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Thread: Body - not hulk

  1. #81
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027
    They just don't understand the years of hard work that have to be put in to diet and training to be in the kind of shape that they desire. Steroids are only the icing on the cake. Short cuts don't work!
    Nope, they do not. They see big guys in their gyms and think they must be juice heads that went from small to massive in one week shooting gear. If that was the case, I'd take the fast track too!!!!

  2. #82
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1

    Yes u can if u do it right. The problem is your doung it wrong. Steriods arent magic.
    Fvcking bananas isnt a diet to get in good shape. You might as welk be eating 3 candy bars for lunch.
    Know what run ur cycle, im done you know more then everyone else and while ur at it give ur trainer a raise too.
    My wife carries more lean body mass then u. Then again she knows how to eat properly, oh and she didn't need steriods, but i guess ur genetics are worse then a girls
    .....and I've seen his wife! I'd sooner take a beating from Gixx than his wife! Lol

  3. #83
    Aliusman's Avatar
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    Gix man don't get mad bras

    I am just trying to understand the point, I spent years already, I m close to 30 and I have nothing, I have seen my fellow wrestlers and kickboxer using steroids for strength, fat guts but they went well, I have seen my fellow gym friends, skinny as but got great results, a friend of mine at the age of 22 couldn't lose weight but started doing steroids and went well. I am not fat, my chest is out, I have no stomach, 18% bf , my min bf was 15% when I starve myself to death and got skinny like a bone. That's why I am trying to understand.

  4. #84
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aliusman View Post
    Yes I am 28, I stared gym when I was 16, I did it for 2 years and then left cuz got busy in my studies etc, then I did gym for 2 more years from 21 to 23, left again, during all these time I did not get muscles. At the age if 26 I stated kickboxing, I did do gym with my kickboxing but once a week or so, for stronger arms a bit of shoulders or legs etc, then finally in feb 2012 I decided to get my best body cuz when I was going kickboxing, other guys were muscly and more strong. After a month in march 2012 I stopped the kickboxing because I got too much into "to build my body and look hot" kinda thing. On that day I stared gym hard, had a personal trainer , he guided me for exercises and made a nitration plan, I got a little big and now at least I m in a good shape. My back i straight, chest is out, no stomach, got nice bicep but not muscly it's just there. At this time after everything I have just acceptable body.

    I am almost 5'11'' and my weight is 80 to 83 KGS, it's revolves around that, if I do more cardio and less weight I go 79 to 80, else I stay 82, 83.

    Body fat 18% to 20% again varies.

    So now I want steroids , I might have asked this question in amateur manners but I am very serious about getting my best body.

    Please guys I need help, I have seen people not even went to gym and on steroids they got nice bodies in couple of months even, I had a chance to use steroids back when I was 22 but I didn't cuz I was focusing on natural muscle gain. Now I think I did whatever I could to push my body to the max. I can do whatever I am not gonna get muscles if I didn't get it after that long,
    You have been training in the gym to build your body up from feb 2012, forget the rest of the time in the gym because you wasnt training right. from feb 2012 is when you have been in the gym and training like a bodybuilder should...........havent been training 12 months yet properly and this is no base. Forget the other years of stopping and starting because that means nothing being consistant over yrs DOES!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Aliusman View Post
    Guys I have done whatever I could, isn't it 3 years enough ? This is what I am now , I can't grow anymore, I spent lots of money on personal trainer and nitration plan and supplements, I m happy with that but that is it,
    You havent been training 3 yrs at bodybuilding, foregt the time spent kickboxing start when you started to build muscle which was in feb 2012..

    Quote Originally Posted by Aliusman View Post
    Morning Breakfast:
    3 fried eggs, 3 toasts with peanut butter, a glass of milk horrendous first meal,

    10:00 - 4 bananas and yogurt (300ml) not even a meal....its not feeding anything

    11:00 - protein shake in slim milk needs to be food not shake

    12:00-12:30 - lunch
    More then Half chicken, salad, needs carbs,

    2:00 - freshly squeezed juice, apple, mango, strawberries, pineapple pointless, not even a meal, not feeding anything

    3:30 - a yogurt to fill me up come on lol...its not a meal, pointless. eat food to fill you up

    5:00 - A sandwich with beef petty crap not worth opening your mouth for

    7:30 - protein shake after gym what did it contain?

