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  1. #1
    victor-richards is offline New Member
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    Gained 45lbs in 1 cycle

    I've most been lurking on the board for years now and have always found it to have all the answers at hand just by searching through the previous threads. But i want to ask something here that seems to contradict what seems to be the tradional/accepted way of using dianabol in a cycle with decca and test. I would just like to know the science behind this.

    Normally the dianabol is used as the kicker for the first 4 weeks until the others kick in. I've never used dbol as i normally go with frontloading...which i must say was not as effective for me as it was for some. But anyway to cut a long story short. A guy in the gym who i've noticed is normally a good size and has told me he cycles a little on quite light doses (which i believe since he's not normally that massive).. suddenly got HUGE i mean HUGE most of this new bulk has gone on to his arms , pecs and shoulders from what i can see. He's just kept getting bigger everytime i see him. I've been around gyms since 16yrs old and im 33 now but i've never seen rapid growth like this on a person before.

    So i decided to ask him what's changed and he said he'd pumped up the test E to 600mg, decca to 500mg and the only new thing he has added was dianabol. So i said what just using the dbol as a kicker? he said no he frontloaded this time with 1200mg test 750 decca for the first week and then on week 6 when he really felt it kicking in he also added 6x those blue heart shaped dianabol per day they are 10mg i think. He's now on week 12 and finishing those off. He's also finishing the decca next week and runnig the test another 1 week after that. He's currently 42lbs and thinks he'll get a good 45lbs out of it. His face is rather bloated but not as bad as some i've seen. I told him im not into guys at all but could i see his abs, these are still visable and from the look of the arms and shoulders i would not think he's put on more than a few pounds of fat.

    Do you think it's using the dbol as well as those other 2 compounds that has made the difference and these huge gains or maybe his cycles were just to week to be optimal before?

    I asked him about the diet and he said he had upped the cals a little since he knows he should, but actually he had lost his appetite with the dbol and found it hard to get the calories in. So still only on around 6-7k and 300-350 protein depending on what he can get down.

    What is the science behind not taking the dbol after the test and decca kick in and why has this had such a good effect on this guy?

    thanks for any ideas on this.

  2. #2
    Mr Tick's Avatar
    Mr Tick is offline Associate Member
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    I would love to see that 7k cal diet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #3
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    You can Take Dbol as a Kicker, in the middle or at the end of your cycle. There is no science saying you shouldn't take it after the test and whatever else you are taking kicks in. You can take Dbol through your whole cycle if you wanted, you just might want to add some liver support along with it.

  4. #4
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    45 lbs in a cycle? Was this guy a POW before starting cycle?

  5. #5
    Small Guy112 is offline Junior Member
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    the 7k cal diet is would really help

  6. #6
    victor-richards is offline New Member
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    thanks for the replies so far, i don't want this to turn into the guys obviously a bullsh*tter, i do not doubt his word that he has already gained 42lbs and will atleast gain 3 more. I am around people that cycle hard and frequently all the time. I am used to seeing good gains of 25+ lbs on people in our gym and this is impressive too.

    However this is something different this is from good to huge in 3 months. I have not seen it before this rapid. He could be not mentioning GH or whatever, you know people love to understate their chemicals. However he seems quite a straight talking guy and just answered my questions. Actually seems to be a bit shy and never talks to anyone in the gym for the most part.

    All i want to really know is could just adding this dbol when the test and decca has already kicked in and keeping it going for 6 weeks at the dose he stated really have such a miracle effect and why do 90% of the people here who use these 3 together only ever use the dianabol as a kicker. If you read the threads most ppl use it that way. So my real question was is there some science to only using it that way or is it just because people are impatient to see the gains at once?

  7. #7
    Crest is offline Senior Member
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    just choice mate, i love dbol so im running it for my whole cycle at the moment

  8. #8
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    I dont care what he is on 45lbs in a cycle is ridiculous unless it is 1. fat - which it probably is on 7k a day 2. water from the increase in test and the high dose Dbol .

  9. #9
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I dont care what he is on 45lbs in a cycle is ridiculous unless it is 1. fat - which it probably is on 7k a day 2. water from the increase in test and the high dose Dbol.
    I agree I was up from 238lbs to 267 at one point during my current cycle while I was on dbols. I used them to kickstart and 3 weeks into the cycle I was up to 267. I am currently about 10 weeks into the cycle and not on the dbols and am 252lbs without all the water and I also have less fat too.

  10. #10
    jeffefrijoles's Avatar
    jeffefrijoles is offline Associate Member
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    How tall is the guy? I mean, 42 lbs on a guy 6'6" tall is a whole heck of a lot different than 42 lbs on a guy 5'9" tall. This would help put this into perspective. But I agree, 7K cal diet on anyone is a s-load!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    I agree I was up from 238lbs to 267 at one point during my current cycle while I was on dbols. I used them to kickstart and 3 weeks into the cycle I was up to 267. I am currently about 10 weeks into the cycle and not on the dbols and am 252lbs without all the water and I also have less fat too.
    well that kinda sucks you only put on 14lbs so far.

