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Thread: Questions about Keeping my AA's away from the Mrs.

  1. #1
    Unclesam2 is offline Junior Member
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    Questions about Keeping my AA's away from the Mrs.

    Well im 25 right now, not starting my first cycle til November when I turn 26, and I have a few questions.

    when you guys order online do you guys send the package to your house? My wife works at home so I dont want her to open the door to the UPS delivering my test/hcg viles and her opening them up and seeing them o.O

    another thing is what do you guys do with your used pins? I dont wanna just throw them in the trash then if she looks in and sees a syringe in there.

    Need some advice from some of you guys that have dealt with this.


  2. #2
    JWP806's Avatar
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    Have you tried talking to your wife about AAS? Or do you already know that she isn't going to be having it.

    Maybe have it sent to a friend?

  3. #3
    NotConvincedYet's Avatar
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    In all honesty the best thing you can do is be open with your wife. Especially if you have time before your cycle, there could be some interesting discussions.

    Trying to hide needles and packages is the easy part. Trying to hide libido issues and sexual irregularities is another story and not worth lying about IMHO.

  4. #4
    Unclesam2 is offline Junior Member
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    i have no problem with the libido lol, im naturally like that dont think she will think twice, and there's no changing her mind about it, I brought it up one time and she had no ears in the convo to say the least lol.

    Im mainly concerned about the physical evidence

  5. #5
    JWP806's Avatar
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    Yeah, it's a huge risk to take on if she is completely against aas. Luckily I was able to educate my girl on the issue and while she isn't crazy about it, she doesn't mind.

    It is going to be extremely difficult to keep it hidden from her, especially if she works from home... Plenty of time to snoop if she gets curious about the physical changes.

    I guess it comes down to what's more important to you?

  6. #6
    HitIt's Avatar
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    empty whey tubs make good used pin containers...

  7. #7
    haterade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JWP806 View Post
    Yeah, it's a huge risk to take on if she is completely against aas. Luckily I was able to educate my girl on the issue and while she isn't crazy about it, she doesn't mind.

    It is going to be extremely difficult to keep it hidden from her, especially if she works from home... Plenty of time to snoop if she gets curious about the physical changes.

    I guess it comes down to what's more important to you?
    any suggestions on how to talk about it??

  8. #8
    600@50's Avatar
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    I told my wife all about my plans for cycling and to begin with she really didn't like it but she understands that I'm going to do what I want to do. As I explained everything she was really ok with it. She respects me and my decisions and your marriage will be stronger with the truth. Just lay it all out to her. You'll be much better off.

  9. #9
    JWP806's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by haterade View Post
    any suggestions on how to talk about it??
    Honestly, this may sound cheesy but when we first started dating about 2 years ago, I had just finished a cycle and I openly talked about steroids and I could tell she was bothered by the fact that I use steroids . So I just let her know that they aren't what the media makes them out to be as long as you have proper knowledge... blah blah. Then, here's the cheesy part, I asked her if she would watch "Bigger Stronger Faster" before she made up her mind. It's a great doc to show people who don't know anything about steroids to help inform them without getting into much science (if you haven't already seen it, which I bet 99% of the people here have).
    Chark likes this.

  10. #10
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    My GF gives me the shots. . . lol

    I don't like hiding some shit, juice is one of those things.

    You can though if you are good at hiding shit that you shouldn't do. But, if you were you would not ask.

  11. #11
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Are you talking about your "AA's" as in your double A batteries or AAS, as in your steroids ? If you need to hide your double A batteries from her, that's probably not a problem you want to talk to anyone about...................I'm just sayin................

  12. #12
    Jaxkiller is offline New Member
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    Just tell her the truth, that deep down your heart , you want to get more buffed and look amazing and hot as hell for other ladies to check you out at the beach or by the pool, and chances are that you are gonna end up attracting so much attention from other ladies that you might wind up "jumping the fence" for a super hot chick...
    I bet she will understand!

  13. #13
    austinite's Avatar
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    If you're that worried about approaching her then just don't. You feel that way because you probably know what the response will be.

  14. #14
    bigp87 is offline Junior Member
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    Arent you blokes meant to be men?

    Scared of your misses finding out, if she doesnt like it tell her to f*** off...


  15. #15
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigp87 View Post
    Arent you blokes meant to be men?

