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  1. #1
    StevePJC's Avatar
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    Crash 4 Week Diet Problems (Pictures also) STUCK

    I've attached two pictures from 6/30 and today. I dont see alot of difference but there is about 14-16 pounds lost. I hadn't planned on posting pictures like these but what the hell. Daddy always said if you want a straight answer make sure you give someone all the facts they need to give it to you.

    Here's what I've been eating this far. Only deviated from this very slightly here and there.

    Breakfast 7am
    Food Protein Calories Fat Cal
    5 Servings Egg Whites 15 25 0
    1 Protein Shake 40 200 18

    Meal #2 10am
    1 Can Tuna (Large) 65 300 30

    Meal #3 12pm
    1 Protien bar 29 280 70

    Meal #4 3pm
    1 Can Tuna 65 300 30

    Meal #5 *SUPPER*
    2 chicken breasts 40 200 40
    Canned Veggie
    1 Serving Shrimp 30 140 10

    Meal # 6 10pm
    Protien Shake 40 200 18

    Total Protien 324
    Total Calories 1645
    Fat Calories 216

    Training has been strict. Since I have shot knees I'm not really able to do any jogging. Have ridden a minimum of 7.5 miles up to 10.5 miles every morning when I get up. Have not lost very much strength and have actually gained a bit on a few lifts. Military Press being one. Up to 245 pounds in that department so I'm happy.

    My goal weight by 7/28 has been 295 pounds. I'm hovering right at 300-302 and haven't moved from that for 5 days. I dont understand why I'm stuck. I know my calories intake is way low and I'm running the risk of losing muscle. I'm willing to risk that to make drastic changes then work backwards from there.

    Honest feedback and suggestions would be appreciated.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Crash 4 Week Diet Problems (Pictures also) STUCK-12days.jpg  

  2. #2
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    You have just about NO fat in your dietary outline. You have 24 grams of fat in your presentation. I eat that much almost per meal, and I eat 6 times per day.

    You cannot lose fat w/out eating it, you'll lose muscle. Your body's natural defense against not receiving a particular nutrient is to hoard all of it that you do have. That is what is happening w/you.

    That, and it's very early yet. Adjust your diet and give it time.


  3. #3
    massimo's Avatar
    massimo is offline Junior Member
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    I am not sure how long it takes to bike 7.5 - 10 miles but your cardio should be atleast 45mins long. 4 times a week. Also make sure to do your cardio on an empty stomach. Keep at it bro you will lose the weight.
    My brother always said " You have to beef a cow to cut a lean steak off of it."

  4. #4
    slizzut's Avatar
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    Are you doing AM cardio 45-60 mins ed? When do you lift?

    Ok.. these are my suggestions:

    meal1: add an EFA (natty pb, Flax oil, almonds)
    meal2: add an EFA (u can even use a fullfat mayo)
    meal3: protein bars have so much processed sugar/carbs in them i suggest you dont have any of them. try to have either chicken breast/tuna/turkey and add an EFA

    --personally this is when i workout, after i have 3 good meals of pro/fat in my system.. also what is your pwo nutrition look like? and ppwo?--

    this is tough because i dont kno when you workout but also..

    meal4: add an EFA
    meal5: you're taking in too much protein at one time. try to change it to 2 chicken breast/veggies and a serving of brown rice
    meal6: add flax oil to the shake

  5. #5
    StevePJC's Avatar
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    I just bought 12 salmon steaks this morning. Thank God for Costco in Japan. I was going to switch one chicken at meal 5 for a salmon steak. No matter how much I read it I just cant understand why fat is needed to lose fat. Hey I've had 13 concussions so things dont sink in quite as quick as they used to.

    I never knew 14 pounds would cause so much loose skin off the belly.

    Thanks for the input. New ideas are what I need. Especially when they're better than mine.

  6. #6
    slizzut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StevePJC
    I just bought 12 salmon steaks this morning. Thank God for Costco in Japan. I was going to switch one chicken at meal 5 for a salmon steak. No matter how much I read it I just cant understand why fat is needed to lose fat. Hey I've had 13 concussions so things dont sink in quite as quick as they used to.

    I never knew 14 pounds would cause so much loose skin off the belly.

    Thanks for the input. New ideas are what I need. Especially when they're better than mine.

    Fats are essential when you want to lose fat, but not the bad fats, the good ones (EFA's: almonds/natty pb/flax/olive oil)

  7. #7
    StevePJC's Avatar
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    My riding takes me about 90 minutes to 2 hours. I set the gears where in order to keep going I have to really pedal.

  8. #8
    StevePJC's Avatar
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    This is probably a really stupid idea/question. What about these "Fire Grilled" Chicken sandwiches from Burger King. I think they advertise 3g carbs. How is that possible unless you lose the bun? Again just an idea.

  9. #9
    ChefJ's Avatar
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    omega 3 fatty acids will actualy help you lose fat. Try benecol it is a vegetable spread that contains plant stanol sterols and will help lower your cholesterol as well. It isn't cheap but 2 Tbs a day added to the other advice given could help you alot.

  10. #10
    slizzut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StevePJC
    This is probably a really stupid idea/question. What about these "Fire Grilled" Chicken sandwiches from Burger King. I think they advertise 3g carbs. How is that possible unless you lose the bun? Again just an idea.

    No. Stay away from any type of fast food.

  11. #11
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Yeah bro, gotta get your diet in order totally and progress over time before you introduce fast food, bun or not. Too much room for error there.


