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  1. #1
    Coolhand5599 is offline Member
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    Best combo to build without crazy diet?

    What is the best combo to build muscle without crazy diet? I eat well not a lot of junk food, no soda water only. But I really have no desire to be on a crazy diet. I have on problem with a shake or handful of nuts every hour or two. But I really do not have a lifestyle that will allow me to be on a strict diet and I really don't want to. I know I will not maximize my gains without diet and I am ok with that.

  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Well if you aren`t dedicated enough to be on a diet you really shouldn`t mess with steroids . Give us some stats, and cycle history.

  3. #3
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Well if you aren`t dedicated enough to be on a diet you really shouldn`t mess with steroids. Give us some stats, and cycle history.
    And you wont gain anything without a ''crazy'' diet either

  4. #4
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    you dont have to be on a "crazy diet" but you have to eat enough to grow. Or it wont help. Whats your current diet like
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  5. #5
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Feeling like a broken record here...

    ....the diet is the cornerstone to the weightlifting/bodybuilding program.

    that's like saying you want to be a really good boxer, but don't think it necessary to work on your left jab, because you think you'll just knock em out in the first round.

    doesn't work like that mate!

    So please do a rethink, and come back when your head is right


  6. #6
    Coolhand5599 is offline Member
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    8 am syntha 6 shake, workout, 9:30 post workout shake, 11:30 handfull of mixed nuts, 12:30 grilled chick sandwich or six in sub with wheat. 2:00 ISO 100 shake, 3:30 whey shot and hand full of nuts, 5:00 iso 100 shake 6:30 home cooked meal meat and veg. No carb no butter.

    This is a typical day. I do not mind a diet just nothing crazy

    I am 40 yro 5' 9" 190 lbs 24% bf and dropping
    Last edited by Coolhand5599; 01-29-2012 at 10:54 AM.

  7. #7
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    well 3 shakes and a whey shot with only 2 meals is not going to get you any place. Def dont consider steroids with that.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  8. #8
    DanB is offline Banned
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    congrads on the progress dropping the b/f but can i ask you, why so many shakes? if your lifestyle/work etc dosnt allow much time to prepare meals then mabey you should consider preparing your meals night before and putting them in containers and bringing them with you? it only takes 2 mins to eat so only slightly longer than drinking a shake, it will fill you for longer because looking at your diet i reckon you must feel starving all day, shakes dont satisify my hunger at all, you will save money and it may even make you feel better in general due to better energy levels, something i think you should definately consider

  9. #9
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    time for a little reality.

    most of us train really hard here, with a big focus on diet.

    no short cuts. can't hit the weights a little, then eat like everyone else, and then expect to take steroids and make a big difference.

    and 95% of us are pretty serious about what we do.

    What i am trying to say, is that if you want something in life, sometimes you gotta sacrafice, and be disciplined in your approach if you want to realize your goals.

    This is definately true with weightlifting.

    So take some time, reassess your goals, then balance those goals with the rigors that are required to obtain those goals.

    Then when you ready to dedicate, come back and tell us what you want to do.

    Fair enough?


  10. #10
    redz's Avatar
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    I count 4 shakes in there, you need to feed you self some more real foods.

  11. #11
    felk87 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coolhand5599
    8 am syntha 6 shake, workout, 9:30 post workout shake, 11:30 handfull of mixed nuts, 12:30 grilled chick sandwich or six in sub with wheat. 2:00 ISO 100 shake, 3:30 whey shot and hand full of nuts, 5:00 iso 100 shake 6:30 home cooked meal meat and veg. No carb no butter.

