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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Navy-boi-kai View Post
    yes im sorry about not putting all info into one post guys. Hey but lets think back when u guys started working out..and you thought oh yes i can get into the gym train all the tim the more i workout the more i will grow. Well i used that stupid idea with the gear. I thought wow maybe if use more i will grow more. It was insane. Would i ever do that stupid stuff again heck no. Who know what was wrong with the gear. Ir could have been infected it did come from mexico. But i just want people to know my story and hopefully they will see that maybe i should really research and do my homework. When u look at gear from the outside you see a MAGIC formula. You dont know risk of taking it until you already screwed up.
    See I am sorry but I dont understand any of this.., I started training when i was 11 because my brother who was 18 was always over here with his friends talking about working out and how much they could bench. Of course i wanted to be just like my brother so I stared training and basically worked out straight through until I was 17-18 Even when i was 14 and in 6th grade I held the bench press record for my school that was 6-9th grades (295#) and was always one of the biggest kids in my school. It still never ever made me want to take steroids ! I dont know I never smoked back then , never drank alcohol (still dont) did not do any drugs! Maybe that is why I did not look into doing juice! Just seems weird that i was totally hardcore into all the training back then and never even thought about touching aas! And as I said in a pist above i had a frien that when i was just about 19 was 15 and he did a ton of steroids and went from being my "little" friend to my "BIG" Buddy and I was jelous as hell but still never even though about it! All I can remember is thinking my buddy was nuts for doing them that young and he was going to screw himself up.. But guess what!!! He is fine and till as big as I am only difference is he has a 29" waist and a washboard stomach and I dont!!

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    See I am sorry but I dont understand any of this.., I started training when i was 11 because my brother who was 18 was always over here with his friends talking about working out and how much they could bench. Of course i wanted to be just like my brother so I stared training and basically worked out straight through until I was 17-18 Even when i was 14 and in 6th grade I held the bench press record for my school that was 6-9th grades (295#) and was always one of the biggest kids in my school. It still never ever made me want to take steroids! I dont know I never smoked back then , never drank alcohol (still dont) did not do any drugs! Maybe that is why I did not look into doing juice! Just seems weird that i was totally hardcore into all the training back then and never even thought about touching aas! And as I said in a pist above i had a frien that when i was just about 19 was 15 and he did a ton of steroids and went from being my "little" friend to my "BIG" Buddy and I was jelous as hell but still never even though about it! All I can remember is thinking my buddy was nuts for doing them that young and he was going to screw himself up.. But guess what!!! He is fine and till as big as I am only difference is he has a 29" waist and a washboard stomach and I dont!!
    That's all good but how long ago was this? How old is your friend now? I'm sure there is plenty of time left for things to go bad.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    That's all good but how long ago was this? How old is your friend now? I'm sure there is plenty of time left for things to go bad.
    If you look in an earlier post i said he is 30 well about 31 now he does not even need trt!! he is in perfect shape and gets tested by the US Navy Every 3 months because he is an active Navy Seal! It has been 13 years since he has done them! So what exactly 13 years later is all of the sudden going to happen to him.... Nothing! they are out of his system, his levels are completely normal and anything to do wit the juice is 100% out of his system! Yeh he could have a heart atack tomorrow but you know what? so could my brother who is an athlete and barely takes aspirin.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Navy-boi-kai View Post
    i will tell a story of mine that is true back when i was about 16 years old. Im 20 now. So i ran a cycle of Deca 300 QV. Good gear. I was 511 135 in 4week i got to 165ish or so. That was my whole uneducated cycle. Guess what I got sick, real sick went to the hospital because of some severe pains in my side. After several tests being ran and bloodwork. I got the new my kidneys where failing and the doctor told me that i had done some major damage to my liver. I lost all that weight and had extreme depression for about 8 months. I couldnt even get a boner. I will say that cycliing is a learnig n experience and we all learn as we go. No one is a pro at it. I wasnt given the know how from anyone or the internet. I just listened to my freinds. I REGRET that dearly.
    Cycle Help Need Big time!
    post #2....

