, 11-24-2014 at 04:47 PM (963 Views)
As i sit here eating my second meal of the day I thought I would start this second blog for you guys.
So as the scales say I am up two kilos in two weeks which is great, Myself and my wife have both noticed at the start of week two i started to thicken out, muscles are looking fuller, But the reason why Im holding off on this blog and lucky I did was for what happened yesterday at the start of week three.
Not sure WHAT happened yesterday but I took my usual 3mls in the leg and hit up chest and bis 3 meals later, before I go to the gym i have my fat burner AND my pre workout, now your probably wondering why I take all the stims before I go and the answer is they don't really do THAT much to me, I'm not very sensitive to pre workouts or am i to ephedra based products I have been doing this for a long time so it wasn't anything out of the ordinary for me, and its great to keep the fat loss down during bulking cycles.
As I entered the gym with my tshirt on, alot of people were looking at me, Now the boys at my gym aren't big on steroids, but enjoy having a bit of a bitch about the guy who makes gains quickly, If that makes sence at all, They knew I was on it, and it was the usual look I get every time they realize I was on, so when this happens I know im starting to look good.
Set up for my Chest exercises as everything felt good, by good I mean GREAT. the pumps were full, the amount of blood that was entering my muscles was something not like what Ive felt. ( TAKE NOTE, this is my first 19-nor. )
After my first exercise some thing weird happened, I started to get hot. REALLY hot. slightly dizzy hot, my heart was racing. I removed my t shirt to cool down and to wer my singlet, and I saw my self in the mirror, I was thick, but very reddish in a way, I was sweating my balls off. as i pushed on, the pumps got more extreme, the heat cranked up, I was training chest but my arms were so jacked as well,
That night sleeping was rough, real rough, Insomnia rough, I slept for about 3 hours, and struggled to cool myself down, my heart was beating like crazy then it would stop, then speed up again, it was weird and very unusual. IT felt like I was on clenbuterol... And i ****ing hate that stuff...
Im off to see my coach today to fill him in, I'm sitting on my pc right now and I feel fine, no issues.. But I wont be taking my pre workouts or stims anymore while on this cycle.
Any info on these symptoms, hit me up
love and kisses xzo