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  1. #41
    DeadlyD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by G Lock
    I just ate pizza hut cuz I can do whatever the **** I WANNA DO!
    now you got it!!! pizza and video games!!! you get huge bro!!! .....idiot.

  2. #42
    G Lock is offline Banned
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    peanut butter jelly
    peanut butter jelly
    peanut butter jelly with your faceall fat

    peanut butter jelly
    peanut butter jelly
    peanut butter jelly makes your waist all fat

    pee-nut-but-her jelly
    pee-nut-but-her jelly
    peanut butter jelly with a **** YOU I DIDNT RHYME!

  3. #43
    G Lock is offline Banned
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    I buy pizza you eat a pizza shit!

  4. #44
    G Lock is offline Banned
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    never mind peanut butter belly sounds better

    peanut butter belly
    peanut butter belly
    peanut butter belly with your faceall fat

    peanut butter belly
    peanut butter belly
    peanut butter belly makes your waist all fat

    pee-nut-but-her jelly
    pee-nut-but-her jelly
    peanut butter belly with a **** YOU I DIDNT RHYME!

  5. #45
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    somebody CLOSE this thread please.

  6. #46
    G Lock is offline Banned
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    Its my thread I can do whatever the......FACKCKCKCKCKCK I WANNA DO....Don't hate me cuz you ain't me

  7. #47
    G Lock is offline Banned
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    Luckily my facebook is much more intertaining you guys can't make any good comebacks sad

  8. #48
    G Lock is offline Banned
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    /watch?v=8zGw96LqU6g dont listen to bieber hes bad for you

  9. #49
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    lol ok, well getting back to your original post, so your saying that you are willing to wait till your 25ish before you start taking aas... but you dont want to do any/much research, you want us to just tell you all the answers????
    is your diary full for the next 6 years?? what you cant fit in a few days per year to do some reading???
    p.s. you are better off doing your own research as everyone has different views/opinions/experiences/and gets their info from different sources,etc...
    p.p.s baby baby baby ohhh

  10. #50
    ONEBANGER is offline New Member
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    Will it ever stop?
    Yo, I don't know
    Turn off the lights and I'll glow
    To the extreme I rock a mic like a vandal
    Light up a stage and wax a chump like a candle

  11. #51
    nooby's Avatar
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    To answer your questions... Yes, you will lose most of your gains. It's not worth it bro. You have high test levels already at your age. Why shut that down permanently? Keep training. You say you don't want "gains" anyway. You say you just want strength not size. So develop a training plan around those goals.

    Develop your CNS, and let your endocrine system mature. When you hit a plateau then consider AAS. If you get stronger every week then you are meeting your goals. Why are you even on this site then? AAS is for people who have done everything else and can't reach their goals naturally. Keep doing what your doing if it works for you.

    Do not use AAS as a shortcut. If you do decide to use, make sure you research and know what your doing. Of course it's ok to ask questions, but you need to have a real understanding of how the endocrine system works. You need to know a lot. Not just "oh if I take this much I will gain this much muscle." You need to know not just what works, but how and why it works, and people can't explain all that to you in one post.

  12. #52
    G Lock is offline Banned
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    Thats what I ment, If I hit a plateau one day I might decide to try it. I'm good for right now and I do want some more size but Not super big, Basically bigger than 90% of AVERAGE guy that lifts, I don't want to be BIG AS A PRO BODYBUILDER. However I am more interested in strength at the moment. And everybody knows that steroids = massive gains. Am I going to take steroids right now no because I still keep getting results. But whos to say that when I'm 25 I might want to try it out. Maybe my goals and ideas are different by then. Point is I've been watching tons of videos on steroids like the Bigger Stronger Faster, and it seems everything that I was saying before was right even though I havn't spent to much research on the subject.

    The only concern that I would only be afraid of is BALLS SHRINKING and LOW TESTOSTERONE LEVELS during use, but even the actual people who USE the steroids say that there balls went back to normal, bit tits, and that stuff went back to normal once they quit. There isn't know evidence of cancer, and stuff or no proof of steroids causing that.

    To me it just seems that everybody is just avioding the question because I'm 19 but yet if I was lets say 27 they would all give me answers in like 10 seconds. This site requires you to be 18 so I don't get what is the point of not just giving me a answer its not like by giving me an answer that IM GOING TO DIE.

    Why am I on this site, umm pretty self explanitory to learn about steroids, how to use them, how the PCT, and what the REAL DEAL is not fake crap people say just because they think you are too young so they make up lies that can't be proven true.

