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Thread: Did juice change your life for the better?

  1. #1
    jamal123 is offline Junior Member
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    Did juice change your life for the better?

    does anyone here regret juicing, or did it change you for the better and how?

    Also anyone that cycled at a age of 20-23 do you regret it or you think it was a good choice for your age and have good outcomes?

  2. #2
    Simon1972's Avatar
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    when you replace your natural test with synthetic test, your balls stop producing their own.
    when you stop the synthetic test- your balls come back alive- but its been hypothestized they will never come back to where they were. eg WAS100%---> Now96%

    you will get muscles, but!- if you dont know how to eat or work out now, you wont keep your gains- considering you might lose some of your natural test- this becomes even harder.

    ask yourself- are you working hard on diet and work- or do you just want an easy way out by posting up a sob story.......?

  3. #3
    thephoenix25 is offline Associate Member
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    Looks like you are asking for someone to say its ok to cycle under 25, the bottom line is, no it is not ok.

    The young and Steroids

    All these people ignored the warnings and now have a significantly lower standard of living as a result.

    ***Cycles going wrong for the young***

  4. #4
    Althenery's Avatar
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    I used test/tren at 21 years old and i dont regret it a bit, muscles make people respect you and you get treated better overall. But if u want muscle do it for yourself to make you happy, dont think it will be easy and don't worry about what other people say." Haters gonna hate"
    Last edited by Althenery; 10-31-2015 at 10:43 PM.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Althenery View Post
    I used test/tren at 21 years old and i dont regret it a bit, muscles make people respect you and you get treated better overall. But if u want muscle do it for yourself to make you happy, dont think it will be easy and don't worry about what other people say." Haters gonna hate"
    there should be a application process before members start posting....
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  6. #6
    thephoenix25 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Simon1972 View Post
    there should be a application process before members start posting....

  7. #7
    Althenery's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Simon1972
    there should be a application process before members start posting....
    And also a pic of themselves
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  8. #8
    Simon1972's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Althenery View Post
    And also a pic of themselves
    was your photo before you took steroids ?

  9. #9
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    It also sounds to me your trying to justify at cycling too early, which is better than just starting anyway, il give you that (who knows though, you mau have started and are worried?)

    Anyway heres my truthful outlay

    Im 28 years old
    -I started training at 19/20 (poor diet)
    -First cycle at 21 - sustanon (poor diet)
    -Second cycle at 22 - sustanon / deca / dbol (better but still poor diet)
    -Third cycle at 24/25 - test e (decent diet)
    -Fourth cycle at 28 - test e / tren (good diet)

    No problems here and i dont regret it as i enjoy my lifestyle and the way i look.

    if i knew then what i know now in terms of potential risks at cycling at that age would i have cycled? NO WAY! Too risky!

    I used a forum and nobody there knew the dangers of cycling underage
    I may be one of the lucky ones, theres plenty of people out there who havent been so lucky.
    Last edited by TheTaxMan; 11-01-2015 at 02:54 AM.

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You probably wont get a 19yr-23 yrs old who is taking steroids say it was a mistake because he is still probably in the vicious circle of going on and off cycle with little rest in between and not suffering any of the side effects what low testosterone can give us.

    There are many younger steroids users on here who will tell you just one cycle was a huge mistake they are usually in the HRT section asking for advice on low T, high estrogen and zero sex drive.

    There are always exception and usually its the guys who are still using who state that it didn't effect them using younger because they are still using and probably not having adequate time off cycle but in reality every time you go on cycle you knock a little bit off your natural test production IMHO.

    If someone is below the age of 24-25yrs old I would advice them not to cycle, even if they were hell bent on using I still wouldn't advice because I just couldn't. My morals and what ive seen over the yrs I wouldn't do that to them. If they really want to cycle and no matter what I would say would change their minds then there is enough information here to provide this and enough younger bodybuilders who don't know what they are doing to advice them. But me personally I wouldn't advice and I would try and change their minds because over the yrs I've had hundreds of pm's saying thank you for stopping me cycle. So if I can stop one out of 10 younger guys that's good enough for me.

