01-22-2018, 05:39 PM #1
No PIP first injection.......virgin muscle........tactics
So I just wanted to report back about my biggest fear, that was PIP.....
I am doing 500mg a week of Test E. My test E is dosed at 300mg.
I am pulling .8ML of Test E and .4ML of GSO (Grape seed oil, filtered and sterilized).
I am mixing the GSO and Test E in the syringe and heating the syringe with a blow dryer.
I injected my glute and laid on my side on the bed and relaxed my muscle.
After the injection I took a hot shower and massaged the area thoroughly, I also did some squats in the shower.
I have also lined up my Monday/Friday pinning schedule to line up with the muscle group I am working out.
So I shoot glutes on Mondays and I am lifting legs on mondays (squats, presses, extensions, etc), I read it helps with PIP and it helped me today.
On Fridays I do an upper body routine which goes in conjunction with the deltoid injection. So I am always working out the muscle group I am pinning.
I will report back with how the next shots go........
01-22-2018, 08:19 PM #2Associate Member
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After about the third or fourth time pinning the same spot, i virtually don’t feel any pip at all. I Will admit the first couple weeks sucked pretty bad
01-22-2018, 08:32 PM #3
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Always rotate injection sites. You don't want to build up scar tissue from doing it in the same place a couple of times a week.
01-22-2018, 09:14 PM #4
Its after every 2 weeks that I hit the same injection site.
01-22-2018, 09:46 PM #5Associate Member
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Once a week isn’t a big deal right? I’m right quad Monday, left quad Thursday.
01-23-2018, 01:50 AM #6Junior Member
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I do left quad right quad left delt right delt and I never get pip using test p lol
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01-23-2018, 09:27 AM #7
24 hours later and ZERO pip.........I do believe I am feeling the Proviron a little....
01-23-2018, 10:10 AM #8
01-23-2018, 10:24 AM #9
PIP happens if not now it will happen in the future it is just part of the game.
01-23-2018, 10:45 AM #10
I disagree if you do test only and quality product and take precautions pip should be extremely limited.
Pharmaceutical grade testosterone properly administered should have zero pip.Last edited by MACKATTACK; 01-23-2018 at 10:47 AM.
01-23-2018, 10:55 AM #11
Try injecting Winny very smooth no PIP at all lmao
01-23-2018, 10:57 AM #12
01-23-2018, 12:04 PM #13Associate Member
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Yea i have yet to experience a pin that didn’t at least leave a noticeable feeling where I pinned.
01-23-2018, 01:03 PM #14
01-23-2018, 01:42 PM #15Associate Member
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Well what i was getting at, is there really people pinning that have no feeling at all after they pin? Like nothing at all. No soreness or anything?
Mine has gotten to the point where it just feel like my muscle is sore, don’t mind it at all. Definately sucked the first couple of weeks
01-23-2018, 01:49 PM #16
There's a GREAT article on our sister site. Trust me, I wrote it:
Steroid Injection 101 - steroids.orgMaster Pai Mei of the White Lotus Clan
My motto: SAFETY & RESPECT (for drugs and others).
Difference between Drugs & Poisons
Half-lives explained
DNP like Chemotherapy, can be a useful poison, but both are still POISONS
01-23-2018, 02:49 PM #17
I was kidding about the Winny bro have a sense of humor, and really you cut your test shots with oil? You're like the steroid user version of a hipster progressive that drives a prius and sniffs his own farts lol. Who the hell cuts .8ml of Test with more oil because it hurts too much to just inject Test on its own..!? Wow dude I'm seriously questioning whether you're cut out for steroids to begin with. I feel like you may be better off sticking with pro-hormones and creatine. And FYI, it's really not advisable to take testosterone when you have a vagina you can have serious side effects like clitoral enlargement you should def watch out for that as you clearly have a large flapping pair of lady lips.
01-23-2018, 04:16 PM #18BANNED
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PIP can be beneficial to a degree Imo .. lets say you have a hard time finding your Lats when doing back training, you don't have a good mind muscle connection.
Well Pin some tren A in each lat, then the next day train back. the PIP soreness will help you mentally connect and you'll feel your lats a lot more during the movements
01-23-2018, 04:21 PM #19Junior Member
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01-23-2018, 08:19 PM #20
01-24-2018, 08:33 PM #21
Out of curiosity why are you adding GSO to the test?
And I will agree to disagree but PIP will happen sooner or later not that it's a big deal anyway.
01-24-2018, 09:21 PM #22
01-24-2018, 09:40 PM #23
01-24-2018, 10:52 PM #24BANNED
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I don't know guys .. if I was to calculate it all out I think I injected around 8 ML's /8CC's worth of gear today. and I'll do half that tomorrow and another double that on Friday. PIP is such a non issue when your injecting 3x as much gear in a day than most guys do in a month.
and NO I'm not a "high gear high dose" advocate.. I'm keeping it real here. my cycle is not that heavy, but injections are.. just depends on what your doing and running , I like a lot of bases, suspensions and short esters,, yet I'm also pinning sustanon 500.
shit adds up.. I inject my chest, lats, biceps, front delt, quads, ass, forearm , etc etc.. pip is irrelevant at this stage.
01-24-2018, 11:21 PM #25Associate Member
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01-25-2018, 09:20 AM #26
Lol I stand corrected. Have you always had trouble with PIP? Good quality Test shouldn't have any PIP unless it's Prop or Sust. Good ol' Test E (injected into the glute) doesn't give me any PIP whatsoever. I do Test E, and a Tren E and Tren A combo, just under 2 cc's altogether in my glute with zero pain ( I do feel it a bit the next day but could hardly call it pain). Now when I added Winny and thought I could tough it out with injecting it, I was in for a rude awakening lol. After injecting Winny I understand what PIP really is! So I swallowed my pride and started drinking it, as was suggested to me, and it seems to be working just as well. Still not sure why when drinking it the suggested dose it 50mg eod and when taking Winny pills people do 50mg ed...? Should prob start a thread on that.. Anyway, I just feel like you're doing a lot of extra work to prevent something that probably won't happen anyway. Have you tried injecting your test without cutting it?
