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Thread: Ability to keep gains short vs long cycles

  1. #1
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Ability to keep gains short vs long cycles

    From personal experiences keeping all
    Other factors the same which was better in terms of
    Keeping gains?

  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    It's all based on training nutrition and recovery. A short well planned cycle is going to be easier recover from

  3. #3
    tice1212's Avatar
    tice1212 is offline Productive Member
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    I personally love short burst cycling. Prime ur body for 6 weeks
    Blast the gear for 4-6wks
    Get off recover
    And train and eat the same like if u were still on cycle.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Ive ran more or less every cycle going and without doubt its a short cycle what yields more gains for me, ive cycled from 30 days high burst cycles up to 6 weeks. Gains have been amazing but designing a shorter cycle requires the skill and also making sure you use the pre cycle prime to spring board you into the cycle and open the growth window. Each to their own and what every suits their body with regards to gains vs sides vs recovery

  5. #5
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Ive ran more or less every cycle going and without doubt its a short cycle what yields more gains for me, ive cycled from 30 days high burst cycles up to 6 weeks. Gains have been amazing but designing a shorter cycle requires the skill and also making sure you use the pre cycle prime to spring board you into the cycle and open the growth window. Each to their own and what every suits their body with regards to gains vs sides vs recovery
    I was refering to short cycles not using too much of a dose

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitguy View Post
    I was refering to short cycles not using too much of a dose
    same answer, ive done better with shorter cycles no matter the dose

  7. #7
    Alta's Avatar
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    So what exactly does a short cycle consist of, and what is "priming"?

    I'm assuming you're training pretty hard and hardcore dieting as a primer, and then doing a short ester cycle like prop?

    Kind of curious as I travel a lot (internationally) for work, and have a tough time planning anything over 6-8 weeks.

  8. #8
    Buster Brown's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alta
    So what exactly does a short cycle consist of, and what is "priming"? I'm assuming you're training pretty hard and hardcore dieting as a primer, and then doing a short ester cycle like prop? Kind of curious as I travel a lot (internationally) for work, and have a tough time planning anything over 6-8 weeks.
    Check out the stickies for a full explanation.
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Ive ran more or less every cycle going and without doubt its a short cycle what yields more gains for me, ive cycled from 30 days high burst cycles up to 6 weeks. Gains have been amazing but designing a shorter cycle requires the skill and also making sure you use the pre cycle prime to spring board you into the cycle and open the growth window. Each to their own and what every suits their body with regards to gains vs sides vs recovery
    My experience has been similar to Marcus. Over the years, I've like shorter cycles as I have experienced less sides.

  10. #10
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    The shorter the cycle then the less amount of time shut down makes for faster recovery for most.

  11. #11
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    How can i use long acting compounds for a short cycle or will it condradict the idea of keeping a cycle short

  12. #12
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    Long esters need to be ran atleast 10 weeks IMO

  13. #13
    Althenery's Avatar
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    Try andropen 275
    week 1-8 @ 550 mg a week 3 day split
    The test will be piking at all times ??

  14. #14
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    Long esters need to be ran atleast 10 weeks IMO
    Issue is compounds like deca and equi need longer cycles

  15. #15
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitguy View Post
    Issue is compounds like deca and equi need longer cycles
    So you want to try and find a way to run these in a short cycle?

  16. #16
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Use short esters for short cycles... its as simple as that no matter the dose! Run prop and NPP/just prop/options are endless...
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  17. #17
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    So you want to try and find a way to run these in a short cycle?
    Yes thats my idea if its possible

  18. #18
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    K gains wise what did you guys find to be more productive

  19. #19
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitguy View Post
    K gains wise what did you guys find to be more productive
    Compared to what?

    If your trying to run a long estered short cycle - your best scenario would be a short burst cycle... Read these and see if this is what your referring to... Tho I'd stick w/short esters due to the clearing process... May end up going longer than you'd want by using long esters - plus short esters would be ideal for SBC'ing imho...

    The Prime explained before cycling..

    Short burst cycling- explained
    Last edited by NACH3; 11-06-2015 at 09:11 AM.
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  20. #20
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Compared to what?

