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  1. #41
    DGK is offline Member
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    Do i have veins in my butt??? No you dont thats the only part of your body that wont bleed if cut, stabbed, or shot etc...

  2. #42
    Christopher_UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    First of all M Drol is not illegal to buy or possess (the legality of selling it may be a problem, but it's everywhere on the internet). Now second of all oral only cycles suck. Mdrol has horrible side-effects one of which is how it affects your liver. Other is the back pumps, high blood pressure, lethargy, etc etc. Your boy who recommended it to you was a ****ing retard for saying it had no side-effects on him.

    Oral only cycles are dumb because you're going to lose almost everything you gained from it when you come off it. And they aren't worth the risks.

    Oh yeah and Mdrol shuts you down pretty badly.

    Research injectable steroids.
    Ok well that clears that up then, from what I've read on this forum today in the stickies and from what you guys have told me also I've now decided that if I am going to do this I should only use injectibles because it seems like they're the best method to use steroids . I found an article which explained to me how to inject, which is a brilliant article because it answered a lot of concerns and questions I had.
    Last edited by Christopher_UK; 08-04-2011 at 04:21 PM.

  3. #43
    Christopher_UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DGK View Post
    Do i have veins in my butt??? No you dont thats the only part of your body that wont bleed if cut, stabbed, or shot etc...
    Funny guy lol, I was being serious though mate, I didnt know if we did have veins in our bums or not and obviously dont want to kill my self with injecting in to a vein but I've been reading about Aspirate on another website where it says:

    "*Aspirate the syringe - pull back slightly on the plunger - you will see one of two things. (A). You will see a couple small air bubbles that when you stop applying pressure upward on the plunger will readily go back into the muscle or (B). Droplets of blood. (A) being the obviously favorable one. If there is blood you must pull out, switch needles and start over."
    P.S. I find it funny that you guys say butt
    Last edited by Christopher_UK; 08-04-2011 at 04:21 PM.

  4. #44
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher_UK View Post
    Funny guy lol, I was being serious though mate, I didnt know if we did have veins in our bums or not and obviously dont want to kill my self with injecting in to a vein but I've been reading about Aspirate on another website where it says:

    P.S. I find it funny that you guys say butt
    Nobody has ever died from accidentally hitting a vein.
    You'd have to really be trying to kill yourself in order to inject enough oil to cause a fatal embolism before realizing it.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    you don't look anything like a bodybuilder.

    I just wanted to show you guys two progress pictures of two back shots, "rear_double_biceps" and "rear_latt_spread" which I took 3 months ago at the end of a bulk and just before I started cutting, these are also on my profile now as well...maybe I dont look like a bodybuilder, but I'm trying my best to do just that.

    What do the rest of you think?

  6. #46
    deeznutts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Your guy is an idiot for recommending M Drol as a first cycle (or ever, really).

    It is still considered a legal designer steroid . It's side effects are harsher than just about anything else, especially the liver toxicity. It can only be run for a few weeks, because you'll fell like you're falling apart after maybe 3 weeks, so it doesn't even allow for much real improvement (mainly just a bunch of glycogen retention and rapid strength increase which you will quickly lose when you come off).
    Oh, and its really nice of your "source" to score you something that anyone with a credit card can buy on a supplement website and have shipped to their door in 3 days. lol
    Bonaparte is right, 1 of my buddies used & shut his liver down. He turned yellow & almost died. Ended up in hospital for 2 wks.

    Since you have some time before you start continue to reasearch & ask questions. If you do that for the next 3 months youll have more knowledge & will know what you want to run & for how long.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by DGK View Post
    Do i have veins in my butt??? No you dont thats the only part of your body that wont bleed if cut, stabbed, or shot etc...
    ok then, go into the kitchen and get yourself a knife and lets see the video. of course you'll bleed

  8. #48
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    ok then, go into the kitchen and get yourself a knife and lets see the video. of course you'll bleed
    I have a feeling he was being sarcastic... Very Dry tho
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  9. #49
    londog is offline Junior Member
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    none cut with cardio bro b smart read not saying ur stupid just dont seem educated on the subject read read read

  10. #50
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    Wow you guys are being a lot more patient than usual and a lot more than I would have been. He obviously isnt going to listen to anyone. He keeps finding what he wants to hear from other sites so I dont understand why he keeps coming back here asking for advice when he isnt listening and NO, you still dont look like a body builder and you still need to loose more body fat but what we say is obviously going in one ear and out the other.