    8:30- dinner, two beef steaks with veggies

    Last night I did not but some nights I also have CASEIN,

    read the red highlights

    You dont eat, you wont build muscle tissue on thaat diet..

    no point in saying you will change it when you go on cycle, you need to change it and build without steroids and build a base because you havent got one. n 12 months in the gym and your eating the above is why your not gaining muscle.

    Sack your perssonal trainer because the guy is a knobhead - if he lets you eat like this he doesnt know what he is doing.

    forget about otyher guys who have been on cycle for 2 months or 2 want to do this right and build muscle tissue and look good you can by some lifestyle changes. ange your diet its awful and I mean awful. Your wasting your time opening your mouth. head over to the diet section and ask for help hitting your daily calorie requirements and when you understand how to eat to maiantain you can then adjust to eat to grow which is a whole different ball game.

    You also need more time in the gym because Ijust know you have no idea how to train to build muscle, if your eating that Ican tell how you train. Spend some time in the training section and watch some videos on how to train, check out my HIT training thread with Dorians videos.

    Ad for your goals you acturally dont need steroids, hard to get your head round this one isnt it for you????? but its true.......with the lifesstyle changes ive told you and give it 12-18 months you will achieve your goal of a good body but not bulky

    best of luck
    Last edited by marcus300; 01-03-2013 at 07:47 AM.

  5. #85
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    Yes u can if u do it right. The problem is your doung it wrong. Steriods arent magic.
    Fvcking bananas isnt a diet to get in good shape. You might as welk be eating 3 candy bars for lunch.
    Know what run ur cycle, im done you know more then everyone else and while ur at it give ur trainer a raise too.
    My wife carries more lean body mass then u. Then again she knows how to eat properly, oh and she didn't need steriods, but i guess ur genetics are worse then a girls
    Ouch you pissed of another one of the nicest guys here. 2 for 2 now!!

  6. #86
    panntastic's Avatar
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    You've had 90% of the boards most reputable members and vets now tell you:
    Steroids aren't for you
    Your training is below par
    Your diet needs work big time
    Your trainer needs sacking
    All this and you managed to make 2 of them angry.
    Follow Marcus' advice he won't steer you wrong, neither will any of the other members on here.
    But stop thinking I need steroids and read what's been posted here in black and white.

    Go to the nutrition section and fix diet then as Marcus says watch the training videos and learn from the pros.

  7. #87
    evander87's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aliusman View Post
    I am just trying to understand the point, I spent years already, I m close to 30 and I have nothing, I have seen my fellow wrestlers and kickboxer using steroids for strength, fat guts but they went well, I have seen my fellow gym friends, skinny as but got great results, a friend of mine at the age of 22 couldn't lose weight but started doing steroids and went well. I am not fat, my chest is out, I have no stomach, 18% bf , my min bf was 15% when I starve myself to death and got skinny like a bone. That's why I am trying to understand.
    Again, why are you here? Just get your validation from those guys.

  8. #88
    Roid_Rager's Avatar
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    I know you are going to do it anyway, so just be sure to get diet right first, making sure calorie count and protein support your growth goals. Eliminate the Dbol for now; add it in a later cycle if you want, but you really don't need it. Add arimidex as AI through the cycle. PCT looks okay, but you may wish to add one more week at 20mg. If you have HCG , fine but not necessary (500mg per day for ten days beginning one week after last test-e injection, then immediately begin the nolva on day 11).

  9. #89
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roid_Rager View Post
    I know you are going to do it anyway, so just be sure to get diet right first, making sure calorie count and protein support your growth goals. Eliminate the Dbol for now; add it in a later cycle if you want, but you really don't need it. Add arimidex as AI through the cycle. PCT looks okay, but you may wish to add one more week at 20mg. If you have HCG, fine but not necessary (500mg per day for ten days beginning one week after last test-e injection, then immediately begin the nolva on day 11).
    bro thats not good advice at all.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  10. #90
    PEWN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    You've had 90% of the boards most reputable members and vets now tell you:
    Steroids aren't for you
    Your training is below par
    Your diet needs work big time
    Your trainer needs sacking
    All this and you managed to make 2 of them angry.
    Follow Marcus' advice he won't steer you wrong, neither will any of the other members on here.
    But stop thinking I need steroids and read what's been posted here in black and white.

    Go to the nutrition section and fix diet then as Marcus says watch the training videos and learn from the pros.

