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  1. #1
    tintinnabulatio is offline Junior Member
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    Exclamation Undescended testicles - am i more predisposed to problems?

    Hey everybody, i've been lurking this forum since 1 years ago when i was curious about trying an Anavar -only cycle, and since then i read more. And the more i read about AAS, the tougher the decision gets.

    I never did AAS before, i'm 24 years old and my main concern is the following:

    I remember in 5th class or something like that, i was diagnosed with undescended testicle or testicles, i was young and the whole memory of it is faded. I only remember when the nurses after a regular check at school called my dad to show him the issue, and after that i recieved an injectable treatment, was everything fixed up. (i guess it was HCG )

    Unfortunately i read around the Internet and it seems that people that have or had undescended testes are more prone to developing testicular cancer.

    Does any of you know if i'm pushing my chances thinking of trying steroids with this medical history, even if it was at a young age and was fixed quickly without surgery?

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    thauncle's Avatar
    thauncle is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tintinnabulatio View Post
    Hey everybody, i've been lurking this forum since 1 years ago when i was curious about trying an Anavar -only cycle, and since then i read more. And the more i read about AAS, the tougher the decision gets.

    I never did AAS before, i'm 24 years old and my main concern is the following:

    I remember in 5th class or something like that, i was diagnosed with undescended testicle or testicles, i was young and the whole memory of it is faded. I only remember when the nurses after a regular check at school called my dad to show him the issue, and after that i recieved an injectable treatment, was everything fixed up. (i guess it was HCG )

    Unfortunately i read around the Internet and it seems that people that have or had undescended testes are more prone to developing testicular cancer.

    Does any of you know if i'm pushing my chances thinking of trying steroids with this medical history, even if it was at a young age and was fixed quickly without surgery?

    Thanks in advance
    find out your med history first what issues you had and what they used to treat them.then post back here.its hard to say much without knowing the full story

  3. #3
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Regardless, of your childhood taken medicine (which would have no bearing on present gear taking), aas doesn't work or act on the body in a way that would affect any pre- or non-predisposed cancer odds. So you're safe on the note.

    What are your stats and cyle history?
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  4. #4
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    you will be fine.. there is no link between steroids and testicular cancer.. the only cancer link i have ever read about is prostate cancer due to the prostate being enlarged from high amounts of testosterone .. but even those studies were a stretch of the truth and mostly inconclusive.. STEROIDS ARE NOT BAD FOR YOU.... Look at Arnold the Governator.. he was a walking pin cushion and he still looks and feels fine today with no known health problems at the age of 63 as of the 30th of July.. soo take what you want from that

  5. #5
    Rando911 is offline Associate Member
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    I saw a pic of Arnold at the beach some time ago. I think the gov gets drug tested like the rest of us cause he looked like a fat roll gone wrong. Time to jump back on Arnold.

  6. #6
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic32 View Post
    Regardless, of your childhood taken medicine (which would have no bearing on present gear taking), aas doesn't work or act on the body in a way that would affect any pre- or non-predisposed cancer odds. So you're safe on the note.

    What are your stats and cyle history?
    Are you sure about that?

  7. #7
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    At 24 I'd wait another year before taking any steroids . You want your HPTA at full maturity and that does not happen until 25.

    Steroids do not act directly on the testes. The rise in test in the body from the steroids can have affects on the testes through chemical feedback (cessation or reduction in test production and/or shrinkage for example), but there is no direct influence on the testes. Consequently I cannot see how steroids could increase you risk of testicular cancer. Orals and liver cancer are the only real link I see being viable. Think about it like this: your liver filters your blood, which will have the 17aa compounds in it from oral steroids . This is tough on the liver. Your liver will repair itself, but the harder you push that process the greater risk you run of DNA replication errors, which could lead to unregulated cell division, or in layman's terms cancer. This is not what happens with your testes. The compounds never actually run through the testicular tissue, so I can't see how the affect could be the same as with the liver.