    So far the only ones that seem legit is, ACNE, BALLS, TESTOSTERONE LEVELS, pyhcological effects BUT I DOUBT IT WILL MESS WITH MY MIND being that nobody I know that takes steroids has roid rage , BALDNESS, and a few others

    Some people dont even experience even those effects some people are perfectly fine, theres this one guy I know who taken steroids dont know if he still does but hes never had any problems besides his balls shrinking?

    Bottom line is this : Most of you are on steroids, are you dead? No, did you get cancer? No, did you have a stroke? No.
    There is a difference between use and abuse I an dont plan on using over the amounts recommended actually I might take a tad less.
    Don't avoid questions on a site which is labeled STEROIDS!!! You would think you would get more answers from a site were everybody takes them but id be better off going on YAHOO ANSWERS. JK

    Do, I care about acne, No, I never even broke out that bad before in my entire life, Never had any allergies, I've been fit, Do I care about baldness, not really My hair is short anyways, the only thing is balls and test levels when taken at a younger age which is why I said I would at least wait to take them at 25.

    But who cares what I do its my life quit acting like you are peoples parents, your are to give info and state why you gave that info not dismiss the info and say why you didnt answer it. At the end of the day I decide what I'm going to do not any of you. And I'm willing to bet that half of you started at a young age, I'm also willing to bet that you would keep doing steroids if you had to do it over again.
    That is what I think

  13. #53
    nooby's Avatar
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    You're preaching to the choir. No one here thinks steroids are bad. We just believe in using them responsibly, and you are wrong, there are risk of permanent effects, and some are more of a risk the younger you are. The documentary you quoted is not research. And if you are going to get into the AAS scene, you need to know a lot more than what you can see in a movie whether it be pro or against. You need to study more about the endocrine system, and have a complete understanding of it, what the risk are, and how to minimize those risk.There are long term effects that you are not considering. Just because your bro took them, and he isn't dead doesn't mean it's safe. You have a lot of learning to do, and a lot of maturing to do.

  14. #54
    G Lock is offline Banned
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    Thats why arnold took steroids at age 15 right look at him he just has all type of problems

  15. #55
    G Lock is offline Banned
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    Well thanks everybody for being lying little pussies who just give half ass info. Luckily I found NUMEROUS post ON THIS VERY SITE answering my question.
    And through all of that info my prediction was right, You can keep alot of your gains if you train/diet right. Of course you will lose strength and shit but my point was this

    If you weigh 160 bench 250 naturally then go on AS and end up weighing 220 benching 500 then stopping you will find that even when you LOSE some of the gains you actually will have more than what you had naturally before. So ya it may drop a bit but even if that dropped to 190, benching lets say 400 or ****k even 340 that is still more than what you had naturally even when comming off roids.
    Don't talk random shit off topic to my question, I found the real answer and yes IT WAS FROM THIS VERY OWN SITE UNLESS YOU ARE ALL LYING ON THOSE POST I SHOULDNT BELIEVE IT, but being that you all take roids that is the answer from your own mouths.

    Just goes to show how little faggots lie so much and never give a strait forward answer fackin pussies have a nice day.
    Grow up, I will especailly when I'm roided up in a couple of years dont even reply you lying go against everything you just said
    Last edited by G Lock; 05-29-2012 at 06:03 PM.

  16. #56
    nooby's Avatar
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    Arnold is having serious heart problems right now. He would be dead right now, if he didn't have the healthcare that he gets. I have tried to be nice to you but you are a dumbaas.

  17. #57
    small_fry is offline Banned Assclown
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    Hey G,
    Don't worry, I know ALOT of people who started at 19, some even 17 and there all jacked as hell, and the most serious proplem that any of them have is some slight bitch tits, thats all. just make sure that u do a proper PCT.
    About keeping your gains, you basiclay have to keep eating the same amount of calories as you were on the cycle.
    gods speed brutha

  18. #58
    small_fry is offline Banned Assclown
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    Arnold only has heart problems because he was born with a defect valvue or something. I'm sure the steroids didnt help, but they didn't cause the problem

  19. #59
    small_fry is offline Banned Assclown
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    Quote Originally Posted by G Lock View Post
    hahha I bet you listen to justin bieber while working out, you probably tryin to gain as much muscle as possible just to impress little bieber. You have something in common with bieber ...when you see a guy in the gym you say, baby baby baby OHHHHH
    lmfao, dis guy's freaking hilarious

  20. #60
    ovidiu31's Avatar
    ovidiu31 is offline Associate Member
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    So guys i am tired of kids like this who think they know it all, everyone tells you not to take roids, i encourage you to take them and grow! You deserve the sides that will come with it. Roids are fantastic so go buy them and use them! You probably already know how already.. Since you know it all.. Anyway i think enouph people tried telling you its a bad idea, go for it if you feel like it.

