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Thread: The Abs Diet

  1. #1
    JimmyGoom11 is offline New Member
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    The Abs Diet

    Hey guys,

    Just wanted to let everyone know about the new Abs Diet Book that just came out. I'm a new member and nobody knows me yet but I hope to offer some advice and also learn alot from the advanced members. First of all let me say that I don't believe in all of those fad diets that come out every other week. They suck, there hard to stay on, and there down right unhealthy, i.e. the Atkins Diet. I hear the questions asks all the time of the right bulking diet the right cutting diet and the right maintenence diet. I recently have read the Abs Diet book and was very impressed. It answered many of my questions and brought insight to a lot of the everyday foods that are programed to make us fat. You would not beleive how many foods we think are healthy that are actualy bad for us. This book outlined a lot of foods and ingredients to stay away from.
    The book also focuses and strength training and maintainging a diet which promotes muscle growth and fat burning at the same time. (Yes it can be done). Remember for every pound of muscle you put on thats 50 extra calories a day you burn just to feed it. This is the only diet I have researched that offers a long term effect. The diet is easy to stay on forever and it also promotes healthy living. It isn't realy even a diet, it's more like a guideline to healthy eating which is sensible and very effectiv.
    I have been on it for about a month and I have lost about 4lbs of fat, gained ab muscle and I looked more ripped then ever and all my quesions of what I should and shoudn't be eating are answered. I don't want to sound like a publisher pluging this book or anything, but do your self a favor and pick it up. The diet can easily be altered to accomodate bulking and cuttiing cycles. If you stick to it you won't ever want to get off. It also has great ab workouts and for novice weightlifters it has a good total body workout.
    If you don't want to buy the book and just want the basics let me know and I will give you all the info you need.

    "Ya'll a bunch of slack jawed faggots, this stuff'll make you a gaddam sexual Tyrannosaurus....Just like me."-Blaine,

  2. #2
    slizzut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyGoom11
    Hey guys,

    Just wanted to let everyone know about the new Abs Diet Book that just came out. I'm a new member and nobody knows me yet but I hope to offer some advice and also learn alot from the advanced members. First of all let me say that I don't believe in all of those fad diets that come out every other week. They suck, there hard to stay on, and there down right unhealthy, i.e. the Atkins Diet. I hear the questions asks all the time of the right bulking diet the right cutting diet and the right maintenence diet. I recently have read the Abs Diet book and was very impressed. It answered many of my questions and brought insight to a lot of the everyday foods that are programed to make us fat. You would not beleive how many foods we think are healthy that are actualy bad for us. This book outlined a lot of foods and ingredients to stay away from.
    The book also focuses and strength training and maintainging a diet which promotes muscle growth and fat burning at the same time. (Yes it can be done). Remember for every pound of muscle you put on thats 50 extra calories a day you burn just to feed it. This is the only diet I have researched that offers a long term effect. The diet is easy to stay on forever and it also promotes healthy living. It isn't realy even a diet, it's more like a guideline to healthy eating which is sensible and very effectiv.
    I have been on it for about a month and I have lost about 4lbs of fat, gained ab muscle and I looked more ripped then ever and all my quesions of what I should and shoudn't be eating are answered. I don't want to sound like a publisher pluging this book or anything, but do your self a favor and pick it up. The diet can easily be altered to accomodate bulking and cuttiing cycles. If you stick to it you won't ever want to get off. It also has great ab workouts and for novice weightlifters it has a good total body workout.
    If you don't want to buy the book and just want the basics let me know and I will give you all the info you need.

    "Ya'll a bunch of slack jawed faggots, this stuff'll make you a gaddam sexual Tyrannosaurus....Just like me."-Blaine,

    I think that book is very good for someone who wants to learn the basics of dieting to lose fat, not muscle.