    I didn't use steroids at a young age I was around 24yrs old with a huge foundation what ive build through power lifting, building is something these guys don't do even the younger guys using now they don't even look like they should due to the development they have but building a base is one tool you should implement before cycling IMHO.

    Do I regret cycling = no I don't but believe me its destroyed many things in my life what are impossible to get back, some of these things would break any man to bits. Also going through low T was horrendous and I cant put in words in a short sentence what it was like, it was a living hell. Now on the flip side I don't regret taking them because its made me who I am today but I do regret something's what has happened over the yrs due to me taking steroids.

    Many younger guys wont carry on training let alone taking steroids. Life gets in the way eg girlfriends, marriage, kids, jobs and jutst life in general changes for them but for me bodybuilding as been a huge part of my life from the age of 18 yrs old and to be fair many wont carry on with it due to life changes.

    I could go on and on with the benefits for me using and I could go and on with the negatives but I think you guys get the picture
    Last edited by marcus300; 11-01-2015 at 03:28 AM.
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  11. #11
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    Being 22 myself i realized with the help of these guys that with the right mind and dedication you can beast it out naturally until atleast your testosterone lvls start to decline later down the road.
    Most guys our age want to cycle for faster results and to look bigger but any cycle is atleast 12 weeks long man...thats 3 months minimum. Thats 3 months of not missing a single day putting things in your body in a very calculated precise manner which includes the drugs, food, and training and if even one of those things are not right, then you risk screwing yourself hard or just wasting all that money and time. Whats worse is that you might have everything down 100%, and you still might screw yourself up! Tbh that was the biggest thing that turned me away...if i cant control for the outcome, then i dont want to be playing russian roulette. Its a scary thought isnt it?

  12. #12
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
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    This impatient stage is also a good time to get your diet dialled in, one huge thing i regret doing, my first cycles i wrote above were pointless when i looked back, i did look great while on and i did keep some gains, but the gains i got could have been done naturally with a good diet.

  13. #13
    krugerr's Avatar
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    I don't want to beat this over the head too much.

    I'm 26, I first cycled at 21, and I messed up my body big time. Currently it's been around two years of doctors appointments, blood tests and referrals. I have only this week received a letter that we are going to move forward.

    The low-t is a killer of mood, sexdrive and relationships. It's seriously not a joke, and you should take serious consideration before cycling at a young age.

    Sent from my iPhone using Forum
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  14. #14
    jamal123 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    You probably wont get a 19yr-23 yrs old who is taking steroids say it was a mistake because he is still probably in the vicious circle of going on and off cycle with little rest in between and not suffering any of the side effects what low testosterone can give us.

    There are many younger steroids users on here who will tell you just one cycle was a huge mistake they are usually in the HRT section asking for advice on low T, high estrogen and zero sex drive.

    There are always exception and usually its the guys who are still using who state that it didn't effect them using younger because they are still using and probably not having adequate time off cycle but in reality every time you go on cycle you knock a little bit off your natural test production IMHO.

    If someone is below the age of 24-25yrs old I would advice them not to cycle, even if they were hell bent on using I still wouldn't advice because I just couldn't. My morals and what ive seen over the yrs I wouldn't do that to them. If they really want to cycle and no matter what I would say would change their minds then there is enough information here to provide this and enough younger bodybuilders who don't know what they are doing to advice them. But me personally I wouldn't advice and I would try and change their minds because over the yrs I've had hundreds of pm's saying thank you for stopping me cycle. So if I can stop one out of 10 younger guys that's good enough for me.

    I didn't use steroids at a young age I was around 24yrs old with a huge foundation what ive build through power lifting, building is something these guys don't do even the younger guys using now they don't even look like they should due to the development they have but building a base is one tool you should implement before cycling IMHO.

    Do I regret cycling = no I don't but believe me its destroyed many things in my life what are impossible to get back, some of these things would break any man to bits. Also going through low T was horrendous and I cant put in words in a short sentence what it was like, it was a living hell. Now on the flip side I don't regret taking them because its made me who I am today but I do regret something's what has happened over the yrs due to me taking steroids.

