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Thread: Bloods are in Help

  1. #1
    Newb1 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2018

    Bloods are in Help

    Hi all, i have been doing sport most my life and done weights on and off for a good portion of it. I am now 32 and thinking of doing a test cyp cycle.
    I have done orals in the past when i was younger but this would be first with injectables.
    I thought id get bloods done prior and after cycle..i picked up my results today and other than my free test to be barely with in range my LDL and other cholesterol except my HDL are all a little high.. Images attached of blood results.. Am i ok to start a cycle anyhow or should i lower that choleaterol first?
    I am 32 yrs old weigh 75kg and i am 174cm in height. Due to my size i thought of doing a low dose of 300mg per week (i contemplated doing 500mg) with a good pct of temoxafine and clomid as well as hcg to have my natural productiom back asap after cycle. Reason for a lower dose is it would be my firat injectable cycle and i believe i should be able to see decent gains at my size. I am only after 5kg of lean muscle. Id be happy with a little more but would be satisfied with 5. The dr also mentioned that theyd like to see my creatinine levels around 70 for my age but are 100 and wants me back asap to do non fasted blood work.. (although normal range states (60-110...??)

    Anyhow i would appreciate some info and help regarding this matter if you can

    Bloods are in Help-img_20180305_153314.jpgBloods are in Help-img_20180305_153250.jpgBloods are in Help-img_20180305_153943.jpgBloods are in Help-img_20180305_154010.jpg
    Last edited by Newb1; 03-05-2018 at 04:02 AM.

  2. #2
    Newb1 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2018
    Is there any one knowledgable enough on this forum that understands blood results and has some experience or idea on a health level weather at current levels its safe to cycle ?? Surely there must be some knowledgable people on here that can help ???

  3. #3
    cousinmuscles's Avatar
    cousinmuscles is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Sure there are lots of knowledgeable people but you still have to understand for yourself and make a decision

    Your lipids are out of range and yes of course you should do something about it. The best solution would be to work with a doctor and get follow ups etc. with them. There are lots of things you can do about lipids through dietary changes (increase your fiber, eat more healthy fats, no sugar, whole wheat, veggies, regular meal times, no excessive snacking), there are even supplements which help, here's a good experiment by kelkel:

    A cycle will worsen your lipids my advice would be improve that and learn to manage it to lessen the bad effects of AAS.

    Try posting your bloods in the TRT section I think you'll get better responses there.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    High Triglyceride number will pull the cholesterol numbers out of whack. In other words, since your triglyceride numbers are out of range, the accuracy of your cholesterol numbers may be in question. We are able to control our triglyceride and cholesterol numbers by about 10% through diet. You're so close that you could probably do it. I found that cycling AAS doesn't affect my lipids numbers too much. Yes, it affects them some but not enough to make me worry. You're close enough to the "normal" range that I wouldn't worry too much about your lipids. Your Test numbers are low. You should be a candidate for TRT. Go see your doc and get a script. You should be on TRT for at least 6 months to stabilize your blood concentration before you run a full cycle.
    cousinmuscles likes this.

  5. #5
    Newb1 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    Thanks guys much appreciated

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