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  1. #1
    Haus of Hell is offline New Member
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    Question Testosterone Esthers and the body

    General question here for my research. I understand about the different test esthers in the body, but does any know on a molecular/chem/mathematical level of several esthers in your body and how they add up?

    For example, Sustanon250, with its 30/60/60/100 blend. Apart from the different release times, halflives, and active half lives- how does the add up of the test esthers effect differently--as opposed to 500mg of test cyp in your system.

    For shits and giggles, let's say someone had e5d pinned 250mg of sus250. On the 8th injection, the test esthers would be around 53/106/199/460 respectively (prop/phen/iso/dec).

    So that's 818mg (total after 8th pin) VS 500mg. Keeping in mind the first two paragraphs, how does 818mg combined of those different esters in sus250 compare to the 500mg of just test cyp?

  2. #2
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    are you asking how many mg's of test you actually get minus the ester?

  3. #3
    Haus of Hell is offline New Member
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    No, I got that figured out in the amount of math I have done.

  4. #4
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    So what exaclty are you asking?

  5. #5
    Haus of Hell is offline New Member
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    In the one scenario where one has a higher amount of test, is that better than the one with less? (sus250 and cyp as the examples above) In addition to that answer, why?

    I'm not sure since the higher is the combination of different esters, so part of the question 2 would be how/why the different esters that add up to be better or not than the other scenario. keeping in mind that yes im aware of release times and lengthof half lives and what you get during the active half lifes involved.

    Sorry If i wasn't clear in original post in the actual questions.

  6. #6
    peachfuzz's Avatar
    peachfuzz is offline Anabolic Member
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    i think your asking what is the benefit to multiple esters rather than using a single estered compound? or no? dont want to answer if thats not what your asking.

  7. #7
    michael tyson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by peachfuzz View Post
    i think your asking what is the benefit to multiple esters rather than using a single estered compound? or no? dont want to answer if thats not what your asking.
    im pretty sure this is exactly what hes trying to ask.

  8. #8
    peachfuzz's Avatar
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    there really is no benefit in my opinion. sustanon (sustained release) was originally intended for hormone replacement therapy. the combination of esters was intended to give immediate and time released effect providing more stable blood levels. problem is all this serves is to complicate things further more likely resulting in the opposite effect. would you run test prop and test phenylprop? probably not. your better off with a single ester dosed accordingly.

  9. #9
    T_Own's Avatar
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    sust works fine for what it was made for. levels spiking by 5mg doesn't matter to an hrt patient. its only when people use it as a steroid that the ester lengths turn into a negative.

    that was one of the most confusing posts i've ever read. i don't really know what the question was either...

  10. #10
    Haus of Hell is offline New Member
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    Ok, let me dumb it down...

    What's better, and why; 818mg of sus, or 500mg of cyp?
    (refer to first post if any confusion on the numbers above)
    Last edited by Haus of Hell; 10-16-2008 at 02:15 AM.

  11. #11
    T_Own's Avatar
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    you really seem confused here.. what it all boils down to is TEST IS TEST. the esters don't mean anything besides maybe how much water you will retain. i don't know how you skewed your numbers, but 500mg/w of either will boil down to pretty much the same thing. the main differences are how often you shoot (which should be eod with sust and 2xw with cyp or e)

  12. #12
    thestreaker's Avatar
    thestreaker is offline Junior Member
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    since i wasted my time reading this thread... hah
    500mg test cyp contains about 350mg of test once the ester is removed...

    818 mg of sust without the esters on there= why waste 5 more minutes subtracting subtracting those 4 esters weight. my guess is about 500mg of actual test lol

    and your body's esterases arn't going to equally take off the ester from all 4 equally
    so no matter how you do your little calculation to figure it out you will be wrong

  13. #13
    Haus of Hell is offline New Member
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    Ok, so in a round a bout way i got what I need. I forgot about the esters' molecular weight and neglected to account for that.

    The numbers i got were from the half lives of the esters in sus, and I had assumed each ester would disburse test accordingly, in respect to the different esters. Not that each taper off equally...