    Many younger guys wont carry on training let alone taking steroids. Life gets in the way eg girlfriends, marriage, kids, jobs and jutst life in general changes for them but for me bodybuilding as been a huge part of my life from the age of 18 yrs old and to be fair many wont carry on with it due to life changes.

    I could go on and on with the benefits for me using and I could go and on with the negatives but I think you guys get the picture
    Appreciate the reply man. Just wondering tho like im turning 23 next september and you say atleast 24-25 to cycle with a soild base and foundation. I have 4-5 years under my belt of training and dieting. I have a really good base and good natty physique at the moment. Just like you gym is and always will be my true love and passion in life. To me its more than just lifting its my hobby i really love working out and everything to do with it i honestly get a high in the gym when lifting and listening to music I just love that feeling and can only imagine it getting enhanced more on cycle. So if im set on cycling will those 2 years really make a huge difference health wise? I mean like its only 2 years
    Last edited by jamal123; 11-01-2015 at 08:26 AM.

  15. #15
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
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    In 2 years you can say your endocrine system is fully developed.

    Why take the risk? Like you said its only 2 years? Then wait 2 years.

  16. #16
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamal123 View Post
    Appreciate the reply man. Just wondering tho like im turning 23 next september and you say atleast 24-25 to cycle with a soild base and foundation. I have 4-5 years under my belt of training and dieting. I have a really good base and good natty physique at the moment. Just like you gym is and always will be my true love and passion in life. To me its more than just lifting its my hobby i really love working out and everything to do with it i honestly get a high in the gym when lifting and listening to music I just love that feeling and can only imagine it getting enhanced more on cycle. So if im set on cycling will those 2 years really make a huge difference health wise? I mean like its only 2 years
    To be fair everyone at your age says its for life but its still nice to hear your dedication and I will give you credit for that.

    What are your stats?
    how long you been training?
    how much weight have you put on since training?
    does it not concern you about having low T at such a young age if your the one who suffers after your first cycle?

  17. #17
    jamal123 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    To be fair everyone at your age says its for life but its still nice to hear your dedication and I will give you credit for that.

    What are your stats?
    how long you been training?
    how much weight have you put on since training?
    does it not concern you about having low T at such a young age if your the one who suffers after your first cycle?
    Appreciate it man yeah i know a lot of ppl say that then quit on the whole lifting scene but for me I know imma keep working out as long as my body allows me too and to me its as fun as a person that enjoys basketball, soccer etc as a hobby- this is mine and i dont see it changing.

    Anyway i am 5'7 used to weigh 115lbs when I first started when i was 17 went up to 178lbs in about 3 years and then the past 2 years im weighing around 165ish due to times i coudnlt lift from injuries and work etc . Yes it does concern me if my test suffers hard after a cycle and hence why i might wait another year to be on the safer side. I just dont see how waiting another year will make much a difference.

  18. #18
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamal123 View Post
    Appreciate it man yeah i know a lot of ppl say that then quit on the whole lifting scene but for me I know imma keep working out as long as my body allows me too and to me its as fun as a person that enjoys basketball, soccer etc as a hobby- this is mine and i dont see it changing.

    Anyway i am 5'7 used to weigh 115lbs when I first started when i was 17 went up to 178lbs in about 3 years and then the past 2 years im weighing around 165ish due to times i coudnlt lift from injuries and work etc . Yes it does concern me if my test suffers hard after a cycle and hence why i might wait another year to be on the safer side. I just dont see how waiting another year will make much a difference.
    Your brain(HPTA) and endocrine system will very much thank you in the long run scheme of things... We've all been where your at... Some of us made the mistake leading to life long problems while some haven't and stayed the course!

    You seen to have a good head on your shoulders a care listening which is great!

