Hey guys, I finished my last cycle in January and I'm looking to jump on another cycle this winter. Well I'm planning on starting tomorrow and I'm going to pick up my stuff tonight. My first cycle was Test E @ 500mg/week for 12 weeks and now I'm looking to lean bulk again. I gained 23 lbs on my first cycle and kept about 15-18lbs.

So what do you guys think about this as my 2nd cycle:
1-12 Test E 500mg/week
1-6 DBOL 40-50mg/ed
8-14 VAR 60-80mg/Ed

I definitely will want to take an AI to prevent bloat and possibility of gyno. Do you guys suggest arimidex or aromasin ? I have some aromasin left over from my previous cycle and it worked really well.

23 years old, 6'0, 190lbs