    Scared of your misses finding out, if she doesnt like it tell her to f*** off...

    I'm gonna very you either have no woman in your life or you're in a very unhealthy, tense, argumentative & often belittling & abusive relationship.

  16. #16
    Brohim's Avatar
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    How are you going to hide needles, syringes, vials, and pills. Just be honest with her.

  17. #17
    JWP806's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigp87 View Post
    Arent you blokes meant to be men?

    Scared of your misses finding out, if she doesnt like it tell her to f*** off...

    Go ahead and back hand her if she gives you any lip.

  18. #18
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Buy her some MT2 so she gets nice and tan and tell her all your doing is peptides too!

  19. #19
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JWP806 View Post
    Go ahead and back hand her if she gives you any lip.
    Fvck yeah,

  20. #20
    lstbred's Avatar
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    Everyone hit it on the head....except the one about telling you to tell your S.O to fvck off First be honest because you should be with your wife, also there is waaayyy to much to hide! you'll have a box of stuff before you know it and the cost is not cheap, so not easy to hide. explain EXACTLY why you want to do it in a language that she will be able to understand. Pins: I do the same thing, put in old protien containers.

    BTW I'm a horn dog to the wife also...........I could NOT hide that while on, no matter if I tried or not

  21. #21
    Noles12's Avatar
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    I dated a girl for years without her ever knowing. Im sure she assumed but I never gave her a reason to know for sure.

    First off it helped not living together as I could keep things hidden much easier. EMpty protein containers to hold used pins in the top of a closet inside a box along with a lock box with all of my gear.

    As for a wife thats a whole different story. You live with her, so her finding something is a lot more probable.

    IMO you should sit down with her and explain what you will be doing. Have her understand that you will be going about it in a safe fashion and explain everything she hears in the media is not true. Have an understanding that you would like to keep it between you two and not have her telling friends, as word will spread if she does.

    If you choose not to tell her, I would invest in a lock box that can be hidden where she will not find it along with a coffee can,protein container, etc to hold used pins.

    If you dont tell her and she finds it, expect for some serious issues to arise

  22. #22
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    Yeah hiding the gear etc from your significant is just dishonest what else are you going to hide. Long term only works when all the cards are on the table.

    WHAT TO DO WITH USED NEEDLES/SYRINGES : Buy a sharps container from a medical supply house they very cheap. When its full take it to the local hospital and they will dispose of it at no charge and no questions asked. None of us should be throwing them into our household garbage!!!

  23. #23
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Just throw your Sharps in the trash, its no big deal, the only people that need Sharps disposal bins, are people with transmittable diseases.

  24. #24
    Noles12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fit2bOld View Post
    Yeah hiding the gear etc from your significant is just dishonest what else are you going to hide. Long term only works when all the cards are on the table.

    WHAT TO DO WITH USED NEEDLES/SYRINGES : Buy a sharps container from a medical supply house they very cheap. When its full take it to the local hospital and they will dispose of it at no charge and no questions asked. None of us should be throwing them into our household garbage!!!
    It is suggested to follow this route but the EPA has stated a sturdy container taped shut and thrown in the trash is fine. Do not put it into recycling

  25. #25
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Tell her you are doing peptides..not steroids every time if if she asks what they do tell her they help you with your knees or shoulders or some random injury..I used to pin my gfr with peptides. Told her it would help her stop aging.
    Last edited by Razor; 06-25-2012 at 07:02 PM.

  26. #26
    swm1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotConvincedYet

    Trying to hide needles and packages is the easy part. Trying to hide libido issues and sexual irregularities is another story and not worth lying about IMHO.
    You must not be married. Don't you know once you say I do, she starts saying I won't?

    I got laid more in one year of dating then I have in four years of marriage.

  27. #27
    Unclesam2 is offline Junior Member
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    well to be honest shes 100% apposed to the use, so imma go on the road of not letting her know lol
    and thanks for the suggestions probly just gonna keep all the used pins in a hidden place and dispose of them every month or so
    also another thing is receiving the gear
    how do you guys do that without anyone knowing
    also has anyone ever opened up a P.O box to get the gear sent to and just pick it up there at the post office? it shouldn't cost too much to rent a P.O box for a week

  28. #28
    nooby's Avatar
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    Tell her your doc did blood-work, and your testosterone levels are low. He wants you to go on hormone replacements, and it will be cheaper if you do it yourself. Show her literature on the effects of low test, and tell her you feels all those symptoms, and you are tired of it, and want to do something about it.

