07-10-2013, 08:38 PM #1New Member
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Test susp/prop + anavar or tbol?
Hey guys.
13% bf
24yrs old
Planning on a fall cycle. Goal is lean mass and explosive strength.
I am planning on a low dose of Anavar to pronounce the effects, and should be ok since it isn’t very hepatoxic. What do you guys think about throwing in Anavar as well? I am undecided about this.
Going to run test prop at a low dose so that I don’t get shut down.
Will also run HGH for the next 6 months for health and anti-inflammatory benefits.
HCG at the end of the cycle to help with testicular function and resetting test levels.
Toremefine and Triptorelin PCT.
Goal of cycle is to increase fast twitch muscle strength, lose 3-4% bodyfat, and gain 7-8 pounds of dense muscle while maintaining flexibility. I have no desire to get bigger or have a beach body.
Anyways after weeks of research I have decided on this stack.
Weeks 1-10
Test prop EOD 100mg
Weeks 3-10
Anavar 50mg/day
Weeks 5-10
Winstrol 50mg/day
Weeks 7-10
HCG 250iu every 3 days
Weeks 11-14
Toremefine 120/60/60/30
Forma Stanazol 10 pumps
Weeks 1-14
Fish Oil
Cycle Assist
6 months
HGH 5iu 5on/2off
I have a personal trainer that I go to 5 days/week and diet is in place. Sometimes I have trouble with diet because I travel a lot, but on this cycle I am going to do everything I can to eat as clean as possible. Obviously no alcohol.
Thanks this is an important cycle for me. I don’t plan on doing another one for 10-12 years so this has to be executed perfectly.
I have done my research and this is the best I can come up with, any critique or commentary would be greatly appreciated.Last edited by basepro; 08-07-2013 at 09:29 PM.
07-10-2013, 09:00 PM #2Banned
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I am relatively new here so take this with a grain of salt; but im pretty sure that cycle will shut you down anyway. Maybe ask some more experienced members but Im pretty sure that anavar alone will shut you down even though it is pretty mild
Also its recommended you use test E not test prop for first cycle
and yes everyone will say no winny
07-10-2013, 09:22 PM #3Banned
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Your natural test will be shutdown, you take the test prop to replace it. Not prevent shutdown. Everything seems ok to me dose wise. but I wouldn't play with triptorelin. Just do Nolva and torem for pct. I also think you should use hcg the entire cycle. Incorporate arimidex at .25mg every 3 days. At 350mg test a week you shouldn't need much, but you should run something for estrogen control.
Test only is advisable for first cycle, but I know u don't want to hear that. But that's my ultimate advice.however if you will ignore that, follow what I laid out above.Last edited by OnTheSauce; 07-10-2013 at 09:25 PM.
07-10-2013, 10:55 PM #4New Member
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Thanks. Why no triptorelin? I've read it works really well. And I'll add Nolva and do hcg full cycle.
And this is not my first cycle I did some stupid stuff a few years ago when I was way too young. I was lucky to have no long term sides because I took pct and did it right...still stupid though. And yeah I just meant the test to help with the shutdown I didn't word that right. What do you think about the winstrol /anavar combo and when I should take it within my test cycle?? And doses are ok?
07-11-2013, 12:34 AM #5
IMO I would drop either the var or the Winstrol . With a good diet, cardio and weight training either or would be sufficient to meet your goals. Your body will only do so much in a short period of time. More drugs might not really help in the long run. At least that has always been the case for me. Good luck to ya sir. Wish you the best.
07-12-2013, 12:06 PM #6New Member
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I agree after doing more research. Gonna drop the winny...what do you think about halotestin ? I've never heard of any athletes using it.
07-12-2013, 12:43 PM #7
07-22-2013, 09:22 PM #8New Member
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hey guys thanks for the help. gonna go with test and anavar for now. I don't really have the funds for gh at the moment but I will add that in soon as well.
My plan is to run test prop 150mg eod 12 wks along with anavar 60 mg ed weeks 5-12. hcg 250iu e3d and adex .25 eod throughout cycle. Torem and nolva pct.
Sound good?
07-22-2013, 09:39 PM #9
07-22-2013, 09:42 PM #10
07-23-2013, 02:32 AM #11
08-07-2013, 09:25 PM #12New Member
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still haven't started the cycle. Thanks for clearing things up.
I have talked to some people familiar with my goals and they advised for an oral only low-dose winstrol tbol or anavar cycle for 4on/4off/4on/4off with a 2week torem pct. I'm still leaning towards anavar although tbol is starting to peak my interest.
I also want to be on test during cycle for obv reasons, I was looking into creams or lozenges that a-rod and braun got popped for (made in an underground compounding pharmacy). 200 mg lozenges and 20% creams that clear your system within a day.
Unfortuantely I don't have access to that so I'im thinking of just running an 8 weeker with
weeks 1-2 test prop 100mg ed
weeks 1-2 test susp 25mg 2xd
weeks 3-8 anavar 60mg ed
weeks 3-8 test prop 50mg ed
weeks 1-8 arimidex .5 eod
weeks 1-8 hcg (250iu e3d)
week 9 triptorelin 100mcg 1x
weeks 9-11 toremifene 120/60/30
don't really care about pinning...it is what it is.
really leaning away from winny...so anavar or tbol?Last edited by basepro; 08-07-2013 at 09:29 PM.
08-07-2013, 11:04 PM #13Junior Member
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About to finish an 18 week cycle of Var first six weeks, off four, var last 6 weeks. Test Prop run at 100mg ED first 8 weeks and then run throughout at 300mg/wk.
This is from experience...Initially, you may end up getting slightly slower with Test at 100mg ED as it may "blow" you up. Although this is accompanied by rapid strength gains, the sudden weight increase will take some time for your body to adjust and efficiently translate it into sport/functional movement. The less BF% the quicker you will adjust. I hope you are below 10%, makes the life a hell of a lot easier...
I think for my next cycle I will run test max 300mg/week for 20 weeks. Use compunds like anavar, masteron , and tren and apart from the intial tren dose, concentrate on slow muscle acquisition and reap strength gains every week. Blowing up is for the Bros...Last edited by JSumma; 08-07-2013 at 11:11 PM.
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