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Thread: Resveratrol

  1. #1
    getfit28's Avatar
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    Not sure if I should post this on this forum..
    Anyhow,,,, have any of you heard of this product Resveratrol?
    I was told this is a very good supplement and could be just like taking Anvar, can this be true?
    Have any of you guys used this stuff?

  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    I've been taking resveratrol for years. purchased a kilo of 40% pure powder years ago for something like $600. Split it up with some of my mates. Still have some in my frig right now, and still take it every day.

    it is a heavily promoted by a group of similarly interested individuals known as "life extenders" (present company included)

    PM me if you want the 411 on this

    but yes, highly recommend this product

  3. #3
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    ^ AGREE! and I have used for years as well, but never found the powder.

    saw it in a scientific research, than goggled the eff outta it and was utterly sold on it.
    But I have no idea about the Anavar like effect you’re talking about...

  4. #4
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    Very interesting, def. on my fri night reading

  5. #5
    magic32's Avatar
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    As they said it's essentially a potent antioxidant (kills oxidixing free radicals and thus extends cellular life cycles). It also has a reputation for improving circulation to extremities...which is a Var property, else there's no resemblance.
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  6. #6
    Stickman123 is offline Junior Member
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    Resvertrol is the "good stuff" in red wine. A powerful antioxidant that some beleive could prevent cancer and other disease. I can't see how it has any anabolic propeties though. You might as well take garlic or cumin powder, which are similar to resvertrol in thier anti-inflamitory/antioxidant propeties.

  7. #7
    cb714's Avatar
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    Resvertrol is a very good anti oxidant. Studies link it with the French having lower incidents of heart disease compared to the rest of the world. I'd recommend taking it just for health reasons alone but I don't see how you can compare it to Anavar . They are two completely separate things and have entirely different functions in the body.

  8. #8
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    I have a few minutes, so let me continue my thought process from before...

    Scientific studies have proven that taking resveratrol extends the life span in mice by as much as 30%.
    Much study has been conducted, and the data has been validated, that by putting field mice and other mammals on a caloric restricted diet, forcing the body to go into starvation or self preservation mode, then the overall life span is typically extended 30%. Resveratrol is said to mimic this effect in mammals, but with out restricting calories. In fact, overfed field mice with excessive amounts of body fat, given resveratrol, still expect an increase in life span of 30%. There are many in the scientific community that not only take resveratrol themselves, but also say the evidence very strongly suggests that what is good for one mammal (field mice) will be good enough for other mammals (humans). The data is confirmed for field mice, since one generation = just a few weeks. But the data is NOT in for humans since one generation = 25 years or so, so it will take a few human generations to have conclusive data. I say why wait?
    There are many other health benefits associated with resveratrol, you can google yourself to find out.
    You can buy bulk resveratrol. Yes it is expensive. But the cost per day is pennies, compared to capsules which can run you a dollar a day or more.
    If you are interested in where i purchased my bulk resveratrol, PM me.

    The problem with thinking you are going to get enough resveratrol by drinking red wine is this. Resveratrol is an agent in grape skin that helps fight off fungus. But with the availability of modern fungacides, the potency of resveratrol is being genetically evolved out. so that now, the amount of resveratrol found in grape skin is something like only 5% of what it was 50 years ago. so the sad truth is you will not get enough resveratrol by drinking red wine.

  9. #9
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    by the way, the consuming of resveratrol, from a weight lifting standpoint, provides no benefit what so ever. it does nothing to promote muscular growth. this is to answer op's question if it has any similarities with anavar .

  10. #10
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Scientific studies have proven that taking resveratrol extends the life span in mice by as much as 30%.
    Much study has been conducted, and the data has been validated, that by putting field mice and other mammals on a caloric restricted diet , forcing the body to go into starvation or self preservation mode, then the overall life span is typically extended 30%. Resveratrol is said to mimic this effect in mammals, but with out restricting calories. In fact, overfed field mice with excessive amounts of body fat, given resveratrol, still expect an increase in life span of 30%. There are many in the scientific community that not only take resveratrol themselves, but also say the evidence very strongly suggests that what is good for one mammal (field mice) will be good enough for other mammals (humans). The data is confirmed for field mice, since one generation = just a few weeks. But the data is NOT in for humans since one generation = 25 years or so, so it will take a few human generations to have conclusive data. I say why wait?

