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  1. #1
    lotaquestions is offline Banned
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    lebron is better than jordan

    i dont belive he is yet, but will be before it is over (all respect to micheal jordan: the biggest sports icon in my life time)

  2. #2
    Pooks's Avatar
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    yes, Michael Jordan was amazing..

    We'll still see how the Lebron thing plays out .. too early to call yet..

    He's hanging out with Jay-Z now who owns the Nets, and plans on moving the Nets to Brooklyn..

    They're looking to sign Lebron and Move him to NYC when he becomes a free agent in like 2 years i think..

    So the Brooklyn Nets will have a New State of the Art Arena, a New Bigger Fan base, and Lebron James.. plus it will be run by Rap Stars n stuff like that..

    Before u know it.. Lebron might get shot like 2pac n biggie did..
    than all we'll have to remember him is some songs made in his honor after his death.

    I dunno, but someone is gonna get shot.. thats a given.
    Last edited by Pooks; 03-09-2008 at 01:43 PM.

  3. #3
    soccer#3's Avatar
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    yea i too think its too early to tell. he needs to win championships. stats isnt simply gonna put him over mj

  4. #4
    rocket22 is offline Junior Member
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    kobe is better than lebron and jordan owns both

  5. #5
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    ask me when he wins his 6th championship

  6. #6
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    he might be able to be called the 'jordan of this generation' but it will take some serious wins and points for him to ever be crowned better than jordan

  7. #7
    lotaquestions is offline Banned
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    look at his stats compared to jordans first five years, there really close except in rings and steals (665-962). and kobes they're not worth mentioning. agreed, the worst thing that james could do would be to go to brooklyn. and the best thing jayz could do is never make another song until he learns how to rhyme

  8. #8
    JAYROD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lotaquestions View Post
    look at his stats compared to jordans first five years, there really close except in rings and steals (665-962). and kobes they're not worth mentioning. agreed, the worst thing that james could do would be to go to brooklyn. and the best thing jayz could do is never make another song until he learns how to rhyme
    stats are overrated and can be very missleading sometimes imo. michael jordan is hands down the best basketball player i have ever seen. what stat means the most is how many times did a player take control of a game or hit the winning shot in the post season? i promise no one comes close to jordon. he had the most complete game ever with absolutely no weaknesses at all. there are alot of great playes present and past but jordon is simply on a different level.

  9. #9
    Driven is offline New Member
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    You cant compare stats from when Mike played to now.

    The NBA is soft league hand check rule etc. Can you imagine if Mike played in this era with those rules and in the Eastern Conference???? 40 points a night would be easy for him.

  10. #10
    qualityclrk1's Avatar
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    i've seen Lebron have a couple chances to win regular season games with a last second shot..........he's missed......
    Jordan is a legend.......look at his stats compared to jordans first five years, there really close except in rings and steals (665-962).
    Lol and their you have it

  11. #11
    qualityclrk1's Avatar
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    do you remember NBA Jam? had to unlock michael jordan lol...thats how legendary he is....

  12. #12
    qualityclrk1's Avatar
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    Lebron isn't even the best player in basketball right now.........forgot about Kobe or what?

  13. #13
    lotaquestions is offline Banned
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    it would be nothing for lebron to avg 40 a night if he could shoot free throws. you are compairing lebrons five years to jordans career of course mjs is going to be better, but if you look at their first five years there is hardlly no differance. also remember lebron done this with out any college experiance and with out an allstar team two things that jordan had.

  14. #14
    lotaquestions is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by qualityclrk1 View Post
    Lebron isn't even the best player in basketball right now.........forgot about Kobe or what?
    kobe dosnt even belong in this conversation. kobe is a player hat will be forgoten as soon as he retiers, hes good but nothing amazing like jordan and lebron who will always be icons.

  15. #15
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    i can dig that way to early to tell whats going to happen, bu tdont think he will ever compare to jordan. jez man your talkin about air jordan man.

  16. #16
    J431S is offline Banned
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    lebron to break jordon's 6-win-record? u better be kiddin me dude
    few yrs ago...there was that kind of talk with kobe unapparent without shaq on the team with him, he turn out to be just another kid like iverson...u know what i mean? lebron is a good center, don't get me wrong, but not to the level of jordon, just my opinion.

  17. #17
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    Lebron has 3 or 4 inches of a height advantage on michael, and not only that, but between a 20 and 30 pound difference in their weights...Lebron had his chance to be on a dream team.....they came back from the olympics with a bronze!! what a joke- "the best" in the world (the highest paid)...and they come home with a bronze? 1988 michael won the defensive player of the year award...i don't see lebron coming close to winning something w/out the ball in his hands..

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    Last edited by qualityclrk1; 03-16-2008 at 10:28 PM.

  19. #19
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    Lebron will never even compare to MJ unless he gets as many championships, leads in many different statistics, and then he has to become the man MJ has become. good family, good in public eye, big in merchandise... ect ect ect.

