06-15-2022, 11:17 AM #1
Bulking cycle
So I'm about to get all my gear for my next bulk I'm planning on running 50mg of dbol and 750mg test e. Also have all my ai on hand and I'll be running 3 iu of hgh ed also. My question is should I stack something else to help me out on this cycle to maybe keep my e2 levels down? Never taken that much test and I've never taken dbol so I'm not sure what to expect.
06-15-2022, 11:27 AM #2
06-15-2022, 11:46 AM #3
I'm in my 4th cycle but I just started this one after being out of the gym for 3 years. From previous bloodwork I actually deal with estrogen pretty well but my last cycle 5+ years ago I was running 600 mg of test and I think 400 mg of deca and I had a little bit of nipple sensitivity. So I'm expecting a little bit of the same on my next Cycle with the dbol and test. The only reason I'm asking is because a buddy of mine suggested to take Anadrol along side but that doesn't make sense to get my e2 down to me. But maybe I'm missing something.
06-15-2022, 11:54 AM #4
I can get blood work done like I've done in the past which I know is best to get my ai protocol down but my schedule is so busy it's tough for me to do these days. So I was seeing if any other compound along side this cycle may help keep my e2 down. That maybe a better way to word my question.
06-15-2022, 12:16 PM #5
For nipple sensitivity you should run nolvadex if you do decide to push estrogenic compounds. It will block estrogen at the breast tissue receptor site but not reduce your e2 inhibiting gains. Generally speaking, it defeats the purpose of taking highly estrogenic drugs (high test, dbol ) but then taking another drug (AI) to reduce estrogen. I would keep AI on hand but take steps to avoid entirely by incrementally raising my estrogen load to see what I can handle before. Masteron can help blunt estrogenic effects and Primo to an extent but haven't seen run alongside test/dbol. It's not clear to me if your friend is suggesting running anadrol alongside test/dbol but I would not do that as you'd have two very harsh orals and the chance for a third with the AI. Unless you're a strength guy, what about running some reasonable split of test/primo as you dip your feet back in after 5 years?
06-15-2022, 12:27 PM #6
Ok sorry want clear I'm running 500mg sust and 40mg tbol at the moment to get back into the game the cycle in question is my next cycle. I consider nolva as my ai maybe I've been classing that wrong. I run nolva eod I also have exmastane on hand also and may grab letro to have also.
06-15-2022, 12:57 PM #7
No problem. Nolva is considered a SERM, similar in a way to AI but doesn't crash your E2. Now you can have other e2 problems that nolva won't fix but for sensitivity a SERM would be my first line of defense.
I like your cycle that you're running currently. For the proposed cycle of 750/50dbol, it would be 1100mg of gear/week. Right now you're running 780. Why not split the difference instead of a huge increase for the following cycle. Use the smallest dose that keeps you progessing. If you run 1100, what's next? A gram and a half of gear? I'd stick with minimum effective dose and going by you being out of the gym for 3 years you don't need to crank your face off to progress.
06-15-2022, 01:01 PM #8
Makes sense I guess I should treat myself as a noob again and forget my three previous cycles. I'm sure I would respond well to 500 test and 20-30 dbol .
06-15-2022, 01:17 PM #9
06-15-2022, 01:36 PM #10
Thanks brother I'll agree with you there, my ego might have been in the way a little haha.
06-15-2022, 01:50 PM #11
I wouldn't add an estrogenic compound like dbol then smack its benefits down with an AI. If you aren't sure how you will respond, start low and drop it if you run into problems. Alternately, as @Chark has already suggested, nolvadex would be an option. It will allow you to run your estrogen higher while minimizing the risk of gyno.
Dude you want to run 50mg of dianabol a day along with 750mg of test and you don't want high estrogen? Crazy crazy! If you don't want high E2 sides listen to the guys advice, don't take tons of dianabol a day and then sabotage it all with the use of Ai (aromatase inhibitor) which lowers serum estrogen levels. If you add aromatase inhibitor on top of dianabol it defeats its purpose when using dianabol you want. high E2. in a purposeful way (increases red blood cells) that makes you feel stronger at the same time your E2 will soar.
Well why not run low test with dianabol for you to have a little more aromatization control, I say something like 200mg of Testerone per week along with 30-50mg of dianabol per day.
