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Thread: Tren Suspension

  1. #1
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    Tren Suspension

    Anyone ever try this stuff? Alpha Pharma. Comments? I've used their NPP last year. Will I have to pin this twice a day?

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
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    I could never bother with that.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  3. #3
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    I have not used it YET but I would take it once a day pre-workout
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  4. #4
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Suspension at least 2 x a day. 1 pin an hr pre workout.

  5. #5
    Flacco's Avatar
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    Thanks guys. Whats up Cape So, once pre workout and the other shot twelve hours before/after?

  6. #6
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flacco View Post
    Thanks guys. Whats up Cape So, once pre workout and the other shot twelve hours before/after?
    I use TNE which is oil based. I prefer 3x every 8 hrs.

  7. #7
    Flacco's Avatar
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    Cool. Thanks

  8. #8
    lolfb is offline Junior Member
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    Heard it's like injecting acid

  9. #9
    panntastic's Avatar
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    I would make it into oil based not a suspension personally

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    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    I would make it into oil based not a suspension personally
    Last edited by Capebuffalo; 06-27-2013 at 09:27 AM.

  11. #11
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post

    I use TNE which is oil based. I prefer 3x every 8 hrs.
    He said TREN . Not test. My best advice would be use Tren acetate and do a Tren suspension pre workout.

  12. #12
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    He said TREN. Not test. My best advice would be use Tren acetate and do a Tren suspension pre workout.
    Yeah I caught that. Edit last post. Didn't get that one.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    He said TREN. Not test. My best advice would be use Tren acetate and do a Tren suspension pre workout.
    I'm in Thailand till April at least, so I got a budget I'm stickin to, down to the dollar. I just bought all TREN suspension. Don't really wanna spend more on anything. I'm not looking for huge gains. I'm 6'4", 230 LBS, about 13/15 % bf. After PCT (if I don't decide to just cruise)... I'd like to keep about 10 lbs of lean mass, and drop a few % points in body fat. Get down to say 10-12% I really don't care as much about physique as I do strength/conditioning/cardio/endurance. I wanna put on some lean mass and harden up a bit. I'm gonna run this for 8 weeks...

    50 mg of Test prop every day (considering maybe only doing 25mg of prop a day)
    25 mg of Tren Suspension every day. I want to try a low dose. I've been doing alot of cardio. First run with tren was 350 mg a week of Ace and I didn't like the sides or how winded I got.
    50 mg of dbol everyday for the first 3 or 4 weeks.
    and I've got Prami, Caber, Arimidex , and proviron on hand. What would be best to take for OCT with this stack?

    I know some of you may think that my doses are too low and a waste of shutting myself down, but I'm happy with where I'm at now. Don't wanna get too much bigger. Just wanna gain a little mass, shed some fat, and mainly work on my strength.

    Also... what would HCG protocol be for Blasting/cruising or TRT? I've read its best to take breaks between HCG use, correct? People say no longer than 14 weeks or something? Is that correct? If I plan on blastin and cruisin, would I just do 7-8 weeks of HCG, and then stop until next Blast?

    Thanks fellas

  14. #14
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    Says he is happy where he is... just wants to gain TEN LBM. While losing bodyfat. lol. That's a pretty big goal for a cycle IMO.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    Says he is happy where he is... just wants to gain TEN LBM. While losing bodyfat. lol. That's a pretty big goal for a cycle IMO.
    You can talk to me when you're taking shots at me I'm 6'4", and even at 230, I still look somewhat... well, not skinny but I've got alot I can still stack on my frame. 10 lbs isn't crazy for me. I know how to eat. I don't know about you, but 10 lbs is realistic for me. Are you being sarcastic or something and I'm missing it?

  16. #16
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    And if you were actually interested in helping or giving me advice you would have noticed that I said "about 10 lbs." I'd like to shed some body fat. I'm not a pro, and I'm using this cycle to get more in shape than I am to look good asthetically. Not too concerned with gaining exactly 10 lbs of LBM. I said that to give you an idea of what I plan on shooting for.

    I asked about the best OCT for Tren Prop Dbol , and HCG protocol for blasting and cruising. Instead of answering, you gotta take shots. You make yourself look dumb/immature. Waste of a post, and This rebuttal is waste of my time. If you're not gonna answer the question, don't answer at all.
    Last edited by Flacco; 06-27-2013 at 12:01 PM.

  17. #17
    D2'd's Avatar
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    I'd probably scrap the Dbol as you won't need a kickstart.

  18. #18
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    Not sure how im "taking shots" at you. I found it funny you consider gaining 10lbs of muscle while losing body fat a small goal. That's quite an achievement. And I did give u advice.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    Says he is happy where he is... just wants to gain TEN LBM. While losing bodyfat. lol. That's a pretty big goal for a cycle IMO.
    Well sorry if I snapped... steroids dude Alot can get lost in translation through written word. When you said that^^^ I took it as "Pfffff, this guys says he's happy where he's at lol" Felt like you were having a laugh at my expense. Maybe I misinterpreted it, but I don't think I did. You make it seem Like "about 10 lbs" is unreasonable while loosing some body fat. Maybe it is for you. I don't think it is. I think other people on here would agree with me. I didn't say "I want 10 lbs of rock hard LBM" and "to cut 3/4% BF." I merely stated a goal/number I'd like to come close to.

