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Thread: [Experienced Users] Will you help me?

  1. #1
    Judge Dredd is offline New Member
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    [Experienced Users] Will you help me?

    I've decided that I am gonna take steroids .

    I'm not here to be preached at about how I'm 19 and my body is practically flooding with natural testosterone . Save your breath, cause it just isn't true. I have low test and high estrogen.

    My mind is already made up, don't try to change it. Your post will just be disregarded. I'm doing it.

    The question is, will you guys (experienced users) help me do it as safely as I can? I know there are risks, but I take risks every day by doing what I do. I put my life on the line as well as my freedom. I could get stabbed, kidnapped, beat to death, shot, or locked up.

    Having a little acne and some odd hair growth isn't gonna bother me. I'll just shave my whole body every day if that's what I have to do.

    I'm using steroids to get the results I want faster.

    I want to look like Captain America, basically.

    I don't want to be the hulk.

  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Good luck, there is no safe way for you. You are risking irreversible damage. TRT may be in your near future.

  3. #3
    David LoPan's Avatar
    David LoPan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I think there is a machine that you can get into to transform yourself into Captain America

  4. #4
    Judge Dredd is offline New Member
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    A friend of mine has been taking Test-E and Dbol since the age of 16. He's suffered no side effects other than some acne in uncomfortable places if he waited too long after the workout to shower and some excess aggression.

    He was taking milk thistle along with the oral, not sure whether it actually does anything but he never suffered any liver damage.

  5. #5
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Judge Dredd View Post
    I've decided that I am gonna take steroids .

    I'm not here to be preached at about how I'm 19 and my body is practically flooding with natural testosterone . Save your breath, cause it just isn't true. I have low test and high estrogen.

    My mind is already made up, don't try to change it. Your post will just be disregarded. I'm doing it.

    The question is, will you guys (experienced users) help me do it as safely as I can? I know there are risks, but I take risks every day by doing what I do. I put my life on the line as well as my freedom. I could get stabbed, kidnapped, beat to death, shot, or locked up.

    Having a little acne and some odd hair growth isn't gonna bother me. I'll just shave my whole body every day if that's what I have to do.

    I'm using steroids to get the results I want faster.

    I want to look like Captain America, basically.

    I don't want to be the hulk.
    sorry mate. of the tens of thousands that travel here every day, I usually will not give advice to an individual that is bad advise to 99% to the rest of us. take it to PM with a willing vet if you want advise that is contrary to what we normally say.

    good luck!

  6. #6
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Judge Dredd View Post
    A friend of mine has been taking Test-E and Dbol since the age of 16. He's suffered no side effects other than some acne in uncomfortable places if he waited too long after the workout to shower and some excess aggression.

    He was taking milk thistle along with the oral, not sure whether it actually does anything but he never suffered any liver damage.
    really sorry to hear this. so he escaped any ill side effects in the short term. but he is just a kid, and starting out on this journey we call life. the shit he does today can rear it's ugly head years from now, so to say he hasn't experienced any bad side effects needs to be qualified with the additional verbiage of "so far....."

  7. #7
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman
    really sorry to hear this. so he escaped any ill side effects in the short term. but he is just a kid, and starting out on this journey we call life. the shit he does today can rear it's ugly head years from now, so to say he hasn't experienced any bad side effects needs to be qualified with the additional verbiage of "so far....."
    ^^^This....and I can tell you from years of treating men and women in clinic, men of every age don't openly discuss their medical issues and will delay seeking medical opinion/treatment much longer than women.

    Just because his friend appears ok doesn't mean he hasn't already had problems. Has this 19 year old kid seen the labs on his friend and determined he is healthy? I think not.
    songdog likes this.

  8. #8
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    MuscleInk hit the nail on the head bro.Give your friend a couple of years then lets talk.

  9. #9
    VegasBody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Judge Dredd View Post
    Having a little acne and some odd hair growth isn't gonna bother me. I'll just shave my whole body every day if that's what I have to do.
    The young and clueless
    They talk so easy will see when ur bald and full of nasty zits all over how much u will spend on ***** just to get some
    Think these guys know what they are talking about

  10. #10
    Judge Dredd is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    ^^^This....and I can tell you from years of treating men and women in clinic, men of every age don't openly discuss their medical issues and will delay seeking medical opinion/treatment much longer than women.

