Quote Originally Posted by Gustopho View Post
Really quick guys, a brief stat and a few questions.

36 years
4 years on and off at the gym
6'1" in height

So after reading and consulting a guy at the gym I am planning a cycle, my first cycle ever. I feel good about it because of the research I did. Just a few items and questions. The before picture was taking 05\18 & the after picture was taken 06\28. I started off with 238lbs, i an now down to 106. I also want to mention that my last 5 weeks have been hard core VEGAN!!!

Questions are;

1. Is there a such thing as an VEGAN bodybuilding diet or will I need to go back eating meat? This what never intended to be long term, only for the 5 weeks.

2. In your opinions, should i eat a VEGN diet or go back to meats and dairy. Also just by looking at the picture below should I do a cutting or jump right into a clean bulk for size. Thank you to all who will be responding!

3. With this being my first stack ever should I start with a 500 or 750. I just want the best results I can get.
Congrats on your weight loss progress! In my opinion, a cycle at your age would hard to bounce back from. I think you'd need TRT. Ask your primary care doc to draw blood for testosterone . This will give you an idea.

Also, I'd go back to eating meats, and the best first cycle in general is 500mg/week testosterone. Sust would work but I prefer test enanthate .