  21. #61
    ovidiu31's Avatar
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    And please leave this comunity if you aee going to act like a stupid punk, who knows it all, we warned you, you dont have to listen. We will probably welcome you back when you will suffer from gyno or who knows what.

  22. #62
    G Lock is offline Banned
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    First of all ***** I wish you were talkin that shit in front of me so I could smash your head against a wall but anyways YOUR A DUMB FACK,

    How many times do I have to repeat myself because you dumb****s don't get it.

    I came on this site asking ONE simple question, I stated my age and everything, I ALSO STATED THAT I WOULDN'T TAKE ROIDS UNTIL IM AT LEAST 25.
    So quit putting words in my mouth acting like I said im taking them at age 20.
    And I already know what gyno is its your moms ****ing bitch tits.

    And know none of you warned me or gave me a strait up answer, I didn't talk shit or say anything bad until all of you dumbasses wouldnt just give me a strait up real NO BULLSHITT ANSWER. Instead you act like im going to go out and take it when I clearly SAID IM NOT TAKING IT UNTIL A COUPLE MORE YEARS.
    And lets say I decided to take it today im pretty sure it would be better for someone to answer the question than to let your ****ing take it not knowing what your doing.

    Like I said, I got my answer and yes you can effectivly use AS safely if you know what your doing and yes you can keep some of your ****ing gains.

    SO WHAT HAVE WE LEARNRED - I asked a question
    and all of you fags wouldnt answer it even when i was talking nice and said I wasnt going to do it unless I know what I was doing

    OF course maybe the roids have facked up your brain so you can't read clearly so you guys dont get what i say for some reason. Funny bet your a bitch in real life

  23. #63
    G Lock is offline Banned
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    Explain this then - My friend at age 18 was taking roids in high school and only bad effect was HIS BALLS SHRUNK.
    Explain why he got massive gains, and nothing was wrong with him.
    I'm pretty sure as long as you know what to do and don't abuse AS nothing that bad is going to happen.
    And he was one of the strongest people back when I was in school.
    SO WHY DIDN'T HE **** UP HIS LIFE? That was 2 years ago HE WAS EVEN YOUNGER?
    Sorry but I may not take steroids but you saying you can't take them safely or effectivly if you know what your doing at a younger age is just you being a closed minded dumbass, and yes I have his facebook faggot if you wanna ask him if he took roids

  24. #64
    G Lock is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by small_fry View Post
    Hey G,
    Don't worry, I know ALOT of people who started at 19, some even 17 and there all jacked as hell, and the most serious proplem that any of them have is some slight bitch tits, thats all. just make sure that u do a proper PCT.
    About keeping your gains, you basiclay have to keep eating the same amount of calories as you were on the cycle.
    gods speed brutha
    I know I came on the site to ask one simple question, I gave out all info that people asked and still nobody would answer the question, then they complain at me when I get mad then they'll say WERE NOT ANSWERING IT BECAUSE YOUR A DICK, well no crap they wouldnt answer it in the first place even when asking nice. I clearly said I'm waiting till 25 but just in case I don't wait that long I need to know stuff just in case.
    And yes back in school my friend was 18 and had amazing results with little to any problems. THATS 2 YEARS YOUNGER THAN WHAT I AM NOW but even when i say ill wait people still wont give me an answer, LUCKILY the answers are on OLDER post just goes to show how much people will lie when alls I ask is for REAL NO BS INFO

  25. #65
    G Lock is offline Banned
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    And just to clear things up, go to the first page, you can see how nicely it was a simple question, The drama started with someone else replying to me not me replying to them, after that is is just pure shit talk because after that post nobody actually gave a real answer.

  26. #66
    Thor249 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by G Lock
    First of all ***** I wish you were talkin that shit in front of me so I could smash your head against a wall but anyways YOUR A DUMB FACK,

    How many times do I have to repeat myself because you dumb****s don't get it.

    I came on this site asking ONE simple question, I stated my age and everything, I ALSO STATED THAT I WOULDN'T TAKE ROIDS UNTIL IM AT LEAST 25.
    So quit putting words in my mouth acting like I said im taking them at age 20.
    And I already know what gyno is its your moms ****ing bitch tits.

