Hey guys i m new here.... i m male 25... ht 5'4"... wt 154 pounds with 12% bf... i am training for 6 yrs now... i hav started at wt 110 pounds...

i m confused between testosterone and hgh.... i have done some research on this but i am still confused... like all experienced users said that
test e or cyp ...400-500 mgs/week...
shot twice a week for 10/12 weeks
pct - clomid 40/40/20/20 daily for 4 weeks...
nolva at hand while on cycle if there are any symptoms of gyno...

but why should not be hgh?? plz guys i need your help.i understand that test will enhance the size of muscle fibre without any increase in no.and hgh not only increases the size of the muscle fibre but also increases no. of muscle fibre.am i right? correct me if i am wrong. i need your help guys... plzzzz