  3. #3
    carbs-rule is offline Associate Member
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    I haven't read the book, but I believe the Abs diet is a creation of the Men's Health magazine people. It is not that much different from the diets seen on this board. The emphasis is entirely on a six-pack as the end goal with a somewhat muscular build as a secondary goal (the muscle groups are emphasized differently, such as little emphasis on a big chest but a lot of emphasis on wide shoulders). I noticed someone said the diet can be altered to add cutting or bulking cycles, which would make it almost identical to the diets here, except the chronic persistence on this board to separate C/F on every meal. However, the abs diet does not use a bulking cycle because of the worry of putting on a few lbs of fat around the midsection (which is like the apocalypse for the Abs diet). It isn't ideal for bodybuilders on this board in my opinion entierely for that reason. They aren't willing to break a few eggs to make the omelette.

    I also have a real problem with the overall philosophy of this diet. I remember Men's Health about being a man according to men, and now it has turned into about being an idea of a man in a woman's mind. I see it as part of the feminization of men. It's like Maxim or Stuff or the this, eat that, don't wear these, read this, do this in bed, etc...

  4. #4
    StoneGRMI's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carbs-rule

    I also have a real problem with the overall philosophy of this diet. I remember Men's Health about being a man according to men, and now it has turned into about being an idea of a man in a woman's mind. I see it as part of the feminization of men. It's like Maxim or Stuff or the this, eat that, don't wear these, read this, do this in bed, etc...
    Right on man, I stopped reading that magazine and visiting their boards because of those reasons. The ony reason why I still get Maxim, Stuff, etc. is obvious...they have funny jokes.

  5. #5
    pyschomab's Avatar
    pyschomab is offline Associate Member
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    under your bed
    diets are all good and **** but tuna and water fuk man can u get any healtheir !!

  6. #6
    JimmyGoom11 is offline New Member
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    Totaly agree on most points, especialy about the sisification of men. I was aiming more towards the less sophisticated dieters. The workout program is deffinitly not for the 250lbs monster by any means. But the diet is the healthiest out of all the popular ones out there. And it does make it easier for the amature bodybuilder to stick to it. It's hard for a lot of guys to make sure they eat 500gms of protein a day and take a nap in the afternoon and drink 2 gallons of water a day and all the other stuff you have to do to compete competatively. It's not realy a diet but more like a way of life. We all need to do the drastic dieting thing sometimes when we're looking for drastic results but I believe this way of eating will promote overall better health than the majority of the ones out there. Thanks for posting.

  7. #7
    carbs-rule is offline Associate Member
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    I myself stick closer to the abs diet than some of the diets posted on the board, but I'm not obsessed with the six-pack abs like their routines often are. I prefer the abs-diet with the bodybuilder exercises. I don't think the abs diet will take off though. The six-pack is probably the hardest goal to achieve in terms of body definition and musculature. Even the world champion bodybuilders are often lacking in abs. Too many people will give up on it after a few weeks.

  8. #8
    IronFreakX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyGoom11
    Hey guys,
    First of all let me say that I don't believe in all of those fad diets that come out every other week. They suck, there hard to stay on, and there down right unhealthy, i.e. the Atkins Diet.
    sorry y is Atkins DOWNRIGHT UNHEALTHY?

  9. #9
    doublewide is offline Associate Member
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    I have read the Abs Diet and it seems like a very good overall diet plan. Follows the basic principles most use on this board. More, small meals throughout the day. Three meals with three snacks (protein shakes, smoothies). It does not limit your carboydrates, just your processed carbs. It gives you, in detail, what foods you can eat. Also has some good recipes.

    The only problem I have with the book is the success stories. Not that I do not think they are true it is just most seem to be the most drastic of cases. If you start very fat and do not exercise and then follow this diet you will have a dramatic success.

    Overall, I think it is a very good book. Is this book for the very serious bodybuilder getting ready for a contest? No. But a very good book for the other 99.5% of the population.

  10. #10
    IronFreakX's Avatar
    IronFreakX is offline Banned
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    i still wanna know y Atkins is DOWNRIGHT UNHEALTHY?