    So what are you going with? The Deca ? That sounds like a good choice for you then you can come back asking why your d*ck doesnt work anymore soon but again, I'm sure you wont listen to anyone.

    Good luck and since the OTHER sites give you the information you are looking for; have fun.

  11. #51
    Christopher_UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Wow you guys are being a lot more patient than usual and a lot more than I would have been. He obviously isnt going to listen to anyone. He keeps finding what he wants to hear from other sites so I dont understand why he keeps coming back here asking for advice when he isnt listening and NO, you still dont look like a body builder and you still need to loose more body fat but what we say is obviously going in one ear and out the other.

    So what are you going with? The Deca ? That sounds like a good choice for you then you can come back asking why your d*ck doesnt work anymore soon but again, I'm sure you wont listen to anyone.

    Good luck and since the OTHER sites give you the information you are looking for; have fun.
    I dont get why you say I havent listened to anyone, I have taken the advice of the members from this site.

    I've been searching online for answers to questions and finding articles as a results which is why I've been searching elsewhere and then when I cant find answers I been coming this is steroid .com so surely the best place on the net to find advice on steroids .

    I think maybe you and others might have miss understood my wording/how I spoke earlier in this thread regarding my decision, the one bit in particular where I was trying to say that "I've made the decision to use" and even though I'm not going to use right now, I've still made the decision if you understand what I mean.

    Like when people I know want to get a tattoo I always say to them, think about it for a long time, like a year, because you might change your mind about getting a tattoo and also the type of tattoo you want, and once you got it, its for life, and you dont want to regret it.

    So thats what I did with steroids, I took my own advice, I've been thinking about steroids for well over a year now...I know a couple of people that didnt do any research, just found a source and just started using stuff like hgh and mdrol straight away with no knowledge about how to use or the possible side effects or anything. But I didnt do that, its been over a year and I've still been patient...and I've listened to the advice given on this website, I've been told to:

    1) Research as much as possible
    2) Learn about PCT and the different drugs available for post cycle therapy
    3) Learn about how to inject/what aspirate means and everything else to do with injecting
    4) Read the profiles section of the site to learn about the different steroids and then try and choose for myself whats best for me to cycle determined by my goals and weather or not I'm cutting or bulking.
    5) Read about the anti-estrogen and anything else I hear or see on this website.
    6) Also been learning what the different acronyms mean too like PCT, EOD etc

    And theres prob other stuff I haven't listed which I'm forgetting right now, but I'm going to write down as much as I can and keep notes so I dont forget because obviously I want to know as much as possible. I want to get myself into a position where I feel I have the correct knowledge so that I feel 100% confident I know everything I need to know before I use so I can do it in the safest way possible, maximise results and try to avoid as many side effects as I can with using the correct PCT.

    So I think the above sentances prove that I have been listening and taking in what others have been saying and that I am in fact willing to learn...I appologise if me using other websites/articles to research annoys you but I'm just doing my best to learn.

    Also regarding the two progress pictures I posted above, I know I'll sound like a girl coming across this way, but I find it quite harsh when people say "you dont look like a bodybuilder" even though I know I dont, and I class myself as fat, I've been fat all my life, but I thought for my last four years of hard work and dedication that maybe someone would have praised me for those pictures, I used to be a 24 stone fat guy man, and now I'm just above 18 stone and even though my back isnt proper defined I dont think I look like a normal person....I mean for example when I go to shops, or to my gym, or amongst my family and friends and during my normal daily life I usually am the biggest guy around...I hardly ever see someone taller or bigger then me and everyone always looks at me and comments on my size...I know I dont look as good as you guys and I want to be big and defined like you guys on this site in the future but unfortunetly I came into this game late...I only found bodybuilding 4 years ago and to be honest I didnt fall in love with bodybuilding until around 18 months ago.