    I'm trying to gain more understanding of AAS on the molecular level and how it reacts with the body, so on so forth; with every aspect in big detail. (science geek)

    Perhaps my next question on that level should be directed towards a chemist. Thank you, however, for pointing out the weight of the esters having effect on the level of test that is present.

  14. #14
    T_Own's Avatar
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    i think you would have gotten your answer here but you failed to type very well. i'm having a very hard time finding the meaning of any of your posts...

  15. #15
    Haus of Hell is offline New Member
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    I didn't fail to type very well, It's just that I write like a respected scholar who gets his work published in peer-reviewed journals.

  16. #16
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    That's more like it.

    I didn't fail to type very well; it’s just that I write like a respected scholar who gets his work published in peer-reviewed journals.

    Try dumbing down the question, or asking specifics and maybe you'll get an answer that is satifactory to your needs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Haus of Hell View Post
    I didn't fail to type very well, It's just that I write like a respected scholar who gets his work published in peer-reviewed journals.
    Last edited by ottomaddox; 10-16-2008 at 04:01 AM.

  17. #17
    LATS60's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haus of Hell View Post
    No, I got that figured out in the amount of math I have done.
    Really, what answer did you come up with?
    IE how much test in 250mg sust? how much test in 250mg cyp? how much test in 250mg prop?

  18. #18
    Charger527's Avatar
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    i think i just became dunmber by reading this.
    your trying to think to much into it. it all comes down to this the difference between 500mg of prop, or test e or sus, is not important they are all tests the only differnce is there half life. its like comparing scotch fillet and rump, there differnet but are still beef.

  19. #19
    LATS60's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haus of Hell View Post
    I didn't fail to type very well, It's just that I write like a respected scholar who gets his work published in peer-reviewed journals.

    LOL. you even spelt the thread title wrong, as for the post, thats not how to get your point across, i can't even understand what it is that you are asking.
    I'm guessing here that english grammer is not your forte.

  20. #20
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haus of Hell View Post
    Ok, let me dumb it down...

    What's better, and why; 818mg of sus, or 500mg of cyp?
    (refer to first post if any confusion on the numbers above)
    First off, that's not a good way to get anyone to want to help you genius

    Second, where do you get this 818mg figure from? Is it from this 53/106/199/460 and you just added them all up? How do you figure you would have 53mg of prop and 106 of Phenyl on the 5th day when prop lasts about 3 days and phenyl last about 5 so those two figures would be at zero before the injection on the 5th day

    Test Cyp has a total life of about 15 days so by your 3rd injection you would still have traces of your first left remaining so the 500 figure is wrong also...

    Seems just about everything you tried to figure out is wrong.. So let me Dumb this down for you; Read more, drop the "i am a genius" attitude, and state your questions clearly and logically

    Quote Originally Posted by Haus of Hell View Post
    I didn't fail to type very well, It's just that I write like a respected scholar who gets his work published in peer-reviewed journals.
    this is a joke, right?

    Or are you referring to your Myspace blogs as "peer-reviewed journals"?

  21. #21
    T_Own's Avatar
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    ok genius boy.. good for you. i got work published in my elementary school too, congrats. you obviously don't type like a respected scholar or WE WOULD UNDERSTAND YOU. you type like a fob with broken english.

    both my parents are published Ph D's who happen to write like normal humans, not the geico caveman

  22. #22
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haus of Hell View Post
    I didn't fail to type very well, It's just that I write like a respected scholar who gets his work published in peer-reviewed journals.
    Really? is this coming from the same person that posted this a few days ago...

    Quote Originally Posted by Haus of Hell View Post
    Busted your hip and you want to go SF? If you told the recruiter about your hip you may be disqualified for SF. Dislocated hip 2 years ago, out of shape with a shit diet. Dude your ass is gonna get whipped in your basic. Especially if you go infantry, basic and your AIT is gonna bring the worse out in your body....meaning any underlying problems will be amplified and you'll be a broke dick ****er.

    I've seen this at SOI Camp Pendleton too many times man. Condition your body the best you can now. Army basic isn't too hard anyhow (went through Marines, have friends in army) in camparison. Just be aware if you don't condition your body now, well you are gonna wish you had bro.

