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  1. #81
    Standby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dieseljimmy View Post
    Another theory... My wifes sex dive sucks- I guess that is relative ,so a best statement would be- her sex drive is far less then mine. If she told me that she wanted to try to have another baby I might consider take some steps to ensure that this did not happen quickly. So we could "try" for months. See where I am going with this. Just a thought.
    i know i liek to practice making babies. im sure every other guy does too

  2. #82
    vtach12's Avatar
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    Like MBM pointed out, what cycle is he doing? 1 injection every 2 weeks??? Sounds like he needs to fix his cycle plan. And his first one in 2009, 1 injection every week for just 8 weeks? That is not optimal either. HCG will help keep his testies working. But you would both be better off waiting for conception before he cycles.

  3. #83
    songdog's Avatar
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    There is no gear that I have ever heard of that you shoot once every 2 weeks.every other day maybe.Find out wat it is and read the profile section.You can post wat it is and we can tell you also.Good luck on the baby.

  4. #84
    floridachick is offline Banned
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    I will find out soon and update you all. thanks again for helping out!

  5. #85
    songdog's Avatar
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    Anytime glad to help

  6. #86
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Reading through most of this is sounds like you are a lot more ready for the baby than he is. Why the rush? Is it that hormonal clock?

    I agree with the people on HCG and it sounds like he needs to join the sight so he can get better educated himself. If he is not ready though then dont force it. It's best that both of you be ready and him saying yes just to avoid the consequences of a wife's wrath is not a yes you should be OK with if you are a good partner.

  7. #87
    nilrac is offline Member
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    I got my wife pregnant in the period between end of cycle and PCT. Just goes to show...

  8. #88
    nilrac is offline Member
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    p.s. You should get on the clomid yourself, it is after all a female fertility drug

    *Should add a disclaimer that anything I say on this forum shouldn't be taken as medical advice... see your GP
    Last edited by nilrac; 06-25-2011 at 07:24 AM.

  9. #89
    spywizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    There is no gear that I have ever heard of that you shoot once every 2 weeks.every other day maybe.Find out wat it is and read the profile section.You can post wat it is and we can tell you also.Good luck on the baby.
    drs prescribe test c every 2 weeks.. but i'm with you test e 2x week
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  10. #90
    nilrac is offline Member
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    The whole point of Sustanon was to have a testosterone injection you can have once monthly with all the different esters keeping the blood level up. I don't think it worked out that way though!

  11. #91
    floridachick is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Reading through most of this is sounds like you are a lot more ready for the baby than he is. Why the rush? Is it that hormonal clock?

    I agree with the people on HCG and it sounds like he needs to join the sight so he can get better educated himself. If he is not ready though then dont force it. It's best that both of you be ready and him saying yes just to avoid the consequences of a wife's wrath is not a yes you should be OK with if you are a good partner.
    No rush really, but our son its already almost 3 1/2 and i was hoping we wouldnt have them more then 4 years apart. i was actually hoping to have a baby this fall of 2011, to have the holidays off for maternity leave as i work holidays as a nurse. that is why we started trying in jan. we both really thought it would happen right away. now that it hasnt, im kinda over it all, but not really wanting to decrease our chances even more by him cycling. I asked him the other night if we could try for 3 more months, cause that we be around 8-9 months trying. before he did a cycle again. seems like when i asked him about it the other night, he said he would wait and keep trying. so i guess that is good news.

  12. #92
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    There are pros and cons to everything. Just remember to make the best out of whatever happens and dont worry about what doesn't happen. My life is FAR from what I though it would be 20 years ago but I dont spend any time thinking about what if or I should have? I have a daughter who is almost 18 and another who is almost 6. We MIGHT even have one more in the next couple of years although I will be in a nursing home by the time the 3rd graduates. LOL

    It seems people why TRY to have kids have the hardest time and the people who just dont car have no problem so stop worrying and start doing it for fun.....

  13. #93
    wmaousley's Avatar
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    I tried with my wife for 2 years and I was drug free before it happened. SO be patient

  14. #94
    floridachick is offline Banned
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    just to update this thread. I found out that what he wants to start is Testerone Enanthane 250mg/ml. he said you take 1 ml every week for 10 weeks. Sorry about the confusion before I had it all mixed up.

    I am still not pregnant. We are in the middle of month #7 trying right now. If I am not pregnant this month, the agreed to get the Sperm Test done and get checked. Either way, I told him he can still do his cycle. I have kinda moved on and am over it all. I am exercising again and trying to eat better. trying to work extra. just shifted my focus and the only thing I can see that will benefit ME from him doing the cycle is that he will want to have sex more often which may even help our chances. I am also going to look into him getting the HCG .