    Nicely put. Not mean but straight to what we are all thinking at this point.


  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roid_Rager
    I know you are going to do it anyway, so just be sure to get diet right first, making sure calorie count and protein support your growth goals. Eliminate the Dbol for now; add it in a later cycle if you want, but you really don't need it. Add arimidex as AI through the cycle. PCT looks okay, but you may wish to add one more week at 20mg. If you have HCG, fine but not necessary (500mg per day for ten days beginning one week after last test-e injection, then immediately begin the nolva on day 11).
    Thank you brother, I came here , put my first cycle info and asked guys what to use? They are telling me not to use anything, this thread lost its real purpose as question was WHAT to use not SHOULD I use or not,

    Thank you for the correction and amazing advice, Yeah I was thinking not to use dbol at the start as I stated above,

    Is it possible for you to list everything weekly bases to give me an exact idea please ,

    Cheers for your help

  12. #92
    Flawdaboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aliusman View Post
    I appreciate the suggestion from you guys to not to use it but why not? I have taken my body to the max, I could have used steroids at 22 but I didn't. At that time friends in gym was using it, I could have made good sources but I didn't as I wanted to take my body to the max, now I m turning 29 this year and I think it's a good time to use it, also when I was 22 I seen guys using steroids after even couple of months in gym and they got good results, I started gym at 16, a friend of mine never seen in his life and he went gym for 2 months and after 2 months when I seen him he was with a very nice body, I value the opinion but guys I am ready for steroids.

    you have most certainly not taken your body to the max when only consuming 75mg of protien a day, im pretty sure most ppl that dont even go to the gym take in more protien than that. And jacob from twilight is like 17 18yrs old i highly doubt he ever did steroids hes just super cut and tan as fcuk

  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1

    bro thats not good advice at all.
    Are u serious gix bras come on man

  14. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flawdaboy

    you have most certainly not taken your body to the max when only consuming 75mg of protien a day, im pretty sure most ppl that dont even go to the gym take in more protien than that. And jacob from twilight is like 17 18yrs old i highly doubt he ever did steroids hes just super cut and tan as fcuk
    Dude when I say 75mg protein I meant in the form of protein shakes ( supplements) taking 3 shakes means 75mg protein, I am also having chicken, eggs etc which are the good resources of protein, 75mg was the only in form of supplements

  15. #95
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    Again my point was misunderstood when I said Jacob, I meant not to be huge, it doesn't mean I wanna be like him.

  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aliusman

    Thank you brother, I came here , put my first cycle info and asked guys what to use? They are telling me not to use anything, this thread lost its real purpose as question was WHAT to use not SHOULD I use or not,

    Thank you for the correction and amazing advice, Yeah I was thinking not to use dbol at the start as I stated above,

    Is it possible for you to list everything weekly bases to give me an exact idea please ,

    Cheers for your help

    That's precisely the point! If you have to ask what to use and how to use it, you're not ready. Just wait until you run a poorly developed cycle without proper education, a subpar diet and see what happens. Go read the threads from guys who didn't listen to the sound advice and failed to retain their gains and ended up with numerous problems physically and mentally.

    People here are giving you the correct advice but what you want is someone to plan you a cycle. If you aren't willing to take the time to learn, review your nutrition as you've been instructed, what makes you think people here will put a plan in place for you?

    .....and stop referring to what you've seen other people do. If you refuse to follow the advice provided here, then go ask the other guys you are so enamored with how they did it and what to take.

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aliusman View Post

    Are u serious gix bras come on man
    Its not, maybe throwing the dbol at the end? and the pct is all wrong. But you got what u wanted to hear
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  18. #98
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Wow, I just dropped in on this thread. I admit I jumped back in into steriods too quick thinking I knew allot from the old days, But I have taken all the advise you guys on this site have given me. Can't argue with success and can't go with failure Aliusman dude. That's as simple as that goes. I'm in the middle and beginning tale end of a long cycle, I made allot of mistakes and I'm getting it in line with what I've been told and hear on here. I'm saving some gear for the next time. I'm watching my blood levels and I'll end hopefully ok with this cycle. Not nearly as I could of but I'm listening. Then putting into action what I hear. If you & me are smart dude we wouldn't argue when we ask for help. We admit we don't know. I'll use a saying from something I go by with a different problem in my life and IT WORKS. "Rarely have these guys seen a person fail who has thoroughly followed their suggestions (path). sorry but listen Aliusman that's my 2/cents