    Best of Luck.
    And since this post has been brought up...seems to me that you are an 03' in the Marines. If you are so smart, what are you doing being a Grunt?

  23. #23
    Haus of Hell is offline New Member
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    Ok, wow, this post went sour fast, not surprised however with the atmosphere of the community here... I didn't say I was a genious, i was saying that my writing style requires a higher level of comprehension, thats what I had meant. Excuse me if you guys find it harder to understand.

    The 500mg figure was from someone who had obtained a constant blood level of 500mg in their system with the with appropriate injection times and amounts injected.

    T and H are close to the keyboard, and I have sloppy fingers on a laptop-and i dont care to fix small spelling errors. As usual, this thread went awry because the community likes to gang up people if you don't agree or a small insult is thrown in.

    Before this post gets more useless and degrading, just forget everything everybody here has said. I refuse to take part further, since the major talking point is in the garbage.

  24. #24
    redz's Avatar
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    I didn't say I was a genious
    Ha genius spelt wrong I dunno I thought it was funny. You shouldnt confront people if you dont want that type of answer.

  25. #25
    Flex-Appeal's Avatar
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    someone, please close this thread ASAP!

  26. #26
    Haus of Hell is offline New Member
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    yes, close it please

  27. #27
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    Haus, just so you know, when you assume a condescending tone with people around here, that's how they will react to you. Don't say that it's the "atmosphere" here because it's definitely not

    Don't come in here saying let me "dumb this down for you" and and how you write so impeccably that we just can't understand because we can't comprehend the level of your writing and expect people not to react like that. I believe you were getting good answers from people until you started to act like you are some PhD student and we are all infidels

    Let this be a lesson, let's try not to act superior to people next time and you'll get all the help you need

  28. #28
    WARMachine's Avatar
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    Alright everyone....

    Lets end this now before people go on vacation.

    I suggest you guys refresh your memories.

    Stop the Bullshit!
    WARNING please read...................

  29. #29
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haus of Hell View Post
    Ok, wow, this post went sour fast, not surprised however with the atmosphere of the community here... I didn't say I was a genious, i was saying that my writing style requires a higher level of comprehension, thats what I had meant. Excuse me if you guys find it harder to understand.
    I have about ten publication (a few in review) to date in 4 different areas of science, you can talk to me.......

  30. #30
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    I have about ten publication (a few in review) to date in 4 different areas of science, you can talk to me.......
    i was waiting for you to show up, lol, can you make sense of what he's saying cause the calculations he put up don't make sense to me at all? maybe it's just me

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    i was waiting for you to show up, lol, can you make sense of what he's saying cause the calculations he put up don't make sense to me at all? maybe it's just me
    I dont know what the hell he is talking about.

    I think this is what he is getting at.

    He is wanting to know about the actual percentage of bioavaliable hormone, because as we all know the esterfied molecules of testosterone are inactive and will not bind to the androgen receptor in great amounts with the esters attached.

    So if you take the molecular weight of the esterfied Test minus the molecular weight (MW) of free testosterone you get X amount of potential hormone in the body. We then use this number to back convert to MG/ML of testosterone to find the actually amount of testosterone that will be circulating from each shot assuming 100% de-esterification in the body.

    I think i rambled that out ok, There is a MG converter on here somewhere that shows all this stuff to. I am not about to sit down and calculate it all out either....

    Is that what your mean Haus? wasnt trying to talk past you sorry.....LOL

  32. #32
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    I dont know what the hell he is talking about.

    I think this is what he is getting at.

    He is wanting to know about the actual percentage of bioavaliable hormone, because as we all know the esterfied molecules of testosterone are inactive and will not bind to the androgen receptor in great amounts with the esters attached.

    So if you take the molecular weight of the esterfied Test minus the molecular weight (MW) of free testosterone you get X amount of potential hormone in the body. We then use this number to back convert to MG/ML of testosterone to find the actually amount of testosterone that will be circulating from each shot assuming 100% de-esterification in the body.

    I think i rambled that out ok, There is a MG converter on here somewhere that shows all this stuff to. I am not about to sit down and calculate it all out either....
    Lol, me either, that would be too damn long and tedious

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