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  1. #81
    CuriousGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by todd the truth View Post
    seriously curiousguy i didn't once rag on you, people here have tons of experience and lots of info to offer. You ask questions and then argue it and then talk about leg sweeping people.

    What do you want us to say?

    Yeah curiousguy eat whatever you want, start your cycle and then worry about cutting body fat while trying to gain muscle. As a matter of fact start an extended cycle for a few months and then start working out, and worrying about your diet, then once you got that sorted look into some pct. Godd luck man! Pics. Look great you are jacked diesel and you are right no way would i ever talk to you on the street without using wolds like 'sir','master'

    no need to repy i am not gonna take a look at this thread again.

    Serious advice, close this thread out, start a new one when you have a specific question and are looking to take advice and not bash the same people you ask for advice. Sound like a reasonable plan for a 38 y/o? Yeah, your entire plan sucks, under training, too high bf%, under eating, over training, over dosing, too long a cycle, bad pct, etc... But if it works for you who am i to judge have at it??
    opinions are like assholes everyone has one , your a know it all. Who said i was deisel i didnt but im gonna get there buddy. Thanks for the trolling last word just be respectful bro

  2. #82
    Brohim's Avatar
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    Glad you are feeling better on the test. You sound like you are on the right track again. The trick is to never get off the train! I was like you about 5 or 6 months ago. I was eating fast food and cookies cake etc. and not working out very much.

    At first you will lose fat and gain muscle when you start working out again. So you will be at the same weight for a while but your pants will fit better. Then if you stick to the diet and workout plan you will start to see positive changes. And when you get older it's harder to get it turned around. Ive learned that instead of doing a 3 months cheat meal I just do it for a day every 2 weeks or so and I get all my cravings in.

    One more thing - Sugar - If you stop taking sugar you will no longer crave it! The paleo diet is a great diet because it has no processed foods and no sugar and low to no carb's. It will get you cut real fast. But take it slow. I would do what you are doing now, dropping cal's and keeping up in the gym.

    When you stall out then I would switch to the Paleo diet. Also looking into getting HCG. You can get it online. I get mine from overseas. But it will help with feeling on wellbeing and also keep balls from shrinking. Take about 250iu twice a week. If you inject once on Monday you can take HCG on Saturday and Sunday. Or you can take it every 4 day's as that's it's halflife. Also look into Formestan for an AI. It is transdermal you rub it on your forearm's and doesn't covert to Estrogen like some other AI's. It is made by Black Lion Research and a guy on this forum who is head of the company. And congrat's on your new family.

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brohim View Post

    Glad you are feeling better on the test. You sound like you are on the right track again. The trick is to never get off the train! I was like you about 5 or 6 months ago. I was eating fast food and cookies cake etc. and not working out very much.

    At first you will lose fat and gain muscle when you start working out again. So you will be at the same weight for a while but your pants will fit better. Then if you stick to the diet and workout plan you will start to see positive changes. And when you get older it's harder to get it turned around. Ive learned that instead of doing a 3 months cheat meal I just do it for a day every 2 weeks or so and I get all my cravings in.

    One more thing - Sugar - If you stop taking sugar you will no longer crave it! The paleo diet is a great diet because it has no processed foods and no sugar and low to no carb's. It will get you cut real fast. But take it slow. I would do what you are doing now, dropping cal's and keeping up in the gym.

    When you stall out then I would switch to the Paleo diet. Also looking into getting HCG. You can get it online. I get mine from overseas. But it will help with feeling on wellbeing and also keep balls from shrinking. Take about 250iu twice a week. If you inject once on Monday you can take HCG on Saturday and Sunday. Or you can take it every 4 day's as that's it's halflife. Also look into Formestan for an AI. It is transdermal you rub it on your forearm's and doesn't covert to Estrogen like some other AI's. It is made by Black Lion Research and a guy on this forum who is head of the company. And congrat's on your new family.
    Wow bro thanks alot you have actually been one of the nicest and most real individuals that has written something of meaning and substance , My source has fell off the planet so I'm finding it hard to get HCG and ill definitely look into the Formestan. My Balls are actually not real small I check them daily lol but anything you guys think I should be taking I will follow what you say. I only have about 5 weeks left and then Im done with the Test for while I will PCT and keep on keeping on , I might get on HRT but I have to talk to my DOC once my levels get normal . Thanks for all the advice I plan on applying all of it I want to get down to the 180 weight range and i dont plan on getting off the train I have a son to care for now i need to stay fit and healthy.