  5. #45
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    If you look in an earlier post i said he is 30 well about 31 now he does not even need trt!! he is in perfect shape and gets tested by the US Navy Every 3 months because he is an active Navy Seal! It has been 13 years since he has done them! So what exactly 13 years later is all of the sudden going to happen to him.... Nothing! they are out of his system, his levels are completely normal and anything to do wit the juice is 100% out of his system! Yeh he could have a heart atack tomorrow but you know what? so could my brother who is an athlete and barely takes aspirin.
    See the problem here is to not use him as the standard across the board, each body is unique and complex hence there are tons of people who slip through the cracks, but there are also those who get caught in them as well.

    Now its easy to take your friend and say "Oh well since he did it and he is fine than it applies to me or joe blow down the street as well". It doesn't work that way, you don't have the same genetics as him or the same family history as him.

    I mean there are tons of retired now Pro-bodybuilders who had to get surgeries due to their steroid use , Arnold and Flex Wheeler are some I can think of right off the top of my head. Of course one could argue what they took/how long/whatever, but the point is someone can do dozens of cycles and be fine when they are 60 and someone else can do several and have to have heart surgery at 40.

    Steroids most likely do have some type of negative effect on the body in the long run anyone who disputes that is just in denial. Fluctuation of hormones, introduction of carcinogenics (nolva/clomid), supression of LH and FSH, scattering of the lipid profile, etc. over and over through time is going to have to play some role in the body. The problem here is we don't know what or to what extent because there have been no real studies.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    See the problem here is to not use him as the standard across the board, each body is unique and complex hence there are tons of people who slip through the cracks, but there are also those who get caught in them as well.

    Now its easy to take your friend and say "Oh well since he did it and he is fine than it applies to me or joe blow down the street as well". It doesn't work that way, you don't have the same genetics as him or the same family history as him.

    I mean there are tons of retired now Pro-bodybuilders who had to get surgeries due to their steroid use , Arnold and Flex Wheeler are some I can think of right off the top of my head. Of course one could argue what they took/how long/whatever, but the point is someone can do dozens of cycles and be fine when they are 60 and someone else can do several and have to have heart surgery at 40.

    Steroids most likely do have some type of negative effect on the body in the long run anyone who disputes that is just in denial. Fluctuation of hormones, introduction of carcinogenics (nolva/clomid), supression of LH and FSH, scattering of the lipid profile, etc. over and over through time is going to have to play some role in the body. The problem here is we don't know what or to what extent because there have been no real studies.
    I agree with you a 100% and that is what I orignally said! there is no way of knowing whats going to happen until you have already done it! I was just giving an example aoa person who has done 4-5 cycles when he was young and now has not touched them in over 12 years and luckily is fine People are thinking now because they hear 18 is too young that automatically if a kid did them then watch out cause he HAS TO get some medical issues and that is just not the case like you say.... some do 100cycles and no issues, others can do 2 cycles and get a ton of crap happening. its all in your genetics

  7. #47
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    steroids fixed so many of my problems I do not even know where to begin. However it has created many new problems also. growth hormone actually fixed my kidneys. testosterone and equipoise completely fixed my stomach problems. However I no longer know how to live without steroids. My sex life is shit without them and with them it is not much better. I have always been one to have a crazy sex drive (like three times a day before any hormones). now I could go a month and not care too much. also finding out the hard way that 19nors are very harsh compounds has ****ed me up. Immortal knows about what I am about to describe.
    Getting deca dick and not knowing what it is from can possibly implant this seed into your head that you have ed. for the longest time i thought I had ed. it was all mental. my thinking that i had ed created real ed. this problem at such a young age can cause many problems like depression. I have been given a new lease on life because of steroids and am now trying to get my father and some other relatives in my family to get trt because what we suffer from is hereditary. however I would never tell someone to mess with their levels if they did not need to. I think it is a horrible idea and the fact is that with diet and training you can accomplish much more. so why **** with it?
    negative side effects I have experienced:
    no sex drive without 250+mgs testosterone (possibly for life)
    gyno (permanent without removal)
    sterile (possibly for life)
    insomnia and hypersomnia
    tren cough
    I say there is no age limit. the requirement for beginning steroid use is to acknowledge to yourself that if you try it, you may need it for the rest of your life. not only will you have to deal with injections and what not, but also the sides. if you are ok with that then so be it.
    ps I am 21

  8. #48
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    hormones have been directly linked to cancer. mostly estrogen and progesterone but with use of test you are also playing with the others.

