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  1. #81
    MMAngry is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    test and tren is more suppresive to your system than tren alone, so in reality its easier to recover from a tren only cycle. Its just we need test to feel normal and keep the sex drive alive and thats why its added along with all other cycles (along with aas effects). If you can get away with running test at a low dose ie,the dk still works, then let the tren do all the work.
    Other than that nice post
    This seems to be what I'm learning about this whole Test/Tren thing. Veteran posters have said in this thread that Test DOES NOTHING to prevent "permanent shutdown." The reason to take it is so you can feel regular while you're on it. If this is true, then a Tren only cycle is feasible, and something that can be done on first cycle.

    I noticed there weren't many counterarguments to pinning ED/EOD/2x week. The argument for pinning every day has to do with blood levels. I can't speak to this, but I have spoken to people IRL who have said that Tren 2x/week is acceptable w/out Test. Can someone speak to this?

  2. #82
    Showcaseshowdown is offline New Member
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    I have run tren without test numerous times and I had no libido issues at all. I also bought caber the first time around which was expensive and never had to use it. So everybody is different you just have to take that into consideration. Yes tren could be run on a 1st cycle, but it is not the smartest choice.

  3. #83
    Shadeed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MMAngry View Post
    This seems to be what I'm learning about this whole Test/Tren thing. Veteran posters have said in this thread that Test DOES NOTHING to prevent "permanent shutdown." The reason to take it is so you can feel regular while you're on it. If this is true, then a Tren only cycle is feasible, and something that can be done on first cycle.

    I noticed there weren't many counterarguments to pinning ED/EOD/2x week. The argument for pinning every day has to do with blood levels. I can't speak to this, but I have spoken to people IRL who have said that Tren 2x/week is acceptable w/out Test. Can someone speak to this?
    are you speaking about Tren E?

  4. #84
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    It's not smart to run tren in a first cycle because you'll be jumping out of the gate with one of the strongest compounds there is. It's always a good idea to start with test and see how you respond. Get the feel for what this is like before you start throwing tren around. Tren has some rather serious side effects..... they can make you uncomfortable..... not a good idea for a first time user.

    Also, pinning Tren A twice a week is rather dumb. It's got a short half-life..... why would you want to pin it less than EOD at the least? Not only that..... but keeping your blood levels stable means the side effects may not be as harsh. Why would you want your hormonal levels to jump all across the board and make you feel worse?

    Regarding test w/ tren..... I think it's always wise to run test. Tren can be run alone but some people do experience libido issues because it's a 19nor compound. Keep the test in there..... it's not going to hurt anything.

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  5. #85
    bjohnson1968 is offline Member
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    could someone clarify the use of caber/bromo while on cycle...I thought this was only if you get sides and running an ai like adex letro or exemestane on cycle is the better choice

  6. #86
    bjohnson1968 is offline Member
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    ^^bump to get this answered

  7. #87
    calgarian's Avatar
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    if the cycle doesnt have tren its not a cycle i started with tren a on my first cycle unlike most ppl it keeps me calm and does wondrs for me. i ran caber once only side effect i got was a hard on but it worked for me most ppl say only use it when u get sides...i used it for whole cycle

  8. #88
    littlefella is offline New Member
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    ok im runnin test E and tren ace and having some gyno sides (puffy nips) i have letro and dex and caber on hand, what dose should i take of caber i need to know asap...

  9. #89
    The Carter 117 is offline New Member
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    How often does permanent shit down happen? And if u find that ur libido does decrease would a injection of test help bring it back?....
    Also what about running tren and hgh???? Because the hgh has got my sexual desire increased... What I want to do is tren 50mg (.5cc) eod for a week to see how I react to it then bump it up to 1 cc. I am planning on a 6 week cycle. In the last week of the cycle and for 2 weeks after Im going to take nolvadex ed. I got this from someone with a lot of experience with tren. He just takes tren a and winny. I'm looking to improve strength n get cut... Not gain mass . I already weight 280lbs.

    If I do a trial with tren alone and I start to get decreased libido can I take some test to fix it... Or will stop taking it work to bring it back?

  10. #90
    kskickboxer's Avatar
    kskickboxer is offline New Member
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    great post. sticky this

  11. #91
    Tyler694 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Carter 117 View Post
    ... I got this from someone with a lot of experience with tren . He just takes tren a and winny. I'm looking to improve strength n get cut... Not gain mass . I already weight 280lbs.

    If I do a trial with tren alone and I start to get decreased libido can I take some test to fix it... Or will stop taking it work to bring it back?
    Don't run tren without test....

  12. #92
    customworksking's Avatar
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    I know this is an old thread but, i didn't want to start a new 1.. I have done several cycles .. this will b my 1st tren a/test... I have sustaplex 325, test e,Eqplex,gh and tren A... from what i get it's not wise to run tren and deca my sust has 105mg of deca should i b ok or wait n run it with my test e.. currently only on sust and 2iu of gh.. Im cutting now
    age 38
    gym 5 yrs or better
    6'1 not huge but 205 rather b cut
    currently down to 180 but,going up n size leaning out very well
    past cycles was test/gh only...