    It is possible, but it will be very difficult to do.

  20. #20
    lil-SLIM is offline Member
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    Jordan= The Second Coming of Jesus.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by lil-SLIM View Post
    Jordan= The Second Coming of Jesus.

    I think there have been many greats and still are some in todays game. Lebron James is a fascinating player and athlete. His drive to become the best of the best of the best is evident. Everything he has done to date has been extraordinary. He has to be given credit for his development in correlation to his age and experience. Guy has vast talent, accomplishments and is only 24! I thought i would never compare another in Jordan's likeness. Kobe came close but think he got distracted along the way, he also may have just past his prime already... if he wins this is year i might be able to paint a diff pic of him. Here's a few vids... you could click more of 'em on the right if you like

    Like someone else said before it is possible but will be very difficult to surpass his godliness...

    p.s i still got love for you dwyane

  22. #22
    lotaquestions is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by qualityclrk1 View Post
    Lebron has 3 or 4 inches of a height advantage on michael, and not only that, but between a 20 and 30 pound difference in their weights...Lebron had his chance to be on a dream team.....they came back from the olympics with a bronze!! what a joke- "the best" in the world (the highest paid)...and they come home with a bronze? 1988 michael won the defensive player of the year award...i don't see lebron coming close to winning something w/out the ball in his hands..
    nothing is ever as good the second time as it is the first, i get that. what jordan done for basketball, with his domination of the game and merchandising and as a roll model cant be duplicated. however, lebrons stats in his first five years match up closely with jordans and was done by a kid three years younger strait out of high school. jordan had three years at a major university, where he learned the how to deal with the spot light, competition, etc. and lebron coming out of HS where he had never been challanged or pushed. you can see him growing and improving as a player, a leader and a spokesman. he is the first person in any sport to live up to the hype. he not only has the "skillz" on the court, he is well spoken and keeps his nose clean off the court wich is what sets him apart from other great players that have came during the post-jordan era.

    though im not excusing it but look at who was on the 88 team

  23. #23
    abbot138's Avatar
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    Im a huge Cavs and Lebron fan, went to same High School as Lebron, watched him come up. And I still think that MJ is in a class of his own. He is simply the greates competitor, athlete, winner of ours or any generation in the history of pro sports. The man just wnated to win more than anyone on the planet. That being said I think that skill-wise Lebron is a better "all-around" player, more in the mold of Oscar Robertson. But when you talk about the greatest its Michael and then everyone else. But like someone else up there said, its early. IF Lebron can find a way to will his teams to 6 title like MJ, all this could change.

  24. #24
    shanlon is offline Banned
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    once so okay , but its doubtful. lol jordan is more athletic than lebron as bad as that sounds lol..

  25. #25
    lotaquestions is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by shanlon View Post
    once so okay , but its doubtful. lol jordan is more athletic than lebron as bad as that sounds lol..
    i wouldnt say more athletic than lebron but jordan i defenitly a better competitor. jordan wasnt always the best and worked every day until he was. lebron on the other hand has always been the best and hasnt had to push himself.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by lotaquestions View Post
    nothing is ever as good the second time as it is the first, i get that. what jordan done for basketball, with his domination of the game and merchandising and as a roll model cant be duplicated. however, lebrons stats in his first five years match up closely with jordans and was done by a kid three years younger strait out of high school. jordan had three years at a major university, where he learned the how to deal with the spot light, competition, etc. and lebron coming out of HS where he had never been challanged or pushed. you can see him growing and improving as a player, a leader and a spokesman. he is the first person in any sport to live up to the hype. he not only has the "skillz" on the court, he is well spoken and keeps his nose clean off the court wich is what sets him apart from other great players that have came during the post-jordan era.

    though im not excusing it but look at who was on the 88 team
    Kobe Bryant was the first from high school, and i'd say he lived up to the hype....

    and i don't quite understand the point u were trying to make with talking abuot the 88 1988 the Olympic Team brought home a bronze....good point if thats the point u were trying to make....i was just saying Michael won the 1988 NBA Defensive Player of the year award, which let's face it, isn't something Lebron is going to u said- their stats may be somewhat similar in their early years in everything except steals......
    +1 for michael because he can play both sides of the ball

    "The Dream Team" i was referring to was the 1992 which they had a stacked team (i think u just mixed up ur years) u can say "well if lebron had David Robinson, Charles Barkley, Magic, Karl Malone, John Stockton, Larry Bird, Clyde Drexler, and Patrick Ewing on his team then Lebron would win a gold medal too!!!!...."

    If i recall correctly in 1992 the Chicago Bulls won the NBA Finals........Michael beat those guys- those legends ^

    what current players can u put on those guys' level?.....where are the legends at?....what great players has Lebron beat?.. What great players has lebron even faced?...
    Last edited by qualityclrk1; 04-01-2008 at 02:57 AM.