  9. #49
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    It's hard for alot of people to give specific examples about the problems associated with premature stunted growth because they can not measure it (since they won't ever know how much more they could have grown had they decided to stay natural.)

    Someone who starts aas too soon (like at 16-18) might have been able to grow afew inches taller, have their natural body frame increase in size aswell, ect. I know many people (myself included) who grew taller, and increased their body frame in their mid 20s. I grew almost an inch taller when I was 24, and my shoulder span became much larger too.

    In regards to problems associated with enlarged prostates, it has been proven numerous times in the Canadian medical journals that raised testostone levels during puberty (like that of a cycle) has shown to drastically increase suseptability to enlarged prostates in men. There is currently a study by the University of Torronto investing if there is a link between test lvls during puberty and prostate cancer, I'd like to see what they find in afew months.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist;4737***
    I have always been one to have a crazy sex drive (like three times a day before any hormones). now I could go a month and not care too much. also finding out the hard way that 19nors are very harsh compounds has ****ed me up.
    Another thing steroids can do to your body, especially in those who's pituitary and HPTA is still developing and not fully matured (ie. those below 23) is sexually it can make you a mute (temporarily of course).

    Let me explain, my uncle-in-law had low sex drive (he is in his 50's) and he went to the doctor to see what he could do to have it resolved. And the doctor recommended HRT or TRT, but said one of the side effects could be that sexually he just becomes mute. Meaning he doesn't feel like having sex with woman, but at the same time he isn't gay or anything he is just in the middle. He has no sex drive for either gender and is just disinterested in sex in general.

    Now I don't know how reliable what the doctor said was to him, but I do believe that steroid use can mess with ones sexuality beyond their control. What I mean by this is it could come in the form of a variety of different ways for most it comes as decreased sex drive or disinterest in sex, but for some it could go as far as actual loss of sexual arousal. Now on cycle, this isn't that common this is more common during PCT when hormone levels are rapidly changing to reach a balance, but it CAN happen for those who never PCT aka those who cruise/TRT/HRT/etc.

    That is my 2 cents on it and I thought I address it since Twist made that comment

  11. #51
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    most studies i have found seem to be useless because the nutritional and medical world is filled with correlation studies. I can tell you right now that you can find a relationship between cancer and steroids . however i can also tell you that global warming is inversely proportional to the amount of pirates in the ocean. couple studies that rely on correlation with the broad genetic diversity of the human race and you have a terrible task of collecting accurate statistics. we are talking about the most inaccurate category of the hard sciences

  12. #52
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    I was told once not to have sex while on a certain drug (one that will not be named because we cannot discuss recreational drugs here) that causes a feeling of ecstacy (lol) because once you have sex while on it it will be so good that sex will never be the same without it. well... i tried it and found it to be rather disappointing. however, steroids at a very high dose (over a gram a week) had this exact effect.

  13. #53
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    IMO , If your using or going to use steroids at a young age its totally down to individual case, how mature,developed and educated one is....

    In terms of sides, IMO again, everyone reacts different, i didnt get a side off a previous cycle till 6months after, i think the younger ones who are uneducated will regret it further down the line, when your older and organs start to slow down in a sense or maybe pack up.

    id like to see posts now, and gain is say 30 years and then it would be conclusive to whether starting early has ruined organs.

    Steroid use is down to the individual, starting young CORRECTLY can be fine for some, but not others.... Who will ever know, its a £1million question guys

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoidBoid View Post
    IMO , If your using or going to use steroids at a young age its totally down to individual case, how mature,developed and educated one is....

    In terms of sides, IMO again, everyone reacts different, i didnt get a side off a previous cycle till 6months after, i think the younger ones who are uneducated will regret it further down the line, when your older and organs start to slow down in a sense or maybe pack up.

    id like to see posts now, and gain is say 30 years and then it would be conclusive to whether starting early has ruined organs.

