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  1. #41
    Shihonage311 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by USfighterFC
    Good Post.
    Well said.

  2. #42
    zx7racing's Avatar
    zx7racing is offline Senior Member
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    tell him bdtr- or someone give him 40 acres and a mule so he'll shut the f up!!!
    welcome back- and thank you.

  3. #43
    panabolic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Totenkopf
    Well Im Glad I could Go and Risk my Life for you to be Able to bash a great and Noble cause. I guess thats what America is All about letting People Speak their mind evethough they are wrong and claim to be educated.
    I was honored to Go to Iraq and slay the enemies of My country and i hope i have that Chance again when we go to Afghanistan Next yr. You couldnt be more wrong about Soldiers bein from the Bottom Half of American Society. Any man or Woman that is willing to endure the hardships and Low Pay and be away from thier family and sacrifice so much for such and Undeserving Nation (Iraq) should be Honored and Praised not put down by a fool like you. But if you are an American(wich i question) you do have the right to speak your mind. Thanks to all those before me and after me. Not Cowards like yourself.

    Thanks to all of you that supported The troops it really did mean the world to us.

    Thanks for the cycle advice ill see if my Guy could get ahold of some better test. ive never been fond of Sust.
    Your absolutely right bro, the reason medstudent has the right to say what he does on the internet or otherwise is because of brave patriots like yourself and millions others before and after you. I wish to express a Heartfelt Thank You to Totenkopf!! medstudent obviously does not understand this simple concept by openly disrespecting people who risk their lives so that idiots like him can spout out on some liberal, nazi imperialist garbage. Remember this medstudent everytime you wake up to look at that face of yours, if it wasn't for brave men & women like Totenkopf who risk their lives for yours that Hitler probably would have won back in the day and you probably wouldn't be here today. I am openly stating that I am NOT a racist & some of my good friends are black and latino but with Hitlers agenda, I am simply just stating the obvious. I am not even American (Canadian), but I am very grateful to the service of Totenkopf and have the utmost respect him. This writing is MY opinion and I will not get into a pissing match with anyone on it. Good Luck on your cycle Totenkopf. Nuff said.
    Last edited by panabolic; 02-20-2004 at 06:37 PM.

  4. #44
    USfighterFC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MedicalStudent
    Welcome back. I don't mean to flame you, because I hope you realized like so many other soldiers how the US government fooled the masses by declaring war on innocent people.

    Being an African American Muslim, I sympathize with my fellow Iraqi brothers who are now being occupied by crUSAder forces.

    I converted to Islam after my best friend came back from the First Gulf War and himself turned Muslim. He was disgusted when he realized that he was just like the Nazi forces occupied Poland. (Of course, Iraqis are not white and so inferior in intellect/being...and they as inferior brown people require that the arrogant and superior american white men show them the way.)

    May Allah Almighty free all those under occupation!

    I welcome you back, Soldier. I hope you, like my friend, have realized first-hand the horrors of the American imperialist armies.
    Just outta curiousity would your friend that converted after the first Gulf War happen to be the DC sniper?

  5. #45
    Lightsout2184's Avatar
    Lightsout2184 is offline Senior Member
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    one question to medical student. Do you think shaq is better off in america or in africa beating on bongo drums all day. I wonder which one he would prefer.

  6. #46
    monkeyjuice's Avatar
    monkeyjuice is offline Member
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    welcome home bro!

  7. #47
    groverman1's Avatar
    groverman1 is offline Cross Dressing Member
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    Thanks for fighting for your country, God Bless ya.

  8. #48
    Morpheous is offline Junior Member
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    somewhere OUT there!!!
    Welcome home Totenkopf, glad to see you made it back. Some aren't so fortunate! As far as your cycle goes, i would hold off until 6 months completed in the gym. Eat everything you can get your hands on, don't worry about quality as much. As long as you are getting atleast 1.5 (1 1/2) grams of protein per pound of body weight that you want to weigh. During that time frame find you some test prop and test ena, stack that with EQ and you will have a good cycle. Give your muscle memory time to kick in full blast, then hit it with a good cycle.

