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  1. #41
    Judah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowmaker
    Judah - i would like to know your opinion. For example, a young Jay Cutler here wants to be a Mr.O... do you give him advice that : "wait till you're 30?"

    like, for me - if im not at some level till im 25, im a failure. i already failed at juniors because i started to juice at 18, not at 15... whats your advice here?
    Dooood, we are NOT talking about people that want to be bodybuilders bro! Why on earth would you want to give the same advice to a person pursuing a bb career as apposed to a person looking for an edge???

  2. #42
    Shadowmaker is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Judah View Post
    Dooood, we are NOT talking about people that want to be bodybuilders
    now we are - i just asked you on your opinion in this field to see, how much your opinion differs from mine

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowmaker

    now we are - i just asked you on your opinion in this field to see, how much your opinion differs from mine
    I have ZERO professional body building experience, therefore I would NEVER give advice to anyone choosing that career path.

  4. #44
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowmaker View Post
    now we are - i just asked you on your opinion in this field to see, how much your opinion differs from mine

    the problem with multi tier advice as you are trying to seek, is that even though most newbs will never compete, many are aspiring to compete. This means that they WILL be taking the advice "as if" they were getting ready to compete, even though they ultimately will not. If this is the direction you want to go, then fine. PM one of the many vets here that have experience competing and I'm sure someone here will help you.

    Just like college basketball. Many try, few make it to the bigs. And since most don't make it, probably a good idea they were cautious/conservative enough to not put all their eggs in one basket, and have actually gotten their degree.

    Any of that make sense?

  5. #45
    Shadowmaker is offline Banned
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    what doesnt make any sence is that the age limit in this forum is - 18...
    in a few past days, there have been lots of "im 18 and wanna cycle" topics... no one helps, no one gives advice on the topic.

    so why the hell "steroids .com" has a forum about steroids in which young kids can register??
    why just not ban them all and delete the topics? why let them read this stuff if we all know - the more they read, the more they will want to do it.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowmaker
    what doesnt make any sence is that the age limit in this forum is - 18...
    in a few past days, there have been lots of "im 18 and wanna cycle" topics... no one helps, no one gives advice on the topic.

    so why the hell "steroids .com" has a forum about steroids in which young kids can register??
    why just not ban them all and delete the topics? why let them read this stuff if we all know - the more they read, the more they will want to do it.
    This, is actually a pretty good point. I have often thought that they should raise the age limit to 25 and up. That might help, but even an 18-year-old will figure that out and just change his age. Also there are plenty of 18-year-olds that want to come on here and begin their schooling so we don't want to deny them access we want to help them. It's a little sticky I'll admit it, bottom line is if anybody at any age approaches me with the right attitude I'll help them out that's my right as an individual person and everybody else on here has the right to do what they wish as well. If I don't like you then they will have to go find someone else to get your information from. Good news is there's plenty people out there and many more that are more of an expert that I am. This form is not a perfect system, but none are, that being said, it is pretty damn good.
    Last edited by Judah; 08-02-2012 at 02:40 PM.

  7. #47
    not so slim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowmaker View Post
    what doesnt make any sence is that the age limit in this forum is - 18...
    in a few past days, there have been lots of "im 18 and wanna cycle" topics... no one helps, no one gives advice on the topic.

    so why the hell "steroids .com" has a forum about steroids in which young kids can register??
    why just not ban them all and delete the topics? why let them read this stuff if we all know - the more they read, the more they will want to do it.
    The forum is to EDUCATE young and old!!!!!! To learn the safest way possible to do AAS!!! If your 18 and want to cycle come hear read this info learn that you don't need it! Go to the diet section learn to eat, ask some guys that did not have info like this and did a bunch of stuff wrong and are now on TRT! That is what this forum is for!! and if they are smart the more they read the more they will learn!

