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  1. #1
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Food for thought

    It seems lately there have been more posts showing street fights and plain ignorant people attacking someone who has no chance to defend themselves. This makes me think, do you guys subscribe to this mentality? What i am asking is, when you walk around in public do you strut like you are a bad ass or do you walk like a mature adult and go on about your buisness? I hear alot of "stomp his head in", "bash his face in" etc... We all know the difference between training and street fighting and some of this "bashing faces and heads" happens, a street fight is everything a sanctioned fight is'nt. A street fight is ugly and sloppy and very unpredictable in most cases.

    Training is supposed to allow me and you to never find ourselves in this situation, would you fight someone just because he calls you a name in front of people? I would hope not, you should be confident enough in yourself and your abilities that such childish behaviour should slide right off you. Now if someone lays their hands on you or your loved one, then this is the ONLY time you should put your training into effect. I can honestly say that i would not hesitate to stomp a head but is it neccesary i wonder? Even i wonder what kind of control i would have over my emotions in a situation like that? I think i could do what was neccesary to control the situation and leave it at that.

    I have in the gym beaten many guys that were in better shape and more muscular than me and some alot bigger than me but it does not make me feel as if i can take anyone at anytime, even though i am more than confident that i can control a situation if need be. Why do some feel the need to show this attitude and walk around with their chest (small chests most of the time) stuck out like some billy bad ass?

    I will admit when i see these types of people walking around in the mall at the store etc..i almost always have a smirk on my face because i do not understand why some feel to betray themselves like this? Is it cool? Is it to pick up chicks?

    Someone help me with this if you can because i do not get it. I am the type of person that if you are walking toward a door at the same time as me i will shake my head with a smile and tell you to go ahead. I find alot of times that alot of guys will have that scowl on their face and just walk through the door and shut it right behind them when you are two inches from the handle. wtf?

    Is it a weak thing to be courteous and kind to people, or am i not a bad ass because i try to be friendly to people? Sometimes i do think to myself, little does that person just never know who you could be messing with. It is usually the quiet guys that is more dangerous than the shit talker...i am sure we have all seen that type of situation.

    So which are you? The courteous/confident guy that does not hesitate to be courteous OR are you the billy bad ass that thinks everyone should get the **** out of your way?

    I know this is the internet but try to be honest, because from some of the posts i see here, it leads me to believe that some of the guys on here act like the strutting bad ass. Am i wrong?
    Last edited by Panzerfaust; 03-11-2006 at 01:22 PM.

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