    Test Prop 100mg ed / wks 1-4
    Test Ena 500mg e/4 days / wks 1-16
    EQ 400mg e/4 days / wks 1-15
    Winny 50mg ed / wks 12-16
    Nolva 10mg ed / wks 1-16

    MEDICAL STUDENT, you have no clue what so ever, when it comes to what your extremist brothers have done throughout history! And you are way out of place to bash the same Government that has given you your freedom,and also continues to fight for it. You have no idea about the mind set of your brothers in captivity, or what they are currently palnning to do. Until you set across from one of them and listen to their way of thinking and their idealisms, you have no room what so everr to speak for them or about them. We would appreciate it if you kept your opinions to yourself, and stay focused on what this board is all about. If you want to complain about your personal beliefs, take it somewhere else.

  9. #49
    Da Bull's Avatar
    Da Bull is offline Banned
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    Welcome home bro.

  10. #50
    rangerdudeleads is offline Senior Member
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    welcome back brother.. Good to see you man,. Sua sponte

  11. #51
    RussianVodka's Avatar
    RussianVodka is offline Senior Member
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    Good to see you!!! Welcome back bro.

  12. #52
    Lord Humungous's Avatar
    Lord Humungous is offline Associate Member
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    Welcome back bro, and thank you.

    As for the hijacking by MS, that's what radicals do....hijack sh1t. No suprises here. 11 posts and every one calling people uneducated etc. Pfffft crawl in a hole and die.


  13. #53
    Jdawg50's Avatar
    Jdawg50 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Thansk you for your service bro! Good luck getting back into the gym!

  14. #54
    DF2003's Avatar
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    dear med, saddam was a weapon of mass destruction. he tortured and killed thousands of your fellow muslims, so you would have to agree that his ass needed to be gone. you are more than welcome to your opinions but please show some respect to this man and his thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by MedicalStudent
    Typical meat-head logic. What did the soldiers do for Americans except consume money that could have spent on education? There were no WMDs in Iraq, and Iraq posed no threat to America whatsoever. Please make sense.

    I am not anti-American. Only against the administration and the neo-cons in power. There are many good Americans, and I am one of them.

    The sheer irony of your comment. I AM THE REASON WE CAN'T HAVE PEACE. What about those people who go with rifles to another country to forceably occupy it? YOU are the one against peace, not I. You are for WAR and DESTRUCTION. I am for peace, and was against the war in Iraq.

    Seriously, please speak intelligently. It really helps.

    You should hear what you are saying. Might makes right? You would make a really good Hitler. Hitler said the EXACT same thing as you.

  15. #55
    DF2003's Avatar
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    welcome home

    oh sorry bro welcome back home and im PROUD to have you here on the board!

  16. #56
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    You know...maybe we are taking this all wrong...

    he is just trying to say thank you for all we have done for his people.. even though his great great great grandfather was murdered by his countrymen, and his great great great grandmother was raped, and sold into slavery...

    we taught him, feed him, educated him.. fixed his teeth... 0therwise his life expectancy would still be 32... or have a 50% chance of death from AIDS.. if he was still in africa..

    so you see he is just trying to say thank you.. by taking a dump on everything that has made him who he is today...

    Well then......... your welcome..

    your plane leaves at 11;00 tomorrow.. and don't bother sending a post card.. we don't care...

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Humungous
    Welcome back bro, and thank you.

    As for the hijacking by MS, that's what radicals do....hijack sh1t. No suprises here. 11 posts and every one calling people uneducated etc. Pfffft crawl in a hole and die.

    The answer to your every question


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    Don't Let the Police kick your ass

  17. #57
    Teamupjohn is offline Junior Member
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    I Agree

    Quote Originally Posted by DF2003
    dear med, saddam was a weapon of mass destruction. he tortured and killed thousands of your fellow muslims, so you would have to agree that his ass needed to be gone. you are more than welcome to your opinions but please show some respect to this man and his thread.

    MED STUDENT-- Just another left wing liberal, who claims to be oppressed. Spend more money on education? LOL How much more **** money do yo want to spend on it? I'm sorry, I'm sick of my tax dollars going down the tubes to ATTEMPT to educate kids that can't even wear a hat on their head straight? Focus on the FAMILY, parents should be in charge of motivating kids to learn, not more money! I'd rather see that my military is not depleted anymore since BILLY was in office. Whether you like it or not, do you remember 911? That day changed the way you, me and everyone in this country and around the world lives FOREVER. Everything has changed since then, and it will never be the same as long as this planet rotates! May I ask a question? WHy did you convert to a religion that from what I have researched, is based on a book that condones killing? I have not read one good bit of information that tells me that the KARAN is a good thing. I mean no disrespect to peace loving Muslims, and I emphasize that. Bottom line sir, if this is such a bad place, go away, go back to your native homeland.