    If your trying to run a long estered short cycle - your best scenario would be a short burst cycle... Read these and see if this is what your referring to... Tho I'd stick w/short esters due to the clearing process... May end up going longer than you'd want by using long esters - plus short esters would be ideal for SBC'ing imho...

    The Prime explained before cycling..

    Short burst cycling- explained
    K how are gains in a short cycle compared to long ones?

  21. #21
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitguy View Post
    K how are gains in a short cycle compared to long ones?
    Your nutrition and training will dictate these answers... You can put on just as much mass if not more in a short cycle than a long one(plus it makes for an easier recovery and you shouldn't get any unwanted sides if all Is done correctly) -- your diet/& training are the most important things to consider... You could gain just as much on a cycle of test prop for 4-6wks then a12wk cycle of prop... dosing is based off of your past cycle history!

  22. #22
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Your nutrition and training will dictate these answers... You can put on just as much mass if not more in a short cycle than a long one(plus it makes for an easier recovery and you shouldn't get any unwanted sides if all Is done correctly) -- your diet/& training are the most important things to consider... You could gain just as much on a cycle of test prop for 4-6wks then a12wk cycle of prop... dosing is based off of your past cycle history!
    Am asking this cause of the saying that the body doesnt get used to the added body mass if added in a short time specially that the aas will be out of the system in a short time duration comapred if on a long ester cycle

  23. #23
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitguy
    Am asking this cause of the saying that the body doesnt get used to the added body mass if added in a short time specially that the aas will be out of the system in a short time duration comapred if on a long ester cycle
    that is only if your past your genetic limit which must are not. You have to consume enough food to maintain the mass as well as train hard enough to keep it. A lot depends on how fast you recover as well. This is we're planning your cycle and pct come in. You also need to change your training and rest during pct to recover faster as well. You need to rest more and train a little less. I would change your training during your pct to 3 days a week and only focus on the compound movement getting in and out of the gym in no more then 45 minutes
    Last edited by Bio-Active; 11-07-2015 at 02:51 PM.
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  24. #24
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitguy View Post
    Am asking this cause of the saying that the body doesnt get used to the added body mass if added in a short time specially that the aas will be out of the system in a short time duration comapred if on a long ester cycle
    Same applies - why would u lose gains if you followed just what you did in any other pct?? You shouldn't have any probs keeping anything if you continue to feed the new found muscle tissue -- eat big and clean and you should keep what you gained - except for the water & lil fat but if lean bulking your bf shouldn't go up - if anything you'll gain weight while it comes down - but that's all nutrition based!

    And I believe Bio answered your ? As well - there's not one answer - but like Bio stated also, it's how you recover and train as well - during pct you want to focus on eating to maintain and get in and outta the gym in 40min or less - I shoot for 30 or less with my pullback lifts and focus more on heavy compound movements, too!
    Last edited by NACH3; 11-07-2015 at 02:53 PM.

  25. #25
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Thanks guys for the replies

  26. #26
    Buster Brown's Avatar
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    I personally feel that unless you are cruising, short cycles are a big waste of gear unless you are genetically gifted. Pct....blah, blah, blah are going to loose it quick unless you are genetically gifted. And yes, I am speaking from experience.

  27. #27
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    I personally feel that unless you are cruising, short cycles are a big waste of gear unless you are genetically gifted. Pct....blah, blah, blah are going to loose it quick unless you are genetically gifted. And yes, I am speaking from experience.
    By short what do you mean?for me short meant 6-10 weeks of short esters aas use

  28. #28
    tice1212's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    I personally feel that unless you are cruising, short cycles are a big waste of gear unless you are genetically gifted. Pct....blah, blah, blah are going to loose it quick unless you are genetically gifted. And yes, I am speaking from experience.
    I complete disagree with this.. But fit try it out and see how u like it. U have to be ur own science experiment sometimes. To see what works for u.

  29. #29
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tice1212 View Post
    I complete disagree with this.. But fit try it out and see how u like it. U have to be ur own science experiment sometimes. To see what works for u.
    Totally agree everyone is different

  30. #30
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitguy View Post
    Totally agree everyone is different
    X2 on that!

