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  1. #121
    Reed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eckstg View Post
    Just about got the Dorian Yates video blood and guts downloaded after seeing you use it in the thread of yours Blood and Guts Training: Before the Prep Blood and Guts Training: Before the Prep . I only have free weights at home and a bowflex machine.Would love to get a power rack for safe squatting at home but cannot afford it at the moment. You know of any training programs or videos thats excellant for just free weights?

    Was thinking of buying this 50lb whey protein and taking 10 servings in 5 shakes of 2 servings each a day to get 210grams pro and 1040 calories in them.I would get additional calories from 2cups oatmeal in the morning and eat a large meal at night with maybe 10oz chicken breast and 2 cups rice. this brings the cals to about 2000 so i might add 250cal more to 4 of those shakes of muscle juice to get 3000cal total.
    Would this be good enough for a lean cutting diet while maintaining mass since will be also using test and tren and also slin pwo's?

    When bulking i figure i just add another scoop to all 5 shakes of 250cal ea th bring it to over 4250cal total.Would getting almost all my protein intake through these powders still be effective as eating them in food?
    Hell no on that diet. 5 shakes what? There a supplement and should be use as such not as you entire diet. Get some more chicken, steak, egg whites. Start eating oats, sweet potatoes, rice for carbs and for fats fish oil, peanut butter, whole omega-3 eggs.

    I eat about 1.5 lbs of chicken a day, 10 egg whites, .5lb of beef, 4 whole eggs, 3 shakes or replace one with cottage cheese or another .5lb of chicken. and my carbs are even more than that.

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    reed correct me if im wrong but - eckstg... reed did tren for a bit and chose not to keep using it... lol hint hint -

    and yes i thing test then test tren would be a much better choice!!
    Well the tren I had was some home brew that was really really weak. I did the same dose from a reputable source at like 8 weeks to show and man it was much more like what I understand tren should be

  3. #123
    RANA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    Well the tren I had was some home brew that was really really weak. I did the same dose from a reputable source at like 8 weeks to show and man it was much more like what I understand tren should be
    I do love tren , I will be trying Rowlands slingshot method on test/tren next month

  4. #124
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    I hope the guy who sold him that much tren atleast gave him a courtesy casket with it for free..... Thats a fricking joke.

  5. #125
    eckstg is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    I hope the guy who sold him that much tren atleast gave him a courtesy casket with it for free..... Thats a fricking joke.
    *LOL* It was pellets form i bought and extracted.Really cheap but im curious to just how potent the hormone pow is after extraction using the recrystalization method.What i read is it should be very very pure and does come out yellow like the stuff you see ugl pow sources selling or did sell as to pow is a sensitive product bought ugl now as i thought i read.I feel alot more confident doing this and obtaining probaly a pure product instead of risking customs,inflated prices,etc going through ugl's.

    Well the tren I had was some home brew that was really really weak. I did the same dose from a reputable source at like 8 weeks to show and man it was much more like what I understand tren should be
    I believe the tren i have brewed is pretty strong but nothing like the profile read of depression and feeling like shit with its use.I think i actually feel better on it than the test from syno batches i made previously.I think this could also be from the noah not zapping the estradiol completly in that theory though and why that i feel i felt worse on the test.No gyno issues with eithers use though.Im gonna have to do some solid syno test by itself though without tren using the 4 recrystalization method without noah to be sure i feel better on the tren than the test completly.I wish they made damn pellets like the tren without the estradiol completly even though thats not favorable with the cattle farmers.
    Last edited by eckstg; 03-06-2010 at 07:19 PM.

  6. #126
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    there kits to extract the test and filter out the estro ... fyi

  7. #127
    eckstg is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    there kits to extract the test and filter out the estro ... fyi
    Yes and when i mentioned using noah on the first couple batches this is thought to be the same thing your mentioning which they call the estrogen solubizer.I meant my guess as some others state is that this solubizer does not work and may in fact be just harming the hormone.I am thinking i may not have felt good on the syno test as with the tren because the solubizer doesnt work and the estradiol still being in it may be the reason.Only time i really feel the enhanced mood or vitality is post workout.

  8. #128
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    i know that at higher levels of test i loose my energy for day to day things, may need a nap every day or other day - but when i get in to the gym im an animal...

    when is the last time you had a blood test?

  9. #129
    eckstg is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    i know that at higher levels of test i loose my energy for day to day things, may need a nap every day or other day - but when i get in to the gym im an animal...

    when is the last time you had a blood test?
    Here is the results for my last blood which was taken on 4/9/07.

    My free testosterone was 130.8 ng/dl compared to average range between 9-30 ng/dl.

    My total testosterone was 3190 ng/dl compared to average range between 240-950 ng/dl.

    I was on 500mg test enan-GaLENIKA a week for 6 weeks prior to these results.I still also have the paperwork with everything else they check for on an average blood test.I had to request for them to check my testosterone levels and pay extra for those.

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    Well to be honest I got to your stats without AAS.

    I haven't done nearly as much drugs as you'd like to think. I have completed 3 bulking cycles and 1 cycle for contests that I did last year. All low dose.

    Its mostly all heart bro. I don't jerk around and umm maybe eat a meal or maybe I'll train heavy today. Nope its every damn day I have a schedule I follow. I don't take weekends off to go party and drink. Friday nights I may be going in to do squats if that how my schedule falls then home to eating my meals

    The key to bodybuilding is diet, training and rest. It that order to. What do you think your body grows off of, simply injecting a hormone and maintaining a shit diet. I'm not talking water weight here that people get when they blow up 10lbs and mistake it for muscle, I'm talking LEAN BODY MASS.

    My thinking is less is more and to do as little as possible. If I can grow of x amount of drugs then thats what it is, if I can grow on 7 meals instead of 8 then thats what it is.

    Your thinking is totally messed up and speaks to your character more than you think. Its stupid, lazy, and there is no real reason to be doing what you are doing other than you have the characteristics of a drug addict. Are you that lazy that you can't go down to the diet section and get your diet in order, check your training, read books like Heavy Duty, watch training videos etc to get better and learn more than you thought possible.

    Get a hold of yourself cause I bet when you are older you'll wish you had listened. All you will do is just prevent you from going as far as you want to go with this type of abuse.
    Less is best!

    Brilliant post!

  11. #131
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    I have tried tren , and i fell like it had to be under dosed or mis-labeled by the ugl i get it from, because i didn't get any of the sides that everyone talks about. I only ran it once and it was more like eq to me than anything? I don't know why, cuz everything i've ever gotten from them has been great, but that stuff didn't do what everyone raves about tren? But i was also not experienced enough to be using tren at that point?

    "dirty d"

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