    This is a typical day. I do not mind a diet just nothing crazy

    I am 40 yro 5' 9" 190 lbs 24% bf and dropping
    You dont need aas anytime soon, instead yiu shoukd actually focus more on your diet than you think. 1st your bf is way to hight to even consider aas in the near future, second all those shakes you take are a waste imo, the body can only breakdown so many proteins every hour so your wasting protein and also not eating right, as if you had whole food your body can use all the nutrients plus digest these slower thus making the protein synthesis more effective. Also you say no carbs and no butter, well my friend you need to start everything from scratch again...carbs are a building block of muscle with out them all your doing is using your already built muscles and sacrificing them to exersize with out any stored energy. So please go to the nutrition section let them help you, drop your bf% to around 13-15% and if you still desire to use aas come back to this section and these guys will help you out. But its better to get your diet and bf in check before anything, then after think about compounds....good luck.

  12. #12
    Coolhand5599 is offline Member
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    I never feel hungry. I guess I thought this was decent. Like I said I don't mind changing but I don't want anything crazy. Please give some suggestions

  13. #13
    redz's Avatar
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    Cook up some seasoned chicken breasts and eat them throughout the day.

  14. #14
    Dr. R.'s Avatar
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    Could you better define your definition of crazy?

    Your diet does not have to be "crazy," but as everyone else has said, without a good stable diet you will get very little results.

    You stated you don't have a lifestyle to allow you to eat better, but in reality I do not believe this is an excuse. In about 30-45 minutes you can grill up enough chicken for a good 3-5 days, depending on how much you need to eat and/or your grill size or what have you. Most people don't realize how easy it actually is to prepare food in advance.

    Just my opinion on the matter.

  15. #15
    stpete is offline Banned
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    I try to help you w/a trainer at a top gym in the world and you turn it down. Now i see this and i know you aren't ready for the gym period. Let alone any aas. I know the area you live and that's no excuse not to make it to the gym.
    Just get a treadmill and do some cardio and sit ups. That works for a lot of people too.

  16. #16
    acidking's Avatar
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    i can tell you one thing OP, if you have in mind what may be deemed a controversial topic to the hype, anybody you ask will only take pleasure of trying to change your opinion and influence your decisions whether they're sure of what they're talking about or not.

  17. #17
    Coolhand5599 is offline Member
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    If I eat all day the way you guys talk about I am miserable, I feel so full all the time. I work out 4 to 5 times a week for an hour and half each time with an hour weights and 30 min cardio. My Dr. Put me on HGH and test for medical reasons. I thought I would take advantage of this by starting to work out again. I have lost 35 lbs in four months and I am looking better. But I do not want to get huge. I just want to build lean muscle. I would like to bulk my arms just a bit but again, not huge.

    So what would I need to change to make things a little easier? I can cook chicken and eat more that's not a problem. I thoughts the shakes were good for me.

  18. #18
    acidking's Avatar
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    syntha 6 has just 14g of carbs per 44g, that's not enough to go to workout on after you just woke up, you'd need more, about 80g for your stats, otherwise you risk burning lean mass. Try bump your post-workout cardio to 1 hour if you can (low-medium intensity) ... and why do you have so many shakes anyway? I only use whey and casein to up my protein intake.

  19. #19
    Coolhand5599 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by acidking View Post
    syntha 6 has just 14g of carbs per 44g, that's not enough to go to workout on after you just woke up, you'd need more, about 80g for your stats, otherwise you risk burning lean mass. Try bump your post-workout cardio to 1 hour if you can (low-medium intensity) ... and why do you have so many shakes anyway? I only use whey and casein to up my protein intake.
    Thank you, it only took 18 post to get some advice without ridicule. I drink a lot of shakes because I like them and I was told they were good for me. I was told to try to get 200 g of protein a day. And it is hard to do that with food. I get way to full. I am willing to change my diet, I just need help. I just don't want to do anything extreme like some of you. I hate canned tuna. Other than chicken or eggs, what are good foods for protine?
    Last edited by Coolhand5599; 01-29-2012 at 02:46 PM.

  20. #20
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    you were being ridiculed. We are not children here, please dont be so dramatic.

    You best bet is to forget a cycle.
    goto the nutrition forum and read the stickies and make yourself a diet you think you will follow. And then post it for some help and adjustments
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  21. #21
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    You stated your Dr just put you on HGH and Test. If that's true why are you asking cycle questions and wondering what types of steroids to use?

