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  1. #1
    Northern Viking is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Susta/Cyp Question

    Hey guys. I'm on my 6th week of Sustanon cycle 250mg E3D and it's going good. But here is the thing .. I have like 1/3 left on my 2nd susta bottle and I was going to run the cycle for 10-12 weeks.

    I do have 1 bottle of testesterone Cyp tho. I was wondering if I could start injecting the Cyp after I finish my 2nd bottle of susta? Would it **** up my cycle? I figured since the longest ester in Sust has a similar half life as the cyp ester that it could work?

    Also thinking about running 3-4 weeks of Dbol at the end of my cycle to boost it up a little. Opinions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    Blog Entries
    yes you can use the cyp the same way you use the sust every 3 days or whatever you where doing you wont notice a difference and as far as the dbol that's up to you, using it at the end of a cycle isn't unheard of or anything so its your decision goodluck...

  3. #3
    Northern Viking is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Thanks so using the Cyp shouldn't be a proglem. Thats good to hear.

    I decided against using the Dbol and bought some Anavar instead. I have 100 10mg tablets so 1000mg total. Would you guys do 50mg ED for 20 days or 40mg ED for 25 days? Stacked with the 250mg of sust/Cyp(When sust finishes) E3D.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I would run 50mg for 20 days. If you do some cardio during that time you can gain some nice lean muscles.

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