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  1. #1
    ROADBLOCK2424 is offline New Member
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    Test Propionate and Winny?

    I have searched and can't find a post about cycling these two together!

    First, I am 35 years old. I am 5'8" and weight approximately 230 pds @ roughly 16% bf. I have been lifting for about 14 years. I am fairly happy with my physique and want a little information about this stack and cutting some bodyfat. I can get a hold of Test P and some oral winny. My friend says to run the Test P @ 100mg's twice a week for 6 weeks and the winny (30mg's) everday for twelve weeks.
    I am not looking to put on a lot of mass...maybe 5-10pds (if that) but I am more looking to help cut a little bit of bodyfat while keeping the muscle I do have. Now onto my questions.

    1. I understand that there are better stacks for "cutting" BUT Will this stack help with what I am trying to achieve?
    2. I understand oral winny is not the best choice due to liver toxicity, however, this is all I can get. How would I help control the toxicity? (I am still searching the forum).
    3. To me, the Test P @ 200mg's a week is really low, but would it be a waste?
    4. Would running winny @ 30mg's a day be optimal or should I run it at a higher dosage EOD?
    5. On average, what could I expect to see assuming my diet and cardio is in check?

    I will be lifting 5 days a week (Mon-Fri) with one heavy compound exercise at 5 or less reps followed by 3 exercises in a tri-set fashion at 10 reps or higher. I will follow this up with 20 minute cardio sessions (varying in intensity) each day. Once or twice a week I will be running with a weight sled...very intense HIIT type of style cardio.

    Bench Press 3 x 5 or less reps (ranging in the 75% to 95% of 1RM)

    Tri-Set: (90 seconds rest between sets)
    Inc DB Press 4 x 10
    Machin Press 4 x 10
    BS Push-ups 4 x 10

    Abs: Hanging Leg Raise 5 x max

    Cardio: 20 minutes elliptical or weight sled

    My diet will consist of roughly 6-7 small meals. I will focus on upping my protein intake while keeping my carbs just high enough to fuel my workouts with low fat.

    I appreciate any information you can give me, including where to find these answers, if this has already been asked.

    Thanks for your time.

  2. #2
    M302_Imola's Avatar
    M302_Imola is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Oh wow! Bro you need to a lot of research before you hop into AAS. Your "friend" doesn't know shit. For starters prop has a very short half-life and needs to be shot everyday or every other day. Oral winny at 30mg will do very little to nothing and running it more than 6 weeks would be really stupid as your liver is going to hate you. I realize this is your 1st post but you need to spend some much needed time researching on here long before you jump into cycle.

  3. #3
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    Your answers are in the diet forum. Diet and cardio are the answers to cutting.

    Cutting cycles are more for people already sub 12%bf.

    Winny's fat burning ability is exagerated by gym rats everywhere. Winny makes your muscles harder, other than its ability to reduce SHBG and increase free test hardening up when you're already at a low bodyfat is pretty much all winny is good for.

    In short without proper diet and cardio there is no shortcut

  4. #4
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    I agree with the fellas above. You're on the right track and I can tell you've done some homework, but you definitely need to spend some more recon time here in before you cycle.

    1. I understand that there are better stacks for "cutting" BUT Will this stack help with what I am trying to achieve?
    That's actually a pretty good combo. But like Scotty said, Winny is more of hardener, whereas Var is genuine cutter, and Tren has some cutting properties.

    2. I understand oral winny is not the best choice due to liver toxicity, however, this is all I can get. How would I help control the toxicity? (I am still searching the forum).
    Winny isn't a 4wk harsh compound (like Dbol and oral Tests) and can be safely run for 8wks, while some guys go longer, but there's nothing you can about the toxicity other than run a cleanser like MT or a detoxifier like Liv.

    3. To me, the Test P @ 200mg's a week is really low, but would it be a waste?
    Based on your expressed goal, yes it is very low, that’s a TRT dose. 350mg EW is the floor for solid anabolic results, but you should consider closer to 500mg EW (a basic dosage that will demonstrate what Test can do) for your inaugural cycle, then you can adjust up or down in accord with your baseline results and future goals.

    4. Would running winny @ 30mg's a day be optimal or should I run it at a higher dosage EOD?
    Not even close. 50mg ED is sound, but optimal Winny use is 100mg ED divided of course (50mg early & late) due to the short half life.

    5. On average, what could I expect to see assuming my diet and cardio is in check?
    That depends on the wholistic nature of your diet and cardio, which is why we recommend you visit the Diet and Workout forums. If your diet is decisively cutting (small, protein-based, well spaced, multi-meals that acknowledge overall caloric intake limits), and your cardio is cutting-oriented which is substantially more than the 20 mins you cited above, then you can expect improved definition and muscularity results. 20 mins, 4x a week is the base for human body operation - everybody should get that, not someone one a aas cutting regimen.

    You're headed in the right direction, just stay the course. Spending the time now to learn how to improve your cycle will pay exponential dividends later.
    Master Pai Mei of the White Lotus Clan

    My motto: SAFETY & RESPECT (for drugs and others).


    Difference between Drugs & Poisons

    Half-lives explained

    DNP like Chemotherapy, can be a useful poison, but both are still POISONS


  5. #5
    ROADBLOCK2424 is offline New Member
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    Well thanks fellas, I appreciate the insight. I will keep reading and researching. I do have another question though. Would running a test P only cycle, let's say minimum of 500 mg's/week help build some quality muscle? Most of the stacks I see combine two or more compounds and as I stated above, I am limited right now. Again, I am only looking to gain 5-10 pds of quality muscle. Thanks again...on to reading I go

  6. #6
    M302_Imola's Avatar
    M302_Imola is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ROADBLOCK2424 View Post
    Well thanks fellas, I appreciate the insight. I will keep reading and researching. I do have another question though. Would running a test P only cycle, let's say minimum of 500 mg's/week help build some quality muscle? Most of the stacks I see combine two or more compounds and as I stated above, I am limited right now. Again, I am only looking to gain 5-10 pds of quality muscle. Thanks again...on to reading I go
    Yes w/ proper rest, diet, and training a test prop cycle of around 500mg/week would yield some great gains (especially if it's your 1st cycle). I know for me I could gain 15-20 lbs off prop alone, as I know my body well enough to make tweeks in my diet to meet my goals.

  7. #7
    SAMS_DAD's Avatar
    SAMS_DAD is offline Junior Member
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    500mg of prop would yield some great results for a first time cycle as long as your diet and training is on point. Most would not run prop as a first cycle since you have to pin everyday or/ every other day. If you prefer to pin twice a week, you can switch from prop to test e at the same dosage per wk. Stick to one compound for your first cycle to see how your body reacts to aas.

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