  22. #22
    Coolhand5599 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy View Post
    You stated your Dr just put you on HGH and Test. If that's true why are you asking cycle questions and wondering what types of steroids to use?
    Because I thought I would add a boost to it. And make things move faster. I have more money than time. And if I can spend a few bucks to speed things up I am wiling to do so.

  23. #23
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    At the risk of making it sound like an echo in here. If you want to add a boost to it and get things moving faster. Completely revamp your diet, with Dr Prescribed test and GH you should be able to make tremendous progress if you change the way you eat and add in some cardio.

  24. #24
    acidking's Avatar
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    You can get your 200g protein with whey isolate shakes, not complex shakes like syntha, of the 44g there's 6g of fat, and sodium and stuff you don't need or already getting from food (no wonder you like them). Watch out for salt, and sugers, try not to have any sugars during the day (some sugars post workout are recommended though), cut out bread completely if possible. It's just a matter of introducing some guidelines to your lifestyle and it'll soon become a habit.

  25. #25
    Coolhand5599 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by acidking View Post
    You can get your 200g protein with whey isolate shakes, not complex shakes like syntha, of the 44g there's 6g of fat, and sodium and stuff you don't need or already getting from food (no wonder you like them). Watch out for salt, and sugers, try not to have any sugars during the day (some sugars post workout are recommended though), cut out bread completely if possible. It's just a matter of introducing some guidelines to your lifestyle and it'll soon become a habit.
    Can you make some suggestions? Keeping on mind I hate fish, what kind of other foods should I eat? Could you give me a sample diet that would nt be to extreme?

  26. #26
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coolhand5599 View Post
    8 am syntha 6 shake, workout, 9:30 post workout shake, 11:30 handfull of mixed nuts, 12:30 grilled chick sandwich or six in sub with wheat. 2:00 ISO 100 shake, 3:30 whey shot and hand full of nuts, 5:00 iso 100 shake 6:30 home cooked meal meat and veg. No carb no butter.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coolhand5599 View Post
    If I eat all day the way you guys talk about
    You eat NOTHING like the way we talk about. There's 2 meals there for the whole day! You have received some good diet advice here & you receive much more if you start a thread in the nutrition section. If you dont do this the right way, you will most likely end up severely discouraged by the end of this cycle & probably quit all together, I would like to see you succeed & make the transformation you desire, so lets forget about the cycle for now & get that diet tuned in eh?

  27. #27
    Coolhand5599 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    You eat NOTHING like the way we talk about. There's 2 meals there for the whole day! You have received some good diet advice here & you receive much more if you start a thread in the nutrition section. If you dont do this the right way, you will most likely end up severely discouraged by the end of this cycle & probably quit all together, I would like to see you succeed & make the transformation you desire, so lets forget about the cycle for now & get that diet tuned in eh?
    Will do

  28. #28
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coolhand5599 View Post
    Can you make some suggestions? Keeping on mind I hate fish, what kind of other foods should I eat? Could you give me a sample diet that would nt be to extreme?
    i gave you good advice. Take the time and learn and do it right. You are expecting someone else to write you a diet from scratch and around the meals you dont like?
    Go learn and right your self a diet. And we will help with adjustments
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  29. #29
    acidking's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coolhand5599 View Post
    Can you make some suggestions? Keeping on mind I hate fish, what kind of other foods should I eat? Could you give me a sample diet that would nt be to extreme?
    Others on this forum wouldn't advise you to take any nutrition advice from me ... but to be realistic, grilled chicken breast, try not to have cooked foods, which means avoid oil, have healthy fats, nuts you're having are full of them, have fish oil and flax seed oil. Learn to eat what you need and when you need as per the course of the day. I am not going to give you a diet such as "have whey on 8:43am, have chicken breast on 1:48pm ...", it's not clockwork, just learn the guidelines of a healthy nutrition and live by them, make them part of your principles.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    If you dont do this the right way, you will most likely end up severely discouraged by the end of this cycle & probably quit all together
    and you may even get BANNED
    Last edited by acidking; 01-29-2012 at 03:44 PM.