    The risk is more likely that in improper dosage and with bad PCT you run the risk of permanently causing natural test production to cease. It's more like what happens to people with Type II Diabetes. They run their pancreas so hard that it reaches a point where it simply can't or won't produce any more insulin , or insufficient insulin. Then they need insulin replacement therapy, just like some former steroid users need test replacement.

    However, you absolutely need to post whatever condition and treatment you received before.

  8. #8
    tintinnabulatio is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for all the posts guys, i didn't post anymore in this thread because first i need to find my old medical problems records (since this happened like 10-14 years before).

    The risk is more likely that in improper dosage and with bad PCT you run the risk of permanently causing natural test production to cease. It's more like what happens to people with Type II Diabetes. They run their pancreas so hard that it reaches a point where it simply can't or won't produce any more insulin, or insufficient insulin. Then they need insulin replacement therapy, just like some former steroid users need test replacement.
    Yes this is what i fear most, and this is what got me more interested in milder oral cycles (especially Turinabol ,athough i read that even turinabol can cause full shutdown in efficient doses). I'm not afraid of needles, but i'm afraid of androgenic effects of Test.

  9. #9
    D7M's Avatar
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    If everything else is in place (stats, sufficient amount of time training, knowledge of compounds used/PCT, sufficient understanding of diet and training), I see no problem with a 24 year old cycling.

    Anyway. Sure there is a small chance you might not recover even after one cycle.

    So, to be honest, if you're uneasy with any of the possible side effects of AAS, then you probably should hold off.

  10. #10
    FuzzyPeaches o.O's Avatar
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    if u ask u r fishing (%
    Quote Originally Posted by tintinnabulatio View Post
    Hey everybody, i've been lurking this forum since 1 years ago when i was curious about trying an Anavar -only cycle, and since then i read more. And the more i read about AAS, the tougher the decision gets.

    I never did AAS before, i'm 24 years old and my main concern is the following:

    I remember in 5th class or something like that, i was diagnosed with undescended testicle or testicles, i was young and the whole memory of it is faded. I only remember when the nurses after a regular check at school called my dad to show him the issue, and after that i recieved an injectable treatment, was everything fixed up. (i guess it was HCG )

    Unfortunately i read around the Internet and it seems that people that have or had undescended testes are more prone to developing testicular cancer.

    Does any of you know if i'm pushing my chances thinking of trying steroids with this medical history, even if it was at a young age and was fixed quickly without surgery?

    Thanks in advance
    The risk of complications from this condition "usually" arise because one of the following conditions is met.
    1 - The testie that did not descend is under-developed and needed to be removed and was not.
    2 - The testie was left in the abdomen region and that is when cancer becomes a real big issue.

  11. #11
    tintinnabulatio is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FuzzyPeaches o.O View Post
    The risk of complications from this condition "usually" arise because one of the following conditions is met.
    1 - The testie that did not descend is under-developed and needed to be removed and was not.
    2 - The testie was left in the abdomen region and that is when cancer becomes a real big issue.
    I don't think i match any of the criterias, none of my testicles seem to be undeveloped (at size,by touching, at least).

    Anyway. Sure there is a small chance you might not recover even after one cycle.
    I must admit this is my biggest concern and fear, the horror of not coming back properly after PCT and depending of test shots for the rest of my life since 24 years old... I know i'm exagerating, as Turinabol is a pretty mild compound, and on every forum i check there are dosens of people going on H-drol without any problems... hell, H-drol is even legal and sold freely (in USA at least).
    I wish there was a test to take in order to assure myself i'll be fine after PCT

  12. #12
    dec11's Avatar
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    im kinda thinking that would be a question for your doctor as none of us are doctors on here

  13. #13
    FuzzyPeaches o.O's Avatar
    FuzzyPeaches o.O is offline Senior Member
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    if u ask u r fishing (%
    As with anything in life you need to weigh risk to reward and make your decision accordingly..

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