Looking to do my first AAS cycle. After a lot of research i've decided on straight Test Enanthate . I was thinking of running an 8-12 week cycle at 250 mg a week, I want to experiment first with low doses to see how my body reacts, open to adjusting the dose later in the cycle. My main goal is to add quality muscle while staying lean (preferably lower bf%), nothing to drastic just want to add some thickness and overall size.

PCT: Will run Nolvadex throughout the entire cycle at 20mg/ed just to be on the safe side. Will i need to run an HCG with this cycle as well? How long after the end of my cycle will i need to continue Nolvadex and possibly an HCG?

Stats: Age - 22
Height - 5 ft 10
Weight - 150 lbs
BF% - 10%

Concerns: Shutting down concerns me, I have a girlfriend and have responsibilities to fulfil haha by using a SERM will i still function normally? Also, general mood and personality, would like to stay as normal as possible.

Also, would anyone recommend bulking then cutting whilst on the same cycle?

I know this is a long post so thanks for reading and will really appreciate any advice given