  30. #30
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Get banned for not having your diet tuned in before you cycle????

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by acidking View Post
    Others on this forum wouldn't advise you to take any nutrition advice from meAfter reading your posts you can add me to that list. ... but to be realistic, grilled chicken breast, try not to have cooked foods,Why would he want to avoid cooked foods? Please explain? which means avoid oil,Avoid oil? have healthy fats,So avoid nut oils cause they are bad but eat nuts?--> nuts you're having are full of them, have fish oil and flax seed oilHave Oil?. Learn to eat what you need and when you need as per the course of the day. I am not going to give you a diet such as "have whey on 8:43am, have chicken breast on 1:48pm ...", it's not clockwork, just learn the guidelines of a healthy nutrition and live by them, make them part of your principles.

    and you may even get BANNED
    Also per your earlier post, sugar PWO is not recommended by many these days and unless he has blood pressure issues there is no need to avoid sodium.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    Get banned for not having your diet tuned in before you cycle????
    just tryin' to scare OP to push him to do more research.

  33. #33
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    FireGuy, standard cooking oil is pure fat, but if you insist on cooking there are other alternatives such as omega oil made for cooking. And about nuts, I said fats in nuts are unsaturated or monosaturated, which are good fats, like those in flax and fish oil.

    And about sodium and salt, they're also a cause of obesity, no different from sugars and saturated fats.
    Last edited by acidking; 01-29-2012 at 03:59 PM.

  34. #34
    felk87 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by acidking
    FireGuy, standard cooking oil is pure fat, but if you insist on cooking there are other alternatives such as omega oil made for cooking. And about nuts, I said fats in nuts are unsaturated or monosaturated, which are good fats, like those in flax and fish oil.

    And about sodium and salt, they're also a cause of obesity, no different from sugars and saturated fats.
    Bro your advise is kind off ridiculous, half of your diet tips dont make sense...please let the vets advice him, as they actually know what they are talking about.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by felk87 View Post
    Bro your advise is kind off ridiculous, half of your diet tips dont make sense...please let the vets advice him, as they actually know what they are talking about.
    the vets? the vets are just like you bro, you all are bashing OP against the fence for asking for advice, on top of being ridiculed he's also not getting any advice, and you call my advice ridiculous? ... seriously bro go f*** a donkey. At least I tried I even went and looked into nutrition values of supps he's taking, what have you and the vets done? ... The mentality on these forums are beyond ridiculous.

  36. #36
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by acidking View Post
    the vets? the vets are just like you bro, you all are bashing OP against the fence for asking for advice, on top of being ridiculed he's also not getting any advice, and you call my advice ridiculous? ... seriously bro go f*** a donkey. At least I tried I even went and looked into nutrition values of supps he's taking, what have you and the vets done? ... The mentality on these forums are beyond ridiculous.
    Looks to me like the OP received an abundance of good advice from the Vets as well as everyone else here with applicable knowledge..........
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    you dont have to be on a "crazy diet" but you have to eat enough to grow. Or it wont help. Whats your current diet like
    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    congrads on the progress dropping the b/f but can i ask you, why so many shakes? if your lifestyle/work etc dosnt allow much time to prepare meals then mabey you should consider preparing your meals night before and putting them in containers and bringing them with you? it only takes 2 mins to eat so only slightly longer than drinking a shake, it will fill you for longer because looking at your diet i reckon you must feel starving all day, shakes dont satisify my hunger at all, you will save money and it may even make you feel better in general due to better energy levels, something i think you should definately consider
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post

    time for a little reality.

    most of us train really hard here, with a big focus on diet.

    no short cuts. can't hit the weights a little, then eat like everyone else, and then expect to take steroids and make a big difference.

    and 95% of us are pretty serious about what we do.