    @ Althenery - this board teaches/& preaches safe AAS use - not saying to cycle to younger members as your not setting the proper example... I hope you won't have any problems but you may not know until your a bit older - see where I'm going with this?!?! GL to you in your recovery!

    OP - just keep the words of Marcus and the likes in your mind and really reconsider your approach! GL to you!

  19. #19
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Functional Testosterone Replacement Therapy helped me a lot at age 30. I didn't have the genetics to be a pro-bodybuilder so I chose to wait until my natural levels were on the decline. I've been on TRT for 20 years.
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 11-02-2015 at 06:22 AM.

  20. #20
    ironbeck's Avatar
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    I started cycling at age 38 and it improved my focus in life for the better, and been on TRT for the past 1 1/2 yrs .....Im good.
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  21. #21
    LEO78's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Althenery View Post
    And also a pic of themselves
    Nu pics for females.

  22. #22
    Nick147's Avatar
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    i'd say juice changed my life for better, started cycling at around 26, and do not regret on this.

  23. #23
    somewhatjacked's Avatar
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    I don't regret taking stuff even though I had a gyno surgery.

    I was committed just like you. I wanted to get into the glamor industry (lol) and I was bullied by friends for being skinny. I was very committed - more than anyone can imagine. I abused steroids and got very big for my age.

    Life took a different turn and I decided to do an MBA instead of becoming an actor. I had no money to buy books, let alone eat clean and go to the gym. Guess what happened to me - I deflated, literally deflated like a mother ****ing balloon.

    The only thing I regret is not being stable in life before touching something that can be so temporary.

    I can't give you expert advice on the subject but I suggest thinking whether you will be stable in life to be able to continue this lifestyle.

    You may be able to go to the gym forever but eating big and taking out time during major life changes can be challenging.

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    Last edited by Althenery; 11-06-2015 at 08:52 AM.

  25. #25
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Althenery View Post
    Im only going to do maybe 1-2 cycles more and thats it for me
    Nope, never heard that before.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  26. #26
    bethdoth's Avatar
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    No one has asked you the important stats.
    Do you have a college degree?
    Are you married?
    Do you have or want kids?
    Do you have a good job making money that will carry you through life?
    The reason these questions are important is because they are life changing events. When you have a life changing event guess what your life changes! Get married and have a child... your gym time will most definitely be impacted. Go to college to further your career, guess what you will have to study and again gym time effected.
    I did not touch a steroid until I was 50 years old and that was only because my total T was down to 299. I have a stable job, making good money, my kids are raised, I work M-F 0630-1430 then hit the gym till 1700. So my life is very stable and regimented. Is yours?
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  27. #27
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    I gained about 30-25 pounds in less than 3 months with test/tren and I kept about 20, 1 cycle can change you life very drastically with 100% dedication.
    You could have gained the same with testosterone only cycle. Everybody gains about that with testosterone in first cycle, many times even with mediocre diet and training lol... Waste of tren and health.
    Let me guess here, you didnt do any bloodwork, right?

    Im only going to do maybe 1-2 cycles more and thats it for me...
    Good luck with that, hope you dont end up on trt for life.
    Last edited by Mr.BB; 11-02-2015 at 10:13 AM.

  28. #28
    fxrjuiceman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamal123
    does anyone here regret juicing, or did it change you for the better and how? Also anyone that cycled at a age of 20-23 do you regret it or you think it was a good choice for your age and have good outcomes?

    Honestly bro I started at 25 and a half I personally don't regret using them but I can name more then 10+ friends from life and the gym that highly regret it a lot of acne puss on face and scabs from scratching and popping pimples friend has a back scabs from tryna pop them 2-3never recovered naturally and are on low test just to feel ok couple others got a friken bald spot or hairline pushed back from 2 cycles haha so I'd definetly wait you can never do to much research and if these side affects don't seem like a big deal you gotta see them firsthand like me