    Your alright Brohim , love my family too

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brohim View Post

    Glad you are feeling better on the test. You sound like you are on the right track again. The trick is to never get off the train! I was like you about 5 or 6 months ago. I was eating fast food and cookies cake etc. and not working out very much.

    At first you will lose fat and gain muscle when you start working out again. So you will be at the same weight for a while but your pants will fit better. Then if you stick to the diet and workout plan you will start to see positive changes. And when you get older it's harder to get it turned around. Ive learned that instead of doing a 3 months cheat meal I just do it for a day every 2 weeks or so and I get all my cravings in.

    One more thing - Sugar - If you stop taking sugar you will no longer crave it! The paleo diet is a great diet because it has no processed foods and no sugar and low to no carb's. It will get you cut real fast. But take it slow. I would do what you are doing now, dropping cal's and keeping up in the gym.

    When you stall out then I would switch to the Paleo diet. Also looking into getting HCG. You can get it online. I get mine from overseas. But it will help with feeling on wellbeing and also keep balls from shrinking. Take about 250iu twice a week. If you inject once on Monday you can take HCG on Saturday and Sunday. Or you can take it every 4 day's as that's it's halflife. Also look into Formestan for an AI. It is transdermal you rub it on your forearm's and doesn't covert to Estrogen like some other AI's. It is made by Black Lion Research and a guy on this forum who is head of the company. And congrat's on your new family.
    Wow bro thanks alot you have actually been one of the nicest and most real individuals that has written something of meaning and substance , My source has fell off the planet so I'm finding it hard to get HCG and ill definitely look into the Formestan. My Balls are actually not real small I check them daily lol but anything you guys think I should be taking I will follow what you say. I only have about 5 weeks left and then Im done with the Test for while I will PCT and keep on keeping on , I might get on HRT but I have to talk to my DOC once my levels get normal . Thanks for all the advice I plan on applying all of it I want to get down to the 180 weight range and i dont plan on getting off the train I have a son to care for now i need to stay fit and healthy.

    Your alright Brohim , love my family too

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brohim View Post

    Glad you are feeling better on the test. You sound like you are on the right track again. The trick is to never get off the train! I was like you about 5 or 6 months ago. I was eating fast food and cookies cake etc. and not working out very much.

    At first you will lose fat and gain muscle when you start working out again. So you will be at the same weight for a while but your pants will fit better. Then if you stick to the diet and workout plan you will start to see positive changes. And when you get older it's harder to get it turned around. Ive learned that instead of doing a 3 months cheat meal I just do it for a day every 2 weeks or so and I get all my cravings in.

    One more thing - Sugar - If you stop taking sugar you will no longer crave it! The paleo diet is a great diet because it has no processed foods and no sugar and low to no carb's. It will get you cut real fast. But take it slow. I would do what you are doing now, dropping cal's and keeping up in the gym.

    When you stall out then I would switch to the Paleo diet. Also looking into getting HCG. You can get it online. I get mine from overseas. But it will help with feeling on wellbeing and also keep balls from shrinking. Take about 250iu twice a week. If you inject once on Monday you can take HCG on Saturday and Sunday. Or you can take it every 4 day's as that's it's halflife. Also look into Formestan for an AI. It is transdermal you rub it on your forearm's and doesn't covert to Estrogen like some other AI's. It is made by Black Lion Research and a guy on this forum who is head of the company. And congrat's on your new family.
    Wow bro thanks alot you have actually been one of the nicest and most real individuals that has written something of meaning and substance , My source has fell off the planet so I'm finding it hard to get HCG and ill definitely look into the Formestan. My Balls are actually not real small I check them daily lol but anything you guys think I should be taking I will follow what you say. I only have about 5 weeks left and then Im done with the Test for while I will PCT and keep on keeping on , I might get on HRT but I have to talk to my DOC once my levels get normal . Thanks for all the advice I plan on applying all of it I want to get down to the 180 weight range and i dont plan on getting off the train I have a son to care for now i need to stay fit and healthy.

    Addition: Formestan is sold out everywhere I can not find a website with it in stock I seen on Black Lion Research Formeran is that the same thing ?
    Last edited by CuriousGuy; 02-24-2012 at 12:58 AM.

  6. #86
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    if i take Novla and The AI Formestan would you still suggest Clomid too ?

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