    To the soldier who just got back, I thank you for protecting me. You don't know me, but put your life on the line for me, and the citizens of this country.
    I'm a Canadian, who is going to become a US Citizen this year, and I find so many Americans tkae their freedom for granted (not all you bros) it's very sad.

    Ah hell this post probably doen't even make sense, but again thank you soldier.

  18. #58
    realer is offline Associate Member
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    welcome back, thank you for everything!

  19. #59
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Bro, I am a VERY proud AMERICAN! Why? Because of brave men like yourself who defend my freedom. I am for the war. But even if I wasn't, I still respect what you do for our country. It takes a lot of balls, and I commend you for that. If I ever was able to run into you, Drinks and a solid handshake would be in order.

    Now for Mr. Medical Student, your gutless and have no class. I have nothing else to say but If I happened to meet you, it wouldn't be drinks and handshakes flying around...

    (sorry everyone, I know this is not appropriate, but I had to say a BIG THANK YOU, and Welcome back)



    Last edited by buylongterm; 02-22-2004 at 01:43 AM.

  20. #60
    stengun's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=MedicalStudent does being against the war in Iraq make someone un-partriotic?[/QUOTE]

    Yes, it does.


  21. #61
    Al "M.F" Vincent is offline New Member
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    Welcome back Tot good job and good luck w/ your future endevors. I don't know what to say as for this Med guy...all I have to think about is 9/11 and that gets me pumped. We did the right thing and I hope we keep on doing the right thing so history doesn't repeat itself. Med guy come over here to Fullujah and see how well your brothers accept you. They'll cap your a*s in a minute...why because you're American and they don't give a **** if you converted or not. That goes for any American man, woman or child these radicals are raised to hate and kill us and I'm glad we have someone in office that's taking it to there a*s. One thing if we were to up and leave right now there would be a bloody civil war. We intent on having a smooth transition not leave the Iraqis high and dry like we did in Nam. As a soldier one thing that makes my a*s itch is country men that don't support us. It don't matter if you're for war or not. Support the troops no one enlist to die in the sand at 20 some years old. We're not in it for the money that's for **** sure anyway. Good job once again Tot be in Afgan-land myself after I'm done here.

  22. #62
    marcus_arillius's Avatar
    marcus_arillius is offline Junior Member
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    hey, since we are venting can i blame the Africans for coming to Sicilia, Italy and rapping and kill many of my ancestor oh ya the French oh and the Spanish oh don't forget Northern Italians and my own people on each other in mafia wars etc....... I think u bro's get the piont... lollolololololol Peace! jk!

  23. #63
    BigMike J's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MedicalStudent
    First, you bring me here in chains and then you say get out? Hmm....

    And "your" country? I doubt this claim. Your ancestors, like the Nazi forces, exterminated the Native Americans, to whom this land truly belonged.

    It's amusing to see how the IQ levels here are typical of what most people stereotypically imagine when they hear the word "meat-head". Stick to cycles, because when it comes to politics or anything that requires brains, you are inept.

    stop cyring

  24. #64
    cpt steele's Avatar
    cpt steele is offline Anabolic Member
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    Welcome home bro, thanks and we still pray for those still there. Oh Ms your high brow holyer than thou bs is just that bs. I dont give a sh!t about you your ancestors I have not repressed you your islam people nor have I stolen land from the natives. My family is probably responsible for a lot of that. My family was one of the first settlers here, but I am not them I dont even care about that, I do care about the servicemen and women who dont get a choice of where they are going do I agree with the war not really but I had bros go there so Im with em. I am a Marine always fathful to corp country and god, and deffinetly my bro's. So while you were in highschool learning how to pull your meat or sneak a peak at some chic I was protecting your right to flap your racist rhetoric flag, and when you anyone like you gets cornered first thing you do is try and say its racist to your religion or skin color. I could care less if your and black gay islamic pain in the assyou have your rights, but one of them is not to be a Jerk and look down your nose at some who has shown the courage the comitment and the love of there country to have everything they know taking away to go protect your BS. You probably are a smart kid to got to medical school, and you mentioned that the war money should have went to education tells me your probably some kid who comes from the welfare system believing that the world owes you a living

  25. #65
    hybrid's Avatar
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    Welcome back bro and thanks for serving. My brother in law just got back to his home base in Italy after most of a year in Iraq. He is a paratrooper. Can't say enough how much everyone I know appreciates the service all of our soldiers.

