Thanks roman great advice. Let me bring up a couple points. The marathon im running does have water about every 2.5 miles and porta-a-jons to piss in so im not worried about that really. Also, this Marathon I am just doing to run along with a friend for his first one and keep him motivated, I'm just trying to get him to finish, I'm not setting out to break any records. I'm actually in the middle of my eq cycle but ive been taking a mild dose and so far and I haven't seemed to feel it holding me back at all. My whole thing is eq really requires a 10 week cycle for its max potential. If I run it for all ten weeks that will only give me about 2 weeks off before the Marathon, should I waste the cycle and end it earlier??? So far it doesn't seem to be holding me back but I haven't actually attempted 26.2 miles on it yet. I'm not using it to bulk, more so to lean out and harden which its doing a good job at, and results are not drastic because of the amount im taking. Any one have an opinion on low dose equipoise and long distance impact?