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Thread: Body - not hulk

  1. #121
    Aliusman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic

    Go here and post your proposed diet up

  2. #122
    panntastic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aliusman

    Now just follow the advice these guys give as they don't give bad advice.
    Once you get your diet on track you will not look back you will notice changes in your body you didn't think we're possible.

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic

    Now just follow the advice these guys give as they don't give bad advice.
    Once you get your diet on track you will not look back you will notice changes in your body you didn't think we're possible.
    What ???? So I m not gonna start a cycle ?

  4. #124
    Aliusman's Avatar
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    Why don't yous understand, my body muscles are not growing anymore

  5. #125
    panntastic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aliusman

    What ???? So I m not gonna start a cycle ?
    That's not for me to say
    I can only give you advice.
    It's up to you if you take the advice.
    My advice is this:

    A steroid cycles results are dependant on many factors but the most important being:

    These 3 factors alone should be practised perfectly to get the best out of any cycle.

    So why not try getting these down perfectly first?

    You've taken the mature approach now after days of back and forth with questions and you posted a diet in the nutrition section.

    Follow the advice given here and see how much you body will change in such a short time you will soon see you don't need steroids to loose weight.

    Are you doing any cardio by the way?
    Nobody seems to of asked that

  6. #126
    panntastic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aliusman
    Why don't yous understand, my body muscles are not growing anymore
    That's because you are not fuelling them correctly
    Think of it as this
    You have a diesel car and you put petrol in it
    Yes it will run but like a bag of crap
    Put diesel in the motor and it will run perfectly.
    This is like the body
    75g protein just isn't enough to fuel growth
    To many simple carbs will just be store as fat so you won't get to see all that newly made muscle

  7. #127
    Aliusman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic

    That's not for me to say
    I can only give you advice.
    It's up to you if you take the advice.
    My advice is this:

    A steroid cycles results are dependant on many factors but the most important being:

    These 3 factors alone should be practised perfectly to get the best out of any cycle.

    So why not try getting these down perfectly first?

    You've taken the mature approach now after days of back and forth with questions and you posted a diet in the nutrition section.

    Follow the advice given here and see how much you body will change in such a short time you will soon see you don't need steroids to loose weight.

    Are you doing any cardio by the way?
    Nobody seems to of asked that
    Lose weight ?

  8. #128
    panntastic's Avatar
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    Well you want to loose body fat don't you?

  9. #129
    Aliusman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic

    That's because you are not fuelling them correctly
    Think of it as this
    You have a diesel car and you put petrol in it
    Yes it will run but like a bag of crap
    Put diesel in the motor and it will run perfectly.
    This is like the body
    75g protein just isn't enough to fuel growth
    To many simple carbs will just be store as fat so you won't get to see all that newly made muscle
    Dude but I fixed it, I wanna involved steroids in it so that it can be rapid

  10. #130
    Aliusman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic
    Well you want to loose body fat don't you?
    15 to 18 % bf are u serious ?

  11. #131
    Aliusman's Avatar
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    If I add steroids my muscles will break and heal quickly as possible, I will be able to train more often and hard to break muscles and heal them fast, with above diet I will achieve results quick if I am on juice,

  12. #132
    panntastic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aliusman
    If I add steroids my muscles will break and heal quickly as possible, I will be able to train more often and hard to break muscles and heal them fast, with above diet I will achieve results quick if I am on juice,
    There is no shortcut unfortunately
    The diet you posted isn't tailored for you so you may just get fat if there's to many calories or you may not see results if there aren't enough calories
    This really is a science mate and needs to be taken seriously

  13. #133
    Aliusman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic

    There is no shortcut unfortunately
    The diet you posted isn't tailored for you so you may just get fat if there's to many calories or you may not see results if there aren't enough calories
    This really is a science mate and needs to be taken seriously
    That's why I am giving this diet a whole month before starting steroids , I m not taking shortcuts I am doing logical stuff

  14. #134
    Aliusman's Avatar
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    I am just trying to be logical, what is the purpose of steroids ? Even you said they heal you fast, recover your broken muscles fast. True? They are not magical just make recovery fast.

    I want fast recovery, I want fast healing, more strength, and I didn't chose any advanced cycle, I picked up the most starter cycle.

    Just being logical
    Last edited by Aliusman; 01-04-2013 at 04:25 AM.