    Oh, and don't worry about that med student guy. Strikes me as a moron who rather than try and improve on his lot in life just complains about it instead. Whatever.

  26. #66
    Testify's Avatar
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    What a joke . . . for someone who wishes to be regarded as an educated dissentor, this guy sure misspells and misuses a lot of those "big words."

    Med student, you are a fraud and your arguements are specious at best. If you want to engage in thoughtful debate about the war and politics, please use a place and a tone that is appropriate.

    To the soldier who initiated for this thread . . . allow me to apologize for Med Student and on behalf of the majority on this board. I appreciate your sacrifice and bravery, as do most Americans. I am happy that you made it back and wish you the best.

  27. #67
    Doc M's Avatar
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    Welcome back!!! Glad you were able to return to your home and family safely!! We appreciate your sacrifice and committment towards your country..

    Doc M

  28. #68
    50%Natural's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Totenkopf
    Just came Home a few weeks ago. was deployed for 10 months. Couldnt work out at all. I lost pretty much 50 lbs over there been back at the Gym for 2 weeks now. im gonna give myself 3 months before getting back to the good Liquid fun. Ive done 6 cycles in last 4 yrs mostly Sust and deca .
    Was looking to do a EQ and Winny Cycle to put a good quality base back on. Then grow from there. Any thoughts or tips on a possible cycle with these two. Ive never done either one so any advice would help.
    yes Iraq sucked pretty bad but had some good fun too.
    Thanks in advance
    Yeah bro, welcome back. My friend was on the kittyhawk, and didn't get to work out much either, when he settles down he'll hit up the sauce again too. Thanks for serving us and the U.S.

  29. #69
    powerlifter's Avatar
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    Thanks to BDTR for putting that idiot in his place

  30. #70
    powerlifter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by USfighterFC
    Just outta curiousity would your friend that converted after the first Gulf War happen to be the DC sniper?

    LMAO - DC sniper !!!!!! Funny as hell !!!!!!!!!!!

  31. #71
    BigLegs51 is offline New Member
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    Medical Student........If you are so critical of this great country, why don't you leave? We don't want you here.....

  32. #72
    Madmax's Avatar
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    bro, thanks for the contributions you made for our country, its an honor to have you here...Madmax

  33. #73
    Biggy20's Avatar
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    Between a bitch legs.......
    Medical student, don't you understand the fact that without US Forces you will live in a world of chaos. Most countries avoid wars because they know the US won't let them do so. US is the only superpower and if they fall like Romans did, this will be the begining of the end for everybody.....I'm canadian so this isn't a patriotic speech, just the reality.....Maybe US act often only for their own ends, but you shouldn't wich the US Army to disapear cause you will pay the price as much as I will.

    Just my outside opinion......

  34. #74
    Kdog@usi's Avatar
    Kdog@usi is offline Associate Member
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    Glad to hear you're back and safe, thanks for representing our country with such dignity and bravery. good luck on your cycle and I would go at it naturally till you get some weight back on, then hit up the sauce!

  35. #75
    Jackman's Avatar
    Jackman is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by MedicalStudent
    It is completely inappropriate to speak in such a callous way of slavery, and is offensive to African Americans everywhere. It speaks of your hick mentality and lack of erudition in general.
    Bro and this 40.000 a year if were lucky..... guess what.... Most of them are black so go figure huh?

  36. #76
    Jackman's Avatar
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    Im a Masshole
    and stop saying the speak interlligently over and over it gets old and so is your bull****

  37. #77
    Jackman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigLegs51
    Medical Student........If you are so critical of this great country, why don't you leave? We don't want you here.....
    Didnt you hear him ? Hes still in chains and worried about how we brought "him" here. I say we buy this guy a spear,grass hurt and a boat back to africa

  38. #78
    Jackman's Avatar
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    Im a Masshole
    posted 3 times same **** sorry

  39. #79
    Jackman's Avatar
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    Im a Masshole
    Quote Originally Posted by BigLegs51
    Medical Student........If you are so critical of this great country, why don't you leave? We don't want you here.....
    Didnt you hear him ? Hes still in chains and worried about how we brought "him" here. I say we buy this guy a spear,grass hurt and a boat back to africa

  40. #80
    Jackman's Avatar
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    Im a Masshole
    posted 3 times same **** sorry

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