    Steroid use is down to the individual, starting young CORRECTLY can be fine for some, but not others.... Who will ever know, its a £1million question guys
    Exactly .... Lets agree to disagree on this one!! As I was trying to say all along everone is different! As I said my friend that took them at 15 was already 6'2" tall and do not think he cared if he got any taller!
    I truly believe also it is up to the person, if the person has the genetics and is going to try to e pro and follw his dreams and ends up making it and getting paid from BB , I do not think a few small issue like Early Baldness, Ed and a few others would bother them if they doing what they wanted to do in life and were following their dreams! People in other sports end up paralized from accidents or even dead and they would tell you its the price you pay for doing what you love... Bet a Pro BB would almost tell you the same thing!! And all the pros were well into using AAS by the age of 25 or even 20!! If not, they would net be a pro BB!

  15. #55
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    This thread has given me an awesome lunch break.
    Chicken, brown rice, asparagus
    Funny and informational at the same time

  16. #56
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    I'm much less interested in "stories" and anecdotes than I am in peer reviewed research published in CREDIBLE medical journals. Post up some of those, and this thread might matter.

    For instance, while it is well documented that using anabolic /androgenic steroids can cause epiphyseal plates to fuse prematurely, there is little evidence that any amount of HPTA suppression causes conditions of permenant hypogonadism.

    While I think its irresponsible and illadvised to start steroids while you're still developing, there is quite a bit of hoopla thrown around on this board about all the problems someone in their teens will experience later in life as a result. Other than the issue of epiphyseal plate closure, the rest really remain to be seen, or well documented in credible literature. Lets try to be honest with the kids about the dangers, and not attempt to exaggerate the potential dangers in an attempt to dissuade them from using. I was a teenager not that long ago, and those scare tactics never worked on me.

    While I respect the OP's request to hear 'stories' about steroid use gone wrong at a younge age, I'm sure that there are just as many stories about successful steroid use at a young age. My point being, in lieu of peer reviewed research on the many ill effects of steroid use at a young age, to speculate and offer conjecture over the subject is futile.

  17. #57
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    ^what else can i say?

  18. #58
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    I do think you wont find studies one way or another, mostly because i dont think any have been done.

    Indeed, there has been little research to determine what the long-term effects of steroid use might be. Most of what's known comes from animal studies and case studies. But the kind of human trials that might provide a more definitive answer are unlikely anytime soon, researchers say.

    "It'd be unethical to do clinical trials, in which we'd be asking people: ÔCan we put you on a dose of drugs that will probably be harmful with no necessary benefit - basically be our guinea pigs?' " said Dr. Peter Ambrose, clinical professor at the UCSF School of Pharmacy.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by peachfuzz View Post
    I do think you wont find studies one way or another, mostly because i dont think any have been done.
    Isn't that because there not allowed to test legally yet?
    Not 100% sure on this, heard this before

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackjackson View Post
    Isn't that because there not allowed to test legally yet?
    Not 100% sure on this, heard this before
    Ethics, They will never test a number of 15-18 year-old healthy males with substances just to determine how much damage the given substances will do...

    Who here would sign up on that doted line:

    Yeah this shit is gonna foook you up we are just trying to see how and how bad... Thanks kid

  21. #61
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    Here is a good one: The male brain White and gray matter is not fully developed up past age 20...
    with developmental curves for the frontal
    and parietal lobe peaking at about age 12 and for the temporal
    lobe at about age 16, whereas cortical gray matter continued to
    increase in the occipital lobe through age 20.

    There is another one in which the introduction of estrogen to the male brain actually causes female characteristics. For those of you that don't know the human male brain is much different than the female brain. The Cortex, development, size, and so on... One of the leading issues in homosexual research is that many believe that the introduction of higher amounts of estrogen to the homosexual male's brain causes female characteristics

    These results reveal a new mode of sex-specific neural development, induced not by differential exposure to gonadal steroids, but rather by differential synthesis of steroids in the brain.

