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  1. #1
    nate10's Avatar
    nate10 is offline Associate Member
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    Second cycle and some diet advice! thanks!

    Hey guys im 3 weeks in my first cycle ever its
    1-8 weeks test prop 125mg eod
    250iu hcg 2xweek
    12,5g aromasin ED
    PCT (3days after last pin) 4weeks of PCT
    Clomid 50/50/50/50
    nolva 40/40/20/20
    Put on about 10 lbs already! no sides but the sweats and oily skin.
    The crazy sorenes of test prop only lasted for first 2 weeks , now i pin i just get a lil ache next day nothing bad. Some pump nothing to crazy though, biggest reason im running this cycle is to try fix my very bad muscle imbalance of my left side witch the shoulder, trap , bicep tricep chest .BACK (witch causases my left shoulder to look more rolled forward.) Drives me nuts everytime i look in the mirror to see all these imbalances its like ocd does big mental insicurity.
    anyways been using more dumbels and perfect form and try mind muscle my left side more concentration. Starting to get better but still go alot to go!

    Age 22 , 5'10 , currenlty 167lbs and about 10% bf (mostly on my thighs idk why i have such meaty thighs!) traning for 4 year on and off , but been serious for 2 years.

    My diet consists of about 300-250g protein and about 2500 calls per day. Drink 8oz water every 30 mins (thats how i time it ). I Eat every 3 hours*

    MEAL 1 : 2 whites and 1 whole egg , scoop gold standard , cup of oatmeal mixed with plain greek yogurt. (vit c, fish oil, vit d , milk tistle , calcium)

    Meal 2 : 8oz chicken breast some plain green beans.

    Meal 3 (post workout) : tuna washed up with water (less sodium) , with half banana , scoop gold standard , 2 spoons of natural PB, 8oz almond milk all together in a blender (and no you cant taste the tuna after, the banana and pb takes care of the taste) 2 hours later at the gym.

    Meal 4 : 2 scoops of gold standard right after gym sesh and 1 pear.

    Meal 5: 8oz 93% lean ground beef or 8oz chicken breast with green beans (and all my second dose of the same vitamins i had in the morning)

    Meal 6: Sometimes i skip this meal and just go right to bed because its usualy right before bed time , but normaly i just eat 8 oz chicken breast!.

    So its 3 weeks of my test prop and i love it and im addicted to aas.
    So i have been already planning my second cycle after im done with this one and wait about 3-4 months to start second one!
    Goes like this:
    1-8 wks test prop 100mg eod
    1-4 wks 30-40mg dbol
    4-8 wks 60-80mg anavar .
    250iu hcg 2x wk
    12.5g aromasin ED
    the usual 3 days after last pin start 4 week PCT of
    Clomid 50/50/50/50
    nolva 40/40/20/20

    While on vit C , D , calcium , fish oil , milk tistle , R-Ala.

    What you guys think?

  2. #2
    RigPig's Avatar
    RigPig is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Last edited by RigPig; 06-19-2014 at 02:13 PM.

  3. #3
    tice1212's Avatar
    tice1212 is offline Productive Member
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    Ur pct should be more like:

    Also their is no need to be adding in d-bol or anavar on ur second cycle IMO
    ... If anything run test p for 10 weeks instead of 8...

  4. #4
    nate10's Avatar
    nate10 is offline Associate Member
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    Why is it always the age thing , with all respect you guys have to understand that its our body if we are messin it up let it be u know =/ ive done I good amount of my homework as you guys can probly see. days and days nd months of studieng this nd waiting for rite time.
    Anyways thanks tice1212 will do that instead with the pct , as for my next cycle I really want to put something else in at least var, and should I do 150mg prop eod? would that help a little more for gainz?

  5. #5
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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  6. #6
    nate10's Avatar
    nate10 is offline Associate Member
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    I posted what my diet looks like , the problem is i got a very bad muscle imbalance witch i have dealing long time , was even causing shoulder pain , did 3 months therapy still no results , and i have been killing at the gym with dumbels and side isolations but still isnt helping just drives me nuts and i cant lift heavy cause if i try my left shoulder leans forward or so , so i havnt been able to put in new muscle on my shoulders, back , bicep tripce or anything on my left side. getting me very depressed lately point i dnt wana go , but i still go because i love being there i love lifting wieghts

  7. #7
    nate10's Avatar
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    i know you guys are gona bash and make fun and stay stuff i dnt rlly care , its just me im doind nd did this so i can get over this muscle imbalance quick before i go crazy and guit the gym , its been 2 years of serious diet never missing meals only 1 cheat meal week and never missing lift days for now i discover this imbalance nd feels like everything i did was pointless

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Do you have any pictures of this imbalance? My guess is it probably isn't as bad as you think.

  9. #9
    nate10's Avatar
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    kind of hard to take the pictures , but mostly its my left shoulder is elevated that is very visible pple at the gym have pointed it out good amount of times , i had very bad winged scapula sinced i started working it it got half way better but still shows depending what i do with my arms , nd left side wings more , my right upper trap connects stright all the way to the point of the colar bone on the shoulder nd my left ones stops shorter , right tricep i have the perfect upsidedown V and the left i have no inner tricep at all , if i do a bicep flex with arms up theres a empty space were my inner tricep was supose to be on my left side.

  10. #10
    Rusty11's Avatar
    Rusty11 is offline Senior Member
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    That thread had potential, but it quickly turned into a usual

  11. #11
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    Asia but not Asian.
    End of the world if you are Ronnie Coleman.....
    Just life if not.

    Getting depression and desperation because your body is less than perfect is a SERIOUS issue that should have attention via a shrink. Not slamming you but the BodyBuilder culture in Europe and N America evolved from He-Men to a primarily "alternate lifestyle" group pre-Arnold and they defined the is a mental "thing".

    I have a lift shoulder issue too and it is what it is....a long dang road to getting it improved. Got nothing but time and seeing the rewards of hard work.

    Quote Originally Posted by nate10 View Post
    kind of hard to take the pictures , but mostly its my left shoulder is elevated that is very visible pple at the gym have pointed it out good amount of times , i had very bad winged scapula sinced i started working it it got half way better but still shows depending what i do with my arms , nd left side wings more , my right upper trap connects stright all the way to the point of the colar bone on the shoulder nd my left ones stops shorter , right tricep i have the perfect upsidedown V and the left i have no inner tricep at all , if i do a bicep flex with arms up theres a empty space were my inner tricep was supose to be on my left side.

  12. #12
    nate10's Avatar
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    any other advices on the actual question i asked? diet and next cycle nd current cycle?

  13. #13
    jay94 is offline Associate Member
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    I don't think you need to add anything for your next cycle. If anything just increase the test dose and run it a bit longer. Don't get into gear too much man, you will regret it down the road. Just my opinion though, I know you probably don't care as you've seemingly already made your decision.

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