  19. #99
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike View Post
    Wow, I just dropped in on this thread. I admit I jumped back in into steriods too quick thinking I knew allot from the old days, But I have taken all the advise you guys on this site have given me. Can't argue with success and can't go with failure Aliusman dude. That's as simple as that goes. I'm in the middle and beginning tale end of a long cycle, I made allot of mistakes and I'm getting it in line with what I've been told and hear on here. I'm saving some gear for the next time. I'm watching my blood levels and I'll end hopefully ok with this cycle. Not nearly as I could of but I'm listening. Then putting into action what I hear. If you & me are smart dude we wouldn't argue when we ask for help. We admit we don't know. I'll use a saying from something I go by with a different problem in my life and IT WORKS. "Rarely have these guys seen a person fail who has thoroughly followed their suggestions (path). sorry but listen Aliusman that's my 2/cents
    Oh, I need to get that picture off. That was me way back in 86'...NOT now at age 61 I'm going to see what proper diet hard workouts and cycling and PCT will take me to at my age. SO I'm all ears on this forum

  20. #100
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    I am not denying anything guys said here, I admit my horrible diet but I am fixing it, then why not I can go on cycle? I fix my diet, I give it a month, then start a cycle, doesn't that make sense ?

    People use gear to lose body fat or to get big or to get lean or to get straight or to look good, why I can't go on cycle a month after fixing my diet ?

    I destroyed myself in gym the whole year when everyone go on party Friday night I m fking in gym, I spent lots of money, food, PT, nitration plans, supps, i m disappointed I m desperate I can't take this body anymore, I want a booster, I will fix everything , everything, I will follow all advices , fixing my diet right now but I want gears, I can't wait anymore ,
    Last edited by Aliusman; 01-03-2013 at 10:27 PM.

  21. #101
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    I wouldnt after only being on proper nutrition for 1 month, give it a litlle longer say 6 months if not more. You should see your goal with proper training and nutrition, after all steroids dont make you big they help repair the muscles after there torn, Wanna get big you eat big and lift big. IMO

  22. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aliusman View Post
    I am not denying anything guys said here, I admit my horrible diet but I am fixing it, then why not I can go on cycle? I fix my diet, I give it a month, then start a cycle, doesn't that make sense ?

    People use gear to lose body fat or to get big or to get lean or to get straight or to look good, why I can't go on cycle a month after fixing my diet ?
    Because a month is nothing. Your body is not ready for steroids . Sorry its not what u want to hear.
    But we all know ur going to do it anyway. Your only go to fvck urself up. I really dont care anymore i warned u. So did everyone else
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  23. #103
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    People use gear to lose body fat or to get big or to get lean or to get straight or to look good, why I can't go on cycle a month after fixing my diet ?

    I destroyed myself in gym the whole year when everyone go on party Friday night I m fking in gym, I spent lots of money, food, PT, nitration plans, supps, i m disappointed I m desperate I can't take this body anymore, I want a booster, I will fix everything , everything, I will follow all advices , fixing my diet right now but I want gears, I can't wait anymore ,

  24. #104
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aliusman
    People use gear to lose body fat or to get big or to get lean or to get straight or to look good, why I can't go on cycle a month after fixing my diet ?

    I destroyed myself in gym the whole year when everyone go on party Friday night I m fking in gym, I spent lots of money, food, PT, nitration plans, supps, i m disappointed I m desperate I can't take this body anymore, I want a booster, I will fix everything , everything, I will follow all advices , fixing my diet right now but I want gears, I can't wait anymore ,
    Desperation won't help. I still feel you think a single cycle will fix your problems. You could be setting yourself up for a big disappointment. Nothing happens fast in this sport.