  12. #12
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    well that kinda sucks you only put on 14lbs so far.
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    I`m down fat too, I chenged my diet.

  13. #13
    J-41-sd is offline Associate Member
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    To answer the question about why most use it as a kicker is because most people don't want to inject and get little or nothing for 4 weeks, so kicking with the d-bol ensures that gains will be made throughout the duration of the cycle. That is usually the reason that I use it in such a manner and most others that I talk to do so for the same reason. Everyone does things for different reasons and we all respond differently.

  14. #14
    victor-richards is offline New Member
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    I would guess he is around 6'2" since he is probably 2" taller than myself.

    So it seems that there is no solid reason not to add the dbol on top of the test and decca once they have already started to be in full effect. On my next cycle i'm going to give it a whirl and see what happens.

    I had always just assumed there was a good reason for it to be taken at the begining of the cycle and then stopped after the initial four weeks. But if that reason is only to speed up the initial effects of the cycle then it may be worth adding that on top of the test and decca after they are in full effect and see what happens.

    thanks for the replies

  15. #15
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    Quote Originally Posted by intensityfreak View Post
    well that kinda sucks you only put on 14lbs so far.
    i wouldnt say 14lb sucks.. most only gain a shed load cause there no where near there natural plateau...

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001 View Post
    I dont care what he is on 45lbs in a cycle is ridiculous unless it is 1. fat - which it probably is on 7k a day 2. water from the increase in test and the high dose Dbol.
    I agree, as beast would know

    I gain at least 30 lbs every time I bulk, even w/o AAS bc I eat a shiteload. When I cut I have maybe 10lb solid gains. (sans AAS)

  17. #17
    Baxter's Avatar
    Baxter is offline Junior Member
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    wouldnt dbol be better using it to kickstart. How much solid lb can the body put on at one time aas or not. when the test and dec kicks in and your making gains, then you start adding dbol. could that all be quality. can the body keep up with all that.
    personally i'v not tried any but if i had the choice, i'd rather see my gains over the months then all at once. or does that not matter.

  18. #18
    Sculpture is offline Associate Member
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    tet deca and d-bol r very synergistic for big gains, add that to enough of the right callories and the right genetics and i can see how a guy might get 45 pounds in a cycle, rare but possible.

  19. #19
    CheddaNips is offline Senior Member
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    45lbs would be almost too much for your joints and connective tissues. walk around with a plate strapped to you all day and tell me how your knees and back feel.

  20. #20
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    We all have different goals, putting on 45lbs is not my goal. I can't image the extra stress that puts on your heart since a good portion of that must be water weight. Be very concerned of your blood pressure and stay on top of it. I am sure your co-workers have no idea your taking steroids either

  21. #21
    magic32's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by victor-richards View Post
    So it seems that there is no solid reason not to add the dbol on top of the test and decca once they have already started to be in full effect.

    You lost me.
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  22. #22
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    i can do a sodium and glycogen dump then carb load and supersaturate my glycoge reserves and put on 50lbs.. or more...

    but to put it into perspective.. someone who has been lifting for a while and is not an AMATURE .. will take ruffly a year to put on 8-10lbs of PURE muscle.

  23. #23
    victor-richards is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic32 View Post

    You lost me.
    Sorry let me explain what i was thinking when i wrote that. What i was expecting was that there was a reason other than choice why people only tend to take the dbol in the first 4 weeks of the cycle talked about in this thread.

    I had thought that even though i have no knowledge of it that there was some accepted reason not to start taking the dbol at say week 6 which is when the test and decc really start to kick in a have noticable effects.

    I've just never seen on this forum a cycle like this

    week1-14 600mg test
    week1-13 400mg decca
    week 6-10 60mg (perday ) dbol

    Always its like this

    week1-14 600mg test
    week1-13 400mg decca
    week 1-4 60mg (perday ) dbol

    I started this thread really not to go on about the guy who gained 45lbs, more because what he said interested me, and it's quite relevent to me because i've often wanted to do some heavier cycles but since i have only ever been able to inject in the pec area with success i'm limited to 2ml per injection (as more actually started to cause pain), and i don't want to inject more than 2x per week. I'd not considered the use of dbol on top of my injections through the cycle at any point because i had noticed that most just use as a kicker. But if that is down to just choice i'll go ahead and give it a whirl and see if i notice some extra gains.

  24. #24
    ChuckLee's Avatar
    ChuckLee is offline Scammer
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    I agree Tai's saying pure muscle gained are 8-10 a year and I wonder what are 7000 cals with only 300-350 grams of prots...


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