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  1. #41
    MrNice's Avatar
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    Tai has ran furazabol I believe, when I searched for it on here I came across posts saying he was about to run it

    ~~Tai's AAS OBSERVATIONS!!~~ How to cycle EFFECTIVELY

    (!*<><>Highest Oral Dosage<><>*!

    He was the only person I found who said much about it

  2. #42
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    yeah one.. lol the one CaptDom is running- MT.. i have no need to poop out any organs yet lol
    ima watch him see how long he lives.. then i might give it a whirl at a good dose or so.
    Ive talked to some bros recently about MT, and most have said the gains werent as great as they expected from the compound. They also noted that running Tren A provided more in terms of lbm gains, and would prefer to run Tren A over MT.

    Im not sure if maybe they expected too much from MT or maybe MT isnt a potent anabolic as its made out to be.


  3. #43
    goose is offline Banned
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    Yes.Results wise its the same as winny,I noticed more power in the gym.Compared to winny its very expensive,so why would I pay 4x more for it.Well my health is the most important thing for me.Actually, the best thing for you to do, considering the molecular makeup of furazabol is virtually identical to Winstrol, is go read the winstrol profile and everywhere you see the word winstrol, just substitute the word furazabol and you'll know everything there is to know.

    Why is it so similar to winstrol? Because you need to remember where furazabol comes from. Japan. And the Japanese are best at copying what's already been made,you got to love the jap!!!!! So way back when they wanted an oral AAS like winstrol but didn't want to pay royalties, they changed one tiny structure on the winstrol molecule and voila, Furazabol.

    See for yourself:
    Furazabol=17-alpha-methyl-5-alpha-androsta-2,3-furazan,17 beta-ol

    Winstrol = 17-alpha-methyl-5-alpha-androsta [3,2-c]pyrazol-17 beta-ol

    Furazabol will help Most notably to cardiovascular/heart health over winny.Now this is the best thing,Yeah furazabol helps lower your cholesterol unlike winstrol which makes it worse.With blood test I took I found that its less toxic than winny as I ran them the same dose.I cant be 100% sure on this as I number of complex factors come into play here.But hey since I know this,this is why I can run this at a high dose in a safe way,for the win.For me nothing beats winny/F at high doses in a cutter with no sides for me.

  4. #44
    MrNice's Avatar
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    I know a few who've loved MT, on another board, said gains were better than tren . one guy went from 194-202lbs in 10 days and got slightly leaner, denser and harder

  5. #45
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    Thanks goose, great info as always.

    Looks like a promising compound, ill read up and research it a bit more. And might give it a run in my next cutter.


  6. #46
    goose is offline Banned
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    I have only seen it in powder form, Tbol 5 years was very rare.I hope this will be the case here,as its so cool and should be on the market.

  7. #47
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    and would prefer to run Tren A over MT.
    I agree on this, while MT seems like the best AAS imaginable, its not for most people, and safety must always be used...MT really slaughtered my appetite and for me, thats important since i need a maintanence of 500g of carbs just to maintain i feel MT would be sick used in a cutter, actually i may use it next contest we'll see...the whole point is that MT isnt safe to run for wks and wks, while tren a can be safely used for wks on MT has a place i think solely as a kickstart or finisher in my opinion..


  8. #48
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    Furazabol ????? I know you have not used this great AAS.Going to blaze this for 10 weeks in my comt cutter,at 0.25 G.A little extreme but going to show pinn that you dont loose muscle cutting from 13% !!!
    LoL no i havnt 3 times i tried to get the pwdr.. 3 times he was OUT OF STOCK!

    i have been dying to run da shit outta it for LONG TIME COMMING!

  9. #49
    goose is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    LoL no i havnt 3 times i tried to get the pwdr.. 3 times he was OUT OF STOCK!

    i have been dying to run da shit outta it for LONG TIME COMMING!

    Im making an order soon have some left.How many G`s do you want? (swap for tren E)

  10. #50
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    Im making an order soon have some left.How many G`s do you want? (swap for tren E)
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!

  11. #51
    Decoder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    yeah one.. lol the one CaptDom is running- MT.. i have no need to poop out any organs yet lol
    ima watch him see how long he lives.. then i might give it a whirl at a good dose or so.

    Have you done sten?

  12. #52
    Decoder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    Im making an order soon have some left.How many G`s do you want? (swap for tren E)

    uh wtf..

  13. #53
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Decoder
    uh wtf..
    he is my older brother.. wats so hard to believe..

    Quote Originally Posted by MrNice
    Tai has ran furazabol I believe, when I searched for it on here I came across posts saying he was about to run it

    He was the only person I found who said much about it
    yeah i was gunna! that was like the 2nd of 4 tries to get ahold of furaz when it was OUT of stock.. no one carries MUCH of it and when they do get it in.. its gone like paris hiltons pannies in a max security prison of sex offenders ><

  14. #54
    goose is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Decoder
    uh wtf..
    ummm mistake,i have been dizzy on painkillers

    This is a clean board and no sources.I was decoding to tia he is my real brother,so we say silly things.

    Going to pop my bitch anal style (I hope )

  15. #55
    deeznutts's Avatar
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    Just a thought... if estrogen and prolactin/progesterone becomes a concern with the compounds, you could try drostanolone propionate (masteron ) its has a good rep of keeping you lean. Its whole purpose is to reduce estrogen and it wont aromatize, not to mention the ability to add quality lean muscle.

  16. #56
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by deeznutts
    Just a thought... if estrogen and prolactin/progesterone becomes a concern with the compounds, you could try drostanolone propionate (masteron) its has a good rep of keeping you lean. Its whole purpose is to reduce estrogen and it wont aromatize, not to mention the ability to add quality lean muscle.
    Thanks for the suggestion bro, will keep it in mind as the cycle progresses.

    Im 3 days into the current cycle, so far total gains have been 9lbs, striations and abs are still visible and strength is through the roof.

    So far estrogen related sides have been non-existent (water retention, bloating, gyno), im currently not running any AI, but have letro on hand in case it is needed.

    Ive also incorporated cheque drops into the cycle dosed at 200mcg before workouts, so far its been a great addition.

    Im keeping a log as always for my personal use, however if i have sufficient time i will transfer the information to AR.

    Last edited by GHO5T; 06-09-2007 at 10:23 AM.

  17. #57
    Decoder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    ummm mistake,i have been dizzy on painkillers

    This is a clean board and no sources.I was decoding to tia he is my real brother,so we say silly things.

    Going to pop my bitch anal style (I hope )

    yeah i was kinda wondering why you just through that out there. GOOSE IS A SOURCE YAY

  18. #58
    Decoder's Avatar
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    wish i was an AR vet at 900 posts. im still a newb after 5 years =(

  19. #59
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Decoder
    yeah i was kinda wondering why you just through that out there. GOOSE IS A SOURCE YAY
    a shitty one at that im still waiting for my tattood chica he promised better have nipples pierced or i want refund@

  20. #60
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    a shitty one at that im still waiting for my tattood chica he promised better have nipples pierced or i want refund@

    Tai whats your opinion of cheque drops ? So far they have been a great addition to my cycle, before workouts, im dosing at 200mcg - however i feel that i can go abit higher.

    Curious if you have ran the compound and what your dosing protocol was?


  21. #61
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T

    Tai whats your opinion of cheque drops ? So far they have been a great addition to my cycle, before workouts, im dosing at 200mcg - however i feel that i can go abit higher.

    Curious if you have ran the compound and what your dosing protocol was?

    honestly it didnt do jack for me.. and i was wondering if they were real.. this was quite a while ago and i thikn i was around 400mcg on training days only.

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