  25. #105
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    Because a month is nothing. Your body is not ready for steroids . Sorry its not what u want to hear.
    But we all know ur going to do it anyway. Your only go to fvck urself up. I really dont care anymore i warned u. So did everyone else
    Like most of us. We end up doing what we want anyway or taking the suggestions and putting our own twist on it. So the we reap what we so. Dude no one is going to tell you Ok that sounds good. Oh...better then I suggested. So listen and take notes and do what your going to do. I'd like to see a guy (you stop winning) stop trying to get someone to approve of what you want and leave it Do you really know what anabolic steriods do. They are for recovery within your body for the breaking down you do in the gym like Flawdaboy just said. That means you need all the ingredients and good ingredients. Good sleep, good food (fuel) good workout habits. Cheat on one and the less results. Hey they don't put sh*t gas in race cars. Me not here long and new back into it that's all I should say. It was all just COMMON sense after listening to these guys. ...not so crazy mike

  26. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk

    Desperation won't help. I still feel you think a single cycle will fix your problems. You could be setting yourself up for a big disappointment. Nothing happens fast in this sport.
    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike

    Like most of us. We end up doing what we want anyway or taking the suggestions and putting our own twist on it. So the we reap what we so. Dude no one is going to tell you Ok that sounds good. Oh...better then I suggested. So listen and take notes and do what your going to do. I'd like to see a guy (you stop winning) stop trying to get someone to approve of what you want and leave it Do you really know what anabolic steriods do. They are for recovery within your body for the breaking down you do in the gym like Flawdaboy just said. That means you need all the ingredients and good ingredients. Good sleep, good food (fuel) good workout habits. Cheat on one and the less results. Hey they don't put sh*t gas in race cars. Me not here long and new back into it that's all I should say. It was all just COMMON sense after listening to these guys. ...not so crazy mike
    You guys did not give me a solid reason for WHY NOT? Yous telling me to not to do it, not to do it, not to do it, cuz my diet needs to be fixed, I m telling yous that I am fixing my diet, I am going to put clean fuel,

  27. #107
    laxmanfire is offline New Member
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    Hello brother...I can speak from experience, and I truly believe that Cyp will give you leaner gains than Ena, that may just be me...but I have tried both. And If you aren't going for bulk or to get bigger (mass) than I would supplement anavar in palace of dbol .

  28. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aliusman

    You guys did not give me a solid reason for WHY NOT? Yous telling me to not to do it, not to do it, not to do it, cuz my diet needs to be fixed, I m telling yous that I am fixing my diet, I am going to put clean fuel,

    That is blatantly untrue. Several reasons have been enumerated, including but not limited to, your lack of understanding, your misconceptions, and inadequate nutrition. Telling us you will fix your nutrition isn't adequate. You haven't even conveyed that you know how to eat to achieve your goals, and THAT (eating) will have a much greater role on your body form than any steroid . You are asking us to spoon feed you: to set up a cycle for you. That shows a lack of commitment and willingness to learn and understand how these potentially harmful chemicals you will be administering are to be used correctly and safely. Guys that genuinely want to succeed come to us with nutrition plan in hand for critique and they propose their OWN cycle and request input and adjustments where needed. You have done none of this and your own contribution to this thread thus far is to moan and complain and reference the achievements of guys you have anecdotally seen in the gym.

    If you want our help, SHOW us a commitment and that you are PREPARED to venture down this road. That means, contribute to your own thread with some basic knowledge and humility and you may find the assistance you seek.

    No one is going to hold your hand, tailer a cycle for your individual needs and spoon feed you. If you truly want the body form you desire, show us by illustrating that you ARE in fact ready. This means posting your nutrition plan AND creating a cycle based on the reading you've done and the knowledge you've gained from said reading.

    Complaining and rebutting the advice provided isn't going to get you very far. We're not here to discourage you. We're here to encourage the safe educated use of steroids , when each person asking for guidance is CLEARLY READY!

    So far you haven't truly demonstrated that and very few members in good conscience will do the work for you.

  29. #109
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    Hi lnk

    Nutrition plan:

    I made this with the help

    8 egg whites with 1 yolk

    Meal 2
    Quarter Chicken,
    2 eggs
    Brown rice

    Chicken (6oz After cooked)
    Broccoli green salad with cucumber

    Chicken here again 6oz or lean steaks
    Brown rice
    Broccoli green salad with cucumber

    Sweet potato(200Grams cooked)

    Pre Workout
    Chicken (6oz After cooked)
    Broccoli green salad with cucumber

    Dinner Chicken or fish
    Extra salad

    Nighttime Snack
    Casein protein shake

    My cycle plan can be found on first page and that was the reason I started this thread.

