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  1. #81
    climberdude is offline New Member
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    Very amusing thread.

    I believe the talk radio crap the afrikan listens to has had a surplus of vitriol and rhetoric to hand out.

    Anyway, sorry I don't have any advice on your cycle, bro. You, however, have my gratitude for your service...
    Last edited by climberdude; 02-24-2004 at 07:37 AM.

  2. #82
    singern's Avatar
    singern is offline Banned
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    The brain washing goes on

    Lets take this by the numbers.
    1, you were never a slave
    2, your father nor his father were never a slave
    3, I never captured, or owned a slave so give it a rest
    4, you are not here because your ancestors were captured, its a free contry and you are free to leave anytime
    5, The religious extremists of Islam have no way to justify the violence, Killing, murder of innocent people, so they vomit the constant bull about a war against Islam.
    6, You speak freaquently of invaders, and occupation. Who the hell are you trying to sell this **it to. This is the vomit that terrorists sell to the masses to justify the imoral, twisted, perversion of your religion. which you the extremly educated doctor have aparently bought into lock stock and barrol.
    7, you ask that we "please realize and sympathize with the suffering of those who are oppressed" well if you were realy concerned for them you would applaud our brave men and women who serve, fight, die for them.

    I reccomend a more open, and tolorent attitude. Set yourself apart from those who have filled your heart with anger and hate.
    I wish you only health and happiness, because it seems you have neither.


  3. #83
    wearelegion83 is offline New Member
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    well im sorry for his thread getting jacked and was thinkiing about taking the same stack also. as for medical student im sure you have never had chains around your hands or anyone standing on your back. its over, deal with it. and everyone has been discriminated against for some reason or another but we adapt and overcome. i just got back from iraq as well. have you even visted? the iraqi people hated saddam and i can vouch first hand on that. even though i hate your opinion and you disgust me in all ways possible for an american to be disgusted you have the right to say whatever you want and I will DEFEND TO THE DEATH your right to say it.

  4. #84
    Sorken's Avatar
    Sorken is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Totenkopf
    Hows this look
    Sust 250 once a week 10 wks
    200mg Eq 10 weeks
    50 mgs winny EOD 5 weeks
    of course clomid at the end.

    It looks good, but you should be shooting sust e2d or atleast e3d to get a stabil test level as possible and end the eq one week before the test, because the pct need to start 3 weeks after the last injection... my choise would be:

    Sust 250 once a week 10 wks ---- 250mg e2d, for 10w
    200mg Eq 10 weeks ----------- 200mg ew, for 9w
    50 mgs winny EOD 5 weeks ------ 30mg/ed of d-bol, first 4weeks

    You could use the winny too, in a bulk cycle, but d-bols is better.. but winny works too...

    Good luck !

  5. #85
    Sorken's Avatar
    Sorken is offline Member
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    Hey bros.. lest talk about his question ok..
    leve the slave debate out.. it was a long timeago and it was a very bad thing thy did with africans.. but whe can't do s h i t about it.. so lets answer his AS question, because that is something we can do s h i t about...

    Be cool now bro's

  6. #86
    craneboy's Avatar
    craneboy is offline Senior Member
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    no help on the cycle here bro, just wanted to say welcome home and thanks

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