  15. #135
    panntastic's Avatar
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    Being logical you will know a 1 month diet will have no great effect on your body you really need to give it 6 months to see the added benefits along with correct training.
    In all honesty if you jump in and take steroids your going to hurt yourself in more ways than one my friend

  16. #136
    Flawdaboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aliusman View Post
    I am just trying to be logical, what is the purpose of steroids ? Even you said they heal you fast, recover your broken muscles fast. True? They are not magical just make recovery fast.

    I want fast recovery, I want fast healing, more strength, and I didn't chose any advanced cycle, I picked up the most starter cycle.

    Just being logical

    Thats not a starter cycle my man, First cycle should be test and test only. That way you can see how steroids affect your body and with only one steroid itll be much easier to realize how your body is affected by them, as well as control the afftects of it. But even with only test is wait for awhile longer so you can see how your new diet will affect you, Because there most likely will be some changes you need to perfrom to it till you get it perfect may take you 3 months, it took me nearly a yr to find out what kind of diet my body responds to best. Best of luck to you man and i hope you take everybodys advise. Steroids are not logical for your goals.

  17. #137
    evander87's Avatar
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    Here's the reason WHY you shouldn't be taking aas.

    You came in here telling us your diet was on par. It isn't. Nect you've been telling us you're workouts are killer. For some strange reason I don't believe you. Your diet was off why wouldn't your training? You're PT sucks how are we supposed to believe he's be training you properly in your lifts.

    Sooooo say you do your month of diet in check and you're body starts to change. YAY so you hop on cycle. We your supportive ligaments can't handle the new increase in strength and you injure yourself. Then what are you going to do? Now you blew money on a cycle and are laid up and cant train. That's no way to get the body from twilight.

    You have to have a great foundation to build upon. With your diet in shit one month of that isn't going to give you the required foundation.

    But do whatever the fvck you want. It's your body and your health.

    Oh and your PCT is off too.

  18. #138
    Aliusman's Avatar
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    You know what this is fcked up, I spent 5 grands over the time period of 5 months by hiring a PT, getting diet right, getting the right exercises. Plus spent money on supps, to keep it going for an year. but What I got at the end is BUZZZZZ up my a s s, I m here to use steroids , I m not going 1 year back to start my diet again, I did it with My PT for 5 months and kept the same routine for next 7 months to make myself ready for steroids , I am not going back 1 year to start this s h I t again, if no then then fck it, fck building body if I m getting ripped off from every where and people are not here to help me start. I already waited whole year and stayed calm with the hope that I will start juicing in 2013. I can not go 1 year back again and start this again what if new diet doesnt work either and if I come back on the forum after an year or 3 months or 6 months and you guys tell me the same thing to fix my diet again and again and again and again and again and again
    Last edited by Aliusman; 01-04-2013 at 09:55 PM.

  19. #139
    Aliusman's Avatar
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    After a truth no one replies

  20. #140
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aliusman
    After a truth no one replies
    Hardly. We are tired of repeating ourselves. Keep being cocky. You'll get no where.

  21. #141
    panntastic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aliusman
    You know what this is fcked up, I spent 5 grands over the time period of 5 months by hiring a PT, getting diet right, getting the right exercises. Plus spent money on supps, to keep it going for an year. but What I got at the end is BUZZZZZ up my a s s, I m here to use steroids, I m not going 1 year back to start my diet again, I did it with My PT for 5 months and kept the same routine for next 7 months to make myself ready for steroids, I am not going back 1 year to start this s h I t again, if no then then fck it, fck building body if I m getting ripped off from every where and people are not here to help me start. I already waited whole year and stayed calm with the hope that I will start juicing in 2013. I can not go 1 year back again and start this again what if new diet doesnt work either and if I come back on the forum after an year or 3 months or 6 months and you guys tell me the same thing to fix my diet again and again and again and again and again and again
    Last time now then I'm done!!!!

    You spent 5k on nothing!
    Your diet is rubbish
    Your pt is rubbish
    Your training is rubbish
    If you take AAS now you will hurt yourself

    Your going to take them anyway so why you still hanging around wasting our time?

    I'm done with you now I've been civil I've nearly spoonfed you with info as have others and you still choose not to listen

    Good bye

  22. #142
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic

    Last time now then I'm done!!!!

    You spent 5k on nothing!
    Your diet is rubbish
    Your pt is rubbish
    Your training is rubbish
    If you take AAS now you will hurt yourself

    Your going to take them anyway so why you still hanging around wasting our time?

    I'm done with you now I've been civil I've nearly spoonfed you with info as have others and you still choose not to listen

    Good bye
    My patience ran out long ago.