  11. #11
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Atkins is also not a fad diet, it's been around for YEARS, will be around for many more years, and is the basis upon which many other diets are based upon.

    It's a key approach for millions.


  12. #12
    IronFreakX's Avatar
    IronFreakX is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Atkins is also not a fad diet, it's been around for YEARS, will be around for many more years, and is the basis upon which many other diets are based upon.

    It's a key approach for millions.

    i like ur reply
    first of all for those of u who dont know atkins isnt always zero or lil carbs its a 4 stage diet and do some research bout b4 u start bashing it

  13. #13
    JimmyGoom11 is offline New Member
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    Sorry bro, didn't know you were so pro Adkins. But it is unhealthy. no doubt you WILL loose fat on the adkins diet but all that fat and protein and no carbs will screw up your cl levels and cause your body to seek out carbs so when you do break the diet the carbs you eat will not be processed like normal. If your a serious builder like a lot of us are we will have no trouble with this since we do more than enough work to keep of the fat. But like I said I was talking more to the average builder. The adkins diet, in the long term has been proven to mess with normal brain function. I'm trying to find the article I read on that so I can post it. Just a side note too, the diet sucks as far as what you should and shouldn't eat. I understand that it is a multi-step process but a lot of people won't make it that far. The ab's diet is one step and anybody who knows what there doing can stick to the basics and tweek it to fit there needs. As far as the workouts go I'll say it agian, It's not for us serious about putting on size or for most power athelets. I don't even do any of the excersises except for some of the ab ones. I can appreciate where your all comming from though and respect your opinion. Especialy if the adkins diet has worked for you, but chances are your a lot more disciplined in your training then most. Take care, thanks for the posts.

    "Ya'll a bunch a slack jawed faggots, this stuff'll make you a goddam sexual Tyrannosaurus...Just like me."-Blaine

  14. #14
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Please, don't post any "studies" on any long term adverse affects of the Atkins approach, as twice as many can be posted FOR this diet and it SUPPORT of it.

    Millions MUST eat in this manner to avoid seizures and adverse health issues, so to say it's unhealthy when it assists a great many people in this regard is a slippery slope statment at best. I do think there are better ways for a FITNESS ENTHUSIAST w/no medical hinderances to eat, yes, but the Atkins approach has it's valid audience who needs it.


  15. #15
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    I remember a good while back getting on this topic with swole, the point is that the atkins diet is not so much a fad diet more of a quick solution to lose weight, if you watch those who are succesful on the diet they will lose like 10-20lbs really quick and then next thing you know you see them a few months later they have ballooned up again. But of course no one actually agrees with cutting out carbs all together, that def. isn't healthy. I prefer a more long term diet that will work with you gradually along with exercise. Personally I have never read the ab diet, but I do get sick and tired of hearing as a sales pitch andything with the word "ABS" in it.

  16. #16
    JimmyGoom11 is offline New Member
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    Man Swole you seem to realy like the Adkins diet, Ha Ha. Listen man if it works for you who the hell am I to say you shouldn't do it. If those are your credentials on your posts then keep doing what your doing bro. But hulkster makes a good pt. I know the Adkins isn't a fad, it has been around a while but not everyone is as dedicated as Swole. So many people do the adkins plan and it works great for a month or two but because it's hard to stay on people balloon up again.. But hey everyones body is different. I'm just talking from my experience and research. For my type of lifestyle the Adkins would not work. I do a lot of military training (leaving in the summer) and I would burn out on the Adkins diet. The abs diet is more for me. But if Adkins works for you stay on it.

  17. #17
    1-Cent's Avatar
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    I think its a diet for lazy people that refuse to excersize or eat correctly... both of my parents have done it, my dad was 230lbs at 6'2 with a good sized gut going, he started the Atkins diet and is now 180lbs about a year later. IMO he looks weak with little muscle mass, before he had some at least. I mean if you're morbidly obese then nothing can hurt, but unless your weight is giving you health problems, get your ass on a tredmill and eat right.