  29. #29
    nate10's Avatar
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    I did my first test prop cycle at 21 , gained almost 25 lbs , injured my left shoulder bad , and lost everything due to not being able to lift 10 pounds, and poor diet due to depression for nt being able to do what was the most important thing in my life that i loved doing. Got my shouldersort of fixed with therapy twice in 2 years. But wasnt 100% , so i made mistake of thinking deca would help heal it better ,did cycle of test and deca at 22 years old , gained 20lbs in 9 months , then my shoulder got really bad! That i couldnt even move it (tore labrum) so i stoped the cycle short at 9 months instead of 14. Lost everything again. I regret it very bad , because it was a lot of money wasted and i risked so much twice for no gains to keep. How ever i never had any side effects. I was always horny as hell on cycles, low bloat , no gyno at all. So im lucky i never fked anything up , im now couple months after pct and im i feel 100% again. Having sex everyday. But if i knew i would have got injured so bad twice i would have never ran those cycles. Did surgery 2 months ago and started therapy. Cant wait to get back to lifting and when i do , im going to wait until im around 25 for next cycle.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by nate10
    I did my first test prop cycle at 21 , gained almost 25 lbs , injured my left shoulder bad , and lost everything due to not being able to lift 10 pounds, and poor diet due to depression for nt being able to do what was the most important thing in my life that i loved doing. Got my shouldersort of fixed with therapy twice in 2 years. But wasnt 100% , so i made mistake of thinking deca would help heal it better ,did cycle of test and deca at 22 years old , gained 20lbs in 9 months , then my shoulder got really bad! That i couldnt even move it (tore labrum) so i stoped the cycle short at 9 months instead of 14. Lost everything again. I regret it very bad , because it was a lot of money wasted and i risked so much twice for no gains to keep. How ever i never had any side effects. I was always horny as hell on cycles, low bloat , no gyno at all. So im lucky i never fked anything up , im now couple months after pct and im i feel 100% again. Having sex everyday. But if i knew i would have got injured so bad twice i would have never ran those cycles. Did surgery 2 months ago and started therapy. Cant wait to get back to lifting and when i do , im going to wait until im around 25 for next cycle.
    9 months on cycle?!! I hope you meant 9 weeks!

  31. #31
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nate10 View Post
    I did my first test prop cycle at 21 , gained almost 25 lbs , injured my left shoulder bad , and lost everything due to not being able to lift 10 pounds, and poor diet due to depression for nt being able to do what was the most important thing in my life that i loved doing. Got my shouldersort of fixed with therapy twice in 2 years. But wasnt 100% , so i made mistake of thinking deca would help heal it better ,did cycle of test and deca at 22 years old , gained 20lbs in 9 months , then my shoulder got really bad! That i couldnt even move it (tore labrum) so i stoped the cycle short at 9 months instead of 14. Lost everything again. I regret it very bad , because it was a lot of money wasted and i risked so much twice for no gains to keep. How ever i never had any side effects. I was always horny as hell on cycles, low bloat , no gyno at all. So im lucky i never fked anything up , im now couple months after pct and im i feel 100% again. Having sex everyday. But if i knew i would have got injured so bad twice i would have never ran those cycles. Did surgery 2 months ago and started therapy. Cant wait to get back to lifting and when i do , im going to wait until im around 25 for next cycle.
    Have you gotten BW done to see IF you've recovered close or to your normal levels??

    I ask b/c you say you feel 100% having sex etc... When in reality you actually don't know what's really going on inside your body. Just b/c you can get it up and don't have Gyno isn't the same as being healthy... Just sayin

    Hope your surgery and TB500 is doing they're part! GL on your shoulder and journey back - don't let anyone tell you you can not do it... Several members have including me - work around these things ed!

  32. #32
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamal123 View Post
    does anyone here regret juicing, or did it change you for the better and how?

    Also anyone that cycled at a age of 20-23 do you regret it or you think it was a good choice for your age and have good outcomes?
    You are clearly looking for someone approving early steroids use.
    So ill tell you my experience without bullshit.

    I started at 20, its been 2 years now.
    I had ED prior anything steroid use .
    Dr refused to.treat me so i self medicate and because I was doomed to TRT I just made the leap.

