,

  28. #28
    Sylar's Avatar
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    I've had a few panic attacks and it does literally feel like your dying. Never heard of peoples faces going numb though.

    Are you diabetic?

  29. #29
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
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    Paxil and other meds like it do work!! Usually the sides reside after a couple of weeks. If you need it take it, if you dont need it , dont take it.

  30. #30
    rugbySwoll's Avatar
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    well bros, i feel better this morn, but i think after this class im gonna haed to my drs and have him do bloodwork, i'll let you guys know what he says

  31. #31
    Facecrash is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Decoder
    want to hear something more ****ed up, one time i woke up in the middle of the night, i woke up soo fast that my body was still sleeping and i was paraylied, i couldnt move, but I could move my eyes, I found it hard to breath i thought i was dying. Then about 20 seconds i Snapped out of it, i went to the dr the next day, and he said its rare to happen, but you can actually open your eyes when your mind and body is asleep, and somewhat be awake but be paraylized, and can not move until that part of your mind that controls your body wakes up, It only happened to me once, but there's people out there that have it all the time scary stuff.!
    holy fukin balls! that is ridiculous. where can I find more info on this? I wanna do it!

  32. #32
    Mogamedogz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Decoder
    want to hear something more ****ed up, one time i woke up in the middle of the night, i woke up soo fast that my body was still sleeping and i was paraylied, i couldnt move, but I could move my eyes, I found it hard to breath i thought i was dying. Then about 20 seconds i Snapped out of it, i went to the dr the next day, and he said its rare to happen, but you can actually open your eyes when your mind and body is asleep, and somewhat be awake but be paraylized, and can not move until that part of your mind that controls your body wakes up, It only happened to me once, but there's people out there that have it all the time scary stuff.!

    A bud of mine use to always tell me that this shit happened to him. I never believed him. lmao!

  33. #33
    rugbySwoll's Avatar
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    alright guys, as yall know, i flipped out thursday, went to the dr yesterday, so now its saturday evening, well, the dr yesterday did bloodwork, he pretty much didnt tell me anything that was wrong, so last night, i get one of those spells again, i feel all nauseas, headache, lightheaded, confused, tingly, and disorientated(feels like im about to faint or passout), i just about had my gf take me to the ER, but i laid down, and went to this morning, im sittin at the comp and i get these symptoms again(i've yet to hear my bloodework from my dr yet) i say fvck, and i get my roommate to take me to the ER, they do bloodwork again....i tell the dr that i workout vigorously, drink coffee when i wake and preworkout, drink caffeine in diet sodas, but also drink at least a gallon of water a day.....the dr comes back in, like 3 hrs later, with the results, he says that im dehydrated....he says that im all sorts of dried out....he tells me that i need to lay off lifting(4-5 days), and lay off coffee immediately...he thinks my electrolytes are really low, becuase i dont get enough, or something... he says the rest of my bloodwork was normal....right now im on my 6th week of 650mg of test, as well as .75 of arimidex EOD.....what do u guys think, ive drank 2 32 gatorades in the past 3 hrs, im feelin a little yall think that the adex may of had something to do with drying me out??? any suggestions will be appreciated, thanks bros

    also i feel all sorts of flat, like my muscles are weak, its weird

  34. #34
    SWOLLL's Avatar
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    Dehydration is very serious

    All your symptons sound like hypoglycemia/ low blood sugar I would have them check for that as well. I am sure they didn't because you have to go atleast 12hrs without eating or drinking.

    I was diagnosed with that a couple of years ago my body produces to much insulin . You can easily keep it in check with proper diet, low carb foods.

    If you continue to have this problem make them check you for it.

    Your symptons sound exactly like mine except my vision would blur when it got really bad.

    Good luck

  35. #35
    rugbySwoll's Avatar
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    they checked my glucose levels and said they were fine, he was pretty stuck on that i was dehydrated, i even told him to make sure i wasnt going hypo, he didnt think i was....

  36. #36
    rugbySwoll's Avatar
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    also, last night when i was feeling that way, my gf's mom, whos a nurse, told me to get some sugar in me, so i downed 8-12 oz of grape juice, which didnt do anything, at all

  37. #37
    rugbySwoll's Avatar
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    anyone have any input?

  38. #38
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    I've had many panic attacks that where caused by the great "Coca". Another reason not to touch drugs.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mogamedogz
    I feel for that dude. I went through the same thing. Mine was a little different though.

    I was at an after hours club one night a few years ago and REALLY drunk. Some chick I was out with told me to open my mouth while we where dancing and she threw in an ecstasy pill. Immediately (before I could spit it out) she sticks her tongue in my Mouth and I swallowed the pill. I asked her what it was, and she told me, then said not to worry... Just relax and we are going to have a good time back at her place in a hour or two.

    Well... Unfortunately that never happened. I am not a rec drug user, and don’t even smoke erb. So I started getting really antsy about what was going to happen to me, considering I was in PCT, and was nervous that it would have some kind of bad chemical interaction. Couldn’t stop thinking about it... 2 hours later I was in the ER with my heart pounding, feeling like I was going to have a heart attack and die. I have never felt so scared in my life. I can’t even put into words how nervous I was.

    Dr told me that I was having severe Panic Attacks. (Repeated attacks; over and over, one after the other.) From that day on, I was never the same.

    The DR told me that it bascially had more to do with my own anxiety than it did the Drug(s), which actually made me worse. At least if he would have said that it was the drugs which caused it, I could have just put it out of my mind. However, knowing that "I" triggered the Attacks on my own had me afraid that I could do it again... Sure enough, (one week later when I’m driving to the gym) it just hit me out of nowhere. I had to get off the exit ramp and pour water all over my head. I was freaking out big time.

    After that I lived in fear of having them every minute of everyday. It got to the point where I finally went to my Dr and told him that I needed to figure out a way to stop them. They were literally controlling my life. I would wake up in the morning and think about nothing else. Always afraid of the "next" one.

    He prescribed me Paxil and Xanax (without completely explaining to me what the sides/withdrawal effects were). Well the Paxil didn’t help me at all (I actually think it made me worse), and the Xanax worked, but it made me feel really dopey. Soon I started looking for ways to counter the dopey effect of the Xanax (I was up to 3mg a day). I would drink large black coffee with an extra shot of espresso... Sugar Free Red Bull... ect. Just so I could work out. I needed to take at least 1mg of Xanax just to go to the gym, otherwise I would have an attack as soon as my heart rate increased. COMPLETE HELL.

    I have managed to wean myself down on the Paxil to one half dosage every other day; hopefully I can get off of it completely soon. The withdrawals are just torture. The worse pain you could ever imagine. It just sucks the life out of you.

    I have managed to cut the Xanax down to 1mg a day (I cant fall asleep without it), but I am hoping I can find a way to get off of this GARBAGE as well. Luckily I have a wife who understands what I’m going through, and knows that I am doing everything I can to try and fight through this shit.

    My MD told me that I will likely have to end up seeing a therapist to find "Natural ways" to beat the Panic Disorder. Hopefully I can overcome it.

    They say that it is possible, if you take the appropriate steps. I sure hope "they" are right!
    i really feel for you and your wife, i know sort of what your wife must be goin through. its one of the hardest things to try and give support to because no matter what you say they're is still the element of fear. im not goin to post my story about it id rather keep it to myself. i sincerely hope that you do manage to get back to your old self and manage to beat this burden. take it easy.

  40. #40
    rugbySwoll's Avatar
    rugbySwoll is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2005
    West Texas
    "coca"? does that mean caffeine, i'm guessing...and how is that a drug?

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