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  1. #1
    younggunz21 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    19 yr old First Cycle (I want opinions)

    Yes I am going to do it. Start the ultimate debate about steroid usage in teens. I want all input from all levels of experience but I warn you that I am cocked, locked and loaded . Let me start by telling you a little bit about myself.

    I just turned 19. I am about 215 lbs and less than 10% body fat. My bench press is 405, my squat is 455 (ass to grass), and deadlift is 535. I have never used any form of AAS although I have done 1 pro-hormone (which I must admit did not yield very impressive results). I train extremely hard and smart. I own my own website for teen fitness and bodybuilding and have written 100's of pages worth of articles. My diet is on point and has been for 1-2 years. I have been training seriously and specifically for bodybuilding for 4 years now and have clearly gotten great results. I plan on doing my first show next year. I was going to wait until I was older before I did a show because I did not want to use steroids at a young age and there was no way that I was wasting all of this hard earned muscle dieting down for a natural show so that I could compete with a bunch of punk ass liars. Yes ladies and gentleman, a lot of those so called "Naturals" are saucin too. But then I hit 405 on a bench press naturally and reality struck. I thought "I am 215 and strong as hell for a natural 18 yr old (just turned 19 a couple weeks ago). Why not try to make it to the top of the game? So that has become my goal. To be the best. I have followed William Llewellyn, Bill Roberts, and Patrick Arnold's research, read almost every steroid book (including Endocrinology books from college course), and have picked the brains of some very intelligent bodybuilding and power lifting coaches for quite some time now. Enough about me though...

    The issue that I have is with some current steroid users. Now I completely agree that 99.99% of teens and even guys in their early 20's should not even consider using AAS for a while. Strictly because of reasons including but not limited to: Lack of Maturity, Little to No knowledge about Anabolics, no knowledge about diet or training, and possible stunting of growth. Now what a lot of you older guys need to understand before you go preaching is that their may be a few teens out there that are extremely knowledgeable, mature enough, work very hard, have tangible goals in mind and have obtained medical proof that their growth plates are sealed and are therefore done growing. Things that I see very often on these forums are foolish adults who think that they know everything and try to preach to intelligent young adults like myself. Here are a few things that bother me:

    - If you are on your 10th cycle and are taking 1 gram of test, stacked with 150 mg of Anadrol and you are only 220 lbs... You need to lay off the juice because either A) You are doing something wrong or B) Your genetics are terrible and you need to cut your losses. Get over the fact that you will not be Mr. Olympia in this lifetime.

    - If you are in your 20's and less than 185 lbs, claiming that you have been working out for 10 years and you are going to do your first cycle. I don't want to hear you telling me that I am not ready for AAS.

    - Do not tell me that I am going to mess with my body's natural hormone production because I am only 19. I am sorry my friend but if I am planning on doing well in competitive bodybuilding (which I am) I will have to be on HRT replacement later on in life whether I start at 19 or 25.

    - Do not tell someone that they are stupid and in your own post you can't even spell something like Nolvadex or Enanthate correctly.

    These are just a few things that I have to say on the topic. I hope that I do not tarnish my reputation on this forum but I felt that I needed to bring up the topic because it is a debate that I have wanted to participate in for quite sometime now. I respect all opinions and want input from all members. Bring it on guys!


    My first cycle will be 400 mg of test E a week split into 2 injections a week for 10 weeks, unless I am still seeing results which I will then bump to 12 weeks. I will be stacking it with 200 mg of equipoise (100 in each shot). Now I know that the equipoise is debatable simply because it is not a high enough dosage and will not be used long enough. Only reason I am using is because A) I got a good price on it B) I would like it for the increased ghrelin production and C) Because this is my first time using anabolics my androgen receptors should be very sensitive and I feel like 200 mg of equipoise will still give me some lean consistent gains and vascularity on top of the increased ghrelin production. I will be running Aromasin on cycle (25 mg eod) and I will actually include it in my post cycle because Aromasin is not only a suicide inhibitor but it is also an effective FSH and LH stimulator and can be used post cycle. I will continue to run the Sin at 25 mg eod for a couple weeks after my cycle along with proper dosages of Clomid. I shouldn't need more than those 2 drugs post cycle simply because my dosage is relatively low and because of my age my HPTA will recover very quickly.
    Last edited by younggunz21; 08-04-2010 at 11:44 PM.

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