07-08-2015, 02:15 PM #41Female Member
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Hey warmouth
i was wondering if you have any further research on this or could help me out
im currently on a 24 week cycle i think it was, i have 16 - 17 weeks left before my competition
im on a cycle of tren , masteron , winstrol and i take 10mg of var ALMOST every day
i take about 1 ml of tren and masteron a week and 2 of winstrol
i know after comp im supposed to taper off them or my hormones will go psycho but i'm not too sure about that in detail.
also any other information will help alot haha, i don't take anything else besides those at all.... occaisonally i would use clen or something as i need to drop my body fat down alot and get the tighter look for stage but yeah, im only a 21 year old female so my periods are stopped at such a young age
07-09-2015, 05:21 AM #42
You sure you know what you are doing??
Taking tren and mast???
If you are a female that dosage is very high, and unless you want to be one of those female bodybuilders with severe virililization characteristics you should not even think of tren or mast.
The only female friendly compounds are anavar and primo at low dosages!!
If your tren is not fake and you have pinned 1ml of it you are by now growing a mini dick and getting a mike tyson voice...
I'm at least hoping she's very aware of the consequences of Tren etc...
07-09-2015, 08:41 AM #44Originally Posted by peanut-lifting
Taper is always good.
Women take mast but not typically tren so I am curious as how this came to be.
08-30-2016, 10:22 AM #45
I hope it doesn't matter that I'm replying to a post that is over a year old. I am a new member and I'm reading everything I can in order to learn more about aas and this post was very helpful!
05-15-2017, 12:33 PM #46Female Member
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I was wondering if anybody knows of a good pct for coming of a 4-5 month anavar cycle 20mg per day, have been feeling sweaty and hot and cold and clammy since I ended this cycle and not having any luck on a good pct for women and anavar. any help much appreciated. thanks!
01-07-2018, 04:01 PM #47Female Member
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Thank you for all the great info !!
06-03-2018, 01:42 PM #48New Member
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I'd like to share my experience as well. In my 20s when I was NPC competitor, Jan Tana etc. I'd use Anavar , Winstrol , Dianabol during bulk, and I'd run it for 8-12 weeks. After that my body would recover and I'd get back my period etc.
Now that I'm 40 it doesn't recover anymore. Two years ago, I ran a cycle of test prop 20 mg twice then 3 times/week for 12 weeks and felt on top of the world! Finally had the energy to workout again, libido, confidence, anxiety disappeared. I haven't had a period for 3 years before I even started the test cycle. I should have done labs before all this but heck...it was worth it.
Problem was....I'd later add Primo enanth 80-100 mg/week and ran that for 16 weeks along with HGH which leaned me out. At some point I started to go downhill....didn't feel well, was over trained, fed up etc. so I stopped everything....
3 months after stopping I ran labs and my estradiol, testosterone , progesterone, LH/FSH were all low! My gyno put me on bioidentical estradiol and testosterone cream, I was supposed to take Prometrium 200 mg but it made me sick. More later...but it bothers me that everyone says women don't need PCT. Yes - they do! How or what to take to recover...I don't know....
06-03-2018, 01:53 PM #49
Thanks for sharing! Well, do you have your labwork?
You can try clomid treatment, but you cannot use it like men do for PCT (4 weeks 50mg ED). You need to try to emulate the female hormonal cycle, so you would only take it for 10-12 days during follicular phase, from day 1 to day 10 (may need adjustment). This would boost your estrogen and testosterone during follicular phase, and hopefully kick start or improve your HPTA, and you would get your period back.
This treatment will make you fertile, so, have that in mind.
If it doesnt work you can always go back to HRT/BC pill.
06-06-2018, 09:56 AM #50
Karenx, I had full blood work draw through homeopathic doctor. All my hormones and thyroid were very low. I’ve been on HRT for about one month. Noticed difference immediate (1 day) with estrogen and within a few days for testosterone cream.
Happy so far. Will recheck BW after 3 months to adjust.
It’s hard to find a doctor to treat in my area. If I was starting off with college; female hormones would be my specialty!
02-27-2020, 07:57 AM #51
If I'm asking this question in the wrong thread, just point me in the right direction.
Asking for a friend, what should I look for in labs while she's taking var? More specifically, to ensure there is no liver damage going on or likewise?
02-27-2020, 09:56 PM #52
Hi. Thanks for your service and awesome recovery. Much respect!
Use the search feature and type in “liver” and will find several OTC protocols to protect liver.
If your lady friend doesn’t have liver issues and is taking recommended women’s dose and duration, her liver enzymes won’t rise that much and should recover quickly.
It’s always smart to have a baseline.
If her liver enzymes are elevated she will know...tea like color even when properly hydrated.
Here’s 2 links you may find useful
And I always recommend women take responsibility for their own research...so just have her join and request pink access to women’s forum!
02-27-2020, 11:35 PM #53Banned- I said my goodbyes.
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