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  1. #41
    BigPimpin76's Avatar
    BigPimpin76 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hueypfc
    krav magra is amazing. i was trained into the military and this is what special forces use. wrestling is a terrible idea its useful in certain situations but in a street fight it'll just get you stabbed.
    Very true! Krav Maga helps you prepare for street combat which is totally diffrent than fighting.

  2. #42
    BigPimpin76's Avatar
    BigPimpin76 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by G Lock
    I don't think you need tons of stamina, I mean we are talking about fights in the street right? Most fights barly last 2 mintues, I mean If you are in a ring thats different there are rules and you have gloves on plus people stop the match over certain things and there are rounds.
    In street fighting there are no rules, you might get bit by your opponent oh it happens someone bit my friends brother when he was fighting someone because he was on top of the other guy. As long as you can last at least 5 minutes you should be good in a street fight being that most dont even last that long. The longest fight Ive seen is about 5 minutes no joke usually they end quickly within a minute or two unless you have people that keep breaking it up.
    I don't personally care about stamina because I focus more on explosivness and speed which requires me to use fuel for energy but I figure that if I can end a fight within the first couple minutes stamina doesnt matter that much to me, if you plan on fighting for a long time then ya get your stamina up, but in most street fights they dont last that long.

    Here are ****ed up ways to win if your that concerned, look at which hand the guy uses while cusing you out and yelling at you, if you see him using his right hand alot or just figure out what his STRONG hand is, if hes up close you definatly wanna get the first hit dont get hit first thats a bad mistake, Grab their strong hand then start doing what you wanna do weither you wanna punch him in his jaw or slam him, by grabbing his strong hand hell only have a weak hand to use especially if cought off gaurd.

    If someone pushes you dont wait for them to strike first or keep pushing you, thats your excuse to punch them square in the nose or jaw, just remember if you one of those guys who thinks IM GONNA KNOCK HIM OUT, a knock out is caused by the brain hitting the skull and then shutting off the body which results in KO. thats why hooks KO so much because they shake the brain.

    Oh and when your punching and already up close dont punch then run away, if your already up close at least throw more than one punch then step back if you want so you at least get a punch in, anything can happen hell you can slip on a rock and lose two a 14 year old
    Stamina equals to explosiveness my bro!,

  3. #43
    G Lock is offline Banned
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    nah bro stamina and explosiveness are two different things, A powerlifter can be more explosive where a track runner can have more stamina, although you can do both.

  4. #44
    BigPimpin76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by G Lock
    nah bro stamina and explosiveness are two different things, A powerlifter can be more explosive where a track runner can have more stamina, although you can do both.
    Which is best towards the end?
    Both have its qualities!

  5. #45
    G Lock is offline Banned
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    Exactly on the ground is the last place you wanna be, thats why wrestling in the ufc dominates so much. But I don't get why you wouldn't want to be on top, its not you thats on the ground its them whos on the ground and you who is on top leaving them in a tougher position to strike, unless they are super strong or know some mma submission moves I doubt the average joe is gonna have a very good chance of beating someone whos on top of them pounding them in the face.
    Assuming that nobody is going to jump into a fight or crack you with a bottle, Wrestling is a advantage not a disadvantage.
    But everybody does whatever they feel comfortable with.
    When I get into a fight I just do whatever I feel like really I mean I usually start off striking but if I was to lose striking then I'm definatly gonna try to take them down because Im not gonna try and lose. Even when striking if I am up close or feel I have a chance to take someone down I'll definatly use it to my advantage.

    The point is to win no matter if you have to slam, punch, kick or whatever, I am the type not to fight dirty and kick people in the balls because to me that would just look worst than if I lost the fight. Whatever I see is working thats what I'm going to do

    I don't know about how you guys feel but I would rather be standing up not having my opponent take me down and be on top of me punching me in the face while I can't get him off and even if I strike they are less powerful because the other guy gets full ranges of strikes and bodyweight to his advantage.

    Using your body weight is like the most important thing in fighting, if you take someone down they can't use their body weight to throw any powerful punches, only downside would be they get you in a head lock if your not careful or you just epicly fail and knock yourself out

  6. #46
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    ^^i'm saying id rather not be on the ground because in a true street or bar fright they ussually have friends there. So you are open to getting punt kicked if your on the ground. Even on top. Last fight i got into at a club and i took it to the ground i was on top but still ended up cutting my leg open on broken glass on the ground. i'd rather stay on ym feet if i can in a street fight and finish it.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  7. #47
    G Lock is offline Banned
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    ^^ true better hope you are one on one in a dark ally lol, ppl love jumping in fights, my dad got into a fight at a bar a while back and someone jumped in but they ran like pussies, Guess its best to have friends with you that are willing to help you if someone jumps in, I'm still looking for them little ****s. Luckily since I'm young I'm much stronger and faster than all those old farts at the bar, don't get me wrong though there are some old guys that look like they can beat some ass though lol

  8. #48
    SaTyR's Avatar
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    I have seen a lot of fights, and have been in a couple myself, the one thing I have learned is, almost everone can give out a good punch, but there aren't allot of people who can get hit and keep on moving.
    one on one, go for it, even if you lose people will respect you if you put up a good fight, one vs many, get the **** out of there.

    Oh by the way, don't fight it's not worth it...

  9. #49
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
    cherrydrpepper is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Business as usual yeah?
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    I throw like three hadoukens and end it with a shoyuken

  10. #50
    G Lock is offline Banned
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    Nah bro, hadoukens don't do shit to akuma, you need to throw a spirit bomb at that mofo!

  11. #51
    SwellingUp's Avatar
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    Yeah I wanna stay on my feet unless im in grass or on the mat but I'm nasty on the ground and standing up

  12. #52
    V-ROID's Avatar
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    This short instructional video helped me immensely.

  13. #53
    AZArmor is offline New Member
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    I'm not from the streets, farm boy actually. But I've trained in MMA for about 8 years and have been in more than a few fights at parties and bars, even took a shovel to the ribs at one point(thank god the guy was a bitch and they didn't break).

    Just my two cents: It doesn't matter how much you spar or what you train in - even MMA doesn't simulate a real fight. You never know when someone's gonna pull out a pocket knife or break a bottle, and if you take a kick from a guy wearing steel toes you're gonna have a bad time every time. My father taught me how to fight in the real world better than any of my coaches ever have. This is essentially what he taught me:

    In a fight, stay calm and focused. If you panic, you WILL get your shit kicked. Every time you get hit, make it piss you off and amp you up - that adrenaline and anger will carry you a long way. Unless you think you're gonna be killed, don't worry about being hit - you'll heal. Just make sure the guy you're fighting regrets having the balls to swing at you, and cause him as much pain as you possibly can...Oh, and there's no such thing as dirty fighting, especially if you're being jumped or someone pulls a weapon. Then nut shots, eye gouging, biting, even hair pulling are all acceptable to defend yourself.

    Not sure how good that advice is, but even though I got beat a few times over the years I also won a few times and earned a reputation. Never had a problem with bullies in high school haha.

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