    Im just going to let life go along and let it go! thanks again everyone.

  15. #95
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    Good luck!
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  16. #96
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    Definatley use HCG during the cycle, and clomid for PCT. They both are good fertility agents.

  17. #97
    floridachick is offline Banned
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    another update to this thread...his sperm test came back 'close to normal'. count was good as well as motility. morph was a tad bit low but nothing to be too concerned about at this point. i think his count was 55 mil/ml.

    we are moving into cycle #8 trying and he is getting ready to start his cycle [most likely] on monday.

    he wants to do PCT now that I have talked with him about it and how much it helps. We both read the PCT thread in greath length. just still unsure of exactly what would be best for him. he now says he wants to start with 250mg test E week 1, then 500mg weeks 2-9, then finish up with 250mg week 10. he ideally wanted to do 250mg for 16-20 weeks. but with trying to conceieve he is trying to do not as long of a cycle.

    any suggestions as to what is best PCT regimen . and if he should use HCG during cycle, how much of it and how often. thanks

  18. #98
    Bulkn's Avatar
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    That cylce seems fine, really he would do 500mg for 10, no need to taper like that.
    HCG : 250iu 2-3 times a week up until PCT which starts 2 weeks after the last shot of test E.
    PCT: Im actually starting mine today, will be doing Nolvadex 40/20/20/20 and clomid 100/50/50/50 (4 weeks)
    Ive been running aromasin during cylce which prevents me from getting gyno, keeps my estrogen a little lower, im going to continue that thoughout pct.

  19. #99
    floridachick is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bulkn View Post
    That cylce seems fine, really he would do 500mg for 10, no need to taper like that.
    HCG : 250iu 2-3 times a week up until PCT which starts 2 weeks after the last shot of test E.
    PCT: Im actually starting mine today, will be doing Nolvadex 40/20/20/20 and clomid 100/50/50/50 (4 weeks)
    Ive been running aromasin during cylce which prevents me from getting gyno, keeps my estrogen a little lower, im going to continue that thoughout pct.
    what cycle are you on right now?

    ive seen people doing 500mg a week split up the dose though and do 250mg twice a week? is that better? or just 500mg once a week on the same day/time?

    ok so that is nolvadex 40mg week 1, 20mg weeks 2-4?? and clomid 100mg week 1 then 50 weeks 2-4?? that seems like alot. i thought hcg was done with PCT, but maybe not?

    since this is his first time ever doing pct, what side effects should he expect?

  20. #100
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    from what i remember you husband shouldnt use anything. He barley works out and doesnt eat properly

  21. #101
    Najeem is offline New Member
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    theres nothing wrong with having a roid-baby they come out jacked! (=

  22. #102
    jasc's Avatar
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    In all seriousness, is there any risk of birth defect when conceiving on cycle? I understand test is natural... but test at that level? And not talking about 3 arms or anything ridiculous.. but long term effects like hormone imbalances in the child or any deficiences/disorders?

  23. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    from what i remember you husband shouldnt use anything. He barley works out and doesnt eat properly
    This is exactly true! Your husband likes video games not eating properly and exercising. What a waste of $

  24. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    In all seriousness, is there any risk of birth defect when conceiving on cycle? I understand test is natural... but test at that level? And not talking about 3 arms or anything ridiculous.. but long term effects like hormone imbalances in the child or any deficiences/disorders?
    no there isnt a risk

  25. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    In all seriousness, is there any risk of birth defect when conceiving on cycle? I understand test is natural... but test at that level? And not talking about 3 arms or anything ridiculous.. but long term effects like hormone imbalances in the child or any deficiences/disorders?

    No. The only impact it would have would be on sperm quality, but Testosterone is not a teratogen.

  26. #106
    vtach12's Avatar
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    250 a week is too low. I wouldnt start with no less than 400 a week in two 200 shots. That would keep his blood serum levels more stable. But if he is not working out out, and not eating correctly I guess it really doesnt matter.