  13. #93
    sixey's Avatar
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    considering tren A for my next cycle, will be running it with prop. going to be an 8 week blast cycle. can anyone help me with the caber/prami deal? i always hear these compounds being associated with tren, they are for estro control right? do i need both or will one suffice? and do i still need to take my EDO aromasin like i did on my regular test cycle?

    thanks brahs

  14. #94
    The Carter 117 is offline New Member
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    Go for it

    Go for it man... I have done 2 cycles with TREN and i LOVVVVVVEEE it... The first cycle i did was tren by itself, and i was completely fine.... if anything I think my sex drive was even better... and i know everyone on here is like dont do that... its stupid... but whatever. I didnt get gyno... so i think u should just try a low dose for a week or 2 to see how u feel... like i did .5 cc for a week then bumped it up to 1 cc.... I also made mine, so I made my Tren only using 2 finaplex cartridges... which was like a 80mg/ml... and used a short cycle, then i did a longer cycle the second time using 3 cartridges. so it was 120 mg/ml. also I would stick with tren A and not Tren E, because if u see that ur getting bad sides the Tren A is outta ur system within 3 or 4 days. Tren week could take up to 2 weeks.

  15. #95
    Harry Manback's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RANA View Post
    Most sides that people talk about or the ones I have experienced are as follows:

    Night sweats
    Crazy dreams (more vivid too)
    More aggression
    And the famous Tren cough, I have had minor encounters others have had very bad tren cough
    There are more, so others feel free to add your sides
    Death to appetite as well

  16. #96
    The Carter 117 is offline New Member
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    I didnt really experience any of those...
    I would say its not quite more aggression, I would say its more like no patience... U might just be a lil snappy... Not like fighting aggression, but just no patience for anything.

    U also dont want to do cardio because u will get CRAZYYYY pumps that can be painful, like in ur shins and stuff..

  17. #97
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sixey View Post
    considering tren A for my next cycle, will be running it with prop. going to be an 8 week blast cycle. can anyone help me with the caber/prami deal? i always hear these compounds being associated with tren, they are for estro control right? do i need both or will one suffice? and do i still need to take my EDO aromasin like i did on my regular test cycle?

    thanks brahs

    Hopefully bumping this with my reply will get it noticed by some of the resident experts, but in the meantime let me give you my experience and feelings on Tren A

    I ran Tren A with Test Base and loved it, sure I had the sweats but I sleep alone so no big deal just changed sheets a lot, vivid dreams? yeah and loved them kinda like being a kid again. Cough No problem there. Cardio...I forget what it is specifically that Tren does in to the cardivascular system I think it had to do with the lungs anyway you will get winded easy, no problem just keep doing the cardio, I did and had no problems.

    O-K the Caber Prami deal...don't qoute me as I may be wrong but Tren causes an increase in prolactin which can lead to swollen nipples and actual lactation. Caber/Prami fight the prolactin, however by decreasing estrogen the production of prolactin can also usually be controlled. As I say my memory is bad and I may be screwing this up, anyway if none of the big boys replies look in the PCT section I am almost certain Swifto touches on the control of prolactin sides brought on by Tren.

    PS I think you will love an 8 wk Tren/Prop blast, the only thing I would consider is leaving it open ended on the short side, you may find that by 6 wks your gains may start to nose over...Also I don't know how vain you are about hair but since I still have mine at 55 I am want to keep it LOL and that was the only Tren side that did bother me, my hair was absolutely dry and thin by the end of 4 wks ( I did a 4 wk TrenA / TestBase blast) and I think I also noticed some receding of the hairline. Also by all means hydrate big time, you will be flushing a lot of toxins out throught the kidneys while on cycle drink tons of water and also cranberries or some other agent to help clense them may be a benefit, I would also include liv52 or LiverCare (US name) by Himalaya health care to help guard the liver.

    Good luck,


  18. #98
    BigJuice777's Avatar
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    This is great... Didn't know much about Tren till now. I'll definitely save it for a much later cycle

  19. #99
    RANA's Avatar
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    I know this is an older thread I started a few years ago but I took a break from cycling for a couple of years. I finally decided to try Tren E because I have always enjoyed Tren A. My cycle was for approximately 15 weeks that I did last spring.
    Test E – 500mg per wk (1-15 weeks)
    Tren E – 500mg per wk (1-15 wks)
    Anavar – 80mg per day (1-4 wks)
    Winny – 75mg per day (11-15wks)
    No PCT since I’m on TRT
    This was by far my best cycle with no side effects, my diet was a lot different than my previous cycles and I had much better gains and 1000% more vascularity.

    For my next cycle next spring will be the same thing except I will not take Winny and I will try Mast.

    I have to admit I enjoyed taking a slow ester

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