  23. #143
    Aliusman's Avatar
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    Are you guys serious? I fixed everything so what's wrong?

  24. #144
    Aliusman's Avatar
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    Why you guys doing this to me, please help

    I fixed everything , and what if I come after 3 or 6 months and u guys tell me the same thing??

  25. #145
    Aliusman's Avatar
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    Look at the other threads, immature users are getting great advises,

  26. #146
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aliusman View Post
    Are you guys serious? I fixed everything so what's wrong?
    Your not listening, all you want to hear is yeh go ahead and use gear but the facts are your not ready and the reasons are you havent been training long enough or intense enough. Your diet is awful and you just cant change it and go on gear, you need to estabolish a good solid diet over many months along side a solid intense training routine... The money you spent on your PT is comepletely wasted. He acturally wants a slap around the head giving you that diet what you was on and heaven knows what your training is like if that was you diet...

    steroids wont ghelp you until you build a solid base from months worth of solid training and eating correctly, you havent been training for yrs you not even been training 12 months the way you should and we havent seen your training routine yet which you need to post...

    Now stop thinking steroids are the answer and listen to guys who are trying to help you, everyone is saying the same things yet you come back and ignore them, why even ask if your just going to do it anyway. To be honest you sound very gullible if you thought that diet was good and you paid your pt that amount of money....

    stop,listen and read what everyone is saying

    start your new diet, post your training routine and give yourself at least 12-18months before starting steriods and imho you dont need them for your goals to just have a good body and not a bulky one, you will achieve that when you change diet and sort your training out and sack that idiot pt

    Quote Originally Posted by Aliusman View Post
    Yes I am 28, I stared gym when I was 16, I did it for 2 years and then left cuz got busy in my studies etc, then I did gym for 2 more years from 21 to 23, left again, during all these time I did not get muscles. At the age if 26 I stated kickboxing, I did do gym with my kickboxing but once a week or so, for stronger arms a bit of shoulders or legs etc, then finally in feb 2012 I decided to get my best body cuz when I was going kickboxing, other guys were muscly and more strong. After a month in march 2012 I stopped the kickboxing because I got too much into "to build my body and look hot" kinda thing. On that day I stared gym hard, had a personal trainer , he guided me for exercises and made a nitration plan, I got a little big and now at least I m in a good shape. My back i straight, chest is out, no stomach, got nice bicep but not muscly it's just there. At this time after everything I have just acceptable body.

    I am almost 5'11'' and my weight is 80 to 83 KGS, it's revolves around that, if I do more cardio and less weight I go 79 to 80, else I stay 82, 83.

    Body fat 18% to 20% again varies.

    So now I want steroids, I might have asked this question in amateur manners but I am very serious about getting my best body.

    Please guys I need help, I have seen people not even went to gym and on steroids they got nice bodies in couple of months even, I had a chance to use steroids back when I was 22 but I didn't cuz I was focusing on natural muscle gain. Now I think I did whatever I could to push my body to the max. I can do whatever I am not gonna get muscles if I didn't get it after that long,
    You have been training in the gym to build your body up from feb 2012, forget the rest of the time in the gym because you wasnt training right. from feb 2012 is when you have been in the gym and training like a bodybuilder should...........havent been training 12 months yet properly and this is no base. Forget the other years of stopping and starting because that means nothing being consistant over yrs DOES!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Aliusman View Post
    Guys I have done whatever I could, isn't it 3 years enough ? This is what I am now , I can't grow anymore, I spent lots of money on personal trainer and nitration plan and supplements, I m happy with that but that is it,
    You havent been training 3 yrs at bodybuilding, foregt the time spent kickboxing start when you started to build muscle which was in feb 2012..

    Quote Originally Posted by Aliusman View Post
    Morning Breakfast:
    3 fried eggs, 3 toasts with peanut butter, a glass of milk horrendous first meal,

    10:00 - 4 bananas and yogurt (300ml) not even a meal....its not feeding anything

    11:00 - protein shake in slim milk needs to be food not shake

    12:00-12:30 - lunch
    More then Half chicken, salad, needs carbs,

    2:00 - freshly squeezed juice, apple, mango, strawberries, pineapple pointless, not even a meal, not feeding anything

    3:30 - a yogurt to fill me up come on lol...its not a meal, pointless. eat food to fill you up

    5:00 - A sandwich with beef petty crap not worth opening your mouth for

    7:30 - protein shake after gym what did it contain?