  27. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by floridachick View Post
    what cycle are you on right now?

    ive seen people doing 500mg a week split up the dose though and do 250mg twice a week? is that better? or just 500mg once a week on the same day/time?

    ok so that is nolvadex 40mg week 1, 20mg weeks 2-4?? and clomid 100mg week 1 then 50 weeks 2-4?? that seems like alot. i thought hcg was done with PCT, but maybe not?

    since this is his first time ever doing pct, what side effects should he expect?
    whats that got to do with you getting pregnant?

    i smell a kid trying to get cycle info here

  28. #108
    floridachick is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by vtach12 View Post
    250 a week is too low. I wouldnt start with no less than 400 a week in two 200 shots. That would keep his blood serum levels more stable. But if he is not working out out, and not eating correctly I guess it really doesnt matter.
    he is going to wait now until we get the correct pct in place and available. he is going to do 250 2X/week [mon and thurs] for a total of 500mg/week for 10 weeks. going to take HCG on cycle and do clomid and Nolva for PCT.

    He prob wont be starting now for another few weeks. and its planning on upping his workout time and frequency. he also plans on doing much more with his diet this time.

    so i think we are going in the right direction now.

    thanks again everyone.

  29. #109
    markdbg is offline Associate Member
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    If u read the whole thing dec ud see she is trying to help
    Her hubby as he's waited 7 months. And he has no education on AAS and she sees that so
    She's trying to help him out to run a smarter and safer cycle.

    One more thing tell him to take sum amiridex on cycle to control his estrogen levels under control. Don't want him growing breasts now do u? .25mg every 3 days should do the trick
    Last edited by markdbg; 09-04-2011 at 10:55 PM.

  30. #110
    floridachick is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by markdbg View Post
    If u read the whole thing ud see she is trying to help
    Her hubby as he's waited 7 months. And he has no education on AAS and she sees that so
    She's trying to help him out to run a smarter and safer cycle.
    thanks! this hit the nail on the head!

  31. #111
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by markdbg View Post
    If u read the whole thing ud see she is trying to help
    Her hubby as he's waited 7 months. And he has no education on AAS and she sees that so
    She's trying to help him out to run a smarter and safer cycle.
    or is a troll.

  32. #112
    floridachick is offline Banned
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    no , promise you that im not a troll.

  33. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by markdbg View Post
    If u read the whole thing dec ud see she is trying to help
    Her hubby as he's waited 7 months. And he has no education on AAS and she sees that so
    She's trying to help him out to run a smarter and safer cycle.

    One more thing tell him to take sum amiridex on cycle to control his estrogen levels under control. Don't want him growing breasts now do u? .25mg every 3 days should do the trick
    oh jesus, blinded by the pink username, are we?

  34. #114
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    If this is a kid trolling for cycle info I would be really suprized as they sure went to a hell of a lot of trouble to get it when they could have just googled beginner cycle.

    As far as the pink name causing a full fledged helpfest..yeah that's very true.

  35. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    If this is a kid trolling for cycle info I would be really suprized as they sure went to a hell of a lot of trouble to get it when they could have just googled beginner cycle.

    As far as the pink name causing a full fledged helpfest..yeah that's very true.
    nothing surprises me on here, i can see through this like a window

  36. #116
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    I gotta say you have smoked out the faker on many threads in the past, so I am sure not one to bet against you.

  37. #117
    Pete75 is offline New Member
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    Just a curious... What's the situation now? Did you were able to conceive??

  38. #118
    floridachick is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete75 View Post
    Just a curious... What's the situation now? Did you were able to conceive??
    We are still trying. Almost 10 months now. I have had some testing done and so has my husband and so far all normal. Im going to see another dr. this week to see if there is anything else we can do/rule out.

    My husband started his cycle beginning of oct. hes starting week 5 this week....of test E...been on HCG since week 2 of his cycle and on arimidex now for about 2 weeks. He will be on this cycle for a total of 12 weeks. and then will do pct of clomid and nolvadex .

  39. #119
    MR10X is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    After he quits the cycle he will have a rebound that will make him more potent. Test is also used to make guys more potent,thats one of its uses.My son got his wlfe pregnent with twins right after an 8 week cycle of test and Eq,they were trying to get pregnant while he was on the cycle but she didnt know he was on.He didnt use anything for pct,some drugs can mess up your sperm count.The same thing happened a year later but they werent trying at the time,it was an accident now they have identical twins boys and girl 1 year apart.She wasnt using any type of fertility drug either time.

    This is given to suppress sperm production in the hope that when medication is stopped (usually after 5-6 months), then the sperm production will "rebound " to higher levels than originally (testosterone rebound).
    Last edited by MR10X; 10-31-2011 at 02:06 PM.

  40. #120
    PetrX is offline Associate Member
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    Well if you want to get prego and your husband wants to go on a cycle even though it might hurt your chances of getting preggo, maybe he doesn't really want to have a kid?? Something to think about...but on the brighter side, just because someone is on a cycle doesn't mean that they can't get someone prego..

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