    Just because his friend appears ok doesn't mean he hasn't already had problems. Has this 19 year old kid seen the labs on his friend and determined he is healthy? I think not.
    That's a valid point, but he's been cycling for 5 years. Not to get bigger but to maintain his size.

    I don't plan on doing that, I plan on cycling until I reach above and beyond what my goal is. Not by much, but enough that I'll be close to my goal once I come off the gear for good. What ever gains I lose that bring me below what my target is, I will get back naturally. Not over night, I know this.

    I just honestly don't feel like working for 7 or 8 years to do what I can accomplish in half that time with the assistance of anabolic steroids .

  11. #11
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Judge Dredd View Post
    That's a valid point, but he's been cycling for 5 years. Not to get bigger but to maintain his size.

    I don't plan on doing that, I plan on cycling until I reach above and beyond what my goal is. Not by much, but enough that I'll be close to my goal once I come off the gear for good. What ever gains I lose that bring me below what my target is, I will get back naturally. Not over night, I know this.

    I just honestly don't feel like working for 7 or 8 years to do what I can accomplish in half that time with the assistance of anabolic steroids.
    take it to PM with a willing vet. most of us will refuse to openly talk about AAS with youngsters on the open board. it becomes too confusing to 99% of the rest of us if we make an exception with you. then the next batch of youngsters will see it and think it is ok.

    Good luck!

  12. #12
    VegasBody's Avatar
    VegasBody is offline Associate Member
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    If U have low T and high E maybe u should talk to a DR
    Get it fixed eat train eat train
    Steroids will not make U Capt America
    They will mess U up if U don't know what U R doing
    Maybe U have been experimenting already if u have low T and high E at 19 and now ur asking for advise
    look at wrestling ,google dead wrestlers U WILL SEE
    good luck

  13. #13
    diesel101's Avatar
    diesel101 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Goals will always change and you will never be big enough in your own eyes.
    Just remember AAS is not a miracle drug that will get you big without the work.

  14. #14
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Judge Dredd
    That's a valid point, but he's been cycling for 5 years. Not to get bigger but to maintain his size. I don't plan on doing that, I plan on cycling until I reach above and beyond what my goal is. Not by much, but enough that I'll be close to my goal once I come off the gear for good. What ever gains I lose that bring me below what my target is, I will get back naturally. Not over night, I know this. I just honestly don't feel like working for 7 or 8 years to do what I can accomplish in half that time with the assistance of anabolic steroids.
    Take Roman's advice. If you can find someone with experience to discuss this in the Private Message, you may get more help. We understand your ambition - we've all been there. It's not that we don't want to help, rather, we know first hand the risks and the real side effects you will experience and even if your friend has been one of the rare unique people to have minimal negative consequences (SO FAR) that does not guarantee you will have the same experience. Unless he is your identical twin, you have different genetics and unique individual variables that could make your experience with steroids entirely unpleasant.

    There are many threads in here from guys your age who started steroids and quickly returned, desperate for help to fix many problems. All of them wishing they had listened when they were told to wait. It's easy to think, "it won't happen to me", but what if it does? What if you no longer produce testosterone by 20 or 21 because you shut down your HTPA. We have guys in here as young as you already on testosterone replacement therapy for LIFE. That means for the next 50 to 60 years of their life and for EVERY week of their life, they will need a doctor to prescribe a once or twice a week testosterone injection or a gel that they apply to their skin just to feel normal. Just to have an erection. Just to avoid feeling depressed.....and more.....and if you think "so what, that's not bad", just ask those of us who are already on TRT if we had the choice, would we rather have high natural levels or be on TRT for life.

    Lastly, NOTHING happens quick. It takes time and dedication. Your diet and training more than any steroid will determine your size or how shredded you get. Steroids won't transform lazy and undisciplined into a body building miracle. Even the professional body builders (yes I realize that isn't your goal) train and eat meticulously for years before they are even ready to compete. Most people would be absolutely shocked by the amount of training and eating those guys do. Yes, it's their career and not for most of us, but that doesn't dismiss the facts that nutrition and training are the founding principals of success in body transformations.
    ghettoboyd and thisAngelBites like this.

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