I would stick to 30mg of dianabol a day, no more! Know that 50mg a day is considered a high dose of dianabol that will increase your red blood cells faster.
So stick with 200mg of testosterone per week along with 30mg of dianabol per day! When you wake up in the morning take 10mg of dianabol and leave the other 20mg as a pre-workout.
Have some nolvadex on hand and if you need it use somewhere between 10-20mg a day (it will just block estrogen receptors).
Nolvadex does not block all estrogen receptors, only in breast tissue. right. So you shouldn't abuse doses that aromatize, Nolva will help you control things a little, but not completely!
Chark already gave you good advice, I just gave you a way to be more conservative to avoid sides with( E2)! Many of us sometimes think that it is the steroid dosages that dictate gains and forget that well-aligned nutrition is key. No wonder we see tons of cycle descriptions daily and never nutritional plans.
As much as you are an expert in previous cycles, know that not always, more is better! You can grow on 200mg of testosterone per week and 30mg of dianabol per day if you are eating well (macros and calories daily).Imo.
Well bro I'll give my 2 cents on this, Deca Durabolin aromatizes for the (progestogenic) characteristics progesterone and prolactin. ..Whenever you use Deca , you must include masteron to deal with prolactin (blocks prolactin and still fights E2 like Nolvadex .
That friend of yours who recommended you Anadrol is crazy, I don't know where he got that Anadrol would be better for you, it's a flavoring compound! ...I will mention for you some steroids that carry anti-estrogenic properties
1. Masteron
3. EQ has also been demonstrated with experience from members of this forum in lowering E2 with constant long term use (I don't claim , it's something to be under study).
06-16-2022, 03:46 AM #17
Dude 50mg of Dbol isn't exactly an obscene dosage. The last time I ran Dbol was at that dose and it wasn't estrogen that got me to stop taking it. It was the fact it was making me throw up on a regular basis that did. It didn't for me make estrogen sides so bad that I needed to start popping arimadexes or anything.
But yeah, the dude's just trolling anyways. He had to throw in there that he hasn't been in the gym for 3 years and he's on sus and tbol currently to "get back in the game." The dude is full of shit
06-16-2022, 10:14 AM #19
I'm kind of a bum that I'm writing little by little, but I understand that you mean mate
If you are bothered Tarmyg do the following do not read what I write! By the way, wasn't it for you that I wrote it right? So do better and help the member. @Beefcheeks7 what ace his doubts. I always thought I was in a male place where there were men, not little Indian girls crying over what other members post.Last edited by JaneDoe; 06-16-2022 at 11:15 AM.
Are you mathematicians? lol
06-16-2022, 04:45 PM #22
06-16-2022, 09:28 PM #24There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
I noticed a mockery on his part, I don't know if it was a good mockery (no malice) or a typical comment that wanted to make me look like a noob for the steroid .com forum community.
06-16-2022, 10:53 PM #26
06-17-2022, 09:43 AM #27
You are probably gonna end up looking like dogshit on that cycle. “Getting back in the game” doesnt mean hey lets run more gear than ive ever run before and compounds ive never tried…
I bet your diet is like shit too, something you dont want on a cycle like you listed. You will probably end up aborting the cycle bc you have no fucking clue how to manage your E2. Take my advice if you’re not a troll and train a good solid year first before adding gear. Save your money
06-17-2022, 11:22 AM #28
06-17-2022, 01:37 PM #29
06-17-2022, 10:33 PM #31
06-18-2022, 10:11 PM #32
Nope diet is great I'll post my next cycle of the one proposed above and make you eat all that shit talking. But thanks for the input, we aren't all experts in how to control every problem with different cycles, hence why I came back here. So maybe be helpful and keep your assumptions to yourself.
06-18-2022, 10:12 PM #33
06-19-2022, 10:49 AM #34
06-20-2022, 01:26 AM #35
06-21-2022, 10:12 PM #36
06-21-2022, 10:13 PM #37
Last edited by Beefcheeks7; 06-21-2022 at 10:26 PM.
06-21-2022, 10:27 PM #38
06-21-2022, 11:38 PM #39
06-22-2022, 07:30 AM #40
The old powerhouse?
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