    What i am trying to say, is that if you want something in life, sometimes you gotta sacrafice, and be disciplined in your approach if you want to realize your goals.

    This is definately true with weightlifting.

    So take some time, reassess your goals, then balance those goals with the rigors that are required to obtain those goals.

    Then when you ready to dedicate, come back and tell us what you want to do.

    Fair enough?

    Quote Originally Posted by felk87 View Post
    You dont need aas anytime soon, instead yiu shoukd actually focus more on your diet than you think. 1st your bf is way to hight to even consider aas in the near future, second all those shakes you take are a waste imo, the body can only breakdown so many proteins every hour so your wasting protein and also not eating right, as if you had whole food your body can use all the nutrients plus digest these slower thus making the protein synthesis more effective. Also you say no carbs and no butter, well my friend you need to start everything from scratch again...carbs are a building block of muscle with out them all your doing is using your already built muscles and sacrificing them to exersize with out any stored energy. So please go to the nutrition section let them help you, drop your bf% to around 13-15% and if you still desire to use aas come back to this section and these guys will help you out. But its better to get your diet and bf in check before anything, then after think about compounds....good luck.
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Cook up some seasoned chicken breasts and eat them throughout the day.
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    you were being ridiculed. We are not children here, please dont be so dramatic.

    You best bet is to forget a cycle.
    goto the nutrition forum and read the stickies and make yourself a diet you think you will follow. And then post it for some help and adjustments
    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy View Post
    At the risk of making it sound like an echo in here. If you want to add a boost to it and get things moving faster. Completely revamp your diet, with Dr Prescribed test and GH you should be able to make tremendous progress if you change the way you eat and add in some cardio.

  37. #37
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    that's not advice, that's called being 'vague'.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by acidking View Post
    FireGuy, standard cooking oil is pure fat, but if you insist on cooking there are other alternatives such as omega oil made for cooking. And about nuts, I said fats in nuts are unsaturated or monosaturated, which are good fats, like those in flax and fish oil.

    And about sodium and salt, they're also a cause of obesity, no different from sugars and saturated fats.
    I'd love to hear your explanation of how salt directly causes obesity.

  39. #39
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by acidking View Post
    that's not advice, that's called being 'vague'.
    Sure...............whatever suits your cause...............

  40. #40
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by acidking View Post
    FireGuy, standard cooking oil is pure fat, but if you insist on cooking there are other alternatives such as omega oil made for cooking. And about nuts, I said fats in nuts are unsaturated or monosaturated, which are good fats, like those in flax and fish oil.

    I agree, had you stated it like this originally I wouldnt have challenged your post.
    And about sodium and salt, they're also a cause of obesity, no different from sugars and saturated fats.
    This on the other hand is nonsense. Sodium plays a vital role in muscle contraction and even is some times referred to as a poor mans creatine. To even compare it or it's role in the body to sugar and saturated fat is like comparing apples to hubcaps. Sodium has no calories, does not cause an insulin response and will not cause you to gain an ounce of bodyfat. If your sodium-potassium ratio gets out of balance you will retain water and that's about it. When I am in precontest mode I be sure to add extra sodium into my diet daily!

    Quote Originally Posted by acidking View Post
    the vets? the vets are just like you bro, you all are bashing OP against the fence for asking for advice, on top of being ridiculed he's also not getting any advice, and you call my advice ridiculous? ... seriously bro go f*** a donkey. At least I tried I even went and looked into nutrition values of supps he's taking, what have you and the vets done? ... The mentality on these forums are beyond ridiculous.
    Actually most of the Vets here were choosen because they were deemed to have a better than average knowledge base than the average Joe around here. Most of us have a good degree of formal training and/or extensive exerperiece in the Forums we post in. I have been competing in the NPC for 19 years and my wife was top 3 in the USA Championships last year in Womens Physique. I have also trained several individuals for bodybuilding competitions over the years and have attended well over 100 shows. I am far from knowing everything and none of the other Vets would make that claim either but most would agree we are fairly qualified to make the statements and recommendations that we do.

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