    Cycle plan:

    1 500mg 25mg Every Day
    2 500mg 25mg Every Day
    3 500mg 25mg Every Day
    4 500mg 25mg Every Day
    5 500mg 25mg Every Day
    6 500mg 25mg Every Day
    7 500mg
    8 500mg
    9 500mg
    10 500mg
    11 500mg
    12 500mg
    15 40mg Every Day
    16 40mg Every Day
    17 20mg Every Day

    Where 1 to 17 numbers show the number of weeks

    500mg Test-E
    25mg Dbol
    40mg nolvadex (prc)

  30. #110
    panntastic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by laxmanfire
    Hello brother...I can speak from experience, and I truly believe that Cyp will give you leaner gains than Ena, that may just be me...but I have tried both. And If you aren't going for bulk or to get bigger (mass) than I would supplement anavar in palace of dbol.
    Real bad advice!!!
    The OP is to immature and not ready for steroids . A post like this is what he is after only to validate his original crappy cycle!

  31. #111
    panntastic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aliusman
    Hi lnk

    Nutrition plan:

    I made this with the help

    8 egg whites with 1 yolk

    Meal 2
    Quarter Chicken,
    2 eggs
    Brown rice

    Chicken (6oz After cooked)
    Broccoli green salad with cucumber

    Chicken here again 6oz or lean steaks
    Brown rice
    Broccoli green salad with cucumber

    Sweet potato(200Grams cooked)

    Pre Workout
    Chicken (6oz After cooked)
    Broccoli green salad with cucumber

    Dinner Chicken or fish
    Extra salad

    Nighttime Snack
    Casein protein shake

    My cycle plan can be found on first page and that was the reason I started this thread.

    Cycle plan:

    1 500mg 25mg Every Day
    2 500mg 25mg Every Day
    3 500mg 25mg Every Day
    4 500mg 25mg Every Day
    5 500mg 25mg Every Day
    6 500mg 25mg Every Day
    7 500mg
    8 500mg
    9 500mg
    10 500mg
    11 500mg
    12 500mg
    15 40mg Every Day
    16 40mg Every Day
    17 20mg Every Day

    Where 1 to 17 numbers show the number of weeks

    500mg Test-E
    25mg Dbol
    40mg nolvadex (prc)
    You need to work out your tdee for your weight height and age then work out your own macro split
    Copy and paste really doesn't cut it buddy.
    Can you post a picture of your body from neck down please?
    The pct on that cycle is poor and there is no mention of an AI either

  32. #112
    Aliusman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic

    You need to work out your tdee for your weight height and age then work out your own macro split
    Copy and paste really doesn't cut it buddy.
    Can you post a picture of your body from neck down please?
    The pct on that cycle is poor and there is no mention of an AI either
    Yes I need AI, frankly if I could figure it out myself I won't be asking here, what this forum is for ? Help I guess? Isn't it? Not to tell people that they are immature, if I was expert I won't be asking here

  33. #113
    panntastic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aliusman

    Yes I need AI, frankly if I could figure it out myself I won't be asking here, what this forum is for ? Help I guess? Isn't it? Not to tell people that they are immature,
    It is for help and if you go back over the previous 3 pages that's all you have been given is help.
    You say you have paid for nutrition plans could you post one up please.
    Nobody is trying to be a jerk with you but you are only after validation to take steroids . This isn't going to happen on this board your simply just not ready my friend

  34. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic

    It is for help and if you go back over the previous 3 pages that's all you have been given is help.
    You say you have paid for nutrition plans could you post one up please.
    Nobody is trying to be a jerk with you but you are only after validation to take steroids. This isn't going to happen on this board your simply just not ready my friend
    I put plan above

  35. #115
    Aliusman's Avatar
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    That's not the paid one as paid one is a crap,

  36. #116
    Aliusman's Avatar
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    And why paid one Is a crap cuz my PT told me that it's ok to have McDonalds bigmac as per workout I never had it as it didn't sound right

  37. #117
    panntastic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aliusman
    That's not the paid one as paid one is a crap,
    Ok now go to the nutrition forum and post this diet and let gbrice, stem, and the others work it for you

  38. #118
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aliusman
    And why paid one Is a crap cuz my PT told me that it's ok to have McDonalds bigmac as per workout I never had it as it didn't sound right
    Sack your pt for a start my friend!
    See how this is working now being civil and having a good structured conversation will get you really far on this board.

  39. #119
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    Go here and post your proposed diet up

  40. #120
    Aliusman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic

    Ok now go to the nutrition forum and post this diet and let gbrice, stem, and the others work it for you

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