    Do me a favor and don't give me anymore advice.

  20. #20
    Sledgehammer1's Avatar
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    On tren , that' is achievable. That being said, it would be dose dependant. Ive honestly never gone below 50mg/day tren, so I cant comment on results lower than that. Tren sides can be minimized by using a low dose of test, which you are doing. Maybe consider doing a TRT dose like 200-250mg test and bump up the tren to 50mg/day. Especially since your using Tren susp, you could adjust your dose pretty easily to find a sweet spot where the sides aren't too bad.

    Lets say though you kept the doses the same, there are some ways to help achieve your goals more easily. Obviously doing cardio at optimum times like fasted in the morning or PWO, will target stored fat. Having low carb days, med carb, and reefed days rotating will help you add the size without unwanted fat gains. I use a chart on the fridge for the week and keep a food log. This will help you know throughtout the day if you need to get in some more protein/carbs/fat, to hit your macros.

  21. #21
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    Flacco, honestly from a outside POV, He wasn't laughing at you. When you said you are happy where your at, but would like to gain 10 more pounds, was a little funny. I think its a canondrum ( A riddle whose answer is or involves a pun or unexpected twist). I believe that's the right word??? How many of us are really happy where were at?? Some days sure, but then you see a mass monster at the gym and your like, dam I want my arms as big as that to.

  22. #22
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    Good shit, thanks for the feedback. Apologies to Pat. Its the Sauce. Probably the Tren . I rarely loose my shit and react like that. My fault! From the Heart

    I'm starting at 25mg of Tren a day and I'll see how I feel. Move up to 50 if I'm feeling good.

    How about OCT? I've got Prami, Caber, Arimidex , and proviron on hand.

    Also... what would HCG protocol be for Blasting/cruising or TRT? I've read its best to take breaks between HCG use, correct? People say no longer than 14 weeks or something? Is that correct? If I plan on blastin and cruisin, would I just do 7-8 weeks of HCG, and then stop until next Blast?

  23. #23
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    I use hcg year round at 500iu a week. I don't think a break is needed although I do typically take a month or two off from them just because my vial was empty and didn't mix another lol

    And I don't think your goal is necessarily unachievable, its just a big change. 10lb muscle increase while losing fat, u wont even recognize yourself in the mirror! What I meant was that although u say you are happy where u are, u then listed a big change.

    As a metaphor.... if someone said "im happy with my strength now, I just want to bench another 75lbs." That would be humorous in the sense that, its a big change to be happy where u currently are.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    I use hcg year round at 500iu a week. I don't think a break is needed although I do typically take a month or two off from them just because my vial was empty and didn't mix another lol

    And I don't think your goal is necessarily unachievable, its just a big change. 10lb muscle increase while losing fat, u wont even recognize yourself in the mirror! What I meant was that although u say you are happy where u are, u then listed a big change.

    As a metaphor.... if someone said "im happy with my strength now, I just want to bench another 75lbs." That would be humorous in the sense that, its a big change to be happy where u currently are.
    Yeah, I misinterpreted that. And I lost my shit lol. Like I said, alot can get lost in translation in written word. Typically, when ever I cycle... I'm always bulking, and I shoot for putting on as much weight as possible. I've put on 30 lbs in 3 months, from start to PCT in previous cycles. Thats why in my mind, 10 lbs didn't sound like that much. Its all relative to the individual, and I forgot that when I was explaining myself.

    How about the Caber ect. What should I use? A combination of them, or one instead of the others?


  25. #25
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    How much of that 30 lbs in 3 months are you retaining?

  26. #26
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    You gotta remember also, being 6'4, if u gained 30lbs on last 2 cycles, u were very under weight. Once your frame is filled out and you are past your genetic limits, gains are much slower. I do well to put on 5lbs of lbm per cycle. I may add more weight than that in the form of water or fat though. Im 5'11 and almost 220 at 10% bf. Its going to be much harder for me to add size than you.

  27. #27
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    Yeah, you're right. I was kickboxing at the time. I'm naturally skinny. My natural/comfortable body weight is around 195. I was fighting at 185. When I stopped kickboxing, I wanted to put alot of mass back on. Went from 185 up to 222 on 3 month Deca , Test E, Dbol cycle. Dropped to 213 after PCT. I know alot of the weight I put on wasn't LBM and as you said, my frame wasn't filled out. I was under weight, so my body probably just "soaked up" all the food I was eating. Eating probably 3 or 4 times as much as I was while kickboxing. I don't recommend all my methods/habits of using AAS. I started young, and have definitely abused them. I should have bulked naturally for a while and did a cycle when I hit a platue. I'm now paying the price for my aas use. I wouldn't recommend everything I do personally, to anyone inexperienced. Just wanted to make that clear for anyone reading this.

