This will be sort of long, but I'm hoping someone out there is willing to read it and help me out, here goes...

I'm 25 and relatively healthy. I'm a pretty athletic person, I played basketball through college, but have never really been in great shape. I've always been a little "soft" i.e. a little chubby. Unfortunately I have sort of let myself go since then. I got up to as much as 350 pounds(my playing weight was between 220-240.) I'm 6'5" btw. About 5 months ago I decided enough was enough and started dieting and exercising. I managed to get down to 305 pounds and then about 2 weeks ago I tore my ACL playing basketball. It's going to require a knee reconstruction so I'll be out of action for awhile, which, needless to say puts a huge damper on my efforts of getting into shape. (my ultimate goal btw is to be an in shape 250 lbs, and yes I know how much work this will require)

Now that's the back story, here's where you guys come in:

The reason for me wanting to get in shape in the first place is 1. overall health and 2. I'm a huge MMA fan and have done some training and seem to have a bit of an affinity for it, so I would like to possibly pursue that and see where I could get. With that being said, the amount of training that it's going to take along with the whole knee thing and I'm turning 26 this summer, I feel like times running out on me so to speak. When I get back from surgery I want to hit the ground running and feel like I can really use that extra push.
I know that some athletes are known to take steroids to help speed up the healing process form injury. That along with all this MLB steroid stuff I realize that more pro athletes must use than I think and that steroids, obviously, must really work(duh.) So what I'm hoping you guys can do is help me by letting me know what I can do/use that will get me where I want to be. Any info in detail would be greatly appreciated as I know absolutely nothing about this stuff. Thanks for the time, and hopefully the responses.