25 y/o, 235lbs, 6 foot, 12-14% bodyfat.

For this cycle I want to devote at least the first half of it to cutting and then transition into a clean, fat minimized bulk/gaining regimen.

Weeks 1-12: 500mg Tren /week, administered in 75mg ED
Weeks 1-12: 500mg Test Prop/week, administered in 75mg ED
Weeks 1-?: 45mg Anavar (Need advice on how to run this, I couldn't reach a decision)

How would you recommend running clen /keto on this? I read the Clen Faq (by PerfectBeast2001). Is he suggesting that with keto at 2mg nightly, I could stay on clen for even six weeks straight?

Any comments, suggestions, or critiques are greatly appreciated.