    Yeah, even at 230 lbs, I still feel like I have alot of room on my frame to pack on mass... BC of my height. Still kind of feel skinny, even though this is the biggest I've ever gotten lol

    So... what would be the best OCT for what I'm running?
    Again... 50 mg of Test prop every day (considering maybe only doing 25mg of prop a day)
    25 mg of Tren Suspension every day. I may raise the dose if I feel ok. I want to try a low dose. I've been doing alot of cardio. First run with tren was 350 mg a week of Ace and I didn't like the sides or how winded I got.
    50 mg of dbol everyday for the first 3 or 4 weeks.
    and I've got Prami, Caber, Arimidex , and proviron on hand. What would be best to take for OCT with this stack?

  28. #28
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    BUMP. Still wondering about AI's and Caber or Prami for Tren , Prop, Dbol . I've been reading mixed opinions. Wanted some advice from you guys.

  29. #29
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    At 50mg prop per day, .25mg eod of adex should suffice. Lots keep caber or prami on hand, I just run it the whole time. .5mg caber 2x a week
    Last edited by OnTheSauce; 06-28-2013 at 09:49 PM.

  30. #30
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    Cool, thanks dude

  31. #31
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    So... I'm reading all type of shit from... Suspension has to be shot 2-3 times a day to... once a day pre work out. I don't wanna half ass it so I've been pinning 2x a day. Now... my question is... I usually work out anywhere between 12pm -3/4 in the afternoon. If I pin pre work out at say... 11 am, that means I'll pin again at 11pm? I usually try to get to bed by 9/10 pm. Could I just pin at 6am when I wake up, and 6pm (12 hours later) or would that be missing out on the advantage it would give me by pinning an hour before work out.

  32. #32
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    My 1st trip to Thailand I had some of those plans such as working out, itinerary on what I was going to do and a budget. About 30 minutes after arriving all those plans went in trash and I let my instincts take over. lol

    I did make it to the pharmacy my 2nd or 3rd trip but not my 1st.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    My 1st trip to Thailand I had some of those plans such as working out, itinerary on what I was going to do and a budget. About 30 minutes after arriving all those plans went in trash and I let my instincts take over. lol

    I did make it to the pharmacy my 2nd or 3rd trip but not my 1st.
    Yeah lol... this country will do that to you lol. Luckily, I'm here at least until april and have time to experience everything Thailand has to offer... again. Taking it slow this time. Excess in moderation I have so much time, I'm more focused on working out than "extra curricular activities" lol.

  34. #34
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    still looking for some feedback... "So... I'm reading all type of shit from... Suspension has to be shot 2-3 times a day to... once a day pre work out. I don't wanna half ass it so I've been pinning 2x a day. Now... my question is... I usually work out anywhere between 12pm -3/4 in the afternoon. If I pin pre work out at say... 11 am, that means I'll pin again at 11pm? I usually try to get to bed by 9/10 pm. Could I just pin at 6am when I wake up, and 6pm (12 hours later) or would that be missing out on the advantage it would give me by pinning an hour before work out?"

  35. #35
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    Anyone use this? It has to hit you like a ton of bricks. . . I'd use it on a squat day or some shit.

    Shit if tren ace made me feel like I wanted to jump out of my skin, WTF would this do?

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Anyone use this? It has to hit you like a ton of bricks. . . I'd use it on a squat day or some shit.

    Shit if tren ace made me feel like I wanted to jump out of my skin, WTF would this do?
    I'm only on about day 5 of 25mg 2x a day. I feel great. No sides. No night sweats or anything. Workouts alot more intense. Can already see a difference in definition. Slightly, again only on day 5. Planing on running it for another 4 or 5 weeks. Tren ace is probably a better option if yo don't like pinning. I like pinning so... I love it so far. Still curious about my question 2 posts above this one ^^^ Is pre work out and then 12 hours later better than morning (6/7am pin) and then 12 hours later 6/7pm pin, if I usually work out around noon?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Flacco View Post
    Yeah lol... this country will do that to you lol. Luckily, I'm here at least until april and have time to experience everything Thailand has to offer... again. Taking it slow this time. Excess in moderation I have so much time, I'm more focused on working out than "extra curricular activities" lol.
    Until April 2014? NICE, yeah that does give you time to explore. Ohhh how I wish I had 1, 2, 10 years to explore more then but I will probably have just as much fun exploring Philippines where I will be moving and if I need more Thailand is only about 1hr away.

    Sorry, no experience with suspension.

  39. #39
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    Yeah... I hear the philippines are just as cool. Maybe even better in alot of ways. Much more to explore. Thousands of islands, many untouched/undestroyed by pollution/garbage dumping. My brother said the spot over there thats similiar to Pattaya/Patong is Called Sabu. He's told me some interesting stories

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