    However,in a way, I do regret using steroid for more than remplacement. Because it took a huge part in my life were I neglected school and it shifted my priority which lead me to quit.
    Strength and.physic wise I dont regret anything and health wise it is just too early to tell but I dont believe it negatively affected much.

    However, it did affected my life In a signifiant matter due to.priority switch and I think it is way more important focusing on school and self improvement in other area of life than growing bigger biceps to impress chix...(which btw a good career and well rounded life will be way more attractive to them.)
    Anyway bodybuilding is a fringe world and most women find it repulsive...

    Most young healthy man have a good enough physics naturally and dont need steroids until they are well placed in life. Normally its arround mid-twenties.

    There much more to consider than just age related risk cause lets be honest.
    22 or 25 the risk is not much higher for most people.
    I did it too young and it cost me in srea I didnt thought of.
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  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrFreshmaker
    9 months on cycle?!! I hope you meant 9 weeks!
    Lmao yes i i meant 9 weeks**

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    Have you gotten BW done to see IF you've recovered close or to your normal levels?? I ask b/c you say you feel 100% having sex etc... When in reality you actually don't know what's really going on inside your body. Just b/c you can get it up and don't have Gyno isn't the same as being healthy... Just sayin Hope your surgery and TB500 is doing they're part! GL on your shoulder and journey back - don't let anyone tell you you can not do it... Several members have including me - work around these things ed!
    Hey man , been planning on getting bw soon , just been kinda busy , but will def get one asap. And thanks for the moto! I have been really positive and my shoulder is feeling a little better everyday, eating pretty healthy still 5-6 meals a day to try maintain , doing legs and cardio during the week.
    But i will be 100% at the gym soon again! Cant wait

  35. #35
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    I dont think cycling younger vs older is related to physiological reasons rather than maturity ,i mean recovery wise i tend to believe that the younger will most probably recover than someone he is older keeping in mind that what i refer to young is 22 plus but it has more to do with having a stable life style and dedication cause most stop bodybuilding when they get older,married,have kids etc so its pointless if you are going to risk while you might not be to workout or have the dedication to give it all you have later in life when you will be having much more responsiblities compared to when you were young ,i think thats the main reason for advicing to wait,if you have your life settled and continue to work out and give it your all taking the risks of cycling will be more logical
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  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitguy View Post
    I dont think cycling younger vs older is related to physiological reasons rather than maturity ,i mean recovery wise i tend to believe that the younger will most probably recover than someone he is older keeping in mind that what i refer to young is 22 plus but it has more to do with having a stable life style and dedication cause most stop bodybuilding when they get older,married,have kids etc so its pointless if you are going to risk while you might not be to workout or have the dedication to give it all you have later in life when you will be having much more responsiblities compared to when you were young ,i think thats the main reason for advicing to wait,if you have your life settled and continue to work out and give it your all taking the risks of cycling will be more logical
    You sir deserves a medal.

  37. #37
    SidVicious77 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamal123 View Post
    imma keep working out as long as my body allows me too
    then the past 2 years im weighing around 165ish due to times i coudnlt lift from injuries and work etc .
    Injuries aside, if work can throw you off schedule for two years, what makes you think you'll be able to handle it in the future?

  38. #38
    Splifton's Avatar
    Splifton is offline Associate Member
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    Between Here And There
    It's just not worth it at a young age with little foundation. I can't say much though as I tinkered with testosterone and what it could offer for increasing endurance strength and speed. Luckily I had a whole university's archive of information at my disposal and that's probably the only thing that kept my testicles from undergoing atrophy into oblivion or growing a voluptuous set of manboobs.

    All I got was gnarly shin splints, a little bit of acne, 5-10lbs of muscle with about 15lbs of subcutaneous water, some sporadic back hair growth that went away after a while, and the learning experience of watching it all dissolve in a matter of months.
    Last edited by Splifton; 11-03-2015 at 09:13 PM.

  39. #39
    LEO78's Avatar
    LEO78 is offline Associate Member
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    Definitely - yes, never regretted this.

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