  12. #12
    rambo's Avatar
    rambo is offline The Lord God
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    I'm going to give you the Cliff Notes version, rambo style.

    1. Fats help to mobilize fats. Without them, your body starts to go into starvation mode and hoard its fat, therefore not allowing it to be burned. Eat good fats.

    2. Your cardio is too long. 90 minutes is twice as long as necessary. If you start out biking this much, you're going to end up at a plateau very soon, not to mention burning all your muscle (I'm not too sure how much of a problem that is for you, depending on your goals). THe bottom line is that you don't need that much at all.

    Bottom line... Work smarter, not harder.

  13. #13
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    The title itself of this thread is indicative of why you are having issues.

    The word "crash" with dieting, means you've already crashed, and now you're gonna burn.

    Pull up before it's too late.


  14. #14
    OSTIE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Yeah bro, gotta get your diet in order totally and progress over time before you introduce fast food, bun or not. Too much room for error there.

    Yea, last time I introduced myself to fastfood, I ended up being a highschool senior weighing 283lbs. Only on cheat days do fastfood and I catch up on old times.

  15. #15
    StevePJC's Avatar
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    They had trainers taking bodyfat measurements this morning so I thought what the hell. See where I'm at. The genius came up with 22%. She is ****ing nuts! There is NO WAY I'm at 22%. I used a formula I found a while back and came up with 35.9%. I still think thats low.

    I think I've also come up with another reason why I'm stalling. I added 2g of Tribulus and 600mg of DHEA. Since I already have very low testosterone could this have aided in putting on a couple pounds of muscle or given me the illusion of stalling? I can see more muscle starting to peek through under the blubber so I know something is working, one way or another.

    I knew I was risking losing muscle. I understand that. My goal is to just shed like crazy for 4 weeks and things were looking good. I'm actually UP to 303 pounds today. That's after 30 minutes of treadmill and 45 minutes with the weights lifting as heavy as I could. Barbell curls have gone down. Hammer curls have gone up from 50 to 70 (Dont understand that one. )

    I'm using the Fit Day program in calculating what I should be eating. It reccomends no more than 1700 calories a day. I can see my $20 was not spent very well.

    I'm changing up my diet. I'll post what I have when I come up with something.

    Thanks for all the great input.

  16. #16
    LeanMeOut's Avatar
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    One up on you
    Quote Originally Posted by StevePJC
    They had trainers taking bodyfat measurements this morning so I thought what the hell. See where I'm at. The genius came up with 22%. She is ****ing nuts! There is NO WAY I'm at 22%. I used a formula I found a while back and came up with 35.9%. I still think thats low.

    I think I've also come up with another reason why I'm stalling. I added 2g of Tribulus and 600mg of DHEA. Since I already have very low testosterone could this have aided in putting on a couple pounds of muscle or given me the illusion of stalling? I can see more muscle starting to peek through under the blubber so I know something is working, one way or another.

    I knew I was risking losing muscle. I understand that. My goal is to just shed like crazy for 4 weeks and things were looking good. I'm actually UP to 303 pounds today. That's after 30 minutes of treadmill and 45 minutes with the weights lifting as heavy as I could. Barbell curls have gone down. Hammer curls have gone up from 50 to 70 (Dont understand that one. )

    I'm using the Fit Day program in calculating what I should be eating. It reccomends no more than 1700 calories a day. I can see my $20 was not spent very well.

    I'm changing up my diet. I'll post what I have when I come up with something.

    Thanks for all the great input.

    Remember a normal diet and a diet that targets fat are two very different things. Most diets out there have no regards to preserving lean mass while dieting, thus the greater weight loss and much fast pace since you are also burning muscle which weighs more that fat. While cutting fat is the only target, and thus weight loss becomes much slower. Don't go by what a scale says, go by how you feel and how you look. If you lose more than 1-2 poudns a week your probably burning muscle. Set your goal as such and stick with it until you look how you want to look.

    Keep up the great work bro, keep us posted on your progress.


  17. #17
    slizzut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeanMeOut
    Remember a normal diet and a diet that targets fat are two very different things. Most diets out there have no regards to preserving lean mass while dieting, thus the greater weight loss and much fast pace since you are also burning muscle which weighs more that fat. While cutting fat is the only target, and thus weight loss becomes much slower. Don't go by what a scale says, go by how you feel and how you look. If you lose more than 1-2 poudns a week your probably burning muscle. Set your goal as such and stick with it until you look how you want to look.

    Keep up the great work bro, keep us posted on your progress.

    Good post, LMO, very informative.

    Best of luck to you bro, keep us updated on your progress and come back if you have any questions.

  18. #18
    abstrack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StevePJC
    I just bought 12 salmon steaks this morning. Thank God for Costco in Japan. I was going to switch one chicken at meal 5 for a salmon steak. No matter how much I read it I just cant understand why fat is needed to lose fat. Hey I've had 13 concussions so things dont sink in quite as quick as they used to.

    I never knew 14 pounds would cause so much loose skin off the belly.

    Thanks for the input. New ideas are what I need. Especially when they're better than mine.
    you need to give your body fat in order for it to let go of it. Like Rambo said, your body doesnt get it and ten it starts to hoard it like if it was in starvation mode.

  19. #19
    Fat Guy's Avatar
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    Keep up the good work and let me know how everything turns out... I too am a 300 plus guy and want to shed the fat. good luck

  20. #20
    StevePJC's Avatar
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    I started a journal under cycle results. Have made some good progress since I posted this. Switched from biking to treadmill and that seems to have done th trick.

    Thanks for the responses. Much appreciated.

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