  8. #48
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowmaker View Post
    what doesnt make any sence is that the age limit in this forum is - 18...
    in a few past days, there have been lots of "im 18 and wanna cycle" topics... no one helps, no one gives advice on the topic.

    so why the hell "steroids .com" has a forum about steroids in which young kids can register??
    why just not ban them all and delete the topics? why let them read this stuff if we all know - the more they read, the more they will want to do it.
    it seems there is no middle ground with you? we should either advocate everyone use steroids , or no one at all?

    we advocate the intelligent use of steroids, and a healthy lifestyle. We do NOT condone steroid useage under "any and all conditions".

    There are many aspects to this bulletin board. For instance, we have a nutrition section, and there are at least a half a dozen members/staff that check in regularly that really know "their stuff". Most here, and probably yourself included, do NOT have their nutrition plan dialed in. Day in and day out, they are helping other members get it right, and they are doing it out of the kindness of their heart, NOT because they are getting paid (they are NOT). We also have an exercise section that people can go to and ask any question they want. This is an invaluable resource, something I wish I had available to me when I was lifting a few decades ago. We also have a peptide section where we can evaluate product and bounce ideas off one another.

    All this is available to everyone, even non members, on a "read only" basis.

    So we should raise the age limit to, say, 25, and exclude the 18 to 24 year old crowd? That doesn't make sense to me.

    I appreciate you don't have much in the way of concern for your own well being. And I'm ok with that. But please do not project your lack of concern for your health onto others by suggesting we embrace the idea that it's OK to use steroids when an individual is 18. It is not.

    BTW. I have helped members under 25 with steroid useage. BUT... I do it on a case by case basis, as an exception. And for members I'm comfortable with, that have been around for awhile. I do not do it as a general rule, however. And much of it is done through PM, as I don't want there to be an appearance that I'm condoning this practice by the younger crowd in general.

    In my mind, there is a huge difference between a 22 year old that has been lifting for 6 years, getting ready to compete, and a youngster that is 18 that has only been lifting for 6 months.

    I may help the former, but I will NOT help the latter.

    Does THIS make any sense?

  9. #49
    Yondy is offline New Member
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    It seems this thread has blown up quite a bit. As the viewpoint from an "under-age", although I am not an expert in gear nor cycling, I am still a person with opinion and can think for them self. Therefore, I'd just like to make it known my opinions on what has been said and please do not look down because I am not as knowledgeable in cycling as others, as I can think on the same level as all of you adults. Anyways, i'd like to thank every member for voicing their opinion as I have chosen not to cycle this early in age. However, I would like to point out that Shadow has made some good points. Similarly with other things in life, some people will just do things no matter what so ignoring their obvious pleas for help by shutting them down and providing no other way isn't a good idea as they will simply go about doing whatever they are attempting to do even at the cost of whatever negatives may occur. Although this may be their fault and no one should care, I'd just like to say that a logical explanation to their bad thoughts is better than to flat out reject them. Therefore, people should obviously not encourage the bad behavior but keep in mind some may walk away from this forum and simply cycle on their own because no one has bothered to explain fully and rationally or even personally. In my case, I was brought valuable information and am able to walk away after being taught the dangers of early cycling so this does not apply to me, but others in the forum that come by may be exposed to responses that do not help their case and may only further convince them to do harmful things. It is also true that some people may not experience certain side effects as Shadow mentioned and I am convinced that with careful use of said substance I mentioned, I would do very minimal to no damage to my body. Everyone is different so I cannot say with certainty for myself or anyone else, but it would be better for people to explain that the risk is not worth it rather than saying you will experience "example, etc". I know there are plenty of people that have juiced at a young age and are perfectly fine today and have benefited greatly from cycling. In general, I guess the answer I have received from this forum is that I need to fix my diet, put more years of training under my belt, and make sure I am aware of the risks. Thanks for all the advice everyone

  10. #50
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    Much respect to you Yondy!


  11. #51
    50%Natural's Avatar
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    Good choice Yondy. Just study up on diet, amino acids, and find a lifting partner that is bigger than you but as ambitious. You'll see progress for sure.

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