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  1. #41
    Mlowgun is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    it's funny you should mention that, because when we get on guys for fishing, they seem to take it personally and think we're out to get them or something. you hit the nail on the head. countless times guys have fished around, then post in the staff section a few months later that hey were scammed and ripped off. when we discourage guys from fishing it's for their own protection, and few even realize or appreciate it.
    Well, you see that this would not happen to be because for one, I was not fishing like you say I was, and two, I am not looking for an online source by saying help me strike conversation about steroids .. This must be something that you do not have the intelligence to figure out on your own, therefor I say it again. Maybe this time, you will understand, but probably not.

  2. #42
    Mlowgun is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyler View Post
    I'd say this is all about common sense. I am also new to this sight, but I have common sense. If someone i didn't know walked up to me in the gym or anywhere else and started asking about steroids , I would feel pretty threatened. They do not know me, so they shouldn't talk to me at all. If they are going to talk to me, it should be about something expected, like "hey man, can I work in" or "Dude, what do you do for your back? I can't get mine to grow" etc. They come up to me out of the blue and start asking me to discuss controlled substances and they are gonna feel pretty stupid pretty fast.
    This board is the same way. We are here to exchange information about alot of different things. Thats why there are so many boards to visit (lifting techniques, members cycle results, AR lounge, etc). We are all also aware that steroids are not considered taboo here, so people will discuss them a little more willingly. But just like the suspicious guy in the gym, if you suddenly start posting questions that look, sound, or seem wrong or off, people will respond to you accordingly. You can't dress like a cop and then give people crap for assuming you are one. As such, you can't post things that appear to be "fishing", or can possibly be mistaken for "fishing", and then get mad because people accuse you of fishing.

    While I understand what you are saying, it still pisses me off that they say I am fishing when that is not the case. I know my intentions.

    Ohh, and why would anyone ask you about steroids, U look like a little punk...

  3. #43
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mlowgun View Post
    ha ha, yeah it is funny that i have a life, and dont surround my entire life with this site; like you.
    There are a lot of us who do spend a good amount of time on here educating ourselfs ever if we are not running any gear or doing a cycle because it is part of our life, exercise, diet, good health and learning the proper way to run a cycle when/if we decide to.

    It should be a life style, not a fad like to many people make it. Those are the ones who have problems, abuse steroids , dont know how it will or should really effect them in the LONG run.

    There are many sites who are willing to sell you anything you are looking for but few who will educate you and wont just hand out bad advise. I ONLY use this site because of those reasons. Not for a source but for proper education. This site also promotes self education due to reading, searching and using your brain to make the decisions along with proper research that is best for you and you must be willing to accept the opinions of others if you ask a question. That does not mean you have to agree, only that you accept it is theirs.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mlowgun View Post
    While I understand what you are saying, it still pisses me off that they say I am fishing when that is not the case. I know my intentions.

    Ohh, and why would anyone ask you about steroids, U look like a little punk...
    You got to go bro.

  5. #45
    Mlowgun is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Your making yourself look foolish now...

    Buy is the name of a company, they sell supplements, show me where it says they sell steroids???
    why in the hell would it say sell steroids , you stupid shit. It says buy steroids , so you can buy them. And to all who say it doesn't even list steroids in the buy steroids tab, BS. It has very common and well known steroids, one for example, Dianabol .

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mlowgun View Post
    ha ha, yeah it is funny that i have a life, and dont surround my entire life with this site; like you.
    what you doing here then? your obviously ignorant to educational tools, pastimes and hobbies. why dont you just log out and not come back, nobody wants you on here.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mlowgun View Post
    why in the hell would it say sell steroids , you stupid shit. It says buy steroids , so you can buy them. And to all who say it doesn't even list steroids in the buy steroids tab, BS. It has very common and well known steroids, one for example, Dianabol.

  8. #48
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    rule: any post stating that you have a desire to find steroids and you are having trouble finding them. This rule is broken a lot, fishing here will not be tolerated.

    your post: I simply said, "I am having trouble coming across steroids"

    the fact that you can't even comprehend that you were fishing is astonishing.

    now if you wish to continue making feeble embarrassing posts before we ban you, knock yourself out. tomorrow I'll still be a member here and you will still be a clueless kid that can't find steroids . enjoy.

  9. #49
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    The funny thing is, you are trying to convince a Mod that they are wrong. A Mod who is extremely well respected here. A Mod who was chosen to enforce the rules of this site by the owners of this site.

    Good luck on your continuing inane rant about some thread that got deleted.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mlowgun View Post
    why in the hell would it say sell steroids, you stupid shit. It says buy steroids, so you can buy them. And to all who say it doesn't even list steroids in the buy steroids tab, BS. It has very common and well known steroids, one for example, Dianabol.
    the site above does not sell steroids . you fail, end thread.

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