01-25-2018, 09:21 AM #27
01-25-2018, 09:40 AM #28
I am not bashing anyone and its just not this thread but many other people are worried about PIP. I personally don't see what the big deal is Its just a little pain in the muscle now and then. I hit 3 ccs per injection all the time and never really worry about it and yes I get pip now and then but I have a very unsteady hand also.
01-25-2018, 09:33 PM #29Associate Member
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It seems like everyone is missing my point, yes it isn’t a big deal. No, it doesn’t bother me at all. Besides everyone being really tough, i call BS on people feeling absolutely nothing after pinning. Please someone agree or disagree.
01-25-2018, 11:17 PM #30BANNED
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Tren suspension , fuck yeah pain hits about 2 seconds after injecting it. but like I mentioned earlier, I use the pain to my advantage. I'll pin both my upper pecs and get some PIP , then I'll go to the gym and do incline bench press and really be able to get a good mind to muscle connection with my chest
01-26-2018, 08:11 AM #31
Second injection into the deltoid (shoulder)........this shot went even smoother.
.8ml of Test E
.4ml of GSO
Hit it with a hairdryer and mixed it inside the syringe
I shot with a 26 Gauge 5/8 needle
Massaged area after the shot
I took a hot shower afterwards and directed the jets on the injection area (worked muscle in the shower and massaged)
This shot went even smoother then the first. No pip so far. About to go to the gym and workout the muscle group I injected into.
Btw I think people need to understand PIP, PIP is the crystallization of the compound in the muscle. I am pretty sure its misused very often. Now I still feel pressure in the muscle from the injection afterwards but thats because the muscle isn't used to being filled with a liquid compound and as the muscle absorbs it this goes away, ala virgin muscle but if you can't handle that then run away, but nothing wrong with doing what you can to reduce PIP from crystallization......
01-26-2018, 08:15 AM #32Banned
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01-26-2018, 08:18 AM #33Banned
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01-26-2018, 08:21 AM #34
My understanding PIP is not bad needle injections. Pip is strictly from the compound crashing in the muscle. Thats why prop hurts more because there is more pure compound to crash inside the muscle and cause PIP. I understand pain and or soreness can occur from lots of other variables but PIP specifically was due to crystallization and the term is just misused often.
I just hope I don't get dirty gear and or make the wrong choice of buying high concentrations just to save money lol
01-26-2018, 08:45 AM #35
01-26-2018, 08:47 AM #36Banned
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PIP simply means post-injection pain.
Tips to ease injection site soreness
I have read that the reason prop hurts many is that the ester once cleaved forms Propionic acid which causes inflammation. I could be totally wrong.
01-26-2018, 10:37 AM #37
Yeah that's the impression I was under as well. It's interesting what he's saying about soreness coming from the cystallization of the compound in the muscle. Will be interesting to look into that as I've never heard of that,but ultimately what we're talking about is pain at the site of injection after the fact. Where that pain comes from is another conversation (and an interesting one IMO). I my exp there are different causes for PIP. When I started drinking my Winny I realized how much alcohol is in that sh*t cause it literally burns like taking a shot of alcohol, so I'd imagine the pain is coming from that alcohol causing inflammation in the muscle as it sits there and burns a hole in your ass lol.
Another common reason for PIP (and I've seen this with my friends that so their shots really slowly) is moving the needle around too much and causing inflammation from micro tears in the fiber. When I inject I go in quickly, push the plunger, and pull it out quickly. I try to get it done fast so I lower my risk of moving the needle by accident.
I had a friend of mine, using the same gear, who always complained of PIP when I didn't have any. So I told him to do his shot in front of me so I can see how he does it...Homeboy laid down on his side, super slowly put the needle in, and pushed down so slowly it took a solid 45-60 seconds to empty the syringe.. I was like "ok well I see you problem bro, you're scared of the needle and by going so slowly you're moving that b*tch around too much." I did his next shot for em, was done in 10 seconds, and lo and behold NO PIP the next day (when I say no PIP I'm not saying you don't feel ANYTHING the next day, just not enough to consider it pain).
01-26-2018, 04:26 PM #38
Post workout.
I feel the workouts definitely relieve any pressure I would feel from the Test in my muscle. Seems to almost evaporate after a workout.
So far No pip to report off, next shot is on Monday, in the left glute.
I definitely like the 26 gauge 5/8 alot better then the 25 gauge 1 1/2 lol.
I know I am keeping somewhat of a log, I will be updating what's going on once the Test really starts to kick in. I do feel a small sense of well being increase, nothing over bearing. Also I am seeing more "fullness" in my muscles but I think that is from the Proviron .
01-26-2018, 07:03 PM #39Associate Member
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Alright I’m getting a better picture of this now. I did some front loading of prop that i had when i started my test cycle (test e). I thought i was gonna just be wrecked for 12 weeks haha. As soon as i stopped pinning with the prop, i feel so much better. But keep in mind i went from 2cc to 1 cc and different esters. This is also my first cycle so virgin muscles as well.
01-28-2018, 12:03 PM #40
So something clicked today, had like an outter body experience while doing my cardio only day today and felt like I was riding a majestic horse across the clouds then walked out the gym like I was the man!! LMAO.....then I told myself I wasn’t that important lmao
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