    And know none of you warned me or gave me a strait up answer, I didn't talk shit or say anything bad until all of you dumbasses wouldnt just give me a strait up real NO BULLSHITT ANSWER. Instead you act like im going to go out and take it when I clearly SAID IM NOT TAKING IT UNTIL A COUPLE MORE YEARS.
    And lets say I decided to take it today im pretty sure it would be better for someone to answer the question than to let your ****ing take it not knowing what your doing.

    Like I said, I got my answer and yes you can effectivly use AS safely if you know what your doing and yes you can keep some of your ****ing gains.

    SO WHAT HAVE WE LEARNRED - I asked a question
    and all of you fags wouldnt answer it even when i was talking nice and said I wasnt going to do it unless I know what I was doing

    OF course maybe the roids have facked up your brain so you can't read clearly so you guys dont get what i say for some reason. Funny bet your a bitch in real life
    I wish you were in front of me right now....... You weigh 150lbs dude...... Soon enough somebody will put you in your place. It's the way the world works for kids like you...
    To put it simply .... You're a little PU$$Y

  27. #67
    small_fry is offline Banned Assclown
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    Quote Originally Posted by G Lock View Post
    Explain this then - My friend at age 18 was taking roids in high school and only bad effect was HIS BALLS SHRUNK.
    Explain why he got massive gains, and nothing was wrong with him.
    I'm pretty sure as long as you know what to do and don't abuse AS nothing that bad is going to happen.
    And he was one of the strongest people back when I was in school.
    SO WHY DIDN'T HE **** UP HIS LIFE? That was 2 years ago HE WAS EVEN YOUNGER?
    Sorry but I may not take steroids but you saying you can't take them safely or effectivly if you know what your doing at a younger age is just you being a closed minded dumbass, and yes I have his facebook faggot if you wanna ask him if he took roids
    your 18 year old mate didn't get fuked up because everyone hypes up all the side effects coz they want to sound like smart asses like they have a PHD or something. thants why all my mates who started early didnt get fuk all sides

  28. #68
    G Lock is offline Banned
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    Dog I will **** you up, you have to actually know how to fight, if you have no speed just give up because I will knock your bitchass out with ease and I've actually done it a few times in real life faggot, USA, PA, 15401 PERSIAN COURT COME AND GET ****ED UP.

    Oh and btw I also find it funny how this site sells fake steroids I mean come on I don't know much about steroids but even I know this ****ingng site is just fake ass steroids.


  29. #69
    G Lock is offline Banned
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    If you ever notice the *****s who talk shit are the ones to get f'd up but lucky for me I'm not one of those fags who talk shit then get beat up, unfortunatly that would be you and I can talk about killing your azz and one will care because your asz fake as this lame azz site.
    I gotta imagine though these people be makin a killing off of these fake ass test pills lolololol
    I wonder how many of you are actually playing along with it
    Last edited by G Lock; 05-29-2012 at 06:04 PM.

  30. #70
    G Lock is offline Banned
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    No never mind Im glad this site is fake, Now im bout to buy some of this shit and sell it for even more **** ya thats hustlin right there first I need to find some dumbasses that believes it.

  31. #71
    small_fry is offline Banned Assclown
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    this guys the funniest troll so far

  32. #72
    small_fry is offline Banned Assclown
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    Also, I just read your first post, Ur only 150 pounds?

    lol at 150 pound teens who think there buff and ready for roids

  33. #73
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  34. #74
    small_fry is offline Banned Assclown
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    lol, i bet ur still a virgin

  35. #75
    small_fry is offline Banned Assclown
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    Quote Originally Posted by G Lock View Post
    Dog I will **** you up, you have to actually know how to fight, if you have no speed just give up because I will knock your bitchass out with ease and I've actually done it a few times in real life faggot, USA, PA, 15401 PERSIAN COURT COME AND GET ****ED UP.

    Oh and btw I also find it funny how this site sells fake steroids I mean come on I don't know much about steroids but even I know this ****ingng site is just fake ass steroids.


  36. #76
    small_fry is offline Banned Assclown
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    Hey G,

  37. #77
    small_fry is offline Banned Assclown
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    I gotta go take a shiit, i bet my poo weighs more than you

  38. #78
    Skyrinegt's Avatar
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    This kid is 12 for sure no doubt in my mind and might even be a female, so maybe some low doses of var will get you going and some crossfit

  39. #79
    small_fry is offline Banned Assclown
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    Ahhh, that's better. Ok mr. G, where were we? oh, yes

    ps. ur the one on the bottom

  40. #80
    small_fry is offline Banned Assclown
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    G, where are you? Yo Bro, put the bong down brotha i'm just playin with ya
    Last edited by small_fry; 05-29-2012 at 05:26 AM.

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