  29. #29
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Send it to a buddy's address.

    Hide the syringes/needles in a real hidden place and throw them away after use.

    You should be good.

  30. #30
    Brohim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post

    If you dont tell her and she finds it, expect for some serious issues to arise

    This. We had a guy on another forum who did not tell his wife. When she found out she left and took the kids. He fell in a deep depression and ended up committing suicide.

  31. #31
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brohim View Post
    This. We had a guy on another forum who did not tell his wife. When she found out she left and took the kids. He fell in a deep depression and ended up committing suicide.

    Damn, it's just not a good thing to hide.

    Way up there with other drugs or cheating. . . Ugggh

  32. #32
    Noles12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unclesam2 View Post
    well to be honest shes 100% apposed to the use, so imma go on the road of not letting her know lol
    and thanks for the suggestions probly just gonna keep all the used pins in a hidden place and dispose of them every month or so
    also another thing is receiving the gear
    how do you guys do that without anyone knowing
    also has anyone ever opened up a P.O box to get the gear sent to and just pick it up there at the post office? it shouldn't cost too much to rent a P.O box for a week
    Have you actually spoken with her about you possibly using them or are you assuming that she feels this way about them?

    A PO Box is a cheap, easy, and relatively secretive way of receiving gear. You can open one in your name and never have her know

  33. #33
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    Educate her. Seriously its what I did,...and my girl even started eating better because of what I had showed her....

  34. #34
    spywizard's Avatar
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    yea be honest with her, that way when she divorces you she will get everything and the kid, because you are classified the same as if you were a cocaine user.. good luck with all that..

    get a ups box, and keep the stuff in a locker at the gym..

    there ya go..
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  35. #35
    Unclesam2 is offline Junior Member
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    you guys know if you can rent a po box for a week? or something smaller than 3 months? because thats the minimum amount of time
    and if I was to get a PO Box what size should I get for 3 bottles of test some hcg and my pct?

  36. #36
    ironbeck's Avatar
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    Listen up dude, I totally understand where your wife is coming from.......and this is for every one else who thinks there might be relationship problems.
    First of all its illegal
    Second your taking a needle and injecting foreign substances into your body.

    So if its that big of a deal, and it is, perhaps you should not do it? After all, its in some shape or form of deceit, like cheating, is it worth possibly ruining your relationship over?

  37. #37
    Noles12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unclesam2
    you guys know if you can rent a po box for a week? or something smaller than 3 months? because thats the minimum amount of time
    and if I was to get a PO Box what size should I get for 3 bottles of test some hcg and my pct?
    3 months is the minimum

    It's something like 20 bucks which is really not bad

    Get the normal envelope sized box and when a package comes you will get a slip you take to the service window. You sign the slip and they hand you your package

  38. #38
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironbeck View Post
    Listen up dude, I totally understand where your wife is coming from.......and this is for every one else who thinks there might be relationship problems.
    First of all its illegal
    Second your taking a needle and injecting foreign substances into your body.

    So if its that big of a deal, and it is, perhaps you should not do it? After all, its in some shape or form of deceit, like cheating, is it worth possibly ruining your relationship over?
    i also agree why some women have issues with it.
    I dont agree with hiding it. Like she isnt going to tell something is up when you gain 10lbs.
    How would you feel if you found out your wife kept some big secret from you.
    A few lbs of muscle wouldnt be worth loosing my wife over
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  39. #39
    Unclesam2 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    3 months is the minimum

    It's something like 20 bucks which is really not bad

    Get the normal envelope sized box and when a package comes you will get a slip you take to the service window. You sign the slip and they hand you your package
    alright great thanks for the info, also is there a greater chance of being caught threw a po box? for instance do they do like a screening of the package when its at the post office over there?
    probably not im just being paranoid lol

  40. #40
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unclesam2 View Post
    alright great thanks for the info, also is there a greater chance of being caught threw a po box? for instance do they do like a screening of the package when its at the post office over there?
    probably not im just being paranoid lol
    the only extra risk with a po box is the fact you have to drive home with it.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

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