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  1. #41
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    It happens to me regardless of the oil or compound. dunno why, but its intense.

  2. #42
    drummerofgod87's Avatar
    drummerofgod87 is offline Associate Member
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    I have experienced this as well. I'm not sure if I had it during cycle, but I took note of it once PCT started. I was being made fun of by my father and sister, and I had an itching attack. They thought I was throwing a fit from them making fun of me and that I was extremely angry. If something startles me, or if I begin to get suddenly hotter, I will get that extreme itching at those times as well. I'm surprised it's happening to so many people. Someone should list this as a common side effect or something.

  3. #43
    SilverTest's Avatar
    SilverTest is offline Senior Member
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    humm..... i had it , i took some AI , and SERM'S , and it went away from about 2 days , maybe its an estrogen thing i dont know.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by drummerofgod87 View Post
    I have experienced this as well. I'm not sure if I had it during cycle, but I took note of it once PCT started. I was being made fun of by my father and sister, and I had an itching attack. They thought I was throwing a fit from them making fun of me and that I was extremely angry. If something startles me, or if I begin to get suddenly hotter, I will get that extreme itching at those times as well. I'm surprised it's happening to so many people. Someone should list this as a common side effect or something.
    Exactly this the one i am getting. It pain in ass.

  5. #45
    AnimalGear's Avatar
    AnimalGear is offline Little Monster in the making
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    I am in week 5 of my first test e cycle and also have been having some problems with serious itching

    it's usually my scalp, but in the gym during/after a w/o its all over my body

    i considered taking a bit of benadryl (diphenhydramine hcl)

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnimalGear View Post
    I am in week 5 of my first test e cycle and also have been having some problems with serious itching

    it's usually my scalp, but in the gym during/after a w/o its all over my body

    i considered taking a bit of benadryl (diphenhydramine hcl)
    Let me know how it goes with Benadryl. But what i have seen today is that if i do not take a shower before workout it start too hard BUT if i take a bath it happens but 50% lesser.

    Like said in post no #34

    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    I talked to my friend, who had a similar problem, this weekend. He said he has a history of psoriasis. He said (I know nothing about psoriasis) that with psoriasis your skin regenerates faster then normal and having extra dead skin causes the itching. So, he theorizes that with AAS it may cause the regeneration to be even greater..............getting better.
    I think the skin is all clear from the dead or the new regenerated skin after a bath so it cause you less itching. Try it and update it here. For now thats all i have found to be helpful.

    And yeah to instantly get rid of Itching you need not to use any cream or whatever. Just wet you hands and use water (yeah thats simple water) like lotion, it will go away in just 10 secs. I did this today and was relieved 90%. If the body is itching all over try to wet ur chest and whatever upper part of the body you can reach to wet. This is 100% for me.

  7. #47
    spencer c is offline New Member
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    i made a similar thread but i feel as if it cant be the juice thats giving me the itch. Im only 1 week into a cycle of sust and i feel that i probably havent even begun to get any effects of the juice and i am supposed to take my second shot tonight.... I have an appointment w/ my doctor today as well and am going to ask him. I worked out this morning and it was pretty ****ing obnoxious. Randomly during sets i would get the horrible burning itching feeling all over my back and upper body, even on my ass at points.

  8. #48
    spencer c is offline New Member
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    FINALLY!!!! ok so I went to the doctor and he wasnt helpful at all and told me it might be a viral infection, so he tells me to just take 50 mg of benadryl every couple of hours. I was itching like crazy all day without taking anything and its been more intense than ever. Just randomly and especially when i heat up remotely or sweat forget it. I called back and flipped out and they told me to take some prednezone(sp?). I took more benadryl after the doctor around 5:00 pm and then picked up the prednezone and took 80 mg and its almost eight and i just took a long hot shower, which would normally make me an itchy bastard, but the red rash all over my body has seemed to dim down especially on my arms where it was really thick. So heres the kicker.. should i take my second shot or just say **** it and save this for a later time and date where i could formulate a test to see whether or not it was the sust that dicked me with this unbearable itching.

  9. #49
    anabolicpower is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by bladerunner9 View Post
    Whys so ?
    because of the possible side effects.. awful itching and flushing

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by anabolicpower View Post
    because of the possible side effects.. awful itching and flushing
    Alright. I tried that also but still it kicks very bad in the beginning of exercise. Perhaps it will take another 2 months.

    Hey cgb6810 cud you please ask you friend how long it has been since he stoped the Test cycle and does he still gets the itching ? Man i wonder when will it stop. Even my ckin color has changed a bit after cycle. I used to be fair in color but now its a bit redish face and body and sometime gets dark too. Ahh WTF

  11. #51
    auslifta's Avatar
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    maybe an antihistemine would help you guys out?

  12. #52
    0tolerance's Avatar
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    have you tried exfoliating your skin and moisturising regularly.

    i get an intense itch when my skins dry or after ive tanned and my skins become tight.

  13. #53
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    Do you know if the gear was made with EO? Or what type of oil is used as the vehicle for the gear. You may have a mild allergy to peanuts or some other kind of nut. Many types of oil are processed in plants that also process peanuts, etc. If you had a severe allergy to the aboved mentioned, you probably would gone into anaphylactic shock, but if you had only a mild allergy, it might explain the itching. Just try to take an antihistamine like benedryl for a few days to see if it stops. If its as bad as you say it is it would be worth a try. Benedryl will make you really tired so you might want to look into a non drowsy alternative. Claratin and alavert are two that last for 24 hrs. try taking it and see if it at least diminishes the effects.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by youngNhungry View Post
    Do you know if the gear was made with EO? Or what type of oil is used as the vehicle for the gear. You may have a mild allergy to peanuts or some other kind of nut. Many types of oil are processed in plants that also process peanuts, etc. If you had a severe allergy to the aboved mentioned, you probably would gone into anaphylactic shock, but if you had only a mild allergy, it might explain the itching. Just try to take an antihistamine like benedryl for a few days to see if it stops. If its as bad as you say it is it would be worth a try. Benedryl will make you really tired so you might want to look into a non drowsy alternative. Claratin and alavert are two that last for 24 hrs. try taking it and see if it at least diminishes the effects.
    Humm.. will give benadryl a try.

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