    How funny! I know exactly what your referring too ~The mouse research was the one that I found first and was what got me interested lol,
    and the capsules are expensive ...and hard to find. Sam/a club sells the powdered form but it is pricey

  11. #11
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    ^ Know anything about the life extension institute? there are a variety of articles that dovetail quite nicely with the overall goals of this board. That being optimizing health, and improving quality of life into the later years.

  12. #12
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    by the way, the consuming of resveratrol, from a weight lifting standpoint, provides no benefit what so ever. it does nothing to promote muscular growth. this is to answer op's question if it has any similarities with anavar.
    Very true - It should prob even be mentioned that there is evidence that it is an anti androgen - which would very much be contradicotory to muscle building and for our purposes detrimental. I know this is Swiftos postiion (unless it has changed) and he has posted data /study supporting it. Personally i get plenty of antioxidants in other forms....

  13. #13
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    ^ Know anything about the life extension institute? there are a variety of articles that dovetail quite nicely with the overall goals of this board. That being optimizing health, and improving quality of life into the later years.
    nope, I have not...
    seen, read many diff things about fasting/juicing/veggie diets and the huge poss effects on health.
    My fav one is recent and has me thinking of seriously trying veggie diet/fast for several months...they found that the arteries esp. in heart can not only stop deterioration/plaque build up , but REVERSE all damage ever done~ this was huge for me to see cuz I used to build stents for cardiac artery collapse surgery and I was blown away by this research!

    I’d love to know more about the Life extension stuff if you feel like PM me some info/links? {I love learning about anything new that can lead to positive results}

  14. #14
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    I meant the Life Extension Foundation. You can sign up and get a free magazine subscription.

    some interesting reading from Wiki:

    The cornerstone of the Life Extension movement is the idea that aging is a disease, and therefore, treatable. This flies in the face of the AMA the FDA where they want to think of the aging process, not death itself, as inevitable. We already know this not to be true, since exercising at an advanced age can maintain bone density, prevent muscular atrophy, and a variety of other symptoms typically thought of as unavoidable due to aging.

    Here is the immortality institute:

    interesting article on resveratrol and aging:

  15. #15
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    the Life Extension Manual

    this is an interesting read as well. Talks about the effects of Deprenyl on the aging brain, HGH, DHEA, the loss of insulin sensitivity, melatonin, and a variety of other things worth reading about. it's a damn good read.

  16. #16
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    We may even wish to consider a subforum on living well into the later years. We could call it something like

    anti-aging, or
    LIfe Extension

    It could attract others in my age bracket that are really into this sort of thing?

    Just a thought

    btw... the anti aging industry is a huge mega multi-billion dollar market that is gaining popularity and is already mainstream.

  17. #17
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    OK, i see it is already lumped in with another thread, including other things like alternative medicine, etc.....

    One idea is to break it out and have it seperate from those other elements, raising it's visability?

  18. #18
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    ^ checked them out..nice to see that it confirmsa lot of what I already have read/know but dives a lill deeper into this stuff... THANS FOR THE LINKS!

  19. #19
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Very true - It should prob even be mentioned that there is evidence that it is an anti androgen - which would very much be contradicotory to muscle building and for our purposes detrimental. I know this is Swiftos postiion (unless it has changed) and he has posted data /study supporting it. Personally i get plenty of antioxidants in other forms....
    It still is my position.

    Although it has lots of positive effects, its still an anti-androgen, so choose when you use it wisely.

    During PCT, definitely not.

    There are plenty of other sources of anti-oxidents from food, vitamins, other than Resveratrol.

    It is also not very bioavailable, post ingestion.

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