    But when you guys say to me "you dont look like a bodybuilder" it sort of feels crap like your saying I look like crap and I'm nothing, which is true if I'm honest, right now I'm nothing, I'm nowhere, I've got a big mountain to climb and its going to be atleast another 2-3 years before I get to a respectable place...but would have just been nice to get some praise!

    Mean people! lol
    Last edited by Christopher_UK; 08-07-2011 at 06:53 AM.

  12. #52
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    ^^^ Good post Chris. Dont worry about it. And what everyone's perception on what a body builder is varies. Is it someone that works out to the pro's on stage.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by yungone501 View Post
    "so just goes to show ya"....

    Show us what? That some other guys at a gym have a completely different method then all the other hundreds of users here? Listen man, when you have a 1:30 ratio (other guys:us here) towards conflict on think the larger number is going to be wrong in their suggested advice?

    As gixxer said above, their methods may work and give results, yes. But our advice and methods are for those who would like to run gear safely, have a self regulated hpta after sgopping use, and who quite frankly care about themselves.
    ^^^ This...

    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i like how people always find some reason to justify their actions.
    I know someone who drove home drunk and got home ok. So it just goes to show you drunk driving isnt bad
    ^^^ And this... There are a ton of guys on juice gettin' large but have no fackin' idea what they're doing. Just because he's on steroids and he's big does NOT mean you should be taking this guy's advice in any way. Especially when they recommend you a winny/deca cycle...

    "Well I already read elsewhere that tablet form is not as effective because only 50% of it makes it through the digestive system." You really do need to read more because orals are insanely effective. If you're all freaked out about injecting, you're not ready. And for a first cycle, there are millions of forums and threads that suggest what it should consist of, so having to ask in a new thread is the first giveaway that you didn't research enough.

    As for mdrol, it IS a steroid , and a damn powerful one at that. Although from reading views on it from others they don't seem to like it too much but I have an opposing view. They are right, it's hard as fack on the liver and makes you feel pretty lethargic. It also gives me hypoglycemic episodes. Sides are shitty, but it definitely works. I would not recommend it for you though. Oral only cycles, if you would have researched, are not the way to go.

  14. #54
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    OK Christopher, I hope that is the case. Yes you have been doing a lot of reading but also believing to much and taking some bad advice from the wrong people, like you source. You talked about doing Deca and other compounds in other post. How about showing what you have learned by NOT trying to figure out what compound to use with what (stacking) and keeping it simple as suggested and is written in the beginner cycle notes at the top of the forum. When you do stick to a basic Test only cycle.

    You are not nearly out of shape like a lot of people who come here. You are still a little big to be running a cycle and risk more sides and water weight gains. It would be in your best interest to continue to learn to eat more healthy and stick with it a while longer. With age usually comes more patience so show a little more restraint and wait a while, keep educating yourself and start reading more in the diet section.

    Also try not to read a bunch on other forums and come here asking about what they say. We are like night and day compared to a lot of them out there. Most dont give a damn about health or the individual and only spout off about what the latest and greatest cycle is or stack and most of the time they are only parroting what someone else said, what they heard and have no experience.

    Good luck and sorry if I cam across to harsh.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    OK Christopher, I hope that is the case. Yes you have been doing a lot of reading but also believing to much and taking some bad advice from the wrong people, like you source. You talked about doing Deca and other compounds in other post. How about showing what you have learned by NOT trying to figure out what compound to use with what (stacking) and keeping it simple as suggested and is written in the beginner cycle notes at the top of the forum. When you do stick to a basic Test only cycle.

    You are not nearly out of shape like a lot of people who come here. You are still a little big to be running a cycle and risk more sides and water weight gains. It would be in your best interest to continue to learn to eat more healthy and stick with it a while longer. With age usually comes more patience so show a little more restraint and wait a while, keep educating yourself and start reading more in the diet section.

    Also try not to read a bunch on other forums and come here asking about what they say. We are like night and day compared to a lot of them out there. Most dont give a damn about health or the individual and only spout off about what the latest and greatest cycle is or stack and most of the time they are only parroting what someone else said, what they heard and have no experience.

