Looking at doing a test/winny cycle in the new year and I have a few questions about dosing and pct.

I have 1 cycle under my belt (test cyp/dbol ) which went like this:
week 1-4 dbol 40 mg/ed
week 1-13 test cyp 500mg/ew

clomid 100/50/50/50
nolvadex 40/40/20/20

finished pct september 28th and since my last test injection only lost 7 pounds. so very happy with that.

Anyway for my new cycle i want to use an AI not sure either arimidex or aromasin (open to advice since i have no experience which works better). Also what kind of dosage am i looking at.. I read that for arimidex .25mg daily or eod is fine?

Which of the 2 are better for acne and water retention control?

For test cyp dosage i found 500mg/ew worked good for me so going to stick with that.

Winny im not sure of because i have never used this. Goals are to cut body fat but not to the point where i look like im ready for a show, just a lean look so maybe dosage and run time wont be as high?

Last pct i did worked very well for me. Should i change my dosing for this cycle or keep it the same?

stats right now are
height - 5'6
weight - 190lbs
bf% - havent had this tested but jamyjam says 20%
age - 21

by the time i do this cycle i should be around the same weight. doing a maintenance diet right now with lots of low intensity cardio so hopefully be under 20% bf by this time to.

thanks for any responses.