    8:30- dinner, two beef steaks with veggies

    Last night I did not but some nights I also have CASEIN,

    read the red highlights

    You dont eat, you wont build muscle tissue on thaat diet..

    no point in saying you will change it when you go on cycle, you need to change it and build without steroids and build a base because you havent got one. n 12 months in the gym and your eating the above is why your not gaining muscle.

    Sack your perssonal trainer because the guy is a knobhead - if he lets you eat like this he doesnt know what he is doing.

    forget about otyher guys who have been on cycle for 2 months or 2 want to do this right and build muscle tissue and look good you can by some lifestyle changes. ange your diet its awful and I mean awful. Your wasting your time opening your mouth. head over to the diet section and ask for help hitting your daily calorie requirements and when you understand how to eat to maiantain you can then adjust to eat to grow which is a whole different ball game.

    You also need more time in the gym because Ijust know you have no idea how to train to build muscle, if your eating that Ican tell how you train. Spend some time in the training section and watch some videos on how to train, check out my HIT training thread with Dorians videos.

    Ad for your goals you acturally dont need steroids, hard to get your head round this one isnt it for you????? but its true.......with the lifesstyle changes ive told you and give it 12-18 months you will achieve your goal of a good body but not bulky

    best of luck

  27. #147
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    I vote this thread be closed now

  28. #148
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    grillin chicken
    Summary you want everyone to help you but won't help yourself.
    You will never reach your goals with or without AAS.
    Change starts with you.

  29. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic
    I vote this thread be closed now
    Quote Originally Posted by fit2bOld
    Summary you want everyone to help you but won't help yourself.
    You will never reach your goals with or without AAS.
    Change starts with you.
    Disappointing and rude

  30. #150
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    You guys are just making it an ego issue, I understand my way of asking was armature but I was serious,

  31. #151
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    Which product is going to give me a quick recovery and strength to at least pick my 50KG when doing biceps on machine? why can't I get strength to punch hard? I am doing kickbox for 3 years, I got my max point, there is nothing left, I need it,

  32. #152
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Your not listening

    Please re read my post
    Forget steriods
    Fix your diet
    And post your training routine

  33. #153
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    I already did don't ask me same thing again and again, can't help me? Then shut the fck up, stay in your stupid ego circle, keep your ego with you.

  34. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aliusman
    I already did don't ask me same thing again and again, can't help me? Then shut the fck up, stay in your stupid ego circle, keep your ego with you.
    Oh dear. We'll, on the plus side you're unlikely to be here long enough now to upset too many more peoe!

  35. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteM

    Oh dear. We'll, on the plus side you're unlikely to be here long enough now to upset too many more peoe!
    And what about me getting upset cuz of their ego issue ??

  36. #156
    Back In Black's Avatar
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    If you listened to people you wouldn't get upset. You are upset because nobody is saying "yeah, go for it, 1g test a week and add some tren ".

    Everybody has said you're not ready and post up your workout and diet with macro's. you haven't. We're here to help. If you don't want it, there's an easy decision for you to make.

  37. #157
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    You have no idea how to train correctly. You have no idea how to eat to achieve your goals, you don't have enough experience in the gym or using a solid diet. Even your rip off pt doesn't but all us here do know what's best for you but you won't listen. You asking questions but your not taking the advice because you only want to listen to people who have no idea what they talking.
    about .

    You sound like 12yrs old and trust me for your goals you just need to train properly and eat correctly.

    Now stop crying like a child and take the advice and we can all help you with your diet and training. If you aren't go and speak to your stupid rip off trainer.

  38. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    You have no idea how to train correctly. You have no idea how to eat to achieve your goals, you don't have enough experience in the gym or using a solid diet. Even your rip off pt doesn't but all us here do know what's best for you but you won't listen. You asking questions but your not taking the advice because you only want to listen to people who have no idea what they talking.
    about .

    You sound like 12yrs old and trust me for your goals you just need to train properly and eat correctly.

    Now stop crying like a child and take the advice and we can all help you with your diet and training. If you aren't go and speak to your stupid rip off trainer.
    Marcus forget him I'm more needy new to forum have been advised to read one of your posts on nabido for H R T but as yet can not find it could you help out ?

  39. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by faither

    Marcus forget him I'm more needy new to forum have been advised to read one of your posts on nabido for H R T but as yet can not find it could you help out ?
    Here's the info your after

  40. #160
    Graham1992 is offline New Member
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    I would definitely concentrate on a diet and training first man! Just my opinion though

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