  18. #18
    rissinite's Avatar
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    Your father is also not young any longer, nor does he probably bust ass in the gym quite like we do. I agree with Swole, Atkin's is not the optimal approach in losing fat, but it is great for certain types of people. Me personally, I have used the first phase of the Atkins diet to kick start some of my diets with great success. It all depends on the person.

  19. #19
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyGoom11
    Man Swole you seem to realy like the Adkins diet. If Adkins works for you stay on it.

    You must really not know who I am.

    First of all, please spell it CORRECTLY!! It's ATKINS, not ADkins.........

    Unless ADkins is some new diet?

    As far as me "liking" this diet, I have my OWN protocols, and have for 5 years. Hence me saying you must not know me. They are superior to Atkins in a plethora of ways, so I am not an Atkins "FAN" by any means, but to say that it's not a good approach is a blanket statement, and it does not apply.

    It is applicable to many who need it for medical reasons, and for many who choose to not use it JUST to lose some weight, but to use it for a much longer duration and incorporate other aspects.


  20. #20
    bor's Avatar
    bor is offline D-bol Poppin'
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat

    You must really not know who I am.


    He is the creator of the swole diet, DUH!

  21. #21
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    You guys can have your Atkin's diet, i will continue on my "Body for Life" fitness routine.

  22. #22
    JimmyGoom11 is offline New Member
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    Sorry Swole but I don't know who you are, I'm new to the site. But You seem like you know what your talking about. I appreciate where your commin from. But like I said before I was talking to the less serious lifters out there. I'm no expert but I've done my research. From what I concluded I thought that the Abs Diet was just a healthier choice. But if I'm over looking something please speak on it. I'm always open minded when it comes to this stuff and if I can learn learn something new I'm not gonna be stubborn. I didn't know what you meant by saying some people need the Atkins diet for certain health reasons. What did you mean? What's your diet plan?

  23. #23
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyGoom11
    Sorry Swole but I don't know who you are, I'm new to the site. But You seem like you know what your talking about. I appreciate where your commin from. But like I said before I was talking to the less serious lifters out there. I'm no expert but I've done my research. From what I concluded I thought that the Abs Diet was just a healthier choice. But if I'm over looking something please speak on it. I'm always open minded when it comes to this stuff and if I can learn learn something new I'm not gonna be stubborn. I didn't know what you meant by saying some people need the Atkins diet for certain health reasons. What did you mean? What's your diet plan?

    Why..... he is the A-Cat, the BlingBling-Cat why he is the OG-Cat yet better known as the SWOLE CAT (echo echo echo).

    I cannot wait for you to see how much awesome advice is on this forum. But he is the #1 Diet Guru for sure.

  24. #24
    JimmyGoom11 is offline New Member
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    Thanks bro, I'll be sure to look for his posts. Hey Swolecat what's your opinion on proper amount of protein one should get per day on a bulking cycle? Do you feel anything above 1gm/lbs is wasted like a lot of nutritionists say happens. All I know is when I'm high protein (1.5gm/lbs) and up I feel like I make better gains and recover faster. Maybe it's just because I eat less of everything else.

  25. #25
    doublewide is offline Associate Member
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    All I know is that everyone I know who has been on the Atkins Diet has gained the weight they lost back. There have been some true success stories on their weight loss but they all gained it back. It just seems the problem with Atkins is that it really does not teach you a life long way to diet. A great quick fix but you really can't eat like that forever. I guess you can but it would be hard. I love bread.

  26. #26
    IronFreakX's Avatar
    IronFreakX is offline Banned
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    1st of all swole cat i love in u a non-homosexual way
    as for the rest of u for posting **** << (this is a nice word not a flame)
    i will answer every1 in a thread im gonna start in 2-3 hrs give facts and proof not talk

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