  27. #27
    Driven is offline New Member
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    That whole youngest to do this and that is BS! Good example was Mike Tyson, he became champ at 20 and people crowned him already. That didnt turn out so great did it? You judge a player at his peak and after his career is done, then compare. My guess Lebron doesnt even past Magic.

    One last note, Mike won a gold medal in 84 straight out of college, and the team consisted of college players. Lebron wins a bronze with pros like Duncan, pathetic .

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by qualityclrk1 View Post
    Kobe Bryant was the first from high school, and i'd say he lived up to the hype....

    and i don't quite understand the point u were trying to make with talking abuot the 88 1988 the Olympic Team brought home a bronze....good point if thats the point u were trying to make....i was just saying Michael won the 1988 NBA Defensive Player of the year award, which let's face it, isn't something Lebron is going to u said- their stats may be somewhat similar in their early years in everything except steals......
    +1 for michael because he can play both sides of the ball

    "The Dream Team" i was referring to was the 1992 which they had a stacked team (i think u just mixed up ur years) u can say "well if lebron had David Robinson, Charles Barkley, Magic, Karl Malone, John Stockton, Larry Bird, Clyde Drexler, and Patrick Ewing on his team then Lebron would win a gold medal too!!!!...."

    If i recall correctly in 1992 the Chicago Bulls won the NBA Finals........Michael beat those guys- those legends ^

    what current players can u put on those guys' level?.....where are the legends at?....what great players has Lebron beat?.. What great players has lebron even faced?...
    Moses Malone was the first from high school, sorry had to be a smart ass.
    Last edited by abbot138; 04-02-2008 at 03:16 PM.

  29. #29
    fdrx7man's Avatar
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    Jordan is and will always be the best! prime to prime cant be touched..

    lebron is good tho and i think hes way better than kobe! but a jordan nope!!

  30. #30
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    id compare lebron to a dom wilkins... extremely good tallent that rivaled jordan but was never as good.. too bad he got hurt that dude was awesome back in the day!

  31. #31
    gucciman is offline New Member
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    jordan was the king, his shoes are still the most sold athlete endorsed nike

  32. #32
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    Forget it. LeBron is no Jordan. He's a great player. He and Kobe are as close to Jordan as any player since, but you have to be kidding me to say he will be as great as Jordan. He's not a great shooter nor is he the best defender, nor is he the guy who consistently shoots/makes the game winner. Until he can get those championships and be the guy known for closing out games on teams when it counts, we shouldnt even be talking about this.

  33. #33
    39+1 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by solid90062 View Post
    Forget it. LeBron is no Jordan. He's a great player. He and Kobe are as close to Jordan as any player since, but you have to be kidding me to say he will be as great as Jordan. He's not a great shooter nor is he the best defender, nor is he the guy who consistently shoots/makes the game winner. Until he can get those championships and be the guy known for closing out games on teams when it counts, we shouldnt even be talking about this.
    We will talk about it when he is ending his career but not before then. I would like to see Kobe and Lebron be fouled the way people like Bill Lambere and the other big guys from 76ers, the piston or that hole frickin error were fouling Jordan. Back in the late part of the 80s when you got fouled in the paint you knew you was fouled, all that was missing was the blood. That was when round ball was changed to a contact sport. No shit

  34. #34
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    I think when LeBron reaches the end of his career, he may be as impressive as Jordon for his time. Jordon is a hero for many of us and always will, but a younger generation will see LeBron as the best. Its like arguing who was the best James Bond actor. Everyone likes the one that was the best at a certain point in time.
    I just hope LeBron kicks arse tomorrow night!

  35. #35
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    Oh he will. Its onnnnn tonight brotha. 35 at least!

  36. #36
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    Jordan was far far ahead of his time when he played, today basketball players like Kobe and LeBron and countless others are just clones of Michael Jordan except they are faster, bigger and more athletic. I am 30 and a huge Jordan fan as everyone my age is, but the fact is that Jordan in todays basketball would be just another good player.

  37. #37
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    I didnt even bother reading everyones response to this thread. Either you are very young and never witnessed Jordan in his prime 91-98 or you are crazy. Lebron cant tie Jordan's shoes. My father and I were talking the other night and in 91 when he won his first championship I was 9, loving the game. We believe we witnessed something extraordinary, something that will never be seen again, something like a Haley's comet, when we would watch the Bulls play and Jordan lead them. Its was inspiring. Maybe hundreds of years from now something might come along amazing but not in this lifetime or my sons will anyone come close to Jordan.

  38. #38
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    Well put, look at my avatar and I am still agreeing with you 100%. We are all very very very lucky to have experienced an athlete like MJ in his prime.

  39. #39
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    And in no way am I saying that Lebron isnt awesome. I love watching him play, but Jordan was on another level completely.

  40. #40
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    Jordan was on another lvl, in the early 90's. Today Jordan would be just like a Kobe or a Lebron or a tracy McGrady or countless others. But hey no arguing from me, when Jordan was in his prime he was something special to watch no question.

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