    Good luck and sorry if I cam across to harsh.
    I see what your saying, and yeah I guess in the beggining I was coming across "rushing into the deep end too fast" and needed to slow down which I have now.

    Good advice, I appreciate it.

    I've changed my thinking a lot in last few days, to the point where now theres not even a date set for when am planning on using. I'm starting new job in november and plan on getting new place to live so got busy months ahead and so I can see me not using for atleast another 4-6 months and that gives me plenty of time to keep reading and learning.

    Am still learning about nutrition as well and am just hoping I can get to where I want to be within next 3-5 years.

    It's a good job I love working out anyways!

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    ^^^ Good post Chris. Dont worry about it. And what everyone's perception on what a body builder is varies. Is it someone that works out to the pro's on stage.
    Cheers, yeah I've always just considered anyone who lifts weights to be a bodybuilder because everyone has to start somewhere and as long as your trying to sculpture your body and chisel yourself out then I guess thats the right idea, I always liked arnolds mentality on that.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Devils Advocate View Post
    Well I guess bad choice of words when I said "just goes to show ya", didnt mean it like you guys are wrong with your cycling methods of 8 weeks on 2 weeks off etc, reload/deload...just I guess before I was going to gym, listening to everything he was telling me, then coming on these forums and listening to what you guys were telling me and then everything was conflicting but now I've just decided to use this forum as my only source of information.

  18. #58
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  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher_UK View Post
    Well I guess bad choice of words when I said "just goes to show ya", didnt mean it like you guys are wrong with your cycling methods of 8 weeks on 2 weeks off etc, reload/deload...just I guess before I was going to gym, listening to everything he was telling me, then coming on these forums and listening to what you guys were telling me and then everything was conflicting but now I've just decided to use this forum as my only source of information.
    Good choice, I know it's tough to know what is what at first. Once I found this site I dont even bother to go anywhere else anymore for over 3 years now.

    You will be impressed what you can do with a little diet knoledge. Again, dont try to do to much to fast. Keep it simple. First thing learn to eat 6x a day or more, 2nd learn what to eat and when.

    Here is some basic but important advice I took from one of the sticky notes.
    There are two ways to bulk: A clean bulk (slower, but leaner gains) and a dirty bulk (faster gains, more fat storage if metabolism isn’t fast) The main difference is that on a clean bulk, you NEVER eat carbs and fats together. Milk is bad for this reason. Eating carbs and fats together causes almost all of the fat to get stored instead of used for energy. Don’t eat carbs in your last 2 meals of the day because they get stored as fat while you sleep. Eat at least 40g protein with every meal, and make meals either protein /fat or protein /carb.

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher_UK View Post
    I see what your saying, and yeah I guess in the beggining I was coming across "rushing into the deep end too fast" and needed to slow down which I have now.

    Good advice, I appreciate it.

    I've changed my thinking a lot in last few days, to the point where now theres not even a date set for when am planning on using. I'm starting new job in november and plan on getting new place to live so got busy months ahead and so I can see me not using for atleast another 4-6 months and that gives me plenty of time to keep reading and learning.

    Good idea, use that time to dial in your diet and training to create a better enviroment for your gear to work in when you are finally ready

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
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    Great place to start researching !

  21. #61
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    Bonaparte already covered the most important point that negates the rest of this discussion. You need to have a full understanding of steroid usage and all its variable before using them.

    I have always compared this to driving a alky dragster or a formula one car. Would you come on to a website and ask a few questions and think you were ready to go? There is far to much you need to know to just ask a few questions and run with it, this is where all the "I got gyno" "my shoulder is red and swollen" "my endo says I have the test levels of a 12 yr old girl" " I can not get an erection" etc. threads come from.

  22. #62
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    Just thought I'd drop in and say Hi as seen as your only a stones throw away from me Chris.

    Entertaining thread, at least your ready to learn and know that diet is important, post your regular diet up and let us sort it out for you, i bet you will be amazed with the results, and get you to your goAL in record time. :-)

  23. #63
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    i think the comments that you dont look as if you train are a bit harsh tbh. as the guys are telling you, get diet etc all dialled in

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