  22. #62
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    /\ point being that the introduction of estrogen to the healthy males not causes growth problems in the epiphyseal plates but also the introduction of estrogen to the developing male brain cause mental development issues.

  23. #63
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    This thread is going no where! Horror stories are not really what e need because on a nother note all it is going to do is offer a determined kid a bunch of "id id this and this happened" post and he is going to say... "Well I know not to shoot test in my nostrils because it causes nose growth" (you get what I mean!) and they will make a lo o wht does not work and just try to make sure they do not do that!

  24. #64
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    Dancer why the hell is your avatar a picture of Seriousmass?

  25. #65
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    ^^^its great, all 165 lbs of him....

  26. #66
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    im huge

  27. #67
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    Dukky you one sexy mofo I can say so myself

  28. #68
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    thanks man..

    i run lots of tren and eat lots of burger king

  29. #69
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    you boys are fuking crazy...LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    thanks man..

    i run lots of tren and eat lots of burger king
    I personally like halo and lots of cycles... dick doesnt work but I am jacked

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dancer View Post
    I personally like halo and lots of cycles... dick doesnt work but I am jacked
    ill have to try that next time

    who needs a working dick anyways?

  32. #72
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    u both have Seriousmass.....i only hope after 19 cycles i look like u...

  33. #73
    HIITB$ is offline Associate Member
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    I KNEW this thread would produce....epic

  34. #74
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    SAB!!! "Silly Ass Bastards!!"

  35. #75
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    I started using aas when i was 17, i was six foot talk exactly had been training with my dad for two years. i went from 128lbs when i was 15 to 170 pounds in two years all natty. I got test prop and equipoise from a friend at the gym along with a bombs. I went from being 170 to 198 in about three months time. the only side i ever had was temporary shut down and some pains in my side from the a bombs hepatoxicity. i post cycled with nolva for four weeks and kept eighteen pounds of it.

    *little note*
    my dad weighed about 285 and was a very big user. very strong
    he benched close to five hundred. he told me if he ever caught me with that shit i would be out. he found some test prop once and added it to his

  36. #76
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    thats no joke either.legit story

  37. #77
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    It's too bad that this post turned bro's against each other.
    But the idea of doing a thread like this is a good idea. It would be a good idea to have another category on this subject posted like a stickie.People can read and leave there feedback.

  38. #78
    Karo is offline Associate Member
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    Started taking Anadrol at age 17. Got these "steroid pills" from a guy that we bought our recreational drugs from. All he told me was, the more you take, the bigger you get. Some days i'd take 3 or 4, some days I wouldn't take any. This went on for about 2 months. During this time I had terrible acne and was eating Mcdonald's food at least twice a day. At the end of 2 months I had gone from 140lbs to 181lbs. I was a fat, acne-ridden, bloated mess of a kid. I don't remember any sexual side-effects but I do remember being really depressed after I stopped taking them. It took me a couple years to lose all the water/fat that I had put on and my acne was bad for a couple years as well. I still have massive stretch marks all over my body as a daily reminder of this stupid cycle. I never grew any taller after this cycle either. I am still about 5-1. Pretty good chance I ****ed up my growth plates?

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    Last edited by Solomon; 01-14-2010 at 02:08 AM.

  40. #80
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    Yes I see tha everyone has there own thouhts on this and even though i am a firm believer that if you had so eone watching over you and you are trying to get to a top contender than there is no option but to start AAS before 25!! Do i think all kids should be playing around with it NO! But take someone like Flex Lewis who is i think 25-26yrs old right now and turned pr when he was I think 21-22yrs old .. When he was 16-17 and was told by everyone around him.. Your Huge you got a good chance to be a pro bodybuilder and the trainers and everyone else said to him " your gonna have to go to the dark side" If he would have said " i am just too young to do these I am going to wait until I am mid 20's" where would he be right now? He sure as hell would not be a professional bodybuilder at the age he is now! As I said, there are certain circumstances where there is almost "no choice" for a person in a situation like that
    Last edited by ninesecz; 07-09-2009 at 08:48 AM.

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