    It's all about finding what works best for You! But like tice mentioned I also believe we have to experiment on ourselves(as safely as possible) to see what works best at what dosages etc - some respond great to standard length cycles(I'd say the majority) bug the more advanced you get you hear of all types of methods and the only way to know if it'll work is if you try it, imho...
    Last edited by NACH3; 11-08-2015 at 10:54 AM.

  31. #31
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    for me, in 1 year, I prefer do 1x 12 weeks cycle and let my body recover the rest of the year, instead of bombíng 3x 4 weeks or 2x 6 weeks cycle.

  32. #32
    Buster Brown's Avatar
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    Yup......find out what works best for the individual and stick with it.

  33. #33
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    After around 8 weeks gains slow way down. Here's a thread that explains why- You'll want to read this!
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  34. #34
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
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    I always use long ester and i dont see any gains start until week 4/5 and it peaks for me at week 7/8 then starts to down from there.

    Cant speak for shorter cycles.

    Cycles longer than 12 weeks i read to get any more gains you need to double the dose or its just a waste of time.
    Last edited by TheTaxMan; 11-11-2015 at 06:48 AM.

  35. #35
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    I prefer short ester cycles, although I still run them relatively long (12 weeks). Lean gains start showing at the beginning of the second week, and I can constantly keep gaining until about week 8/9 before they start to slow. That's roughly 6-7 weeks of solid, continuous gains as opposed to Tax's cycles with long esters where his gains are at their peak for an average of 4 weeks. Tax, have you ever thought of giving short esters a try?

    Anyway, I have found this is what works for me through trial and error. Pinning everyday or EOD is a pain, but the end result is well worth it IMO.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post
    I prefer short ester cycles, although I still run them relatively long (12 weeks). Lean gains start showing at the beginning of the second week, and I can constantly keep gaining until about week 8/9 before they start to slow. That's roughly 6-7 weeks of solid, continuous gains as opposed to Tax's cycles with long esters where his gains are at their peak for an average of 4 weeks. Tax, have you ever thought of giving short esters a try?

    Anyway, I have found this is what works for me through trial and error. Pinning everyday or EOD is a pain, but the end result is well worth it IMO.
    I have thought about it.
    I dont mind pinning, but EOD or ED pinning for 8 weeks or in your case 12 weeks seems a bit daunting.
    2 pins a weeks enough for me, at a push id could maybe do EOD for 6 weeks.

    The feedback on PIP from Test P also puts me off.

    Id like to do a 6 week test p, mast p and tren a cycle when im lean enough, just need to come to terms with the constant pins :/

  37. #37
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    I have thought about it.
    I dont mind pinning, but EOD or ED pinning for 8 weeks or in your case 12 weeks seems a bit daunting.
    2 pins a weeks enough for me, at a push id could maybe do EOD for 6 weeks.

    The feedback on PIP from Test P also puts me off.

    Id like to do a 6 week test p, mast p and tren a cycle when im lean enough, just need to come to terms with the constant pins :/
    I believe the PIP issue has to do, largely, with where you're getting your gear. I have never had any PIP whatsoever. Anyway, if you do decide to go ahead with your 6 week cycle, please give us feedback on your results.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post
    I believe the PIP issue has to do, largely, with where you're getting your gear. I have never had any PIP whatsoever. Anyway, if you do decide to go ahead with your 6 week cycle, please give us feedback on your results.
    My pip experience has also been great/minor
    Using pharmacom at the min and theres nothing, if their short esters are the same id love a go, as always would post results
    Im on holiday july, might do a 6 week cycle just before i go

  39. #39
    bloodchoke's Avatar
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    I'm right behind you..
    This is good to know. I'm in my final two weeks of a 12-week cycle now and I was just having a conversation earlier today that I want my next one to be 6-8 weeks.

  40. #40
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post
    I prefer short ester cycles, although I still run them relatively long (12 weeks). Lean gains start showing at the beginning of the second week, and I can constantly keep gaining until about week 8/9 before they start to slow. That's roughly 6-7 weeks of solid, continuous gains as opposed to Tax's cycles with long esters where his gains are at their peak for an average of 4 weeks. Tax, have you ever thought of giving short esters a try?

    Anyway, I have found this is what works for me through trial and error. Pinning everyday or EOD is a pain, but the end result is well worth it IMO.
    Why for 12 weeks then?

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