jus got my injections all sorted for the course im going to run, its like this
week 1-16 test e 500mg
week 1-15 deca 400mg
week 1-5 prop 400mg
week 12-16 prop 400mg

my stats are...
my age is 23, 24 in a few weeks
my body fat is now 8%
i train 5 days a week
this is my 5th course

my diet is this
Meal 1(8am)- 5 egg whites, bowl of cereal, banana, bowl of oats
Meal 2(11am)- Tuna, pasta
Meal 3(1:30pm)- Chicken breast, rice
Meal 4(3pm)-turkey breast, sweet potatoes
SNACK (3:30pm)- peanut butter butty
TRAIN (4pm)
SNACK (5pm) – peanut butter butty
Meal 5(6pm)- tuna, pasta
Meal 6(8pm)- beef, home made chips
Meal 7(11pm)- chicken breast, rice

rite i need help on how to run my pct, what pct would you guys recomend for this course, i can only get hold of clomid and nolva, how would use run these after the course
i was finkin 40/40/20/20 nolva
100/100/50/50 clomid
(i can also get hold of hcg but from what iv herd this can do more bad than good)

also at the begining of my course i want to run either d-bol or a-bombs, what would u guys recomend, i no people who take 100mg of a-bomb but most people i no only take 50mg of d-bol, is it possible to take 100mg of d-bol safely, what has worked for you guys, all in all iv done lots of research and i fink im more or less ther, anyfing u guys can add in to help me is very welcome, fanx very much brothers, stay strong